Investor Shayle Kann is asking big questions about how to decarbonize the planet: How cheap can clea
Sheldon Kimber says the grid is broken — at least for new data centers and other large, industrial l
Didn’t catch last week’s episode on Nat Bullard’s mega slide deck on energy transition? Start there.
When it comes to decarbonization planning, utilities tend to focus heavily on the supply side. But t
Out today: Nat Bullard’s 200-page slide deck with data from across the energy transition. Nat is the
Here’s a three-part puzzle for global agriculture: How do you increase calories for a growing popula
First-of-a-kind projects need infrastructure investment, the kind of money that costs less than vent
To meet AI-driven load growth utilities and big tech companies have been building — or reopening — b
If you’ve followed global lithium prices over the past few years, you know what a wild ride it’s bee
A mismatch between suppliers and buyers is making it hard to grow the supply of low-carbon products
Northvolt’s ambition was to become a European batterymaker to rival Chinese battery behemoths like C
Security experts often say there are two kinds of companies.“There are those companies that have bee
Every data center company is after one thing right now: power. Electricity used to be an afterthough
In the next five years, Arizona Public Service estimates peak demand will grow by 40%. In order to m
Shayle and his team at Energy Impact Partners (EIP) review a lot of climate-tech pitches. The best k
Oh, the heat pump — a climate tech darling that still hasn’t hit the big time yet. One challenge for
The bad news: The refrigerants we use in air conditioners, fridges, and vehicles absorb hundreds to
This might be our wonkiest topic yet: Techno-economic analysis, or TEA. Before a startup proves its
We capture concentrated methane emissions from point sources like dairy barns, landfills, and coal m
AI is enabling a multitude of solutions across power, industry, and transportation. But AI energy de