In this episode:
Curtis Johnson - Amatuer Amazon seller
Justin (aka Danan) - 10 year+ Amazon seller and
Philip Jepsen - 8 figure seller and creator of ManageByStats
Philip Jepsen started selling 7 years clandestinely with money he barely had. It was the best decision of his life as he's built an ecommerce business making 10's of millions of dollars. In this podcast we find out who is Philip Jepsen and how did he get here.
Topics of this podcast:
❓Who is Philip Jepsen and how did he get started selling on Amazon
❓What does it take to be successful
💌Proactively managing your customer base
🤖Automating as much as you can
📻Managing PPC
💈The importance of marketing & the future on Amazon
Interested in selling on Amazon? Check out Amazing Selling Machine:
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