Untangling history’s greatest controversies. Every month, we take a hard look at the historical conf
From 527 to 565 AD, Emperor Justinian I and his Empress Theodora ruled over the Byzantine Empire in
On December 3rd, 1971, India and Pakistan go to war on two fronts, battling for the future of Bangla
As Yahya Khan’s crackdown in East Pakistan sparks a refugee crisis and a guerilla insurgency, the ne
Join me for a special featured episode of BEEF, a scripted podcast narrated by award-winning host Br
On March 25th, 1971, President Yahya Khan launches Operation Searchlight in East Pakistan, a brutal
In the wake of the deadly Bhola Cyclone, 50 million Pakistanis go to the polls on December 7th, 1970
In March 1971, the nation of Pakistan was split apart by a vicious civil war, eventually culminating
In January of 1948, Alfred Kinsey releases his first book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, igniti
As Dr. Alfred Kinsey begins his foray into sex research in 1938, he faces a rising tide of controver
In 1948, Dr. Alfred Kinsey wrote the book on sex. “The Kinsey Report”, as it came to be known, was a
This featured guest episode of History Daily examines the events of November 16th, 1720. On that day
In 1974, a Japanese soldier named Hiroo Onoda emerged from the Philippine jungle, unaware that World
On January 17th, 1991, Operation Desert Storm begins. As President Bush braces for high casualties,
If you’re a fan of Conflicted, we think you’ll enjoy this special featured episode of The French His
As the Iraqi army digs into Kuwait, the world considers how to respond to Saddam Hussein’s breach of
On August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded the tiny emirate of Kuwait. The resulting conflict trigger
Where does the two-day weekend come from? In this standalone episode of Conflicted, we trace the his
As a plot to assassinate Mohandas Gandhi unfolds, the Mahatma goes to existential lengths to reconci
The “chief sufferers” of Partition, according to Mohandas Gandhi, were women. As the subcontinent de
As Partition finally becomes reality in August 1947, the new boundary sparks a mass migration in the