This program is no longer in production. Amanda Vanstone tackles key social, economic and cultural i
Are we living through an age of distraction and if we are what cause it? How to have a difficult co
When talking about African history why do we use the term precolonial? The limits of libertarianism
Has the censorship of words gone too far? Cold blooded animals are in trouble, can a fruit fly save
Does social media really rot your brain? Why is stopping the use of coal so difficult. Australian w
What is optimistic nihilism and why is it all the rage? How do animals gain and keep power? Just ho
What should Indonesia do with the vast amount of nickel it produces every year? Why the Enlightenme
Just how difficult and dangerous is decolonisation? Is A.I. hysteria out of control and does Austra
Has Xi Jinping made a big mistake when it comes to women in China? A year out from the US election
If you are taking the penalty kick in soccer which way would you go? What happens to your body afte
Why does a Dubai Sheikh want to take control of vast amounts of land across Africa, and how will 20
Is China living in Russia's shadow? Can we compare the Gutenberg Bible to the first iPhone? Why did
The censorship bureaucracy is all around us, how do we break it down? Why are we so gloomy and what
Who decides the circumstances behind cancelling someone? Why is America electing mostly old men. En
Does China have a youth unemployment problem? It does have a problem with Japan but is it real or a
Libya is cleaning up after an earthquake. Should countries who can afford it give more? What's it l
If China sneezes will Australia really catch a cold? Incels in Australia are becoming a problem, wh
Is the UN climate neutral? Have we lost the art of conversation with each other and it is adding to
Are we about to see less tanks and more drones in warfare? Should gun violence be treated as public
An optimistic take on the inter-generational report, stem cells that can repair teeth naturally, yo
Argentina could be heading in a free market direction with a new and flamboyant potential leader, C