cover of episode You Otter Go to the Night Safari!

You Otter Go to the Night Safari!

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#animal language understanding#animal communication#conservation and ecology People
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :新加坡夜间野生动物园在30周年之际,吸引了众多游客。许多野生动物在夜间更加活跃,因为夜间气温较低,而且许多野生动物进化出了适应夜间活动的感官。夜间野生动物园的动物各有特色,有些动物比较安静,例如大象、鳄鱼和塔斯马尼亚恶魔,而有些动物则比较吵闹,例如亚洲母狮和印度冠毛豪猪。然而,最吸引人的是两只名为Bubble和Squeak的亚洲小爪水獭,它们活泼可爱,嬉戏玩耍的声音非常动听。 虽然水獭看起来很可爱,但它们是群居动物,如果受到威胁会一起攻击,所以要保持距离。新加坡的水獭数量众多,它们经常在城市中活动,有时甚至会闯入民宅,破坏鱼塘。它们因其可爱的外表和声音而受到人们的喜爱,但也因为这种‘颜值特权’,它们的一些调皮行为往往会被人们原谅。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


The Night Safari is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and with so many people leaving town during the school midterm holiday this week, I decided to use my parabolic mic to see what I could capture on a quiet weeknight in Mandai. Wild animals are often more active at night, which makes sense. It's not as hot, and many animals in the wild have keenly developed senses for the night.

There's a tram that does a lap of the park with running commentary, but even though it's an electric tram, it's hardly quiet. My fellow passengers were quite vocal when they would eventually spot the animal in its enclosure. Many of the exhibits featured quiet animals. The elephants were quietly eating, the alligator was silently floating in its enclosure, and heck, even the Tasmanian devil foraged in stealth mode. In fact, I picked up more human chatter as I wandered the trails.

Including a kid up well past their usual bedtime. I did encounter some loud animals, two Asian lionesses, no doubt complaining about their bone-lazy lion. There's a saying that if things get quiet in the jungle, it's because an apex predator is nearby.

which might be a touch confusing when everyone can either hear or smell the lions. On the walking trails, I could get up close to the smaller critters. The Indian crested porcupine is a surprisingly noisy eater, and that sound is the rustling of their coat of quills. Mind you, these are not your happy-go-lucky shoe-sized porcupines. These are the size of medium-sized dogs. The star of the evening turned out to be two Asian small-clawed otters that I've named Bubble and Squeak.

These names are rather onomatopoeic, but come on, they're cute to look at and sound like they're having a brilliant time swimming and clambering over rocks. Unlike most residents here, otters are out and about in Singapore. If you meet any of the estimated 150+ wild otters in Singapore, the best advice is to give them a wide berth. They're pack animals that like to hang out together.

And while an otter on its own doesn't present a threat in the way a pissed off wild boar does, a group of them will work together to shoo away any perceived predators. There have been reports of them biting and scratching people who got too close. And they're infamous for entering landed properties and wiping out a koi pond in minutes. Otters in Singapore have what TikTokers call "pretty privilege". They get away with being very naughty because they look so nice and because they also sound adorable.

You've been listening to Otters Playing. Here is The Night Safari, postcode 729826. Check out this episode's show notes for more information about otters in Singapore and The Night Safari, or visit our website, Catch you on the next episode.