At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the
Best-selling author Joel Rosenberg talks about the potential pivotal rule China has to play in the l
Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Gary Hamrick delve into Satan's (The Dragon's) relentless schemes to destro
It’s always important to keep an “eternal perspective” in life. As Christ-followers, we must remembe
There is a lot of metaphorical language in the Bible about “light” and “darkness.” Paul uses that l
Pastor Gary and Seth Gruber sit down to discuss important issues in the pro-life movement.
Because of the snowstorm forecasted to hit our area during the morning hours, the Cornerstone Chapel
From the studio at Cornerstone Chapel, Pastor Gary Hamrick shares a devotional regarding the inaugur
In 2 Corinthians 2:14–17, Paul compares our life in Christ to a Roman victory parade honoring a gene
Join us for a special midweek Q&A night where Pastor Gary will do his best to answer your bible ques
If you have ever felt so discouraged that you despaired even of life, you are not alone. That’s exac
Join us for our 2024 Question and Answer Service where Pastor Gary and sons (Pastor Tyler and Pastor
Join us for our annual Question and Answer Service where Pastor Gary and sons (Pastor Tyler and Past
God brought forth His Son, Jesus Christ, “in the fullness of time” the Bible says in Galatians 4:4-5
For Christians, everything about our lives should be submitted under the lordship of Jesus Christ, i
God gives Believers spiritual gifts for the purpose of edifying the Church and glorifying God. But o
What does God think of smoking, vaping, tattooing, drinking, piercing, etc.? And what about movies a
The average divorce rates for Americans are 42% for first marriages, 60% for second marriages, and 7