cover of episode Trump Tariffs = More iPhones from India? MOSK: 11.12.2024

Trump Tariffs = More iPhones from India? MOSK: 11.12.2024

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Mac OS Ken

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Ken Ray (macosken)
Ken Ray (macosken): 分析师预测,特朗普政府可能对中国商品征收高额关税,这将促使苹果公司将部分甚至大部分iPhone生产线转移到印度。目前,苹果公司在印度的年产量约为150亿至160亿美元,专家预测,未来两年内,这一数字可能会增长到每年300亿美元。这一预测基于特朗普政府可能实施的关税政策,以及苹果公司为规避关税而可能采取的策略。虽然苹果公司没有对此发表评论,但经济时报的报道以及专家的分析都指向了这一可能性。

Deep Dive

  • 特朗普威胁对从中国进口的商品征收60%至100%的关税
  • 专家认为,如果特朗普实施这些关税威胁,苹果可能会将大量iPhone生产转移到印度
  • 苹果目前在印度每年生产价值150亿至160亿美元的iPhone

Shownotes Transcript


This is macos can how trump terms could benefit india? The mystery of the rebooting iphones and helping airlines by your lost luggage? That is tuesday, the twelve of november twenty twenty four. I can ay. And this is news from macos can brought to you by yours truly and sponsored by incog me, helping you take back your personal data, get sixty percent of an annual plan with code micro s can at in cognate don't com slash macs can this show was also supported buying people like you patrons through peti on find out more and that your support at patron don't comes flash Michael west, can tariffs telegraph by the incoming trumped administration may quickly grow iphone production in india?

That is the opposition from that country's economic times to just a hunch, though likely not a bad one, the report says the president elect threatened to impose tariff s of sixty percent to one hundred percent on goods imported from china during his campaign. In light of that, the report says experts believe that have trump Carries out the terror threats against chinese exports to the us, apple could not look at shifting in additional large volume of iphone production to india. Cino company currently sees fifteen billion to sixteen billion dollars where the video ones produced in in the upper year.

Officials and experts tell the economic times that apple could rap that up to thirty billion annually over the next two years. Those experts, by the way, non ya and bees wax, they spoke to the paper on condition of onyx ity, which is more than apple did. The colbert, no company did not respond to the paper s request for comment.

What is an inactivity rebow IT is apparently something iphone are doing under I O S. eighteen. Not one. But you seriously didn't not hear that from apple.

A story last week had police officers and detroit suggesting that locked and power down iphones were secretly telling each other to reboot sound thinking. So I ignored that story. Now, a bees from nine to five that explained what was and is actually happening. The report has security researcher just a class and on master on calling attention to the so called inactivity reboard. This is a feature that the peace says is designed to automatically repotted iphone if IT hasn't been unlocked within a certain period of time.

Nine to five mac has carlia founder Chris wait saying in a report from four four media that the period of time is more than four days without being used nine to five max as the feature wilt, ward, theeves and other bad actors, police say IT towards while the police. After a reboot, the peace explained, an iphone will enter the before first unlock state and become significantly harder to unlock. And what's has apple on the issue? A big bag of a usual nothing.

Apple hasn't commented on this change according to nine to five mac. That said, the piece says interested parties can view the relevant code changes in IOS eighteen on github. New week, new round of O S beta for developers mac rumors rana peace monday saying apple inc. To the third developer bas of I O S teen dot two, I bet O S eighteen dot two and macos coia fifteen dot two to the developing crew.

Those were accompanying by the second developer, betas of water O S eleven dt to TV O S eighteen dot to and homework dds software eighteen, not two members in apple's public testing program can likely expect corresponding beta today or tomorrow if you want to be ready in for is waiting at beta dot apple dot calm. Apple has announce a few new partnerships that I do to find my service available in monday's I O S eighteen dot two beta. The company issued a press release on the upcoming feature share adam location.

Apple describes that as a new I O S picture that helps users locate and recover misplace items by easily and securely sharing the location of an air tag. Find my network accessory with third parties such as airlines. Kind of awesome, huh? We paid the airlines fifty dollars per check bag.

And then because we're nice, I guess we also keep track of our bags for them. You have got to be may the way release describes that users can generate a share item location link and to find my APP on their iphone, ipad or mac. Recipients of the link will be able to view a website that shows the location of the item on an interactive map.

The website will automatically update when a new location is available and will show a time stamp of the most recent update. Apple says over fifteen airlines will started accepting find my item locations in the coming months. Among them are the always dirty sounding airlines, air canada, british airways, delta, klm, love tons, qantas, virgin atlantic and the host of others.

More news in the moment. But first, the world today sponsor in cognate helping you take back your personal data, taking IT back from data brokers, companies that compile info about all of us, then sell that for all kinds of uses, like targeting us with ads and spam. Plus, having our info in so many places leaves us more vulnerable to identity effect and other criminal activity.

You can ask those browsers to take your info down, but do you know who they are? And then I have that kind of time. That's what's great about in cognition. They do all of that, and they do repeated by checking my personal incognito ash board.

Of the nearly two hundred requests they have sent on my behalf, well over one hundred have been completed, while over thirty of those have my info on their suppression list. That means they will never recollect any personal information that couldn't be associated with me, all thanks to an cognate. And they can do IT for you to make an account, give them permission to work on your behalf and and cognition goes to work.

Yeah, might feel strange giving them your information, but your information is already out there in cognate helps you take IT back. So do IT take your personal data back within. Get sixty percent of an annual plan with code macos can at in cognate dot com flash macos can they got plans for individuals as well as plans to cover friends and family, and they come with the thirty day money back guarantee.

I N C O G N I join the huge community people of control over their personal data with in cognate. Get sixty percent of an annual plan with code micro s can at incognito t com flash Michael west can. If you're wondering what will goose subscriptions to apple TV plus, this show will not be yet, but you will appreciate my use of the word goose in a moment.

The covert o video streamer issued a press least monday announcing a new nature docu series the secret lives of animals goods get IT. According to the release, the secret lives of animals highlighted ty seven evening species and twenty four countries over three years, revealing stunning, never before seen animal behaviors and highlighting their remarkable and legend of the natural world. Lending his voice for narrow is the earl of grantham himself, huber abel, he linked from the acclaim ed BBC studios s natural history unit IT seems the entirety of the ten part series will hit apple TV plus on wednesday, the eighteen of december.

I need new music thing for a very few of you. Part one, those are you supporting? An apple vision pro can head into the weekend with the weekend a blue B R, says the musician apple emersion ve.

Video music experience releases for the handset this thursday, the fourteen th of november. For those who have not had the pleasure, the p of the apple immersive video format is one hundred eighty degree video with eighty resolution stereos. Pic three, the high dynamic range and spatial audio IT served in the apple TV that a much higher bit rate than many other immersive video platforms.

According to the report, apple says the experience will let consumers journey alongside the weekend through a surreal hunting cityscape in this electrifying sonic boy edge. Well, IT makes not like a lot of work for a very small number of viewers. Folks don't have the own one to take part, the peas says.

The committee plans to play the weekends immersive music experience in retail locations that offer vision pro demos. Fittingly, the weekend demos start on friday, the fifteenth of november. And finally, today, a need new music thing for a very few of you. Part two, what do tone deafness and apple music haven't common?

A four hundred fifty dollar hard backbone, nine to five max says the streaming music service celebrating its eighth year, if memory serves, has announced that its publishing a hard cover book to commemorate the one hundred best albums ever, at least the streamer compiled earlier this year, with the release limited to fifteen hundred copies. The peace says the books are housed and sleep transparent acquit slip cases, each individually edged with this addition number ninety five max, as there are ninety seven included illustrations, meaning three of the albums won't have any art to know with them. It's got afford by zane low, though.

And you say to yourself, wow, how do they get him? If the website for the publisher, ocean, is to be believed, the books are all hand bound. As somebody who has doubled in that for the past year, I know that, that can be time consuming and you can certainly run up the cost if you're not careful.

That said, a four hundred fifty dollar book in a harden plastic case from the second most valuable company on the planet, which prides itself on environmental attentiveness and leaving the world Better than IT found IT kind of leaves a bad taste still. If that's your jam jam on IT apple music, one hundred best albums is available for free order now. It's expected to ship by the end of this month.

Michael s. Can, brought to you by me and sponsored by in cognate, get sixty percent of an annual plan with code macos can at in cognate dot com. Ash, Michael s.

Can this, he was also supported by people like you, patrons through patron, find out more and that your support at on dot com flash macos can advertising handled by backbeat media online, the back beat media dot come, you can reach me a couple of ways, info at macos cannot com or call seven one six seven eight zero, four zero eight zero. Until next time that is news from macs can. I can, ray.
