Dear listeners, I'm recording this program on Sunday October 20th. As you may recall, yesterday's program focused on the ongoing island dispute between Iran and the United Arab Emirates. This issue resurfaced after the European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council issued a Joint Statement), calling on Iran to "end its occupation of the three UAE islands—Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa—which constitutes a violation of UAE sovereignty and the principles of the U.N. Charter."
Yesterday, I predicted that the Islamic Republic would use this affair to frame a new threat to Iran’s territorial integrity, aiming to mobilize Iranian nationalism against regional rivals. This prediction came true today, as Iranian politicians are now competing to hurl insults at the European Union, Britain, and, to a lesser extent, Arab states. While I'll cover the most significant reactions in today’s program, those patient enough to listen through will also hear a fascinating story about how Israel uses jinns, witchcraft, and supernatural elements to fight Lebanese Hezbollah!