Media and tech aren’t just intersecting — they’re fully intertwined. And to understand how those wor
A decade ago BuzzFeed was the bleeding edge of digital media, and Serious People thought it was goin
It’s hard to remember now. But just a few years ago, sports betting was illegal in almost all of Uni
I haven’t checked in with Jessica Lessin in some time — and I have to say I picked a pretty good tim
TikTok banned itself for less than a day. Now it’s back in the U.S. - despite a law that says it sho
Why didn’t Meta’s stock move when Mark Zuckerberg announced his pro-MAGA pivot? Why do big media com
I’m a lucky man. Whenever I’m baffled by the internet, and social media, I turn to my co-worker Kati
I don’t love a lot of year-end #content . But I do love talking to Bloomberg’s Lucas Shaw every year
Newsletters are not a new idea. Yet every few years the media business rediscovers them, anyway — ei
You probably shouldn't know Renee DiResta's name: She's a researcher who studies online bad behavior
Lots of people start media companies using money from rich people. Jason Koebler and his colleagues
Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly and Bari Weiss all used to work for big mainstream media companies. Now
One take you may have heard after the election: Democrats need their own Joe Biden.Taylor Lorenz dis
You want up-to-the minute election analysis? Sorry, not on this episode.But: If you want smart thoug
Jon Lovett and his cofounders at Crooked Media are a good story - former Obama aides who started the
Emma Tucker became the Wall Street Journal editor-in-chief in 2023, and she’s been moving fast ever
What if you could watch shows and movies on a screen, for free, in exchange for watching some ads?In
What do Donald Trump and the video game industry have to do with each other?Nothing! Yet we’re combi
The last time I talked to Matt Yglesias, we were co-workers at, and Joe Biden had just been
Mark Zuckerberg, along with most of the men running big tech companies, has spent many years and ton
YouTube turns 20 next year, which makes it positively ancient by internet standards. Yet the world’s