cover of episode Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

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Hear. Here. Singapore.

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#sound healing therapy#sleep#noise sensitivity#mindfulness and meditation People
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :新加坡近期经历了持续不断的降雨,这与往年12月雨量最大,1月天气炎热的规律不同。这种持续降雨带来了许多益处,例如灌溉植物和补充水库水位。此外,持续的雨声也创造了一种宁静祥和的氛围,可以作为一种免费的自然声波疗法,帮助人们放松身心,更容易入睡。夜间气温下降至20摄氏度,虽然对于习惯寒冷气候的人来说不算低,但对于新加坡来说已经算是比较凉爽的天气了。 持续的雨声可以帮助人们放松身心,缓解压力,更容易入睡。这对于那些有睡眠问题的人来说,是一种天然的助眠方法。不需要任何药物或其他辅助工具,只需要聆听雨声,就能获得平静和放松。 为了帮助大家更好地睡眠,我制作了一个长达一小时的雨声播客。这个播客没有结尾总结,而是会逐渐淡出,让听众在雨声中自然入睡。希望这个播客能够帮助大家获得一个良好的睡眠,缓解压力,拥有一个更美好的夜晚。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Over the last few days, it's been raining in Singapore. A lot. Usually, December is the wet month before January resets everything, and we're back to tropical heat. This year, it's been different. Instead, we've been getting varying intensities of rain, and it's non-stop. At night, the rain has created a kind of winter wonderland in Singapore, with temperatures dropping to just 20 degrees.

Now, calling that winter sounds ridiculous to someone in the UK, where they're having sub-zero weather, even in the south. But for us, just north of the equator, 20 degrees Celsius at night means it's time to pull out a sweater and wrap up. Aside from the apparent benefits of watering plants and filling reservoirs, the upshot is that continuous rain is nature's free sonic therapy.

I've made this episode an hour long, so it's long enough for you to use as sleep therapy. There's no wrap-up at the end of the episode. It just fades over a minute to silence. So bookmark this episode when you need assistance for a good night's sleep. I've added some info about the benefits of constant noise for better sleep in the show notes. Catch you on the next app.