cover of episode 068721 Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (Reissue)

068721 Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls (Reissue)

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AI Deep Dive Transcript
@Christina : 我是Space2B的创始人Christina,我演奏的是炼金水晶唱碗。这些唱碗是由纯净石英以及水晶、宝石和贵金属融合制成的。声音疗愈和冥想是Space2B的核心理念,我们相信声音可以从内而外地改变你。我们致力于通过这些独特的唱碗,带给人们宁静祥和的体验,帮助他们放松身心,找到内心的平静。这些唱碗的声音丰富而饱满,能够深入人心,引发人们内心的共鸣。我们希望通过这次演奏,让更多人体验到水晶唱碗带来的神奇力量,感受声音疗愈的魅力。Space2B是一个充满正能量的集体,我们相信声音的力量,并致力于将这种力量传递给更多的人。我们相信,通过冥想和声音的结合,可以帮助人们提升身心健康,找到内心的平衡与和谐。我们邀请大家关注我们的社交媒体平台和网站,了解更多关于Space2B和炼金水晶唱碗的信息。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

You're listening to Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, performed by Christina, Founder of Space 2B. These bowls are made of pure quartz infused with crystals, gemstones, and precious metals. Space 2B is a collective of mindfulness mentors who share a belief that meditation and sound can transform you from the inside out. Close your eyes feel the richness of the sound waves surround you.

This was recorded with our 3Dio FreeSpace Pro II Binaural Microphone into a Sound Devices MixPre 6ii

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