Each week on Best of the Rest we take a second look at a movie that was poorly received upon release
This Andy Samberg vehicle may have crashed harder at the box office than a moped stunt gone wrong, b
Critics weren't too kind to the Chris Farley vehicle at the time, but this week we're taki
SNL-ish month begins with the Adam Sandler movie that established what to expect from an Adam Sandle
BIG ANIMAL MONTH concludes with one of the most infamous movies in the genre. This special effects h
Can you believe the 90's film about a talking gorilla that leads a team to a lost city to fight
Not to be outdone by the sharks in Deep Blue Sea, crocodiles got their own creature feature that sum
We kick off BIG ANIMAL MONTH with one of the more notorious shark attack movies to feature a rapper
Our final movie of the year comes courtesy of the original friend of the show, Rachael Logan. She br
After reaching superstardom in movies like The Mask and Ace Ventura, Jim Carrey starred in a supreme
Steven from the Great Game Debate podcast has brought one of his favorite movies to the show, and we
Friend of the show and host of 99 Questions BOB BUEL returns, and he has brought a gift! We're
When Disney announced they were making a young Han Solo movie, most fans simply wondered... why? Aud
At long last, George Lucas completed the prequel trilogy and bridged the gap between sagas. Fans and
Three years after Episode I was released to mixed reviews, George Lucas gave the world Episode II an
We're kicking off prequel month with the one that started it all! It's hard to overstate t
Five years after the release of the original film, Ghostbusters II failed to live up to studio and a
Even though Ghost Ship was a modest box office success, the critics were not kind. This week we revi
The remake of the 1960 cult horror film made an impression with some movie goers, but was ultimately