Looking for weekly inspiration to stay rooted in the word? From mastering your emotions to conquerin
Believers are under constant attack from the enemy. There is a battle going on in our minds as to wh
As Christians, we must understand the nature of the spiritual warfare we are in. The devil has alrea
Believers are engaged in spiritual warfare. We have a real enemy straight from hell who is determine
Life is not the sum total of just the physical things we can see. Christians are in a spiritual batt
In these last days, Satan is battling for our hearts and our faith. He has been working hard to unde
A proper understanding of salvation requires that we differentiate between our standing and our stat
On our Christian walk, we are gradually becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Despite our progre
The devil has always been a thief. As believers, we must be on the alert for his attacks; one of the
One of the major differences between the old and new covenants is the shift away from doing and towa
We are at war with Satan, and the stakes are high. He and his army of demons are after our souls, ou
The state of our hearts matters greatly to God. It is certainly important to do the morally right t
Knowing how to handle our feelings is part of being emotionally mature. It is necessary not just du
We are in the midst of a spiritual battle against the devil, and we gain the upper hand when we lea
Being addicted to others’ opinions of us is extremely destructive. An excessive need for people to
Addictions to anything are very dangerous and destructive. This includes being addicted to others’
Understanding how deeply God’s grace impacts our lives frees us from toiling in self-effort to plea
God has given each of us an assignment and placed a calling on our lives; to succeed in completing
A life of grace focuses on what God has already done for us. We have been saved and delivered, and
Walking worthy of Christ is not something Christians need to strive to do through self-effort. This
Believers are called to live life on a higher plane. God has declared us righteous because we’ve be