Andy's Girls with Sarah Galli is a semiweekly podcast that dives deep into the drama on and off
Sarah watches the new episode of Beverly Hills, and immediately buys 7 million stock shares for Klee
Sarah watches the Super Bowl and realizes the provenance of this American pastime: a gladiatorial re
The journey continues. Sarah and guest co-host Bravo Bravo Ducking Bravo (content creator and host o
Sarah gets a copy of PK's 7-page email and thinks to herself, when did we create page numbers fo
Sarah makes some Eras Tour-style friendship bracelets for her Housewives top 5 (Shan (duh), Dolo, Ke
The journey continues. Next up: NY, BH, Married 2 Med, Atlanta, and Gretchen Rossi Beauté. Sarah and
After Sarah spends Shabbat at her favorite Upper East Side temple - Bergdorf Goodman, amen - and rea
After returning from a trip home to RI, Sarah returns to her other spiritual sanctuary: the cloffice
Sarah joins a crowd in Times Square not-so-patiently waiting for "Total Request Live." How e
The journey continues. On Part 2, Sarah unpacks a moment by moment RHONY finale deep dive, Brynn'
Sarah watches the RHONY finale and immediately is filled with so much anger she becomes the secret i
Sarah hops on a Q train (destination listed as 'hell' on her DVR), and sees a poster asking
The journey continues. Over the course of this two-part supersized episode, Sarah and AG guest co-ho
Sarah goes to lunch as the honorary 9th Lisa. After throwing on a brunette wig entirely similar from
Sarah takes an Uber Pool with Moses to schlep back the 10 Commandments in time for the Salt Lake Cit
Whether you're a Traitor, a Faithful, or simply Tom Sandoval in what was once a clean tee, this
Sarah reads the news that fellow Dame Karen Huger entered treatment, missed the Potomac reunion, and
Sarah finds out that The Real Housewives of Rhode Island may actually be coming to fruition, and scr
Housewives is can be a balm for the soul, a stop gap from the world outside, bad marriage contracept
Sarah looks at her Google Cal (a DVR copy/paste), and realizes that the new year has *finally* begun