Want to deepen your weekly gospel study? Try the BYU Speeches Come, Follow Me podcast! Here, you’ll
If you could choose one time in the history of the Church to be a part of, which would it be? Do we
As we face the challenges of today, the doctrine of foreordination teaches us that God has a knowled
Steven C. Harper explains how, by study and by faith, we can each become a spiritual seeker and arri
Alexander L. Baugh offers an explanation of Joseph Smith’s distinct but complementary roles as
Richard C. Edgley delivers a powerful summary of the accomplishments of Joseph Smith, the prophet. H
Richard Anderson shares how Paul and Joseph Smith are similar. Both received revelation, demonstrate
The Doctrine and Covenants not only teaches us Church doctrine but also how to receive personal reve
Truman Madsen speaks on Joseph Smith’s early life, First Vision, and life in the aftermath, in
Let us reflect on our love for and faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. We must remember His importance
The companionship of the Holy Ghost is essential in our quest for knowledge. Fully using this gift w
We yearn for hope not just in this life but for eternity. Our hope is bolstered by understanding fai
General Conference is an opportunity to fulfill the commandment to “meet together oft,” to edify one
Developing faith in ourselves requires us to trust in the Lord as well as have faith in His great pl
Marion G. Romney explains how obedience to covenants determines our fate. America has always been a
It is inevitable that life will not go according to plan at times. Rather than complain, we must lea
Ronald E. Terry uses examples from the Book of Mormon and from our day to teach about Christ's heali
Following the prophets and avoiding pride and contention minimize the interference beats that stop u
We are some of the noble spirits that God has preserved for the last days. We can heighten our capac
The Savior performed the Atonement for us one by one. We develop an individual relationship with Him