Bird Singing enthusiasts have been coming to Ang Mo Kio Garden West since the 70s, bringing their pride and joy to hang on rods as the birds and owners socialise. What started out as a handful of hobbyists is now a space for as many as 1,000 cages for daily gathering of nature's most beautiful singers. Visitors are always welcome at the Kebun Baru Birdsinging Club!
Kebun Baru Birdsinging Club Website)
Kebun Baru Birdsinging Club FB Page))
Kebun Baru Birdsinging Club Press Article #3)
#immersive #3daudio #3dio #hearhere #singapore #telinga #parabolic #parabolicmicrophone #splicecast #kebunbaru #birdsinging #kebunbarubirdsingingclub #angmokio
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