cover of episode HOT 190: Operating Systems & Passkeys Follow Up - Kindle Sync, WiFi Connectivity, Location Settings

HOT 190: Operating Systems & Passkeys Follow Up - Kindle Sync, WiFi Connectivity, Location Settings

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Mikah Sargent
Mikah Sargent: 针对Kindle设备和应用之间书籍不同步的问题,Mikah Sargent提出了一系列的排查和解决方法。首先,他建议检查并更新Kindle应用到最新版本,因为Amazon同时支持旧版和新版应用,旧版应用可能存在同步问题。如果更新应用后问题仍然存在,他建议用户尝试注销并重新登录Amazon账户,这有时可以解决同步问题。如果以上方法无效,他建议用户使用Hazel或CleanMyMac等工具彻底卸载Kindle应用,清除应用缓存,然后重新安装。最后,他还建议用户检查Kindle设备的网络连接是否正常,并重启设备。 Mark: Mark描述了他在使用Kindle Paperwhite和多个安装了Kindle应用的苹果设备时遇到的同步问题。他表示,即使在每个应用上都启用了同步功能,但在一个设备上阅读的进度也不会反映到其他设备上,导致他需要不断查找正确的章节或页面。他尝试过一些方法,但都没有解决问题,因此向Mikah Sargent寻求帮助。

Deep Dive

  • Amazon发布了新版本的Kindle应用,建议用户更新到最新版本。
  • 重新登录Amazon账户有时可以解决同步问题。
  • 彻底删除并重新安装Kindle应用可以解决一些缓存问题。

Shownotes Transcript


Coming up on hands on tech, you have provided some great questions. We talk about kindle. We talk about microsoft and windows. We talk about wifi issues. We get so much today on episode of hands on tech stated, this is twit.

Hello and welcome, two hands on tech. My name is Michael sergeant and IT is time once again for us to convene no that yes, guess we gather. We gather together and we have the opportunity to hear some great questions and hopefully provide some help answers to those great questions that the goal anyway, uh this of course is the show where you can also ask questions if you'd like, you send those to H O T at tweet T V.

And as the show has gone on, i've forgotten so many more, uh, questions pouring in and they have all been wonderful. So if you've had a question you've been going, oh, I don't know if I should ask that. I don't know maybe you've answered IT before IT as a matter you can ask your question.

I love to answer your question so send IT an H O T at twitter A T V. And thanks to those of you have bravely uh chosen that moment of vulnerability by reaching out and asking your question. So without further to you, I think IT is time that we tackle the questions.

The first question this week comes in from mark and mark rights. I have a kindle paper White and several apple devices with the kindle APP installed, but none of them are in sink with each other. I have, I have, think, enable on each APP.

But if I read a book on one, it's never reflected on the others, and I have to find the right chapter or page constantly. Nothing i've researched about this is proven beneficial. So i'm hopefully you can help thank you in advance for any assistance you may provide.

Mark, great question. This is actually issue that I have had in the past. And the first thing that I want to mention is that amazon has actually released a newer version of the kindle APP on different devices, but continue to provide support for the legacy version of the kindle APP.

So the first thing that I would recommend that you do is on the different to apple devices that you have go to the APP store. And this is going to sound of weird at first. But stick with me. You're going to go to the APP store and you're going to type in amazon and then you're going to spend the amazon APP and you'll know it's the amazon APP because you probably already have IT installed.

So you'll see the little instead of get button, you will see the open button beneath that in the section where IT tells the rating for the APP, IT tells the a the the actual c reviews for the APP. You're going to scroll over until you see who is made by which, in cases, amazon and tap on that, that will bring you to amazon's s developer page. And what this has is all of the apps that amazon has released into the APP store, then find the kindle version and make sure that you have the newest kindle APP in the APP store if you don't download that logged in and see if that fixes your issue.

Now if that does not fix your issue, the next step is a little bit trouble shooting. Are you said that you had tried some different things. You have done some research.

There is one thing that you can do that kind of annoying um but may work for you and that is to simply sign out of your amazon account on those apple devices and then sign back in uh, I remember you saying in the email that you had tried some different sort of reset options, but you didn't mention signing out and signing back in. So that is one thing that can sometimes kick things into the proper gear. If getting making sure that you have the right APP isn't working, maybe you do have the right APP and uh, signing on, signing in doesn't work.

Your next step is to actually delete the APP on your apple devices. Now IT is not as simple as doing a simple uninstall. No, we're onna take things a little bit further. So typically on a on an apple device on, uh, mac west, for example, to remove the kindle APP, all you have to do or work to move any APP or if to do is right click on IT and delete IT right like can choose to move to the trash, use the the keyboard shortcuts to delete IT or drag IT to the trash that is not what you're going to do if you are trying to get up to this on mac us instead, what you're going to do is use a tool like hazel, which I uh.

Which we will link to in the showing tes, or clean my mac, which we will also link to in the show notes in which for which I have a review about and you're going to use that to actually remove this APP. And the reason why I say that is because these apps have actual um cashes and these caches will include information for amazon to kind of pull from to try to figure out what think what's not my guess is there's some sort of cash issue here that is keeping these devices from thinking properly. Once you've done that, then you will reinstall the APP and see if IT updates to the proper place that the thinking is in place.

If none of that works, then I would say you probably need to double check, triple check quite group check that you are kindle apple White is indeed connected to your network and is therefore um sending along that sink information to the servers so that I can sink to those different devices. Um if you are looking at the APP on your iphone somewhere else, obviously hazle and clean my mac or not going to remove IT there. In that case, yes, you need to delete the APP, but then what you need to do is a full on reboot of the device.

So with your iphone or your ipad, you want to delete the APP and then reboot IT h and then go from there, as opposed to just simply tapping, holding and deleting the APP, which can leave some of the craft behind. So all of those things mix them in the park, kind to take the step by step by step. Fingers crossed.

That is going to solve IT. mark. If that doesn't solve IT, please do feel free to reach out.

Let me know. And we can go from there because that will become quite the cannon. And of course, any of you out there have kindle devices and you've had sink issues.

I IT similar to this. Also feel free to let me know. We can kind of work together to figure out what the heck is going on. Um my sink issues have always had to do with the, 呃, the feature where an audio book version of an APP will sink with the text version of the APP and so you can listen to an audio book and then you can open that title on a different device and IT is opposed to sink the text version to that place.

I've had some trouble there where the things don't get updated, but that one makes a little more sense because IT is going from audible over to kindle versus this works just kindle to kindle. So you d think that, that would be a little bit simpler and that there wouldn't be an issue there. So that is something to bear in mind.

And again, reach out if you have a if you continue to have trouble after that. And also, mark, please do let me know if one of those things solves IT for you. It's always helpful because then if somebody else, the issue, we can let them know as well.

All right, this next question comes in from john and chat. I would love for you to check in with your thoughts on this. Uh, john has given us an interesting problem, uh, because john has very particular needs and we love that because IT makes things a little bit easier to narrow down what exactly is needed, says, I am a long time windows user who has skipped windows eleven.

I see that windows ten is going out of support. So I need a new O S. platform. I want a stable O S that permits me to run microsoft office.

I have little need for the ever rearranging of the user interface that microsoft cycles through every few years. So windows twelve is unlikely to please thoughts on a stable user interface platform that will support microsoft office, oh, and not apple. So john a, this is a great question, and IT is one that I I am going to kind of go two ways with IT.

Uh, first, you need to know that if you want to court quote, install the microsoft, three, six, five, sweet, you have two options. You have windows and you have my us. But because you don't want windows and you don't want, as you said, not apple, you don't want apple, uh, there are some other options for you.

Your first option is the option that we recommend to a user who is maybe not supervised in how uh, the underlying technology of the device works. And that is getting a chrome book. Uh, if you get a chrome book, you can use the microsoft sweet, uh, called microsoft six five by going to office stot com.

So you would just use your microsoft office sweet online. Uh, that means though, john, that you do have to have a microsoft six, five subscription. So john, if you have an older version of microsoft office, you ve installed IT via disks or something like that.

You chrome book is not going to do IT for you. And Frankly, neither is the next suggestion, which I will provide in just a moment. But with a chrome book, you are basically using a more powerful web browser at all times.

And the good thing about that is most of your data is not stored on the device, which means that you can kind of pick up and go from anywhere. If you lose the device, you you still get access to your data is set a lots of people have lots of success using office stock com on a chrome book and having no issues there. Now there is another option, and that is using linux ah the flavor that I have used and would suggest for someone who is maybe not a linux power user is a low a flavor called pop O S.

Pop O S IT feels like a user interface you'd be familiar with. Um IT gets updates, but it's not ever rearranging like microsoft does with theirs. And once again, you can use microsoft three, six, five via office dot com.

Now that said, there are some methods available out there for installing microsoft office on your actual machine as opposed to just using office stock com. In fact, a the wonderful ret kn in the chat has provided a youtube but link talking about installing microsoft office on linux mint. And so you can try that.

Uh, so if you use the linux mint distribution, which is another option that is pretty popular among non power users who made at one point become links power users, then that could be a way for you to go about the as well. So there are a few options out there for you, john. But I think the most important thing understand is that.

If you are looking for the sort of classic easy to use, easy to install microsoft office, you've really got windows and you've got macos as your options from there. Things get a little more complicated, but there is some you know opportunity sort of speak for those other options. So chrome book or linux distribution in in either of those cases, it's not hard to just got a office at calm can use the tools there.

And they are microsoft has done a good job, I have to say, of making the online office sweet, very powerful. So you're not giving up a whole lot by using IT VS using into the local versions. Um but that said, I can understand, john, given how much you say this is what I need, that might not be something that appeals to you. And as Joshua on youtube points out or no, I said I was greg on youtube who says, I wonder why john needs to use office IT sounds like he uses no other software. There are alternatives to microsoft office.

So john, if you could if you could bear IT, if you could possibly allow IT um then you know there are other options out there and you could use something like google, a suite of tools, google workspace, or although you don't want to watch the apple, you can use apple sweet I work or you could use library office ah which is a free version that is available just by default on on ice and say by default is easy to use on linux. So those are some different options for you, john um and I would love to hear from you on what you end up going with. And if one of those works for you, library office is pretty popular among many a user so oh, and that's a good point heth's five twelve in the chat who says, remember that library office works on windows so what you could do, john, is go ahead and grab library office um which will link to in the shower notes as well.

Give IT a go see how that works for you. See if you could make that change and if you can then hey, you're good to go. You can use IT on your up upcoming device whatever happens to be because you'll know that IT works on linux r or you know whatever tool you choose to go with.

All right. So yeah, that's an opportunity to kind of give IT a test right now, see if that works for you and then make that switch as you'd like. Our next question comes in from Dylan. But before we get to that, I do want to take just a little tiny moment here to remind you about club twit, a twitter TV such club to for just seven dollars a month, you out there can join the club. And when you do, you gain access to some pretty awesome things.

I'm going to talk about those pretty awesome things, but I want to tell you about a pretty awesome thing we are doing right now, which is offering three months, is IT weeks, months? I can't remember we're offering a free time. Is is I think IT, it's two weeks.

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To those of you who are club with members who are listening now and listening to this speed, who are going, i'm already part of the club 啊。 To those of you who have yet to join, now is your opportunity to check IT out. I think you're going to be really excited about the sort of back catalogue of content you gain access to when you join the club because there's a lot of IT.

Ah so we love to have you there again twitter TV slash club to IT or if you're watching, there's a look, your code in the top left corner of the screen. Thank you so much for uh, being members are considering being members are trying IT out for those two weeks free and let's head back to the show. All right, our next question comes in from Dylan, Dylan rights.

I have this very annoying wifi issue on windows eleven. Do I hope you can fix? Well done.

I hope I can fix IT tute. Every once in a while, my wifi disconnects. Usually this happens multiple times per day when I try to reconnect IT.

IT won't connect unless I completely restart the PC. This has been an issue for a while, but with the latest twenty four h two update, IT seems to be significantly worse. Most days I will have to restart five to ten times per day.

I'm using a surface laptop five, that is dog with a surface dock two. Interestingly, I also have a surface book to with the same exact set up and no issues running twenty four h two. I looked around online and found a bunch of people with the same issue, going all the way back to the twenty tens with windows ten.

A lot of suggestions, but everyone in the threads always say nothing worked to fix the issue. I tried the basic, obvious stuff, like the leading, the SSID, and I even did a complete wipe and reinstall on the PC of fresh cloud install and issue persists. Any insights would be super helpful.

I'm sure you can imagine how frustrating this is. And lastly, Dylan says getting a hard wired connection is not possible at this time. So if you were gonna suggest a hardwired connection, too bad because that won't work fair.

Um so Dylan, we have heard about this issue in the past. Uh people with their windows machines disconnecting and reconnecting or having to completely restart everything IT is an issue. Are you not alone? And as you saw in the threats, you are not alone, but there are some things that we've recommended and we've recommended these things in the past.

We haven't heard from those people again saying that none of the stuff that we suggested uh worked given that um there is there are a couple of things that you should try uh first and foremost one trouble shooting step to try is checking out microsoft windows um power saving features so heading into your windows settings and see what power saving features you have enabled and consider disabling them all a if you have them all disabled and you're going about your business and um you suddenly have no drops, then you know that there is some sort of power saving feature that's getting in the way. Sometimes the machine will try to save power by uh disconnecting the what basically like turning off the wifi adapter whenever you are whenever he thinks that you're not connecting to the internet or that you don't need the internet connection. And that has been something in the past that has been an issue.

But if that doesn't work, um another trouble shooting step that people are suggesting. I think this is a great option is to try booting the machine. If you can, if you know how, you can also do some research, try booting the machine from linux. Thank you. Work on for the suggestion.

If you if you built IT from linux and you have no issues where it's disconnecting all the time, reconnecting all the time, then you know that it's something to do with windows itself and its not the actual wifi card in your machine that's causing the issue or chip probably in in your machine that's causing the issue. So you can least narrow IT down a little bit and try to solve IT from there. Um another suggestion is to make sure that the drivers are up to date.

I have a feeling, Dylan, based on the fact that you've done your research on this and you have kind of looked around that you've probably done that. But just in case, uh, head in your settings to see what wifi adapter you're using and then find out the the the latest drivers that are available for that device. Someone is suggesting that you could also, if the built in device is not working, use an extern wifi adapter temporarily.

And so what you can do with that is you can buy one 啊 on amazon, plugging via U. S. B, and then tried out.

And if that one has no issues connecting to the internet and stay connected to the internet, then once again, you know that there's something wrong with the wifi adapter within your device. At that point, you could reach out to microsoft support and say, hey, here are all of the things that I tried. This is, at this point, a hardware issue, and I want distinct t fix.

So there is every chance that there could be something wrong with the hardware of the device. Uh, and doing these different trouble shooting steps can kind of help you narrow IT down and figure IT out. On top of that, if you, if you are having issues and you figure out that using a wifi, extra wifi, um it's still happening or booting violin ux.

It's I mean all these other trouble ot steps you do first, you may head to your router at that point and you may check out on your router a couple of things. One thing to do. That I always do when i'm having issues, being able to connect um with the device so that the devices like dropping off the network a lot is I will set a static I P for that device.

So I have uh some lights in my set up that are uh wifi addressable. So the only way to control them is via wifi. And in the past, i've had them drop off the network.

And so then i'm not able to turn them off like i've just done and turn them back on again like i've just done. And if I, you know having trouble controlling them, well, that's a problem. So I said static I P addresses for them and that seem to fix the issue from that point on.

My devices were always able to find them on the network, and I didn't have, you know, problems with that discovery. So in that case, what you might do, Dylan, is find out the rather a model name for whatever rather you use. And then you can just do a simple search query online.

But they use google as thing else, set static IP on in the new use of the model name here. At that point, you'll get some, uh, you know, step by step instructions for how to properly set a static I P for a device and see if that solves the issue. If that doesn't solve the issue, there's one other thing and that is that there are a lot of devices um and this is the thing your your PC is new enough.

That shouldn't be an issue, but it's still worth trying. Um W P A three is a new security protocol on routers and firm where is rolling out that is enabling W P A three because that is more secure. But there are some legacy devices that do not play nice with W P A three.

And I have had connectivity issues with W P A three enabled, especially with smart home devices. And so that could be an issue as well. You can turn off, uh, W, P, A, three temporarily and see if you have those issues.

So ultimately, they don. What I can provide here are a bunch of different trouble shooting steps to try. Don't do them all at once.

Your goal is to try them out one at a time and see you know kind of data collect and figure out what's causing the issue uh throughout throughout the system. So again, um first try turning off the power saving features on the machine. Use the machine if it's still connecting, disconnecting, then you know it's not the power saving features that are causing the problem.

At that point, you can try booting via linux and seeing if you have an issue, then if you don't, then you know what something to do with windows. Uh, if that doesn't solve the problem, then you can, well, you narrow IT down to the problem, then you can buy a cheap, uh, external wifi adapter and connect via that external wifi adapter. And then you know there's something wrong with the internal wifi adapter.

So that kind of narrows, sit down as well and then you can try setting a static I P for the device on your router and making adjustments to W P A three uh at which case um you are able to the narrow IT down that way two ah and see that IT is something to do with the router as supposed to bring something to do with your machine itself. So still there those are themselves to try, uh again, try them one at a time. And of course, as always, H R T A tweet that T V to get back to me.

Uh and we can see if any of that worked for you. All right. Our next question comes in from robbie, who writes, is there a way to have a reminder or a list open up when I walk into a particular store, say, I have a shopping list or reminder list to get bread, eggs, USB, keyboard and socks.

Can my iphone be smart enough to realize if I walk into a grocery store to pop up a reminder by the eggs and a bread, if I walk to best buy pop up in a reminder that I needed to buy a keyboard, if I walked in a costco o maybe realized that storm may Carry everything and reminded to buy eggs, bread, keyboard and socks. Uh, robby is not that good. Wouldn't be great if IT was that good.

And no, so you're gonna to do some kind of front end work with that. First and foremost, one thing that you can do is right in the reminders APP on IOS, uh, you are able to set reminders that are location based. So you can say when I arrive to, uh, this store, pop up that reminder, telling me that I should buy eggs, that I should buy bread um you can say when I arrive to costco, then pop open the reminder that I need to buy this, this, this and this ah that's easy to do all within the reminders APP.

You just set a location based reminder if you want to have a specific list open up. Uh, when you go to a place that's also very easy to do this time though, you use the shortcuts APP. So on IOS, you launched the shortcuts APP.

And i'm not going to be showing this on screen because IT involves wait to many location things and then my locations going to be uh shown. But um you launched the short cut APP and plus I want to to be mindful of people who are just listening to this. So we're all going to use our imagination or maybe you will plus t your phone right along with me.

Uh, you launched the shortcuts APP down at the bottom of the screen. You'll see shortcuts that you'll see automation and you'll see gallery. You choose automation.

Then you hit the plus icon in the top right corner of the screen and you will see a thing. The pops of this is personal automation. You say, uh, oh, what I want to do is run in automation when I arrive at a location.

So you tap on, arrive, then you choose the location. So in this case, you would choose costco, for example. So you type into the search uh term, you type costco wholesale. And down to the bottom you'll see a little map that pops up with a blue circle that has a little uh, radius coming out from. That little radius up is adjustable.

So you can say I wanted to be right when i'm on top of costco or maybe it's right as i'm arriving on the roads leading up to costco so you can shrink or grow that circle based on footage. So it's three hundred and twenty eight feet for me at the smallest and then up to eight hundred fifty feet or more at the largest. And then you tapped done.

So you've chosen costco, for example. And then what's greatest that you can kind of filter this down even more, you can say, when I arrive at costco at any time or within a specific time range. So when I arrive at costco from nine m to five P M, for example, working one to five, it's going to make a living.

And then you want to choose, in this case, Robin, you want to choose, run immediately. So run after confirmation means that up or pop notification that says i've detected that you have arrived at costco, do you went around the automation? You don't want that you just want to reminder list to pop up automatically, so you will choose run immediately.

Uh, i've chosen any time in this case because I think robby, maybe you go to costco, no P M, maybe you go six A M, I don't know what time costco opens up ah then you'll tap next from here, you're going to choose new blank automation. So when I arrive at costco wholesale, do a new blank automation. We are onna create IT.

After you do that, it's very simple in search actions, or rather search actions. Uh, tap on that and start to type in the word reminders. When you do that up will pop the reminders APP IT.

Tap on the reminders s APP and IT shows you a whole list of things that are available within reminders. What you want to choose from. There is open reminders list.

When you tap on that, a little action will appear in this, a automation that says open, and then IT says reminders next to IT, you tap on reminders, which is highlighted in a light blue color and you pick the specific list. So in this case, you maybe you have a costco list, right? Um and remember that these lists can be smart lists. So robby, what you can do on the front end of this is you can create a smartness called costco that says, if I tag this reminder with hashtag costco, then add IT to this list so then in the case of u robby, um you may have a grocery list that the smart list that says, if it's tagged with grocery, I get from there.

If it's tagged with, uh, best buy, I get IT from there so what you would do is if you have, for example, uh, let's say you have keyboard and eggs that you are creating reminders for eggs you would tag with grocery and you would tag with costco because, you know you can get up there that's gone to put the eggs reminder in your grocery smart list and it's going to put the eggs reminder in your costco smart list. Then you have keyboard that's gonna tagging best buy and costco, you know pop IT into the best by list. You will pop IT into the costco list.

Then from there are whenever you create this um automation, you say when I arrive at costco wholesale, pull up my costco list because it's a smart list IT will pop up the one for eggs, the one for keyboard and then you have that those reminders available to you. So literally as you are either walking into the store, if you have that that radio set to a smaller amount or uh if you know driving up to IT, if you have a set to a larger mt, this reminders list is actually going to launch on your phone and pop pet right into that reminders list. So this is a great way to do IT.

But again, IT just requires a little bit of front end work on your behalf of robby. So it's not a smart sort of speak as you might want, but that will work if you're willing to put in the work. Uh, I will I will do with you after.

So I think it's worth IT um and it's something that honestly, robby, you've inspired me a little bit to do uh myself. I think that's A A pretty cool feature that you know you won't forget what you're looking for. But again, I also won't remind you that reminders itself has some built in functionality where you can say when I arrive at a location, please remind me about this item in this item, for example.

All right, our next question comes in from Stephen. Uh, Steven heard our conversation about uh, parkies and has some thoughts on that and some questions here. So Stephen rights, I worry about switching over to pass keys because currently IT is very difficult to transfer package or make back up copies of package if the device containing my package is lost or stolen.

Not all places support password managers, allowing you to store your passes either. Also, if pakis are lost, there has to be some sort of way to recover your account, which makes the account insecure anyway. So what is the point of package over user names and passwords? IT just seems very complicated and not well fought out, and it's why I don't want to change. And I missing something here.

Should I just wait until things are Better figured out? Or should I jump on this now because IT is more secure? Stephen, all fair concerns and my immediately advice to you is, why not wait? Why not wait for things to be a little bit more ironed out, right? Um that's how I felt about IT as well in terms of the the the waiting for things to be really well ironed out.

Um IT is still a newer technology. These things take a while to A A to sort of to find the issues with them, to get all that I earned out before. IT is a solid choice and I respect that, Steven. Um when IT comes to the ability to transfer pass keys, that is actually a new a part of the specification that is just uh then sort of finalized and and introduced um I just had someone actually two people from the fight of alliance on technical weekly interviewed both of them to talk about the new paquin's portability spects and so you can handle that episode ook A T V S H T N W to check IT out 啊。 But IT is uh all about making IT.

So that past that you create, for example with the with your apple account, can be transfer to a third party passport manager, uh, if you have that or from a third party passing manager to your a to your apple account or your google account or uh between people so that if you and another person use a streaming service, uh because your family members or what have you, then you're both able to access that account. So they're working on the ability to in a move uh, packy around you mention Stephen, if package are lost, there has to be some sort of way to recover your account, which which makes the account insecure anyway. I don't an entirely agree with that point. Um I understand where you're coming from with that. But if the .

reason why account .

recovery is in securing its current form is mostly you know for two reasons one social engineering techniques, but also two that people reuse passwords across accounts. And so IT requires a lot of front on the part of the bad actor to be able to use recovery options, account recovery options, to gain access to an account. Um you have to convince the system in some way that you are that user and in theory, if all of your accounts are set up with ultra secure either uh the range, passwords or package, then the bad actor would have to gain access to the email account that is used for uh account recovery as well as access to the account they're trying to steal from and that becomes a lot word difficult if everything is is secured through a credential managed pacs. So yes, second recovery is involved.

But again, the overhead is much more complicated than just uh, the weakest account that the person has has been hacked and the password is you know but I heart Candy sixty four and then that's the same password they use for their email address and so that they can go to all the different sites in the afra my password to get their email and go from there. Um so IT is not something that you are able to you know IT IT doesn't immediately make IT as insecure as just use your names and passwords. Um as far as complication, here's the thing about this.

I argue that is actually not complicated for the end user, but because you are watching and listening to uh, tech nerds talk about this and because they seek to uh very much take a part understanding explain IT IT becomes more complicated. But if you can sort of pull yourself out of the knowledge that you have gained about pies, Stephen, and think about IT from the perspective of someone who has no idea how this works, think about the simplicity of IT. Because they go to their account, a pop up says, would you like an easier way to leave you a more secure way to log in? They say, yes.

Their device immediately says, okay, I can save that for you. So again, you walk up to your account IT prompt you say, yes. IT says, OK, i've gotten figured out.

And then the next time they go to all in, they just look at their phone and they put their little finger down on their phone or whatever device are using, know what other means of the an occasion, then they are logged into their account. That's not complex at all. The complexity comes in understanding what packets are.

For those of us who want to know what IT is and how that works for the end user who doesn't give a crud about how IT works. But just once a way to log into their accounts and not have to remember a password, it's actually the very opposite of complicated, and it's only going to get less complicated over time. Apple, for example, uh, has made part of its Operating system the ability for a sort of auto detection to take place that will transition accounts from use password to pi automatically if a site or service, uh, integrates with that A P, I.

So that means that a lot of this can just happen in the background and there is not a lot that the individual user has to do. It's very easy to do. Uh, so that is something to barre in mind is that yes, IT may seem complicated, but that's because we're spending a lot of time trying to explain everything that is behind package.

And then lets see what else was asked in your question, uh, are you missing something here? Should you just wait until things Better figured out or jump on this now because it's more secure? Um .


I am hesitant to fully jump in. Ah IT is not something that every site offers of that even many sites that I use offer. But i'm slowly starting to see IT roll out more and more.

And when IT does roll out, most places I do enable IT, but I don't do IT at the cost of my username and password logging. And I still have that as a backup, but i'm using a password manager. So I have long, strong suitor, random passwords and that helps to maintain my security a in the event that something goes wrong with a pi. So yeah, I think we're all kind of growing together and transitioning into A A pass his future and we're just not quite there yet.

Um the next question uh is actually not a question but instead is follow up that comes from todd so todd road to ask me to explain package which I did last week uh which involved kind of metaphor about getting into a speak easy um and so you go back and listen to that if you are having trouble understanding how past his work and you're want to or maybe you have family members were having trouble standing, he's work and you want to give them kind of an easier understanding of IT, that's how you can do that. So tod rates to say this. Thank you for explaining what pakis are.

I now have a Better understanding of them. I hope pakis replys all of the old stuff, like using names and passwords, answering my questions and capture. I am not a robot.

Seta h. Todd, I agree wholeheartedly about ts, uh, getting rid of capture. Wouldn't that be great? That's another thing that apple is implemented. I believe google has two on an android.

Um there's a sort of background handshake that a people, the web developers and societies and services can use to prove that you are a real user and not a robot where IT doesn't have to serve up a capture. And i'd love to see that take off as well. Tod continues to say I really envy the new generation.

Like my granddaughter, who is eight. I have literally and this is todd kind of giving a little insight into how todd manager things. I have literally hundreds of contacts in outlook with using names, passwords and five questions or whatever they need to get me into whatever side I want to go to.

So tod uses their contacts, APP and outlook as their password manager. Uh, todd says it's a tedious and long process for every new account that I have to open on whatever website to record all this information. No, I do not write my using names and passwords ds on sticky notes and stick them on the edges of my monitor.

Ha ha. The new generation will just be using baskets and whatever kind of authority methods they have on their phones and tablets. Again, thank you for the explanation of parkies.

Uh, you would do really good at explaining the digital analog hand shake that modems of old would do every time they connect to the internet. Remember that weird sound the model would make every time I used to connect the internet. I kind of miss that honestly taught.

I missed them a little bit too, because that takes me back to A A very nostalgic time, especially playing neopets online. And a my my household, we did not have enough money to have internet, but my grandparents um did have internet and they had dial up. And so I can remember going out to because they lived in what we called the country back in missouri.

And so i'd go out to their house, and I would connect to the internet and wait for its connect. And then I would play neopets. You need click a button in the you'd weight to to to do for the page to load. And they need to find out that you got an omelet or something that you could feel your oppel and you'd collect to feed the omnia neo pet and then you'd wait and then I would feed the new bit. Um the all let you d figure out how IT responded.

Great times and generally uh you know enjoyable, safe for the part where grandma and wanted to make a phone call and so you had to disconnect from the internet and so if you were in the middle eating in the open t you say, please, please, please hold on, hold on the new oppel be fed then grammar could connect to the internet or rather make a phone call up by the phone line that was being used when dialog at the time so yeah nostalgia absolutely love that um as well and Johnny sharing with me a pink pink brush with the butterfly wings. Which of course was one of those ways that you can kind of changed your neo pet. We're gonna one more question.

Uh, someone is written in via a youtube in the chat who says, hello, I have a question. What password protection could I use on my thumb drives? So this is the thing that depends on the platform that you're using, the the tools that you're using with that flash drive and how you go about setting this up because you can and click your flash drive, your sum drive um using a tool like discount late on macos um or windows built in tool for disk management and utility.

And by encrypting IT, then you'll have a built in password you type in to be able to gain access to machine. So those are the simple ways of doing IT. Just go to the the sort of as close to bear metal as you possibly can. You plug IT in, you use the dispute labor dic management tool on your Operating system.

And so in that case, depending what you're using, if you are on windows, for example, um type in windows dumb drive and cypher and don't download an APP uh use the the built in disputin ity management tool or excuse me, dic management tool on makos. Again, disco utility is the way to do that. You form at the drive, you do IT encysted.

You type in a password for IT to set IT and then from they're you able to do the password of management. And that's my recommendation for being able to do that. Um if you want something else, if you want something more involved that you kind of need to essentially, it's almost like installing an Operating system on the flash drive, and I don't really recommend that.

I think that that's too involved that IT takes up too much storage space on the device. And so yeah my my suggestion for you to just form at the drive with with an encysted password. H that's your best bet for being able to do that.

So which you thank you for writing in to ask that question um remember if you have a question, especially you ask the question in the chat, we didn't get to A H O T twittered TV go ahead and mention that you had asked in the chat so that I know, hey, this is one that we would definitely to get to next week if you have yet to ask a question or if you've ask the question in the park and hasn't been answered, you get the reply that email that you send or send a new one and that's, uh, an option. H T at twist T V. I want to think everybody for tuning in this week.

The hands on teacher has been my pleasure, as always, to bring you this episode. Uh, have really enjoyed all of your questions and we will be back in next week with another episode of hands on tech. Until then, IT is time to say goodbye.