Full highlights from the national radio show hosted by Jim Watkins, featuring original commentary an
How about all of those people who threatened to leave the U.S. if Trump won. Well now they can leave
A historical election in the United States and Donald J. Trump wins re-election, defeating Vice Pres
Doumentarian, Historian and Face to Face creator and host Michael Emerson joins us to discuss the st
InvestUSA.org CEO and Founder Michael Letts - an experienced law enforcement officer and Special For
In this brief segment, we look at the profile of Steve Bannon, who has been released from serving ti
Author and philosopher David Masters joins us to discuss the current cultural, political and spiritu
Armageddon Prose author and international journalist Ben Bartee joins us to discuss the upcoming tri
Top cop advisor and InvestUSA.org founder Michael Letts joins us to talk about the so-called Civil W
Both presidential candidates are expected to appear on the Joe Rogan podcast. How will the appearanc
Gordon Change, author of Plan Red: China's Project to Destroy America (Random House 2024), joins us
Despite the rhetoric, liberal commentator outlines 24 reasons Trump will win the presidency. Let's g
In this episode we look at the trail of tears left behind by VP and DNC Presidential Candidate Kamal
More from the SW region of Florida as Milton approaches, observations from the front deck. Also, pr
From the ground in SW Florida, Jim reports n the anticipation of Hurricane Milton and makes some obs
Millions deluged by floods, where is the Government? Verizon loses communications nationwide, Bank o
Armageddon Prose and PJ Media writer, editor and international journalist Ben Bartee joins me from E
No other nation today poses a greater threat to global stability than Iran. Through its tyrannical
A quick recap of the weekends biggest stories, plus, Joe Biden has handed control of the Executive O
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR.org) spokesman Fred Shaw joins the program with this exclu
According to Springfield, Ohio police there have been reports of Haitian migrants eating pets as par