coming soon


Total: 101

“During the holidays, for me, it was really different each season. Sometimes I really wanted and nee

It’s December of 2024, which means we're bringing you the 5th -- and last -- Best Of advice. Th

Have you ever noticed that -- much like Riley in Disney•Pixar's Inside Out series -- you have d

When our adoptees are young, we cannot anticipate how and when they will process their adoptedness

In a previous episode of Adoption: The Long View (ep505), an adoptee noted that her parents are the

If you are trying to adopt and putting you and your family online, don’t be surprised when you are

One of the myths of adoption is the now debunked “blank slate” theory that if you get your baby ea

In this much anticipated episode, we resume our conversation with adoptee and adoption educator Tor

We all know from 1st grade math that a half plus a half equals 1. But for adoptees, the math doesn’

When everything you’ve tried has failed and you’ve waited longer than you had ever imagined, where

Adopting Out of State


Over the last few episodes, we’ve focused on openness in adoption – both in the immediate time of p

The moment you become a parent, time seems to stop and you can’t see beyond the sweet baby or toddle

From dating sites to job boards and social platforms like Facebook, choosing the right photo for y

My new book Adoption Unfiltered, has three chapters in it devoted to religion and adoption, with my

Congratulations. You are adopting! And now that it is official, like all other adoptive parents in

Early in my adoptive parenting days, when my kids were first becoming able to talk about their adopt

What is an Adoptimist? It's someone with the right mindset for adopting a child. You can’t jus

"Expect your plans to change. You don't know what your open adoption is going to look like

Welcome to Season 5 of Adoption: The Long View! This month's guest is someone I made a bad fir

A critical element of open adoption relationships - and one you may not have previously considered