So I plugged a smart plug, the tracks power into my servers plugin.
Why would you do that to yourself?
I I was curious. So we were talking at PC world other day about small like neck style servers. And I have this old b link think it's a twelve generation cell on back there right now, which is which I bought specifically because it's a real low power drive.
It's like overload. IT goes IT IT goes fast enough. IT has a quick thing for video, but you can stream something .
unpleasant out IT bust up to like a hundred and type of you. But you have made choices that at least give some reason for optimism.
Yeah, look, i'm looking down the barrel of five hundred doors power every month. That part of is because .
it's also my car.
right? Okay, sure. So i'm not buy gas. sure. Somebody get into .
IT on the main episodes, somebody who pumped a lot of gas in a different part of the country recently. Gas is very expensive in the bay area.
Yeah but but um so anyway, a big chunk of that is car. That's fine. No, that's part of the deal. Still cheaper than gas, but I plugged in the two Spark lugs and unfortunately, I didn't have enough unused ones. So I stole them from like the Christmas tree plug and one of the holiday lights that we put in the front windows of the house plus, and didn't really think about the downstream consequences of that when the sober turned off midway through a movie.
when they clapped their hands and loop pleased.
Ed, yeah, hey, it's time for its time for the, for the holiday lights to turn off. So all everything turned off anyway. I fix I worked that out. That's all Better now. But it's been interesting because I was running at versus of fourteen th gen until msi box to see you like what the the idle draw was on on these things.
And that twelve chen salon is is the king that ma si box is a little bit more powerful, has a lot more cause, but IT still is like seven, eight, what's constant idle draw. And IT goes up. IT goes up about the same place when you put them under load.
Like one of these are real high load servers. They're like you have somebody logs onto the minecraft servers, Spikes up for a second and then comes back down to like two, what higher than I was before. But but it's kind of interesting because I have this dashboard in home assistant that I could look at that shows me how much power the server is consuming at any moment now, which is kind of fun. So like here, i'll i'll show my screens. You can see what i'm talking about.
Look at that. No real time.
You get like a line graph of what the current consumption is based on what the server is doing, like when somebody comes to plex IT IT boost up and when somebody .
he's off likes that comes down and then a real like needle games like and cause just .
what the need up well. And there's also graphs over time update like every private ten seconds seems three to six seconds seems like. So you can get a good idea how much consumption using per day and something like that. It's not something I realized they'd a lot of work on the power side home assistant tly lately that I hadn't really been paying attention to. And it's it's pretty, pretty good.
That's cool. And that's the type of information that you should know but might not want to know. I can.
I can tell you i've got A U. P. S. Here is the closed.
I've ever gotten to this as I have A U. P, S, and I have just looked at the U. P. S, read out with everything running on IT and with my mass, which is a twelve six hundred k. My edge router and like two razberries, three razberries is now and doing like seventy five.
eighty watts steadily it's worth .
mentioning I don't have the synod. Gy with this that up.
I think the motors that up because it's spinning all the time, I think the razberries are basically free. The rest very Price like a couple of watts yeah um but yeah, I think the if I put this annotation gy in here, I think my number would go. If I put my twenty four point ports switch in there, I think the number would go pretty significantly to probably is is also power of eternity like multiple other downstream switches. And I think you in the access point, i'm not sure I don't think any of my switches are plugged into now maybe the one of my office is lugged into power.
The rest were just powered over each night. My frame of reference for like with excessive wattage still goes back to the the what did I get yelled out for leaving lights on about scale for back in the day? no. And I just think like, okay, that's just like one sixty hot light bulb and a little bit actually right, be except bread.
Now you're sixty, what light but pulls like three watts? Yeah, the bulbs are nothing. You can, even the RGB bulbs or nothing. It's the future.
Hear the voice. Now, bread, turn off that dam server.
Welcome to brand. We will made a tech pod. I'm well.
i'm bread. I'm back. Welcome back. Thank you. Hi, hello.
We told the tech board regulars norm and adam and west over last several weeks, but you returned from your voyage. yes. Thank you for holding IT down.
Thank you all those guys very much for swing through fun fun looking at the list and just like who's who hard and former, you know it's .
fun because when you're not like we've done two hundred and fifty some episodes of this podcast at this point, right? There's like three of them that I can listen to that I wasn't part of. So I got to listen to the tech bot when you had been on miles, I was dealing with covin staff. It's it's always a nice treat. So thanks yeah yeah thanks to them.
Um and I guess now we're here to talk about some of the things I was doing while I was not on this podcast.
Yeah I I am I am wildly curious. So we talked years and years ago after the califonia a wildfires about like getting is like a preparation kit for disaster, prepared this together. And we did that based on like the california, I think there's a seventy two hour california website that's like y here's what you needed to survive for the seventy two hours after the disaster before you'll start seeing help from the outside. You like you have to, you have to you should assume that you're going to need to be relatively self sufficient for up to seven two hours um which I think is a little optimistic given what we know now. Yeah well depends on .
depends on the area, depends on the scale of the disaster, of course but but yes, that absolutely we could exceed seventy two hours.
But but so you had a trip planned before hale .
hit death and uh for the .
IT ended up being the week .
after hane uh yeah, actually four days, i'll see. So the storm was funny talking to neighbors like kind of the the range of the storm was was a little different depending on who you talk to. But I was like four solid days of rain.
But the the peak of the storm was thursday night, friday morning, with all the flooding happened, the flooding the flight happened. Yeah, so was kind of in the friday morning when the news was coming out about how bad I had gotten and our flight was tuesday morning. So we we already had just a random trip.
We were just going to see my parents a week. Um we are to have that trip books. H four days after the storm hit.
So the kind of interesting thing about IT from here was that there was a lot of news coming out from like a northeast eastern tennessee, like southeastern tennessee and western or eastern north CarOlina, but there wasn't very much news coming out of that. The greater ashton area, because forty was want to like the it's in an out of town, were were closed. And I feel like there weren't a lot of an internet was down prey for the entire region. So I feel like there wasn't a lot of news like the news people couldn't get there to do their covered shops. They were going like IT is bathroom and win and all these places around now please try to see instead yeah and and if .
they could have gotten there, there was like you said, there was essentially no connectivity and out of there so getting well, you may be satellite, like some kind of satellite up link probably would have been your only option.
Big satellite trucks could couldn't manage the roads seem like right um and then by the time they could get up there, the new cycle had passed. And like IT was just told it's a massive humAnitarian, an problem in ashland. Good yes.
for sure. So so just the upfront what I wanted to do with this episode like I got sward the end of the trip and realized how many different, like technical areas I had a touch h as we were just trying to get by day to day and from like electrical and and gas engine generator stuff a to like houses repair, you know, a pulling up, flowing molder mediation type stuff like I I can just want to like pick your brain about like your hometown knowledge.
oh god.
talk about electrical wiring and the way generators work. And I know I got some computing stuff here here that I had us with like some um some disaster prepared this stuff in terms of like portable solar lighting and battery packs and know x plane different things that you know I came in contact with buying a generator, like having to having to find and I start to say fun like pick out a generator on short notice.
But like Frankly, what we were picking out was whatever they had, right? Like we didn't exactly have a lot of inventory to pick room when we had to find a generated quickly. So but there's a just a but gilan different little technical areas of expertise that I had to like try to figure out quickly. And I thought I would become interesting to run a lot of that stuff down .
again before before we I am really curious what I was like on the ground though, like like I read account of what I was like a post cati and like our friend friend of the show name and Edwards lived in houston when they had the big floods ten years ago now. Um and it's it's interesting talking to people who been in those situations because there's some stuff that's always different. But then there is also a lot of stuff that's always the same.
sure. So so um like IT was just to be clear, IT was just a blue dex amount of rain and a really short period of time, right? So I talked .
to our neighbor of the hill who was a civil engineer by training. We can assume he's probably relatively exacting about his measurements from tuesday night when the rain started, to friday morning after the storm had peaked. Like I said, he measured thirty two inches.
That's incredible.
Just know i've never own a house. I understand that's quite .
a bit water we've had. So when we've had big coastal storms here, like sometimes we'll see an inter to an hour and that's that's a lot. When our cross flooded on new years a few years ago, I can't remember exactly how much I was, but IT IT, IT fractions of thirty two inches over a two day, three day in seventy two hour period.
Yes, was the stances. I di, I get to spend a lot time looking like to post more among the storm behavior. But IT sounds like, IT sounds like a migrated up from the gulf coast through the southeast. And then I just kind of park itself over the western north CarOlina and eastern tennessee .
area for a while. Seems like IT came up, Carried a bunch of water up through because like IT went through the land. Oran, look at the south korea line and didn't do a whole lot of like IT was IT was a bad storm, but IT wasn't like apocalyptical like this yeah.
And then IT seems like once IT hit the mountains, IT didn't have enough choose to get over the mountains. So I just dumped all the water IT was still Carrying. And the my understanding is not a media ologies. My understanding is that because the air was warmer, because the gulf is warmer, you're getting more water in these storms now than you have in the past, which is why you're things so much more rain now. Yes.
which seems like it's going to be a problem to deal with in years to come for that area. The whole of theft in the even like hurricanes go all the way up the coast. Now, you know, you got where canes hiding new york these days.
Her canes, there were her. Can hitting northern europe .
this year seems to mine.
Let's see here or to go from there.
Well, can we talk about the, like I saw, bunch of places rodes seem to have washed out. Yeah, there.
There was a spot about half a mile from my parents, although they have been done road work putting in some kind of culvert or something there. So was like kind of a temporary job but but fully one entire lane is washed down into gully ah so we were driving around that the whole time we were there.
But um I should say I I the area this is the house I grew up, that area is about thirty and outside of forty five to turning on where you're going exactly. Um we were incredibly lucky where we were because actual proper and the area's north of ash fill up toward like like a lw got IT infinitely worse than we did. Um I don't know anybody got hurt like you.
Everybody in neighborhood had water in the house like my parents have close to a foot of water flow through there. But IT was all just property damage. I don't know anybody who got hurt that I definitely know people who know people sorry, I know people who have friends who did yeah if that makes sense, like definitely would hear stories from people you talk to with like I i've got a friend up around lives on this one to no for an chiming rock or something, who has nothing left but close the wearing type stuff. You know.
you heard a lot about a lot of missing people to yes .
nights or neighbor. By the time I left, neigh, or one of the neighbors had a friend up and ash fell, who still had not been found. So I mostly say that you know how to go out to those people and also to say, like things were not great where we're from structurally, but like I was, that could have been so much worse for us.
So I I feel fortunate that IT wasn't worse, and I feel terrible for the people out there. But but anyway, yeah, so like the flood water receded by the time we came in. Four days later, I can chew up around dash, fill and know where that damn was letting off access there was still playing standing water, but IT is mostly all drained out where where we lived OK.
But IT definitely come in from the airport was an interesting scene. Um I I did a fair member homework before we fly out there because I definitely had some people reach out say saying like hey, I don't know if you should fly out there like they are saying don't travel and wisdom to so I spent a lot of time on like the norland a dot has a good brow closures website. So I was like literally routing.
And when we are Lucy to be able to get from the airport, we flew into the ashlee airport to my parents tels without touch ging inter states yeah yeah um so I very intensively went through looking at road closures and felt confident we could make IT once we got h which we did. Like my mom told me that they were seeing around their area. They were seeing like regular people rolling up with chainsaws on like roads that had downes and just going in and like cutting out enough to open up the lane types.
Before proper routes were even getting out. So like people were pitching in making things possible. So we ve got there. The flight in was fine, like we get there. And of course, there were like military helicopters to on the, there's like big sibi truck going back and forth.
Um probably the crazier thing getting in was phones had mostly been working the first two three days after the storm. Yeah for whatever reason, the day that we flew in that verizon at the only about other Carriers, verizon was utterly non existence like my our phones. Once we hit the ground and ash fill our phones, we're just picking S O S on a period like zero signal no matter where we went.
The thing that happened when we had the power outages for like seven days here is that the towers were good for forty eight hours, maybe thirty, maybe, maybe a little bit longer, and then the battery back up that they used ran out and everything went dark.
like, I guess IT probably was something like that, but like, literally one s nothing at the airport. And there was IT turned out to be fine, but there was kind of a business communication about when we were going to get in such that our ride didn't shill up for about ninety minutes after we got outside, which was like is fine, like the weight was not really the problem.
That was more than worry that something bad had happened because we had no way to get any kind of word and around. So I was more just like, okay, so we were kind of like trying to absorb the conditions on the ground. And generally on out here, our family number has not shown up like I really hope something bad not going on IT turned out, like I said, I was basically just a this communication. So that was not a big deal. But is this really is just really humbling to realize how dependent you are on magical anywhere communication in your pocket once IT goes away?
It's really too bad the curt cobain didn't live long enough to see GPS.
That's all I know. no. And you know, like even at the airport, like we want just talk to the ground transportation people. We are just like this. Maybe we can just get a car and go home.
And they were like, K, R, phones don't work any Better than yours too, like there's not much we can do for you. So again, it's just like we don't really have a lot of options. You just are dependent on infrastructure because that's what's they are. But like once that once that disappears, as you really is a serious reality check.
IT seems like this like time moves differently, right? Yeah for sure.
So driving in the I mean, that was kind of what you would expect. IT was a lot of roads washed out like a lines down, literally everywhere you looks like road signs blown over, uh, trees down on houses. Uh, you damage just kind of your standard flood damage that you would .
expect we so what like once you were there and settled in, what were days like like could you I assume you weren't driving and ox assume gas was barely precious and like you probably didn't have places like party, there wasn't places you .
to buy something if you needed to buy something byo to be on city water. Um and so which means when the power is out, there is no running water. So before we got there, there was one neighbor that had a generator who had been running at every afternoon and letting neighbors who did not have power come and fill up a bunch of like five island h that's beautiful containers. So ah I mean there was a from in the amount of just like neighbors pulling together, mutual aid community, helping yourself time, I mean ah generally over the course of the whole thing. But so like everybody was of getting water where they could so they can flush toilet and stuff like that.
For people who don't know, this is the thing I feel. I've learned that a bunch people don't know if you fill the top tank of your toilet with water. Even if you don't have water running in your house, the toilet will flush when you push the liver.
the sure will you and lin knowledge, they even had a system work out where they had, like, here's clean, drinkable water. Here's toilet flesh water.
that's that's awesome. Because like here, because these containers we're using, we're not clean enough to want to drink out of. We can still use fush toilet type stuff as year on fun watching like people's engineering come into effect when stuff .
like this is going on.
But did you have to boil the well, that was a topic of frequent debate around there because there was definitely there was a boy order on for city water yeah and I was kind of like I said, most of the neighbors around and us all we all kind of assumed that doesn't apply a well water because you assume reservoirs, typically you're deep enough to not be affected by what's going on with crowd water. But maybe that's my eve well.
I mean, I would think so. But like you for your well head floods, you can get flood water and head where .
the wail is being fed from yeah but any rate, we did not boil the wail water. Nobody got six. So it's probably fine. Probably OK.
Let us know in the comments.
Yes, there there was only one girl store in town open. And when we got there, it's funny. The one across the street that my parents usually go to a the world around town is IT will never reopen because it's right on the bank of a creek.
Oh, wow, like I like cut out from underneath. Yeah, like.
apparently the foundation is damaged enough that the building is probably just toast. I would do an interesting situation where all of their prescriptions are at the pharmacy in the grocery store, which is permanent, and so no way to call the doctor up. So we manage to get a call into the doctor's office for the prescription we needed, but the doctor was not there.
Thankfully, that turned out to be the kind of less essential medication like the important ones were stopped OK at home. So that was fine. But but we did just kind of could not get that perception field for like a we going .
to have kind of makes me think I should start keeping paper versions of the prescriptions just in .
case that was exactly what happened. There was one of the tasks that came up. And this is technical, I guess, was okay.
We're going to power. We barely have any phone signal to speak up at all like the data barely works. Of course, the internet is out. We need to print these prescriptions. How are we going to do this? You know like he was very was very much yeah because because I guess is that the standard if you have paper pronounce like credible and out to prescribe pants and a different pharmacy will take them.
That was my understanding. There are different rules based on the controlling ss of the substance. If you like more, then you have to go. You have to have some special shit you just need like your prescription. Any history means a piece .
paper with a credible looking dog. And so that's all trying to ing itself. Anyway, there, there was only the one verse restore open. They were cash only, and they were only letting, like fifty people, and at the time theyd be a riot or dark. The power was on the part of by we there.
So I know I guess yeah, I assume IT was just a let's manage the flow of people and and like some of the intros pretty picked over as well. Maybe you want too many people like all fighting over voice, part of eggs or whatever. But he was super chill, was very orderly and never rented any problems at all.
Okay, yeah, I mean, I think there are want people like holding toilet paper. Anything ridiculous .
like that I saw, like I said, there was definitely like, like eggs. We're not eggs. And hot dogs, for example, were basically nonexistent for a few days. I was hard party.
hard to find. I I assume that like, because like, I think most everybody there has a gills.
So you did a lot of gillin, right, dean, about a gilling. You yeah, a lot top, a top of the boiling, a lot of stuff like we got very used to just boiling point of water and making incident coffee in the morning. K example to the point that I can we continue doing that.
How came back on um because I was just faster. But anyway, what I heard was the the gas station neos was limiting you to thirty gallons a day, but we had no need for anywhere near that much. Okay um we only had about seventeen dish uh gallons worth of antiques OK. Um so we bought a generator from the neighbor like oraculous sly IT came to light the the of the neighborhood built in like a full in home generator .
like natural gas, what and .
applicable. So he he very graciously what is borrow that portable, which we brought down. And actually what's what's save generations? I get to that in more detail. I will often nish talking about kind of conditions around um so I like like groceries and gas were pretty limited like you said um I I did I actually talk to you and you helped me come up with like a checklist of things to do before anyone out there. One of them was get a lot of cash yeah which i'm glad I did because we were going on grocery runs basically every day.
So that's good. I do you go and get what they had, get what you can get right?
Like they and also a lot of capacity keep things old. So we were not buying a lot of parachutes. Les, at one time, we kind of go like once every day or two or okay, but that we h we were there before the power came back on, but very glad to have had a cash. I I assume typically .
in this kind of situation, like there's a lot of one of the things I I I say love, but power and utility companies tend to pull together and send massive amounts of resources from unaffected areas to help people where their ah I see this word cruise from like billion different power companies there.
That was that was one of the crazy st like visuals of the whole trip.
Like one of the most like I feel like i'm in a disaster movie kind of things was like you could not go anywhere in that area without like just constant giant White trucks, uh, either either the oversized pick up truck type of utility vehicle or the fall on giant like tree truck with the big Green exception on the back because they we're going around taking or getting up trees absolutely everywhere. So like there there's a school relatively close to us there. There's a church you know mile to about the road.
And like you constantly. Like anywhere with the giant parking a lot basically you would just see like twenty of those giant trucks like staging in the in the parking lots constantly like day and night and they were just on the roads everywhere。 Um I made a little game out of reading like a little side art on all the trucks to see where they were from um because there were there were plenty of like local due energy trucks around but like I saw like a bunch of the cruising restore from kenza city, missouri. Um I saw there were some from up north. Um one of our neighbors, one of our neighbors ran into a rotor for montreal all nearby I was was .
montreal all of the classic example because when they had a big eyes storm in the nineties may be like eighties even I remember like in bristol, we sent power trucks up there to help them out because they had to rerun and basically the entire city's electrical because the ice knocked down all the all the power lines. And in middle of winter, when I was like, outside will kill you, right? Yeah so so like .
that that neighboring speaks a little bit french so you would like joked about trying having fun, trying to talk to her broken french. But he was just, he was everywhere. I mean, could not believe the number of utility workers all over the place and and god blessed for for doing IT um um I heard I heard at least a couple of a lion man got killed not not near us, but somewhere up north of us like that, like that that is hazard as work like doing all the electrical work that fast, i'm sure, and of itself is very dangerous, one unstable roads .
and and I was weird. I was in crazy .
stories from up around like the like cherries area, like the places that absolutely just got kind of wash off the map. Like you hear stories about they were having a helicopter in utility polls in places because they could not get any trucks up to place them. Oh, they were literally like using helicopters to to lower and place the utility polls end of the ground. Like I I heard they were using mules and places to get supplies up and down in the mountain areas.
I was going to say I saw some videos some people share from the tech pod channels of, like bike youtube, or who was hauling stuff around on bikes, up block hed out roads. And there was a lot of like mutual aid stuff coming out of restaurants and and he places with kitchen that still we're working and like bookstores surprisingly um that that like you would see people doing a morning meeting every day. There was like what do people need to help with today and they would apply as much human powers they could do.
IT, yeah, yes, I you were seeing that everywhere I was. I was really impressed, just driving around town, like all over the place you'd see, like free barbecue want him, or like free hot meals at the ox lodge, just like different, different, like community organizations, clubs, whatever. Churches, like all over the place, like just, hey, come get food, no questions asked. We never, we have ever made use of any that stuff. I kind of wonder and retrospective, maybe we should have more, but I I just always felt like they're probably there there have to be people worse off than us that needed.
Well, yeah, that feels like one of those. If you need IT you you need IT, right? Yeah looking at duke power's website, there's still a thousand households in the greater ashton area. Looks like that that .
are knocked out. Yeah so we we was kind of a game day by day of text mesage coming from them about like the first IT was like most customers by friday, and then I was the most customers by sunday. This was sunday being nine days after the storm, somewhere around saturday or sunday, my mom got a text message from them saying, basically saying your area is going to require significant reconstruction. Something something which basically was like, okay, I guess were not even in this sunday. God, um .
yeah. The the message on the affected people now is repairs under way where where conditions allow disaster recovery and process is when he says estimated time of restoration yeah so we added up .
being eleven days for them before the power .
came back on. And this is at a month now it's the orm hit on the on the twenty seventh when the power out just started, according to the website.
is still people without power. And I don't know what the state of like city water and israel is. That was still imposed by the time I left.
So we got a, we got ta note I was unsafe for the Q, N, A apps to put IT here. We're going to do Q N. A next week, by the way. Yes, body.
anybody wants to write and either questions about all this stuff or also like some of the stuff will cover about like reinforcing your home or electrical wiring or generators or any that stuff that you have knowledge about I would love .
to hear or if you want to .
share stories yeah stories as well sure.
Um they said that the the mapping, they pointed out some mapping resources that are really good in this kind of situation because they're offline. Organic map is an APP that ah is basically open street map, but it's one hundred percent of lines we can delos whatever segments you wanted advance uh and then opened in for a map dot org in the U S. Energy mapping system both give complimentary tools for figuring out where your power is coming from and like what the state of the grid is beyond on what the power companies telling him that.
So very useful to know because I definitely get hit by that when when we went out, you know, used to live there, but I spent twenty five years, I don't remember everything, and a google maps not very reliable in a situation where the cellular data is not great. I did try to use the google maps feature to download of prey cash, the area data, yeah, which I had mixed results with. That seems like a work for a while, but some point I was trying to have cell work again.
Um cell mapper dot net is the other thing that they recommended, which tells you where the cell towers are. So interest this this is Thomas. So thanks Thomas.
I just just quick staff. So the powers after eleven days, IT was just about fourteen one magically, magically about just about exactly two weeks after for the storm hd. One day we got up and the phones just we're working again.
No, no, a .
kind of often on through that time. But I was very much like I have to go stand outside to actually .
make anything. Load was IT like something like you can get text messages.
Text messages would come through here and there. But he was a very body like you get a lot of messages fAiling to send and stuff like that. But loading way pages was very difficult. For example.
that that was the thing about twitter in the early days, was that because you could use four or four or four to send a message, twitter, get messages from twitter, you could actually get IT was a really shockingly good distribution method for broad emergency comes for places that didn't have a text messaging infrastructure set up like the power company. But that's gone now. Yeah.
that was something I thought about constantly. So um like I I had my phone on the battery mode, like constantly my iphone, which the way they handle things is kind of annoying because you can turn that on permanently. Basically, when you charge the phone back up to what they consider a sufficient level, they will just turn low battery mode off.
Yep, and you have to keep going in and turning back on again. But that was that was getting me through an entire day with a very little baty loss. Yes, but IT does make you think about how much, just like invisible meta data is going out along with messages these days, how much like just from a sheer by perspective, how much data needs to go through just to send a single message these days, know.
And in a situation like this for the through put is incredibly constrained. Like IT does kind of get a little frustrating when you think about like you're twitter example. You know it's like that's that's probably a few hundred minutes most to send the message.
right yeah so give a hundred killed yeah a couple killed but it's probably yeah ah so like .
having having the amount of overhead that goes along with modern communication that suddenly you can turn off uh in a situation where you wish you could is kind of frustrating.
But see, that's pretty like the that I was was over two weeks before the cable internet came back up and that was super body for another four, five days after that move, kind of just going up and are coming up and going down over over like there were times when I was speed testing, yet less than a mega bit per second, which meant basically nothing was working. Wow, stuff like that. So but are of the stats on how long stuff took to come back 走?
Brad, what about this experience has changed Georges, the disaster prepared this plan for living in sentences.
Go here. I don't know. I mean, earthquakes are the biggest danger here um and those are very sporadic. The shirt does make me want to keep some water around.
which is the recommendation, which say the water is a big thing we actually recommend years ago. So I think I went camping with the once and you have this thing, it's like a big canvas, like A A sc that you can fill with water, and then you hang IT up in a tree, gravity feed through a filter, just drain, IT out the bottom. And it's good for, I don't know, it's good for like flood.
I like, I I ouldn't drink fat water through, but I i've definitely drunk water from a lake through IT before. Well, thing. And that that is the same kind of filter you get with, like a lifestyle like that. But you can actually get a substantial matter water with.
yeah, definitely keeping water around is the big one. Obviously, that's an easier for in a bigger place like an apartment, it's tough to keep. And what what's the recommendation is like the example, Allen gallon, that's just for drinking and washing and making food. So it's obviously tough to keep a lot of water around in a smaller place.
But thing that hit me, you know, I grew up there with a well, so know, the power went out a lot from my storms and R N, and a thunderstorms and all kinds of stuff, but we were used to not haven't running water on a well there. The thing I never considered IT is you this was bad enough to disrupt, for example, national city water dramatically like there replaces. I just didn't have water and when they did have IT. Like I said, the boil water was still on after I left.
Yeah, the last thing I saw is that the boil water can be on indefinitely because the water trip plan got really jacked up, right.
So so even if you're on city water, which does work when the powers is out, like your water supply might still be severely compromise, ed, if things are bad enough. So even, even then having some portable water around this is a must.
This is the thing i've talked to me about in the past, but i've been thinking about like having a rain bear old just to have toilet flushing water, the the big like do you think people are going to sign up for solar and batteries at this point?
I know um I ve just finally seen more people online talking about like like any advocates for jackies, one company that does like a big hole home battery back contraptions and you can get to ourselves to attach to those, charge them throughout the day like that will get to you in a minute. Now I mess with generators enough during this trip to think that that might be, and nice, clean alternative to generators. I don't have fast, the solar cells charge.
So if you want to do a whole house worth of electricity, you need quite a few of them. You like, my house is a thousand square feet, doing the math on how much power we use every day I could cover. I could get enough power out of a significant percentage of our roof, plus some batteries in the garage to basically run indefinitely. A summing that there is no like assuming a tree at doesn't fall in the house and break the panels .
that that portable battery back up that he was talking about. Apparently you can like daily chain more solar cells onto those so you can get exchange to make a charge faster.
which is cool. So you like feel your backyard with them.
And um so like I said, I I talk to you before I left about just like a what you what are some things I haven't thought of that I should bring um you recommended these little um solar power L D lanterns that are getting pretty popular. The brand eyebrow was ruminate. That's just the one that came up when I searched .
yeah I first got these years and years ago when we bought the house and I was like we need to have a way to have a light if the power goes out um and there was a company called delight that did a thing where they were he was like a tom's situation where they would make a very, very light. You bought from them. They would put two into lake places in the global south where they were using crazy and lanterns and they were burning dow's ses.
sure. And yes, it's basically just like a little solar cell. It's waterproof. You put an L D in the bottom and then there's like a plastic cup basically that defuses the light out of the L D and a little battery. And it's enough to get fourteen hours a light on a days charge. So so .
these these were club. I bought luis again as the brand. If you want to go look at the ones I got, but about two of the smaller ones and one of the bigger ones. And the thing about the cases that they are basically inflatable, so they impress their flat down into basically like a one inch thick the square, and then you kind of inflated them at night when .
you want to use them that in like two pops, right?
Or actually the bigger, nicer when I got, which was like a hundred books, like you actually didn't flat, just twisted. And IT would kind of expand on its own. It's kind of heart to explain. But IT was really cool. Uh, that one, the bigger one on the lowest brighton, which was still enough to like like a hallway to go to the bathroom, whatever just fine at night, actually had like a hundred hours of different time and had like a way brighter modes that were just like three hours or twelve hours. But the lowest mode you would run for, like you know for five days on a single full charge, they will not charge all the way via solar like this, not of time, get in the day to fully charge them but they will still give you, I think, most of the nights on time on the lowest sitting um if you leave out all day.
So the ones that we got her, the d dot light ones and um they haven't flatbed and then cancer ones um IT turns out if you have a way to put up above you, you it's not as bright as like a common lantern with those with the wax, but they're infinite. Like the benefit is that they're infinite and needs you .
can charge off from U S B to get get prime up if you need to. Yeah and the charging ports, uh, off of just a solar charge. But I did have that option, which is cool. Uh, if these were huge, I mean, if you just an extended power out situation, just being able to see at a basic level where you're going at night.
look a great camping too. Like like these we have in the in the campaign. T I have one of the infallible ones, a little one that I just when I used to backpack, I would hang on the back of the backpack during the day when I was walking, and then I would be charged up at night, and I would have camp light when I was making dinner and stuff like that, which was really nice .
yeah um i've got a couple of the I mean, everybody knows about these just a couple of hours. Twenty thousand million amp hour battery packs yeah which we didn't have any current ones of been a while since I ve wed one of those. So it's nice to have now the .
density has gone up dramatically since I bought my last ones. And I need to place .
yeah like I I ran will get to you later. There was a couple days. I forgot there there there was a work situation I need to deal with and I ran my laptop and phone off of one of those battery packs yeah for a time. And then the cash like I just this situation, I always kept like a little bit of cash around, but the situation is going to increase the amount that I keep around yeah makes sense by a good bit because having having a few hundred dollars in a situation where you can only buy groceries with cashes very important yeah um I know that that's what I very quickly through together in the time that we had to prepare and like all of that turned out to be useful like at the time when I ordered all that stuff and went took several hundred dollars out of the bank, I was like, and I is this overkill and I going overboard is this disaster theater and I just making myself feel Better but no, with everything i've got was .
super useful. And it's also worth mentioning, I don't think you .
probably would have gone if your parents weren't barely realities that basically required somebody to be .
there well. But also like if you have seven year old parents having, like, you don't want them ripping carpet out finial.
The war in this case could not not, yes. so. And then also the neighbors. The neighbor were amazing.
Like I said, generally around town, there was tons of what kind of mutual aid stuff around. But also only people were people in their neighbors. Od were just pulling together in a way that really you .
restoring your faith in humanity. But and and like it's nice when like your neighbor od was relatively lightly.
he hit IT sounds like and like like everybody in the neighbor d hot water in the house but body body to feel terrible one of the nights or just spent like the Better part of a year remodeling their entire downstairs intensively, like remodel to the point that they went stayed with a parent for a few months because there was that level of remote tle and the whole downstairs, which was fully finished.
got hit badly. Least they know what IT costs when the rest comes.
Probably be a lot faster for the cyd time.
Um okay, so what we talk about gender, I talk to you once or twice what you're gone. And we talked about generators a little, but I think think it's a conversation with the meeting about generators.
the generator right before I got there. Um the thing that long story short, the thing they didn't realize is that they didn't know they could hook that generator into .
the mains of house as their house set up for that. So I OK happened long.
again, it's hard to explain, but IT happened long enough to o and there was not, yeah, there was not a shared knowledge of the set up there, let's say, to for for everybody to connect the dots. got. And then slowly people came to the realization that, like, oh, wait, there is totally a two forty eight plug. Your wait.
you didn't use a male to male plug to plug the generator. And O, O, K, O.
everything is fine. It's just anybody there had the expertise and knowledge of house to know that that could happen until after we are there. And then we piece together, oh way, we totally have a two 4 vote cable and a plug into the mains of house here。 And so did you have .
a cut off so you can cut off the outbound so that you don't elect fy the wire near your house?
Yeah yes, there was like a second. I'm gedt here with electrical stuff. There was a second like second circuit her box there with kind of change over kind of you switch.
Can you throw the broker on either the main or the generator that once they can be ond make sense um anyway long, short do so you cute to be clear yeah like they have just been plugged a few appliances and light straight in to the generator when we got there? yes. But then after we got there and figure out what was what we realized that we who get straight the .
house and just turn off the brokers that you can overload .
the generator yes. So like I was there was was a rapid c educational process of how trying to figure out what was what, especially with like very potty internet like I said. But I sure I sure know what a two hundred and forty four plugin looks like now and will never forget. Um some mother wear stuff I ran into like a i'm sure you've seen this like a hundred and twenty four plug where one of the two prongs is sideways almost like smiling .
face winking at you oh, is that the one you use for the outbound hundred?
And I think that's what that is. I was clear we ever made up using that, but that's what that seemed like yeah um there an ongoing like experiment tall process I guess I would say trying to figure out what in the house was actually wired to the generator.
This this is a seventies construction problem. My house.
that house was built in the early seventies, so that that checks out because trying to figure out what was and was not wired to the generator and what lunch thought that was appropriate was an ongoing problem. Because like, for example, none of the overhead lights in the kitchen, we're on the general circuit, I do you know, abuse on the right terms. You are able like whatever whatever subset of of the wiring in the house was hooked up to the generator, like no lights in the kitchen, for example.
These are these two things. One is that in the old days they would wire like the things that would end up on the same circuit were all run in series. Like you go from like the the bedroom light to the other bedroom light to the plug on the edge of the bedroom wall, then be like, well at, look like about enough for fifteen s and then they'd cut that off the plugs in later.
Like, I want to say eighties or nineties I started doing like, okay, mass, the the main bedroom will all have all the plugs in. The main bedroom will be on the same circuit, right? But before I was just like what was convenient when the electric was running through the house.
Okay, that makes way more sense than IT was just constant bafflement. And who thought this was a good waiter to wear things up like the like the bedroom the bedroom at the foreign of the house had a couple of outlets that worked but the bedroom closer to the closer to the the sort break er and the generator had had zero.
for example. I was just saying then the other thing is a lot of times, especially in older houses, like in the fifties, they have two plugs per room. And then at some point you come through your night while I got to get electricity in here because it's the twenty four century.
We have shit that needs to be logged in. So you run a lot more cables. And then like I have a separate circuit break er box that the new cables are run out of, right? They're not they're not in the main panel, sure. So it's like there's a break er that goes to them and then a big break er that goes to them. And then there's another smaller panel that's hidin some place that like I would have to tell who over bites our house eventually, where all that .
is that kind of thing. You can get read with minimum move like you like noninvasively do you actually have to like Terry out wires like room by room to requires .
stuff like them? It's really easy to run new wires. It's you have to terror out walls to replace old wires, so usually easier to just cover up gold wires and disconnect them and run new wires. So unless you have to pull out walls for some reason.
got IT OK because there was there was some idle talk of like maybe he got some of us redone to make .
IT less of a pain. But I mean, it's I was going say like here's the nice thing is if they have to cut off for main versus internal power, they're already they have the expensive part done for the I mean, obviously, panels and batteries and all that suffered expensive too. But IT doesn't require a massive rewiring in a new panel to do the if they wanted to put solar and get batteries, just have enough sun. Um so like I think that's the conversation right is like the broker is go through and label all the break ers, right? Because because the other way you can do is you just turn off the break ers and then you have literally walk around, you test every outlet and every light neuva stuff, and then you find out which ones are which, and then you make a map and clearly label inside the box.
That is the work that had not been done because only only small handful, the brokers were labelled in the box and nobody had mapped out what was what in the house sues? Yeah, look.
my broker box has dishwasher question mark next .
to three different brokers. So in that I have some pictures with talk about some visual aides here i've got to got a picture of, uh.
one of the old brokers here.
the break er box OK. Some of them have been writing over and scribble out multiple times. So multiple .
break your boxes that exciting.
So this is the god added in the nineties, around two thousand, after enough power attaches, make people sick of things um so was the this was the two forty eight plug that was discovered and was like way we can just run the general straight into the house rather than just plugged some lights and appliance .
is straight into IT. I'd like that the notes of written in pencil IT looks like along the medal that's so that's a lasting plan, be sure. Add, it's good that the break er box was installed upside down IT doesn't matter. No, but also all the B M OK 没有 anyway。 Um so what .
happened with some the general situation is that the neighbor who will let us bar that loan or h his his internal is in home. Natural gas man started leaking a oil prety substance, boy. So he came down a few days later saying, I might need that one back soon. So we kind of had to drop everything and go out and find our own. I'm impressionable .
to find one.
So my I blue my mind and the time I was like, oh, maybe you I just like I relishing these things in like, I found some yeah I guess they were but like.
I saw videos of people dropping generators from chaos to people up in valleys that had the roads watch shop. Because I .
know I shows you a vio in a lot one day about the pull out. And I heard helicopter spoke, and there was a .
smoke flat over the target. Very specific, like for people don't know there, the ones that have the two, two propellers, two voters on the top here, and they make a real specific sound .
they should do.
like over my house, sometimes on the coast, sir.
Ah so anyway, I could like I said, we barely had internet, but I kind of slogged through that to try to check websites for local places. There's a lows in a home dep early close. And shockingly, they actually had generated some stock so well.
So we basically just sipped over there in the pick of truck and bought a generates that day, happen to be back over there a couple days later. Water generators later were all gone. IT was a very body. I think we just got super lucky that we happen to find some. That day, the home depot guy told me that the home depot had sold something like twenty thousand generators in the area in last year.
I bet they were shifting stock as they could from other stores.
Sign up, no open box generators. Uh, returns accepted, no exceptions.
what? You now you focus the generator just in case?
yes. So that's the whole thing. Have to go gas every .
day or two. Generator use. Did you run around the clock? No definite.
Absolutely not. We were trying to be pretty conservative, especially on neighbors, loner. But even after we've around, we were trying to be pretty judicious about IT um means like I said, there are a lot of things that to learn about generators like continuous wantage for speak wattage and like how much gas to they burn at or vital low minimum draw. Like do they have they have a minimum output that sounds like they do like they are like they are always want to burn an output a floor even if you're not yet pulling that turn front.
right? I mean, like you should they have the fridge on the circuit that like you always you're always running at least you know a couple of watts for the fridge.
So so even even there we were, we are basically running in the evenings for like five, six hours, okay, and then shutting IT off before bed and then maybe like for hour or two in the morning. Just get water, water. Take to guess .
I believe IT is a gas. okay? Party gas. Did you have hot water when you took showers? Yes, okay, but but the the generator was running then. So but I am pretty sure it's gas.
gas here and I assume there like bottle gas, not on a main.
Um I think that's right OK think that's right. Don't tell me on that. Yeah but but you know I like I I I have never like work on cars in my life. You know like I don't have a lot of computable or combusting engine experience. So like dealing with the generator was educational, like we have to change the oil on the neighbor generator at one point, a boy, because apparently you have to change the oil and generators like very, very quickly, very, very frequently as. So.
yes, usually every certain number of hours running, right?
Yes, uh, we bought that that the generate we got came with a course of what they just describe as, like special generator blend oil. As they said, use this first before you switch. Ever to regular a store bot is like the brain period is is a period of because the manual the manual said to use five w thirty oil with a generator OK um they have like a little temperatures ure and the this said don't use ten w thirty unless it's like forty degrees from higher below outside .
oh so this of this cost city thing .
probably I S I guess that's what IT is that though there some skeptics from some old timers around about thirty thirties, a pretty light oil but that's what the annual said so that's what we what .
we got yeah you assume that um I assume that once that I guess it's just during the warm up what IT wants warming IT matters yeah maybe .
so I I just want buy the book on that but I mean I think we don't need to get into like jokes and and all kinds of parts of look.
It's like it's all the fun of a gas law with something that runs and makes your refrigerator .
work now and then most of our came back on I found a lot of conflicting opinions out there about how you should like store a generator and keep IT prime .
and ready for use.
rain the guest and not have time. There was IT turned into a mad drama before we left, mostly working on the basement, turned to get things ready for meat. Come in.
yeah. So unfortunately do not have time to deal with that. But like I or the family are going to be back there again soon enough to .
to deal with that. I would my assumption would be that you put like worst case you put gas stabilizer and but the best case you provide drain the gas. And like does that have a call loop? Has to right an air called?
I'm not the person ask .
because on most gas engines, like a boat, like motorcycle or whatever motorcycle, a Moore winter ize to to if he has cool and to the cool doesn't for you correct the block.
So so no, I saw some some people are saying, like you, you should crank and run IT once a month. S yeah, yes, I agree. But the other people who were like rain and other people were like, no, let IT run down until a conflicting in ions a fairly short order this is one of those one to look at with .
the manual says and probably just do .
that yeah that's probably the actual right way to go um see we talk about some of the work on the house little a bit yeah um downstairs IT is like percent of laminate time self no no like like a panel oh .
oh like like .
pargo and mohaka brands and you'll see there got A A full sort of looking wood made a plastic .
tongues together in a way that you don't have to actually glue IT to the floor in this because .
I pulled the first amount of IT up. It's like a cardboard kind of material underneath the top weird. The top like hard part yeah yeah like a paper poppy paper carport. Kind of think here and there there's a guest bedroom down there that had carpet in IT, sadly. So basically, after one day, two, after we got all the power stuff sort IT out and kind of hung along reasonably well, we immediately started tearing and carpet out.
Yeah, that's good. I was soaking wet. No, IT was you walk .
down there I was like water still squeeze out of the carper as you would step on IT. So we even know down there with four bars and box cutter tarring that out of fast as we could in pilot outside um all that to the dump. I talked about this a lot on next ramps details, but was a whole scene at dub.
I like k oc of people .
trying to bring storm debris and stuff in. Later on, the county instituted a programme there where they are actually just going to go around and pick up literally everything that they find in every right of way in the county.
that's nice. No questions asked for free. So once that once that order went out widely, because they were actually asking people not to go to the, because there were like a lot of industrial people coming in and out there.
And IT was just a huge mess, which we were happy to not do again after we dumped the carpet. But once that order went out and you were driving around, you would just see the craziest piles of stuff outside people's ses, like not just roles of carpets, bill, like furniture, you know, like dressers and mattress. And just everywhere you went, just giant piles of stuff that people had turned out that was ruined.
But I assume up there, people don't have flood .
insurance for the most part, right? Can it's some kind of female directive that flood insurance in western north CarOlina a is not allowed? Weird, I do not understand, but that is the case because they have I I shot you some pictures. There is a very sizable tree lion down. Yeah, I say on the on health shades, far as I know, is still there because good lucking getting tree people out yeah no, they know a three guy that they're very friendly with and he was just like, i'll get to you when I get to you I mean.
that's how that kind of work, right? Well, the next thing that i'll happen is the roofs will come right when we had there was a big hail storm in knox's all when I lived there. And for the people like like a double digit p percentage of all their homes in the area got their their roofs destroyed yeah.
And then next, like a month later, a brazilian rovers came in from all over the southeast. And like I was, I was like, people were back in business by the next winter. Yeah, which which was nice.
Yeah, theyll get there. And they had a guy they know who was a former roof guide who's a friend came by and looked and said, he doesn't think it's going to leak so hope fully you'll fine and it's fixed yeah hopefully they can get done.
Winter though, yes.
anyway so ah we ve got the carpet out of there as fast as we could. There was just too much stuff everywhere or too much like the entire contents of the guest bedroom had to be loaded out into the main area with laminate yeah for examples. So there was just too much furniture everywhere. And also we were trying our best to dry out a lot of our stuff to go wit yeah which turned out to mostly be my stuff safely um so we could not pull up that much of the land and while I was there just because there was too much .
stuff on IT everywhere yeah yeah so I assume you had to tear out all the walls to up to wait for the flood water mark was .
so none of that has happened yet. But yes, that is coming. Okay, like I, like I said, we can even get all the flowing out IT was I was very much, well, I was there. I was very much. Let's get rid of a bunch of stuff to figure out what's ruined.
A A fair matt of non ruin stuff also got rid because IT turns out an event like this is a good occasion to just be like, know what, we don't need a lot of this stuff like. It's time to to simplify. So yeah, a lot of while I was there was sifting through stuff angs of out consolidating, putting A A body ton of plastic bins to consolidate to much of stuff into so we can to reduce the footprint of the clutter and the belongings down.
There are quite a bit.
We did the duck make the cut rain of .
ducks still up on the chinese? Kay.
I mean, it's like I I don't believe in divine intervention, but like the stuff that got spared down there is almost hard not think about something like that because like like a lot of my stuff, like I said, got wet. But it's mostly all like video game memory billions, like some of of some historical value. But like the true family, airlie, there were mutio cases of, like, eighty year old photos.
You like my grandparents photos, like correspondence from almost you from eighty plus years ago. Like multiple cases of, like, water is standing on top of the chest that this stuff is in. And none of us got work.
Like, it's crazy now how lucky I feel about stuff like that. But anyway, yeah, he was there was a lot of going through stuff down there by the time the power came back on. Like I said, I was eleven days and I was also like eighty degrees and muggy e the entire time. So we was incredibly bank down there. I did not smell good.
Yeah no, I can only imagine. And and like i'm sure that there's no like industrial dehumidifier and like big fans and all that stuff.
Definitely not, in fact. But my mom had read that in a mold situation like this, it's actually bad run fans because I can spread spores s around that make but basically there there's only there's only a door and two small windows on that basement.
So is basically like this kind of mugging, late summer weather, and the basement soaked and basically just having the windows and door open try to air IT out and that was IT for eleven days, really sucks when the power finally came back on. They have three decent standing designated fiers down there because it's just a dam basement generally. Yeah um and so I was I was on like etd humani fie duty basically twenty four seven and I could not tell you how much water came out of the air down there. I would guess IT was at least ten million a day coming out of other things because I had a big five island bucket that I was basically all three different ministers added up to, just about that all five thousand bucket. And I was easily and thin, I think, twice a day plus, you know, like twice a day and into the night, like the overnight, but had another one on IT was just dozens of gallons of water that came out of the air down there is and it's .
yeah and it's like it's in the walls. It's in the .
everywhere yeah water all over the place. And so let's see.
So I guess so I sume we would to have the remediation people come when when they get to um yeah .
so so they finally had their first meeting like three days ago with sky that's come on to do with the flowing and remediation stuff. Um so all laminate has sense been pulled out. Some family came after I left because we ve got enough of the stuff out of the basement. Some other family came and helps to take out the laminate, which is shocking ly easy to pull out. That's like you that what's the term for the way this .
stuff is together it's tung and grove and flying is are the two .
days i've heard to described as like you said, it's not glue down. It's it's basic just cut together .
like by pressure right? Yeah you look, i've taken up linoleum that was epoxy to the sub floor before and that was like, that was maybe one of the worst housework pair jobs i've ever done. I like, I think if I had to do that again, I would just cut up the subtle.
But new sur, obviously, is just concrete ford down there. But yeah, that that lait was like, the stuff I did have room to pull up is like as easy as you can imagine IT literally just this right out. yeah.
So that's all been pulled out now, and the remediation guide came, and they are going to cut out the bottom two feet of the drivel all the way around. okay. Um you know I think it's pretty standard more treatment stuff like they gonna do you chemical treatments yeah you just want to keep .
from growing when you get a dark and yes, went there all the cabinet ts .
in the bathroom and there's little kitchen that kind of down there like all those cabinets are you able to be ripped out because they are full mold inside yeah um stuff like that um I I very quickly talking to my mom got a sense of the four classes of water damage yeah um that involve things like was a clean water just out of your pipes or was IT like flood water, was a chemically contaminated flood water know that sort of thing. Um so they've got class four, which is the worst to which means that everything else come out they even have they have like sheet final flowing in the bathroom, which looks just fine and we just assumed would be fine to stay. But this guy said that even even final like that has to come out in a classroom because water can get underneath IT in the country and you can get mold growing in the concrete.
So I assume that they're going to have like when the remediative people come, they are going to set up like the big heavy duty industrial dehumidifier for appear to time.
And I guess so I don't know, because. So even running those three admired fires all day long, I was still sitting at, like, seventy person humidity down there for a week.
But IT IT turned a corner like kind of overnight, one day, about a week after the power handle on where all the sudden they were actually reading more like forty five, fifty oh um so I think most of the standing moisture just got kind of pulled out eventually for me around us so long I wouldn't be shocked if they still do some industrial design ying or something down there. Yeah um there's been some loose talk about what to put back in there. Uh definitely no more carpet going down there.
Yeah uh, as you can imagine, um the initial plan was a sounded like just to put some basic vinal down like was in the bathroom because the assumption was that would be resilient to any future flooding. Uh, but what this remediation guy I has said, like I said, like a bathroom that sheet, the bathroom has come out anyway. yes. So he said in a bad in a flood, you're going to take all the flowing out matter what IT is.
You should just paid on IT. Then i'm serious like they do really yet like it's a whole thing they do like fancy looking finish concrete that looks like good and it's still as hard like concrete and it's all like concrete. So it's not like interest yeah I didn't know they did such a finish. Concrete might have concrete that's smooth and try enough .
that is extremely. But um they're looking at a they have like final plane now that is similar that lame they head yeah which is like basic kind of water resistance at a basic level you can spill stuff on in is fun yeah um but apparently that's actually not really much more expensive than the sheep final and we'll get them a similar kind of fake hardwood look .
for what they had. That's what the .
person stuff has become.
Now you you do long sheet to final. It's not vital, but it's like it's the same. It's the same. It's like a manufactured fake hardware yeah ah .
so so so basically the thought was this is not much more expensive than the sheep final in a similar flood. It's all gonna to come up anyway. Yeah so they might have the one that looks nicer. That's kind of is there an electron is going to need to come and replace all the electrical outlets as well? Is what this guy has said make sense there working fine at the moments, but i'm not sure that's a good idea long .
term like this. This is a electrical plugs, cost four dollars. Yeah, yeah. So yeah.
I think I think what he said was the wiring should be fine because I was a very nice attrition from hawaii te into the next lander broadcasts and basically told me exactly this is like even the alleys are working. They can have corrosion on them from the water. And it's not a good idea to use those long term.
Yeah, make sense. Yeah, we short. yes.
I guess the last stuff I would talk about here, just there, there's some computing stuff and some things I found downstairs stuff.
You gave me a hint of this before. But let's think about the connectivity to stop first. I think like this sounds like an enormous pain in the ass. And if you had just called me and hook me up with your landlord would have been happy to drive over there. And I send you the file.
you know, I had, I had a couple of family members had monith me here for, like, you know what, you should just ask for help more and try to do everything yourselves.
It's okay to ask for help.
Yeah, I know I really don't like .
burdening people. I mean, look, I have a family full of people who don't ever ask for help. Understand there? A degree of self reliance says that there is expected and .
but is OK to need help. Demise of india in the area. This turned out to be, this was kind of a fun chAllenge because I really let me put my prepared this to the test on on remote access to my stuff here. So a couple days after I got there, I turned out I had forgotten to upload one of my local podcast recordings for nested ander boobs. And if I hadn't been able to pull this off, IT was fine.
We do like a, we do a recording of the kind of video call mixed down, right, that can be used in a pinch so would not have been like the absolute of the world um but IT determined a kind of a fun chAllenge of like, okay, i'm an an extremely I mean a very reduced capability here, let's say powers out, internet out. Phones barely work and you know if I can tell that this phone, let's see if I can get a five hundred mega wave file apple luted to drop box wow. Um I will say my first thought was so I can turn on everything remotely here my ass.
and I just turn off .
time yeah I mean seventy five watts what i'm not here. I really no is watching plex movie though he is watching plex or streaming music here or any the other stuff OK. Okay, doing pocket for video kind of anyway, my first thought was like, okay, maybe I can remote this top into my PC and export that file and get IT up to drop box but the way the data was working through the phones, I was like, OK, there's no way there were no dust is is going to be functional yeah, I kind of save my ask that he turned out I had exported the wave from the project two minus .
before audacity project. Yes.
so wave was sitting there. So I did not have the audacity to export the wave to IT. Yeah, the wave was already sitting there. So I kind of had to use like every tool at my disposal and IT still looks like an order to have to get IT done.
Um but what I ended up doing because I realized those like a wait, I can I can access my nass and drop box and everything without modest top I can do IT all through like text base tools yeah they don't push a lot of data through. So I didn't manage to attender my laptop to my phone or not. No data there as well to try to prevent any like background mal thinking or whatever.
Okay, clock in the connection. Why are guarded into my house, connected to the pie? A, B, M, which let me press the power button non, and as essentially turn that on.
shaking your head. And that's one next step.
And I also, I tried to set that thing up for wake on land, but for some reason that's not working at the moment. I could have done that at as well. If you didn't have a pike v on turn on the pike avia makes a lot easier.
Then I was able S S agent to the nass. And because i've set up those art clone tools that hook up to things like drawing x and one drive and google drive, so basically, any time I log in to my account on my ass, IT mounts all of my cloud storage buckets as just local directories. That's so ultimately, I was abled asia of the nass and just based issue a command to copy just a straight up cp the way file over to drop ox or are in this case was a good le drive. But anyway I was able to basic needed to be for Alice to grab in. And you couldn't .
just send me a log in for your S S H. And you know, yeah, anyway, I I did run .
A S S H key problems that made me have to go in and with the S S H D configuration ation, so would let me log. But anyway, yeah, neither here nor there, or something is always going to break through, even ool sit up. But I was going a nice to be like, okay, even our on which sort of feel like a fervors thing to set up is I often are going to need to access your google drive for come from a government line .
in this is actually exit the funny like I haven't order to set that up specifically because of that. But it's often a thing where i'm like that would be really nice to just people to copy this into my draw box. So good. No, some robot driver. Shit there.
Room, yes, yes, they definitely was. IT was satisfying. IT felt, I felt. I know what, I did all that work for the reason.
okay. So let's get to the sad .
part of the show. guess. Yeah, I think again, I really want to stress like this is sad as an extremely relative term here, like kind of bond that I lost some some stuff from my early time in the game minister.
But you know, sometimes it's free.
Pretty small Price to pay. Well, yeah, some of the stuff is stuff that I would have may be considered donating to the video in history foundation at some point now what's and um yeah so IT just happened. Turn out we were storing everything down there in carbon boxes because my mom worked in education and had a ton of paper boxes from over the years.
The types boxes that just partner paper comes in course, everything was in board boxes is just so happened that most of the stuff, the four was mine. So quite a few of my boxes of stuff got wet, which is a robust. A lot of IT was just like old video game and computer magazines, which I think, like basically every magazine on the planet has been .
s scanned and PDF. At this point.
I would say they're pretty well archived. So oba gaes online. H, I did have one box of all the three materials for mostly from one thousand and ninety eighty three that got ruined.
That's a kind of a heart break. Her like i've got the, i've got the fall on like a very thick booklet of like show directory literary body speaking at three. Here's every booth question of every exhibitor like that thing is trashed.
my god, forgotten they used to hand that stuff. You used to get a bag with that stuff in that when you check in three yes.
yes, like was a crazy of how much just material like hard copy stuff they gave you at three. Also, ninety eight was the first line register is press. okay? So I had, I had grab literally every press release in the press room, like I had a stack of stuff, some of which is I could still legible, and stuff from water damage, but a lot of IT is probably still could be scanned, uh, if there is a need for that kind of stuff.
Like i've got a intendo s entire one thousand and ninety eight like thick e three packet of like fifty press releases for OK reno of time and the game boy camera to poke on stuff like, and hopefully that stuff is still usable. Wow, that's a stuff like that. Lot of random stuff I found apparently I. Today, packet of information from number nine, somewhere around nine, five, nine, six.
The the, hey, we make that video cards.
P. S. Number nine, the company that named all their video cards after beat songs.
And that seemed like I was going to legally .
actionable got I got and it's still fairly legible some of IT I definitely got a ended with which types of print paper stick together and room themselves when you separate them in which the so why of the stuff that would get stuck together when I pull the pages apart, just pull the print .
off and coding and some of the .
number stuff mess where there's just a ton of a ton of weird like marketing materials and so far, if i've got pictures of some of the stuff I could be showing you um I D I also just found a lot of stuff that didn't get room in the bubble, like I said, because I was going through and throwing so much stuff out and category ing and everything, I just found a lot of random stuff. Generally.
there's a bullet point here that says .
found .
some pronounce .
of use net. Sometimes you wanted to be all .
take IT with you. Look, this is, this is I I guess sometimes you would have to take.
So nuclear had save this one inform stuff. I can see here from japan the quick and dirty guide to japanese grammar. Ah so it's a difference. Materia is what I have turned out IT. Here you can see here here is my nicely stapled slack ware documentation from the late nineties.
What is this microsoft?
Congratulations on doing? Explore three point. No, sorry, I debated whether even talk about that.
There's no way we're not talking about this.
I don't know if I registered for this or what. I have A T shirt. I think i've maybe put a picture .
that t shirt on twitter before this is that they oh.
they meet this to you. I don't know if I registered or if they just had my information somehow. And I I basically dowley explore three point O I at the middle launch.
because of course I did. Twenty two thousand people registered by morning.
We've decided to send free commemorative t shirts to all of the thirty two thousand plus users who registered their copies of internet explore three point out during the midnight madness promotion when they launched IT。 basically. So yes, I I have that t shirt downstairs somewhere. IT just has a big like, I downadup IT and export three ono. I'm pressure.
Yes, I am asked. So i've never been like i've generally, i'm not disappointed, but downloading internet explore three point o on launch day. This is a badge of shame, my friend.
Register ing IT. Register ing IT going out of my way to register IT before six A M.
The following that also just some people know the counterpoint to this is the slack, is that how to get linux documentation? You took pictures of both these things side by side from around.
while I just found them in the same box together there, maybe a couple years apart. I recollection of messing with slack ware was probably around nineteen ninety eight or so.
I don't feel good about this.
When did, when did I eat three come out? Ninety six. That sounds right. Look, browsers like you were nets cape to back then. You know, like new browsers were a thing.
Look, this is back in the m dollar sign era of microsoft to twin slash shot had the board logo. Bill gates.
I probably shouldn't even show you this article I wrote about when is not found for the time OK this? This is not this thirty two bid print of multitasking and architecture.
This is what lets you play. Do multi fragment your hard drive? Okay, I I have got you have had written in the sites in like big block text with the s as like a lightning bolt.
like in the I I read the test episode OK from boom boom.
This the sound of microsoft jugged not windows ninety five has been growing louder for months OK. I'm gna be best. But this is amazing. This is really good. I myself .
have have experiences this miracle O S miracles and miracle ads having have, having been trapped under foot by the microsoft propaganda machine.
You were aware, I think this .
was probably for my high school newspaper, because there is also a printed out version of IT. That's okay, a bit more formal. And I work on the paper for couple of years.
Some of my high school newspapers, you got waterline. Unfortunately, there was a long drying out period of spreading things out on drying rags and stuff to try to send as much as I could. I, I am going to tell you right now, there is an endless amount of embarrassing old computer ship. IT was so so much that I found that I do not have pictures, love, and am not mentioning to you. Look.
if you go back for extended period of time, we can just do what's in breads basement segment. It'll be a ten dollar .
patron or do this like a months of cast father I I got there .
are two things that make me that that are shocking. Like first, I had forgotten that there was a time before cdn when download service would get overwhelmed and you won't able to download new software. When people are excited to pat.
I kind of standard back then.
But like it's it's been such a long time since that had like when was the last time like like called duty came out today and steams not collapsed under that weight, right? Like it's it's a it's amazing that that was such a limited period of time. In retrospect.
CT IT was a very different time.
And then um the other thing is the idea that microsoft would send out t shirts to thirty two thousand people for registering their browser like the like just the amount of money they were spending on browser stuff is incredible to me.
Absolutely thirty two thousand shirts just to because i'm already all the way down the road of debasing myself here for you. Just going to tell you that t shirt pretty rough shape, which means that I wore IT a lot.
I mean, look, you, you, you, not everyone would have the rocks to wear A T shirt that shows their support for the best multi national corporation standing up inst the the underdog mark and IT was a different pe navigator.
Do you don't even get me started about remember that like time magazine cover of mark and and barefoot look.
there have been a lot of barefoot tech genius on the cover of time magazine. We don't need to get .
to walk down that path. The market and recent villain artists really something to reckon with at least I was linux curious at the time. Yeah, I was not who was not fully in the tank for microsoft there.
yes. Anyway, uh, maybe someday, if I even when I have more ready access to the archives down, maybe we will go. There is a more of this material.
What about that? You said this hardware.
Then there we talk about little bit before on the subject. I think we will wrap up here pretty ick. But on the subject of feeling fortunate about what did and didn't you were not a single piece tonics.
Got what? Oh, that is. And great that if something not pulled ged in you, I think probably some amount of electrics .
can withstand some out of water.
Yeah like you wanna wash off with Robin alcohol? I O necessary mean IT was dead. But but at any rate, nothing basically, basically just paper, really pretty much everything I had yet wet was almost all logic paper.
That's good. Yes, there was.
There actually was one still fully built computer down there. I was the one I had built, the last one I have built for my parents before. Before they were taking awards to give me a laptops, active ously, that case had zero water and was sitting on the floor like I think he was on the floor much where he was actually, but oh weird, somehow we do not get water IT. That is a, is an a bit K X 7。 I believe in that machine OK um which probably is some kind of mid period f one a one been like yeah like I found a one one point two year hurts is probably what's in there um some of some kind of red T I car they were all read .
than more to yeah .
they were most of them that is a functional computer president. I am, I am like a any. But next time you go back.
you should just build one of these bucket.
How goes? I was cleaning up dating in binding things. I found a ton of other hardware scattered through different boxes.
Found two more abbot boards down there, A B H six and a kt seven. B H six is one of the great sockets seven board. absolutely.
Some of the, some of the stuff was from my old build, and some of that was hand me down because I I live with a romance for quite a while around the time, who which has give me his old stuff, he didn't when he was upgrading OK. So i've got quite a bit of extra hardware, some of which i've never used down there. So so there's that four K T seven or RKX7 machine。
There's A B H and K T other boards. I found a pinion too, but i've never yes, i'll lose pinion too, but I never had a penny too. I just had a cellar on. So I think that there was one of my I found I found my loose cell .
on three hundred day .
man was IT a chipper slap a slap. okay. Um also found that box sealed three hundred as well. I found my foot one okay, which was an ord card. Nice believe, opus, with the extra two megabus RAM .
was the one I felt like the diamond one was the low end.
the orkid wooden was the middle AR and the cannes. I found, I found the T, N, T. One that I had for a while, that made by S, T, B.
And I found A V, O, three, which I had to like google winds to figure out what IT was. Because I saw three effects little bit there. That was definitely my roommates, because I ve never had a, three, three, never had card. I never had any video card past the two one. I also found my access g four two fifty six sdr h man, so was like a pretty good, a smart of CPU and video cards down there.
I think that was the one of the first video cards I reviewed for maximum PC, really as ddr force.
This was the s year said, because I needed a card badly. So yeah I can. I also found like a tons. I found like two different motors, like a landcraft a an old video capture card that was definitely not mine. Um but I think I could probably I could probably get three working .
retrofits together out of the stuff I found out that let her rip.
assuming all that stuff works once I get to put together. But and thing the nice thing about E T X. We kind of limit the fact that A T X is of thirty year old standard at this point.
It's a fairly common topic over on on .
the fuller yes um but I guess the nice thing about that is I could buy like new A T X powerful ability and cases for .
the stuff right and I should just work that uh assuming ing they have the twenty four pen .
with the break wake as is probably .
a sixteen pen or twenty pen or what can get there the .
pay snips and sure anyway no you know he was nice final that hardware and .
know that is all kind of incredibles .
that yeah like yeah .
god IT wasn't to um got IT isn't too much of a disaster .
yeah but not that is a static bag so I don't know it's functional IT is those circuits are .
big enough that it's not yeah static is not that much of a problem .
your problem, right? Prd, i'm god you're back.
I'm god. Everybody is like for the most part, it's just .
perty. I just want to do this up. So because there were so many sort of technical subjects that I read up against as we were doing this .
well and like I think it's worth talking about this stuff because it's good like hopefully this will like the fire and under some people who haven't done there prepared this stuff.
I like like, I think that's that kind of real lesson because you've had people in that area for a long time going like I would like kind of a muncer mate change here. We don't really have a lot of natural disasters .
of note like I have acquaint who works in that space, who, when I asked them ten years ago, where you should move if you wanted to be unaffected by climate change, are like like western north CarOlina, tty in vert tty, like up the mountains, eastern colorado, all these places are like, oh yeah, okay, no, nothing safe. yeah.
That seems to be the lesson on the subject of disaster prepared this. I think that's the less out of this is that nowhere is immune.
All the same. Climate emergency.
yeah, no matter, no matter where you live, IT pays to be at least to prepare at a basic level because you know what might .
happens so well. And I mean, there was a lot of kind of misinformation about um like what's going on in north CarOlina with the feast stuff. It's been in the news we don't need .
to recap but idea about until I got back out here basically because I was not able to follow news and social media there by hearing that there was like makes me so mad. I don't know what to get into IT yeah .
because it's like the people, the thing, the thing when you talk to people who are on the ground in this kind of a climate, kind of an emergency, generally the vibe is that everybody .
pulls together yeah the stuff I saw in the news, I got back out the like even even local political leaders who lets say are politically aligned with people spreading the misinformation were like a fucking and stop. Yeah, they've got enough problems here on the ground trying to deal with this in a real way without you spreading conspiracy theories about this a nonsense like shut the fuck up yeah.
get out of the way so that people can do their work.
Yes, yes. Turns out real life trumps what's going on on social media.
When IT comes down to IT so many ways, bras biga. What doesn't trump what's going on on social media is listener supported podcasts. I don't know what that means.
You know, that's right. But yeah.
to go with the bredin will make a tech pot is a listener supported show. That means we wouldn't be here without you, the listeners who we love and appreciate every single week.
Um if you want to find out how you can support the show, you can go to patron duck com slash tech pod again, that's patron dot com sih tech pod where for five books amount do you get access to the patron uh the tech pod discord, which is like look, sharing interesting things, sharing topics, talking about problems. We're talking about the the arrow lake launch, which just so people know we're going to do a big like what's going on with CPU episode once the xd embargoes lift in. I don't know when that is exactly.
but it's soon yeah I really want to hear about yeah well.
we've had new, new lodge from AMD and tel hit the like earlier this week for people who are listening and then the x rd, the gamer focused M D C P S will land later this month or next month I guess um but yeah we appreciate everybody who supports the show and you can go to patron at home teck pot. You can ask to the tech part. You can get access to the patron excludes episode. I think the last months patron exclusive episode was us talking about you getting ready to go on this trip.
So like the that and this will book and nicely if you in that um and yeah we we um we appreciate all of our patriots, but we especially appreciate our executive producer and associate a producer tier patrons so on the executive producer front, thanks to Andrew saluki bunny feed, David Allen, James chemic, Jordan al lipid twinkle twinkle and paint the on makers of the H S three high speed three d printer um the end of the months we given an extra special shadow to our associate CER to your patrons including all one hundred of our and burke Andrew DIY shadie arthemise 奔驰 man brutal 可 eric eric kine fix cover grand banks jet ria just associate with matt Walker, princess walkman add close principle mike average, Nathan helps centigrams r. Thomas say and tom hidden thank you so much and I guess they'll do IT for us this week we will have a patron up set up soon, but we will see you all next week with another episode of the tech pod. Yes, send questions. Tech pod at content dot down. It's where the questions get turned .
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See all next time.