• How do you contain energy, how do you define the location of energy, how do you define a proximity of light? It's in definable, so we're everywhere at once, it's inevitable that we will attach to another point of light, and they just from all over the globe, points of white are attaching to us. I have friends that live in Australia, I have friends that live in Europe, I have friends that live in every continent, almost on the world, and certainly every point of this particular country that we call a nation here that we live in. But again, I don't see geography I don't see down there, I don't see any of those man-made imaginary things, I see us all in one giant ball of light at same time. (13:25)
• Boy, to be honest with you, a different version of it happens quite often, the real time that I experience heaven on earth that I could first remember was shortly after I met my other half, my twin flame, Janine, we had what I call butterfly day. Well, I just... 23rd, 2003, it was a Saturday, we met over a butterfly that I found in the street outside of our house in Bayside, Queens. That does not simply doesn't exist in this region of the country, and there I was in Street... It's a long story. I will be writing about it one day, but make it short, we met over that butterfly, I was visited by my soul guides that day, I was told very specifically, an inner voice that sounds just like your voice coming through now, but inside me telling me to talk to were telling me not to leave until I spoke to her... We were most definitely guided into each other that day as we were meant to be, and that was experiencing her, because the one that's on the connection and the intuitive-ness that we experience between each other was almost instant. It was all encompassing. (18:08)
• Exactly, I mean, that's really it. It's a choice. And you just said the way we all have free will, and we all create our personal reality around us minute by minute with our thoughts and our choices. The God power that's within you is in the power of your beliefs to create your reality around you. If you believe in something strongly enough, you will create that reality, that's why you have to be very careful with your thoughts. And the universe doesn't understand specificity, it understands your vibration, so if you're constantly vibrating that fear, the universe thinks that you enjoy fear, that you crave fear, that you would want to live in a state of fear doesn't understand that you abhor** **fear that you don't want fear. It just senses the fear in you and it thinks this is what you're trying to manifest around you, and so it gives you something to be afraid of. And also there's a long-standing reason why so many people are so fully invested in this place as the true reality. And I can assure you this is not the true reality, this is a simulated reality, no different than any other dreamscape while your body sleeps. We dream all of these realities into existence and we drum this one up, we just solidified it and made it very layered and very heavy. (25:06)
• Heaven on Earth would be everyone realizing that we are all connected on a soul level, that we're all one collective soul, no matter the illusion of separation of the outward physical differences that we seem to have. The geographical delusions of countries and flags and governments and borders, we are all one soul, and we're all here to take care of each other and love each other, not to survive at the expense of others in or to harm anything in order for us to personally survive. We were not sparked into creation to be in survival mode, we were sparked into creation as one collective soul of love. And that's what I would do, I would wave my wand if I could and have everybody instantly remember they can do this by free will choice, but again, ego and fear prevents them from doing it, and we just have to wait until they're ready. But that's what I would do with my magic wand, I would make everybody remember what they are and why they were created. (29:15)
Some of our Heal into Happy listeners might already be familiar with the term "twin-flame souls",
or maybe you have heard of the term "the 144,000" being referenced...
Well, it just so happens that my soul-brother Peter Angelo happens to be one! After a recent soul awakening, he discovered that he is a healer, here to help the divine Masculine and divine Feminine energies be realigned into their proper harmonic balance...
He walks this Earth bearing only the peaceful weapon of Light, and strives each day to shed his ego. And always at his spiritual side is his beautiful other half, who's name was Janine in her most recent incarnation here on the Earth plane.
Peter says he is here now to hand out "red pills" like Morpheus in "The Matrix", simply for the asking. He feels that all any of you need do is to decide, of your own free wills, if your soul is ready to re-awaken to the true reality of the light that is within you.
Or, if you so choose, you can take the blue pill again, and remain immersed in another lifetime of subjugation and servitude, as an unwitting slave to debt, suffering, and material want and need.
He urges you to remember what you truly are - an eternal, infinite being of Light, and oneness-consciousness, and to reclaim your sovereignty now!
Visit my website: healintohappiness.com)Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heal-Into-Happy)Twitter: @healintohappy)