Baseball By Design tells the story of America one minor league baseball logo and nickname at a time.
The Jupiter Hammerheads nickname was chosen by schoolchildren in the late '90s, and has endured to t
Join your host for three days of Spring Training baseball with family and a few special guests, incl
The Casper Ghosts only played for four seasons, but more than a decade after they vanished, their br
The Sioux City Explorers, an independent team in the American Association, play in a city whose clai
The independent professional Cleburne Railroaders have been around since 2017, but the history of th
Guy Gilchrist, known as “Jim Henson’s Cartoonist,” has had an amazing career creating characters for
This week's episode takes us to the (tart) cherry capital of the world, Traverse City, Michigan, hom
The Trenton Thunder have had the same name for more than three decades, but that name has been paire
The West Michigan Whitecaps have played for more than three decades in Grand Rapids, about a half ho
Designer Todd Radom stops by to chat about the many permutations of the number three in the world of
We're ringing in the new year with a flurry of Studio Simon Stumpers from Dan Simon! It's the 100th
The independent professional Lake Country DockHounds embody Wisconsin's relaxed summertime lake cult
Chris Creamer, the godfather of sports branding journalism and founder of the website
The Winnipeg Goldeyes are named for a popular fish (delicious when smoked!) in the capital city of t
The Triple-A Oklahoma City Comets will take the field in 2025 with a brand that pays tribute to a Ya
We're thankful for friends and baseball travel. This week on Baseball By Design, Ranger Amy, Ed Rive
The Triple-A Nashville Sounds have an iconic name that has been paired with a number of different lo
The Sugar Land Space Cowboys, recently crowned as the Triple-A champions, are one of the first brand
The Ottawa Titans play in Canada's capital, and their identity continues a long tradition of sports
With a season under their belt, the Abilene Flying Bison are starting a new tradition of baseball in