This is macos ka apple .
services grilled in china and the eu, fixing today's machines and designing tomorrows and the big bang beter parade rules on IT is wednesday, the thirteen of november twenty twenty four? I can ray. And this is news from macos can brought to you by yours truly and sponsored by an cognate, helping you take back your personal data, get sixty percent of an annual plan with code micro s can at in cognitive don't come flash macos can. This show is also supported by people like you, patrons through patron, find out more in that your support and patron don't come as macos canon.
A story out .
of china that seems to have sort of buried the lead, no matter who was telling IT bloomberg ratifies, highlighted by both apple three dot o and mac rumors, according to boat telling, the chinese court is currently hearing a case over a nap from beijing body reader, the APP, a children's posture correction APP was removed from the APP store in twenty twenty.
According to the report, MC rumor says the developer notes that after their original APP was removed, they successfully published an identical APP under a different name, which remains available on the APP store based IT seems on that the report has beijing body reader arguing the apples enforcement of upstart policies is inconsistent. Macomer says the developer is seeking monetary damages equivalent to four hundred twenty thousand dollars us, an apology and a court declaration that apple engages an unfair monopolistic behavior. The developers also requested that apple be required to allow third party up stores and external payment links.
See if it's me. I maybe leaving with that last part. There's a case currently before the court in china looking to force apple to open the store the way we've been forced to open the in the E.
U. I guess that's why I make that not so big box. The closed door hearings began last week and could rap in this week, according to the report. Speaking of the eu tech, ron says there's a new massive trouble for apple in the european union.
According to the site, the iphone maker is being accused of unlawfully discriminating against consumers by applying restrictions on how several of its media services can be accessed around the block. That's bloc, not Jenny from the the piece says the european commission and the consumer protection CoOperation or cpc network or investigating access restrictions by member nations in the european union. This is not so much.
Some movies or books are available in the U. S. So why not france? Rather is more, what does the consumer in france have to buy from the french APP store using a payment method issued in the haxey gon? According to the report, issues being brought to the four were flagged to the geo blocking in belgium, germany and ireland related to apple's apple store, apple arcade, apple music, the itunes store, apple books and apple podcasts.
The issues are said to include different interfaces for apple media services in different eu and european economic area countries that cannot be changed by the user, locking them to the interface shown in the country where the device was registered, restrictions on payment methods for making purchases using apple media services. Again, the company only allows users to use a card issue in the country where their apple account was registered and limitations on up store downloads. Users cannot access the local APP store from other countries, which means they can access apps offered elsewhere, such as when traveling or during a temporary stay in another member state, the cpc network's says.
The eu geo blocking regulation prohibits unjustified discrimination between eu customers on the basis of their nationality, residents or place of establishment when they want to buy goods and services from traders located in a different member state. If found in violation, tech grant says penalties can reach up to four percent of apples. Global annual turn over apple has one months to apply to the network's findings and proposed commitments to address the issues, according to the report.
All hail .
the return of readable storage, says part of a headline from I fix IT that without a practically obligatory as rescue, some other way of saying kind dob. The headline was over the self for parasite to mac many twenty twenty four teeth down. The praise heap was tied to the board on which the SSD sets of the new machine not being sold red in.
Of course, there is another blocked up training is the one we discussed here earlier this week. While the car comes out with a relative ease, there is currently nothing with which to replace IT, at least nothing most consumers can get their hands on. This being apple says I fixed the S, S, D.
Proprietary format makes after market upgrades tRicky. That said, the same thing you're used parts should hit the shelves soon between the easily removable S S D, the modulate front ports and repair manuals made available on launch day. I fix that gives the twenty twenty four m for mac many line a respectable seven out of ten provisional reparative score.
From fixing the machines of today to designing the machines of tomorrow appears from venture beats as IT land his own. George attack has joined the new silicon initiative, a specialized engineering program put together by apple. According to the report, the school says its electrical and computer engineering students will now benefit from an expanded tape out to silicon curriculum and have the apple engineers to Better prepare for a career in hardware engineering.
Now in its fifth year, venture beat says apple started the new silicon initiated in twenty nineteen. George tack is now the eight university to be part of the program, according to the report. More news in the moment, but first, a warning.
Today's sponsor in cognate helping you take back your personal data. I cannot name any data brokers, okay? I can't name any. The point is there are hundreds of data brokers out there who know who we are, and they are making a boatload selling information about us to advertisers, insurance companies.
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I N C O G N I join the huge community of people who have control over their personal data within cognitive, sixty percent of an annual plan with code macco s can and incognito come slash mo s can. Good news, apple music classical listeners, next time you were broke down on the highway, you can also be brought down on the highway. Ee download blogs as apple has released a native apple music classical APP for car play months after car place support briefly appeared in a previous version.
I won't play that hallelujah thing from being to, and but I don't have the rights. Updated data this week for public testing peeps as well as developers for the first group, a piece for mac rumors as application, the second data of I O S and ipad O S, eighteen down two, as well as Michael as fifteen down to to the public testing crew. Those are the ones that include jan mogi image playground and ChatGPT and integration with theory, among other features.
People in the public testing program, the usual game is on people who would like to join in the fund can do so at beta, at apple dot com. Now if you wanted to do the beta thing because you don't know how long it'll be before you get the public release under a month, is the latest rumors, flash speculation pieces all over on tuesday, including another from mac rumors seen monday, the month of december, as a likely released date. The report says that dates based on a recent notice that british Carry your E, E provided to its customers.
In the notice E, E, is that IT will be discontinuing an iphone feature known as wifi calling on other supported eyecup connecting devices on the sixth of december. That option disappeared in the second I O S eighteen to develop by the released last week. Now behind the developing wall, we go where we find another report for mac rumors holding the second beta permission O S to dot two.
This is the one that brings the wide and ultra wide options for abp mac virtual display. No, there will not be a public beta, but yes, that should also be out on the night of december, assuming the restaurant out on the night of december, a story for apple vision pro users in the U. K.
So i'm pretty much talking to none of you. But on the off chance, a piece from nine to five max as the kings goggle wearing subjects have a new TV dreaming up to check out. According to the report, channel four has launched a dedicated up for apple's spatial computer, making IT the first broadcaster in the U.
K. To do so. IT works about this. One would expect channel force says programing is viewable in a ground breaking cinema's yle full screen viewing experience overlaid on the viewers real life environments such as the walls of a living rome.
Additionally, there's a viewing space where users to use while using the APP channel for is offering include an immersive environment that takes the users to the set of the channel for show task master, according to the report. And finally, today, from the california attack giant that keeps naming its global products after places in california, a comes a show about a fAllen tech giant. Probably a piece from variety says that looks like lena dunham is writing a script for apple and eight twenty four focused on sam bank man fried.
Donna is best known for the H P O series girls, while bank man free is best known for fraud to the tune of billions and not the h bo series. I think IT was H P O. anyway. The upcoming script is said to be based on going infinite.
The rise and fall of a new tycoon book, the variety says, delves into the spectacular ascension and equally spectacular implosion of the cypher currency exchange and hedge bon F T X, as well as IT founder sam bank, man for eat, the books publisher, says the title takes readers into the mind of bankin freed, whose rise and fall of his education and high frequency trading, crypto currencies, philanthropy, bankruptcy in the justice system apple series won't be the only take on the F T X rq. Variety says amazon actually ordered a limited series based on the events back in twenty twenty two. Another streamers also said to be prepping another limited series on the topic, according to the report.
Michael s. Can brought to you by me and sponsored by an cognette sixty percent of an annual plan with code macco west can at in codi dot com slash mo west can.
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com lash macos can advertising handle by back beat media online at back beat media dot com. You can reach me a couple of ways. Info at macs cana com seven one, seven eight zero, four zero, eight zero. Until next time that is news from macao s can. I can't ray.
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