Get the lowdown on high finance each week with Barron’s columnist Jack Hough. Business leaders and t
A top chip analyst predicts a near-term peak in spending on computing. Also, stocks are rocketing af
Beer, spirits and wine have suddenly fallen into decline, especially with young people. What it mean
As markets react to DeepSeek's innovation, Hollywood faces its own AI revolution. Tonight Show veter
Athletic Brewing founder Bill Shufelt turned non-alcoholic beer into a treat, not a sacrifice. He ex
But trucking and rail stocks aren’t all good deals. Jonathan Chappell from Evercore ISI explains. Ja
Without ASML’s machines, the A.I. spending boom would fizzle. So why are its shares slumping? Learn
Jack calls Comcast "America's most complicated company" and looks into plans to lift the stock. List
Don’t say cardboard—it’s corrugated fiberboard. Jack discusses International Paper’s stock tear, plu
Jack struggles to make sense of Schrodinger’s Cat and QTUM’s gains. And Schwab’s Kathy Jones talks f
Oil drilling, banking, Bitcoin, and robo rides—Jack pesters his Barron’s colleague about what to wat
What’s holding back Intel, Boeing, and other iconic names. Plus, progress at AT&T. And REIT pick
Builders First Source CEO Peter Jackson joins the podcast. Jack talks stocks. Jackson considers abdu
The chipmaker’s CEO, Cristiano Amon, stops by Barron’s to talk about his plans. Learn more about yo
Jack shatters his own record for answering listener questions. Learn more about your ad choices. Vi
Keith Lerner from Truist on the merits of Trump trades. Plus, examining major upgrades on Peloton an
Jack explains how credit scoring and lumber have produced A.I.-like returns over the past decade. Am
Plus, Spirit Halloween, and the most hated stocks in the S&P 500. Learn more about your ad choi
Jack answers listener questions on a range of topics. Jackson gets a golf tip. Learn more about you
Jack weighs in on Frito-Lay’s slowdown and the closing loophole for cheap Ozempic. Also, a top Wall