cover of episode Red Packets & Lion Dances

Red Packets & Lion Dances

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#arts#cultural wedding traditions#lottery discussion#animal symbolism#wealth and social networks#east asian family dynamics People
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :新加坡华人新年期间,人们会互送红包,表达对彼此的祝福和对新年的期盼。红包里的现金象征着财富和好运,是新年期间重要的庆祝活动之一。此外,舞狮表演也是新年期间常见的庆祝活动,舞狮队会在各个地方表演,为人们带来喜庆和祥和的气氛。舞狮表演象征着驱邪避凶,祈求来年平安顺利。为了记录一次完整的舞狮表演,我尝试在不同的地点寻找合适的舞狮队进行录制,最终在Marine Parade找到了一个合适的录制地点,成功录制了一段精彩的舞狮表演。除了红包和舞狮,购买彩票也是人们在新年期间寻求好运的一种方式,很多人会购买彩票,希望能中奖获得财富。总而言之,新加坡华人新年期间,红包、舞狮和彩票是三种重要的庆祝方式,它们都与财富、好运和繁荣有关,体现了人们对新年的美好祝愿和期盼。

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Oh, I better get my ong bao, my red packet stuffed with crisp new banknotes to give to this precious child.

Happy Chinese New Year, listeners. This is the time in Singapore when young, unmarried individuals can cash in, especially if they have many married or older relatives. They have to say some variation of the words you just heard, but I would suggest skipping the schoolyard sass. Receiving those lucky red packets filled with cash is one way to make good money during Chinese New Year. Another, which requires more physical effort, is to join a lion dance troupe. Let me explain.

During the 15 days of Chinese New Year celebrations, you can hear lion dances across the island. The lions dance to the powerful beat of a bass drum and cymbals, which helps ward off bad luck and brings prosperity. Every Chinese business owner worth their lo-he will book a lion dance at their office. Most will hire a two-person lion accompanied by two or more percussionists.

Prices this year range from $488 and up, and the performance that that buys is about 10 minutes. Every Lion Dance related episode in this podcast has been incredibly popular, so this year I decided to go all out and find a troupe to record as they performed. But how would I know where to find one? During my research, I discovered a third way to make money during Chinese New Year. Buy a lottery ticket and hope for the jackpot.

The lottery website listed the lion dancers that they'd booked for their various outlets around the city. So I mapped out a few days to find my lion. My first attempt was at a 7-Eleven, where the lottery outlet section is deep inside. It's a neighbourhood 7-Eleven facing out onto the road.

It was deafening, which is great, and I started to get a good vibe. This performance could be a jackpot recording. Then the line went from dancing in the streets to dancing inside, and the rhythm section followed. No dice on this one. I need to try again.

The second attempt was at one of the official lottery outlets in town, a street level of an HDB block. It was a decent spot to record, but the walls were bouncing sound around, making it chaotic. The reflections are just killing this, so let's hope it's a case of third time's a charm. I need to record at an outlet that's street-facing, no walls, and where the musicians set up outside and don't move.

My third and final attempt was Marine Parade. Was it street-facing? Check. Not too many reflective walls? Check. Would the line wander inside? No. It was a dedicated lottery outlet facing right onto the road, and so the crew wouldn't move. Check's complete. Here we go. MUSIC This particular performance ran for nine minutes, so what you're going to hear is a selection of the best bits. MUSIC

You've been listening to Hongba Greetings and Lion Dances. Here is Block 58 Marine Terrace, postcode 440058. Check out this episode's show notes for more information about lion dances and the practice of giving lucky red packets. You can also visit our website Catch you on the next step.