Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap ||
Incidental fibrosis on CT —what now? What does prone imaging tell you? Is it fibrosis, aspiration, o
SPEP vs. UPEP? What does it tell you and not tell you? What is the role for immunofixation and free
How do you differentiate immune checkpoint inhibitor-related adverse events aka IrAEs from other con
YouTube VideosAnion Gap Metabolic Acidosis: Delivery Systems: ht
What’s the evidence been for the use of PPIs in mechanically ventilated patients? What do more recen
Why are we missing peripheral arterial disease (PAD)? How is it diagnosed using the Ankle-Brachial I
How is TPN and PPN similar and how is it different? When should each be used? How does bacterial ove
Limitations to urine drug screening (UDS) in primary care? What are common false positives and false
What if a patient can't afford hospice? Which medications do you deprescribe when on hospice? Wh
Can the MINT trial change how we treat anemia in acute MI? The largest trial of its kind compared li
Strategies to address moral distress and moral injury — hear from the experts on their work on the t
What is moral residue vs. moral injury vs moral distress? How do these concepts impact us as clinici
Listen to 3 cardiorenal cases that highlight that “without flow it really doesn't matter what yo
Signouts! How can we do them better? Hear these memorable stories & ask yourself these FIVE ques
What is the philosophy of hospice? (3:04)Who qualifies for hospice (6:13)Who makes up the hospice te
Dive into 4 microskills from the book “Microskills: Small Actions, Big Impact” that offer tangible t