cover of episode Raycast, Tailscale, and Day One with Comfort Zone's Niléane Dorffer

Raycast, Tailscale, and Day One with Comfort Zone's Niléane Dorffer

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Voorhees
Niléane Dorffer
Niléane Dorffer: Raycast 已成为她 Mac 上不可或缺的工具,极大地提高了她的工作效率。她详细描述了 Raycast 如何帮助她完成各种任务,包括快速启动应用程序、管理窗口、使用剪贴板以及与 BetterTouchTool 集成以简化键盘快捷键。她还分享了使用 Raycast 的 AI 功能进行拼写检查和翻译的经验,并讨论了使用 Safari 阅读列表和 Raycast 扩展来管理稍后阅读的文章。她还谈到了她对 Day One 的长期使用以及由于所有者 Automatic 的立场问题而产生的担忧,并尝试寻找替代方案,例如 Everlogue,但由于 UI 差异而难以适应。最后,她分享了她不使用任务管理应用,仅依靠日历记录重要事项的习惯。 John Voorhees: 他详细介绍了如何使用 Raycast 来管理窗口位置、剪贴板和快捷键,并解释了为什么他更喜欢使用 Raycast 来启动快捷键,而不是使用系统自带的快捷键方式。他还讨论了 Raycast 的商业模式以及 AI 功能,并分享了他使用 Tailscale 的经验,以及如何利用 Tailscale 连接各种设备,并通过其家庭网络路由流量以提高安全性。

Deep Dive

Niléane discusses her transition from Alfred to Raycast as her primary launcher, highlighting its speed and reliability. She explains her intricate integration of Raycast extensions with BetterTouchTool, enabling her to trigger commands using special keys on her keyboard. Niléane also shares her use of Raycast's AI features for proofreading and translation, emphasizing its practicality in her multilingual writing.
  • Niléane switched from Alfred to Raycast due to its superior speed and reliability.
  • She uses BetterTouchTool to trigger Raycast extensions with special keys.
  • Raycast's AI tools are essential for proofreading and translating text in her workflow.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome back to APP stories. Today's show is brought to you by member ful and the notion i'm john for his and with me is federal for teacher. Hello, hi.

How are you good? good. And a special guest. Nellon are you doing nearly on? Hello.

i'm well.

we are going to be having a series of the other hosts from the other mac stories podcasts on ap stories because we thought that would be fun now that we have the review season behind us to get some different perspectives on apps that everybody y's using. And also just to Frankly introduce some of the astor's listeners to the people who were working with now, who maybe you haven't listened to.

A is one of the three co hosts of the comfort zone, which is a show all about getting outside your comfort zone in technology, which SHE does with with mat, br, hella and Chris. Lovely too. So welcome again to the show nearly on. I thought that maybe today we would talk about some apps that I know you and I haven't common, but we don't want to totally leave that.

Thank you. That's very kind of you .

we have some things to talk to him about you can .

I just say something? Can I just say something quickly? I would just wanted to say the early on is the best host of comfort zone and um and and what you should know about the other two, a .

triple max?

Yes, they are, but especially Chris, because trees doesn't like daff PK. So i'm put increase on plants here on stories. This is something unacceptable for the maxi family poca Chris, I hope you can come to your senses eventually. And also what's what's with the doctor pepper? Like what's what's with all .

the doctor peper?

What's what's up with that? What's up with that? Is all about like what you should know about Chris um doesn't like duff bunk drinks a lot of doctor pepper and drives a muston some some type of fancy car I guess.

Yeah, it's a great honestly, it's a great show. I love you, Chris, love you. Make a great show. You should listen h mac stories that that slash comfort zone and if you have a, you have a prety pretty, pretty stock backlog of episode seen certainly june .

so and almost .

four months worth of content to listen to and to slowly form europa on about crisis odd sometimes thoughts yeah .

I think he had I don't know he had had like .

a twelve pack of doctor yeah yeah it's strange.

He tries to yeah he's tries to insert IT in every conversation is they really need to .

get them as a sponsor. Not good, not good. Doctor pepper on these show.

The worst part. The worst part is so recently. So we have this, uh, kind of small, small like literally in front of our apartment building. And sometimes the stored the shops inside the mall. Sometimes one of them closes in, a new one opens. And one of the recently opens shops is, I think I told you about this job, is this show that has all kinds of, like foreign foods and snacks and beverages. The worst part is that I saw the doctor .

pepper and and I thought .

of Chris like how i'm now associating a beverage with a person. Why, in any case, we are here to talk about red.

Yes, we are good old ray test.

So yeah, I mean, this is, this is, this is you. You to the millions is the but you thought about ray casting your favorite tics, the call extensions right there. Call extensions.

Can you tell us about how you're using recasts? Why also, what were you using before rake test? Because rather is a relatively new kid on the block on Michael s.

yeah. Um I may fidelity o fan. So before I was using retest, I was just using a ipad so that, like the world of launchers, custom launchers is brand new. And I got into IT with rake us. There was nothing before the, uh.

I feel like that question was a set up. And you know the .

answer I did know, I not know. I do not know the answer. I thought newly am was going to come up with like some some ethic open source project. Do you know do you know there's still people on the mac, Johnny, use quick silver? Do there's people still use quick silver, which this opens source?

Now i'm not sure I think that I think IT is I think it's maintained to some degree.

I haven't looked in a long time. Yeah, but anyway, I prefer land's answer is to the ipad.

I'm sure you too.

He gave up on the ipad and now she's rake us. Okay all right. Um so what what's you what are using IT for like you up as you really become? I'm guys based on your article, it's become like an essential way for you to get done on the mac to get work done on the mac.

Yeah, I sometimes I do this thing with my mac, where I try to get rid of something that I use all the time just to see if I really needed. Uh, i've done this with button to manage my menu by apps. At some point.

I do this all the time with stage manager. I try to turn IT on to see if I can use IT. Uh, he is always know and we've rake as, uh sometimes I try to quit IT and try to use spotlight instead. And I cannot do IT. I like test has become essential.

I think the main thing that immediately turns me off when I try to use pot lites is the speed spotlight feels super slow all the time and even when you're just launching apps is so slow, uh, well, as rich as you just start typing and you can blind blindly press enter and good uh and it's really good at surfacing the comments that you use all the time um so yeah the fact that is super fast and reliable means I ve been using IT for all sorts of things. And when I last rote about IT, I said it's become my swiss on my nike for the my and that IT. I mean, I used for all sorts of little things that plugged into all all kinds of different apps. Um yeah did you know .

john when I was little? I so I I had a period of my life. I was like ten or eleven. I promise this is going somewhere. I was Sandy left at the story where almost .

got run down down by a horse in the field.

Is IT that's a different story, but a different story. But IT actually story actually happened. I'm still very note, look, I like horses, but i'm still terrified.

Listen to max stories. Unwind for start. More stories like federal get trained .

by hori did not get. I did not get trapped. I managed to get the horse away. So in any case, I had this period when I was convinced, and I let me preface this by saying I did not join any organization, but I was convinced that I need to become a boy scout.


kay, so I I don't know why, but like I had this couple of years was like I was spending time in the woods near near our old, the house just outside to be terrible. I was just hanging with my friends. We would like, we built a tree house.

We actually built a tree house. And somebody called the police, and we had to dismantle the tree house in front of the police. IT was like, uh IT scared me.

Like for life. Um anyway, I got I had this couple of years were like I I wanted to be adventures and very and like do things with my hands. So anyway, I convinced my mom that I needed to own.

I was eleven. I needed to own as we saw my wife. And I was like, please mom, get me a swiss on my knife. I really want to have a swiss, my knife. I'm gonna IT for everything. Long story short, I got as we saw my knife, and I cut myself and and I said, yeah and I and I and I actually, but profusely, and that was very scary. And IT was confident, ted from me, and I never saw IT again.

And then you became a blogger.

No relied, you know, maybe being an outdoorsy boys cot wanna be person is not my future. And that's when I got that when I got an intendo game cube. I think that's right right around that time.

So so anyway we are my knife. That's A A great metaphor. Um you rounded up some of your favorite expansions, but just before we were actually recording the show and you had a little bit of an hick hop p with one of your Better touch to integrations. So can you tell me more about this Better touch two integrations .

with great cast yeah okay, let me just say IT works all the time. I just didn't work.

Yeah, IT works. IT works told the time sixty percent of the time.

So yeah, I that's the thing that I do with a bunch of extensions. I link a rack extension with a Better touch tool, a trigger. So what I did here is there is a request extension to mute your mike and to talk mute your mike especially. And what i've done with the touch tool is remapped the dictations key on the magic keyboard. I never use dictation, and there's key on my magic keyboard with a microphone Cliff on IT so is like it's calling to me I need to do something with IT so what i've done is is now my dog or mute uh button uh but obviously no way IT doesn't work for some reason sorry.

Yeah so so the idea is that all of your Better touch to triggers and all your custom commands you can activate from ray cast instead of using instead of using Better touch tools on keyboard orcus or something like obviously or not using spot, but not even you could use shortcuts, I guess, but instead you're just pipping everything through ray cast. Is that the idea?

Um it's a it's the reverse actually because, uh, the mute the thing that mutes my mike is the racket extension and i'm using Better touch tool to trigger the extension yeah so in .

rate as I can .

type the name of the command toko mute and that works but that's not practical. You can assign a keyboard chocolate like with anything ray with reas. You can always assign a lot keyboard chat cott to anything. Uh, but that's also not practical if you have to remember all all kinds of different keyboard chocolates. So what i'd like to do is just use Better touch tool to assign the single key and often that's a special key on the magic keyboard so uh for for instance so i've done this with the dictations key that's now removed to this mute microphone extension. I also done this with the glow key on the mike, the globe key when I tie a that is IT um IT activates the emerge panel um from recast recast has a great emerging Baker uh so I can just trigger IT with just a globe key using Better, Better touch tool because raca doesn't allow you to assign a single special key like .

that to an extension okay um so how deep does he go in the sense? Like can you also trigger your rake extensions using something like trucks, for example? Apple, can you do that?

I mean, think you can.

but maybe I don't maybe .

around about way you could trigger Better touch tool from shortcuts and Better touch to trigger ray cast because i'm thinking like obvious ly, this is something that is not possible on the ipad like all of this system integrations um but I cannot wonder if maybe in the future you'll be able to do something like you know asking theory for example, or asking apple intelligence to do something on your mac that actually belongs to retest evening forecast doesn't directly integrate with apple intelligence like that IT seems like the sort of thing that you will be able to do on .

the mac and obvious ly, yeah maybe yeah yeah.

Mabe john y also use and like recast um I do i've .

been using IT for a long time. I kind of like millions. I couldn't really give IT up. I used IT for just a lot of different things that made what i'd like about IT is how it's not just an APP launcher. I mean, I do use IT for that a lot of the time, but I also use that to manage where my windows are in my screen a lot of times. So i'll use that to put something on the left and something on the right.

It's, you know, similar to what was added with macaque, but I find IT easier with my hands are on the keyboard just to type those commands then to go fitter around with menus, or you know the the stop light buttons on a window. So I use IT for that. I use IT for the clipboard too, because it's got a really nice clip.

D manager, right? And so I do an awful lot of cutting and paste in everything I do all day long. And so I I will trigger that.

And it's it's a very liable shortcuts launcher because you know, historically, shirt cuts when you assign keyboard shortcuts to them on the back don't always work super well. But because you can launch any shortcut from recasts, you can and you can sign either like a keyword or a keyboard shortcut. You can just launch them from recasts instead.

So that's become cut, become kind of my habit. And I do most of my shirt cut launching from recasts now. Interesting .

interesting um and also obviously very gas is also very much moving ing to the A I landscape. E and they I believe they just race another round of funding from investors. Um so that potentially one of the things that are, I don't know, maybe slightly concerning about rake ast, uh, it's never been clear exactly to me how they make money. I know that you you can or you use to like you can .

pay you can and and know the A I stuff is part of that pay. So I think that they have a more a more understandable business plan. But because before I was kind of like pay us some money to support us and you can sink between mi max, for instance. Ah now though, IT also opens up all the A I tools which I haven't been using. I just used the free version of break.

asked myself, right? Okay.

yeah I use the big version of recast the one and command, paid command that I use yeah so it's an A I command and that's uh a command lets me proof read um like a spell check my writing um and red is very practical for that because you can just select text anywhere on the mic and just trigger rate guests and tell IT to spell check and IT works and you can present and replaces your text.

We've the we have the spell checked version and IT does IT does is really well because in the output IT will highlight the corrections that is made and you can even obvious leads is just an eye prompt behind that so you can trust uh with which is what i've done. You explain that to me what you have corrected. Um i'm obviously not a native english speaker so this helps me a one um but even in french, like I use IT all the time in my french writing uh every day and that's really useful.

The fact that you can just select text and trigger comment from there uh is also something that I ve used with the del um which is a translation service they have。 There is an extension. I don't believe it's an official one, but that is an extension. And likewise, you can just select any any text anywhere trig out the command and they just translate tes in place and that's incredible. Redirect useful.


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support of the show.

I see that in our notes. We have tail scale. John, you just right. So nearly on. Are you also using tae scale?

Oh yeah.

okay. So you're both. You're both begin to tell scale. john. Y, you just thought about IT, uh.

in the club. Uh.

can can you, can you tell listeners about the also you re named rebranded Johnny john is going through a bit of a rebrand, uh, here 啊 that .


why not? Why not? I mean, all right, why not right? So you now have your macintosh death of experience. Colum has been renewed to the, in my opinion, much Better mac hacks column. Does this mean that john wants to hack your mac?

I do. I'm going to have your mac. You know, who came up with that wonderful name? IT was federal cover teacher.

So I credit to mr. A wonderful ether and see if who's very good at coming up with catchy names. Yes, that has been renewed. Its now mac acts and I think IT IT captures Better with calm is about anyway because it's not just about you know the experience of working on the mac.

It's more about how the mac fits into your overall computing life in ways to get the most out of IT because I don't want to be necessarily constrained every time to just talk about the mac. And this story about tail scale is very much in that vain because i'm using tail scale across the mac, IOS, ipad O S, android and windows. So it's it's really A A tool that's useful across all those different platforms.

And what I thinks really interesting about tail scope, which I I guess i'll explain what IT is in a minute. But what's to me fascinating is like millions and I are using IT for very different things. I think we have a little bit in common, but not a lot.

And that's what's kind of cool about IT because it's IT really can be medics ulaan to use. And you know for whenever you particularly need. And the thing about IT though is that IT scales all the way from like an individual to an enterprise level type of situation. So there's a lot of complexity under the hood that you can get lost in.

And when you just set up one device on tail scale, you're kind of left in this moment of, well, what now because that really doesn't do anything for you if it's just on one shine because the whole idea is it's about networking and it's it's kind of a new fangled VPN. It's not the kind of VPN that most people are used to. Where are you're sending all internet trac out to some server somewhere in some other countries? You can watch you know netflix in the U K.

Or something. It's not like that kind of V, P, N at all. It's appeared appear solution where all of your devices are using the internet, but they're connected directly to one another without something in between. And what that that opens up a lot of interesting possibilities. I mean, i've got IT running on max I O S, my apple T V, my windows gaming hand held a, my android gaming had told a bunch of different things.

And what that allows me to do, because IT has features like uh, tail drop, which is a kind of like airdrop, except for tail scale, where I can very easily take a file on a map, for instance, and drop IT onto an I S device that's out of range of air drop or I can do the same thing, interpret files onto an android device. And I just shows up in my downloads folder on the android device. It's, you know, a cross platform in that way. And that opens up a lot of conveniences when you're when you're when you're using lots of different kinds of devices like that nea .

on how are you using tae schell? And here, i'm convinced there's a linux machine in in the mix.

Oh yeah, yes, please, of course yeah. Um you you could probably tell I used to be a linux head and that still comes up. No way, really. Yeah uh i've got a an old mac book in the living room that has linux running on IT now and which is uh ub to OK ub to um on IT is a bunch of things. There is home bridge, there is a place server and other things with tail scale.

I've been able to um go down this rabid of setting setting up A T V because like a few months ago I discovered the world of regular T V like with antennas outside in the world that goes through the internet. And I wanted to set this up at home, uh, because I discovered we haven't ten up, and that actually it's illegal. Now I have right here yeah. And .

here yeah.

I wanted to make use of that because free. T, V, um, so I paid for black bus, which lets use blacks as A T V A una sort of things, A T V terminal. So the idea is you plug and and able between the world and the machine running backs and and you can watch T V on your black server.

And we have states tee scale. That means that any machine on your, I ll let on your network can access this life T V head. Um so I can watch the T V that's received from my dinner at home, wherever I am in a world that that's prety cool.

Uh, you can this, you can do this with black without tail scale because blacks has serves like you can access your home like server from anywhere the world. But that goes through plexi services and that can be slow at times. And with a big feed like chunky T V feed um that often struggled via test scale though if you connect directly to the IP of the machine at home. Yeah a the tax I P um that works fallest ly and that's equal .

yeah to know with because he's watched the Oscars from italy using an ten of the sits in the window of our spare bedroom here in the and so I mean, that gives you an idea of what what you can do with this stuff. It's pretty amazing because one of the one of the notions of of of a tail net is that you can a sign and exit node. And for me, that's my mac studio that sits on my desk at home.

And as a wireless internet connection, that's fast. And because that machine is always on, I can also route traffic from any device that i'm on through my home network, which means when i'm away and am on wifi that might not be secure, I can rot that traffic through my home network. Securing IT. It's it's so it's a little bit like that traditional VPN. But instead of sending your traffic to a third party server, you're sending IT to your own machine. That's kind of how IT works because a tail net, fundamentally on its own, does not protect internet traffic IT only as encysted as between an your individual devices, not between your devices and the rest of the internet, but by routing everything through a an exit note that you've designated in a place that you know you think is secure, you get that kind of benefit as well.

Thank you for listening to network stories show all about networking .

yeah federal .

because eyes glaze over as we got into linux. And I don't know .

you are talking about exit nodes and no but seriously, that's cool. That's cool um and go check out john's write up is being working at this for months. And I remember like IT started well before the summer. I'm pretty sure i've .

been doing i've been working on enough to think that for me was hard. It's hard to explain what tail scale is and what the benefits of its are. So I really needed to spend a lot of time and have like a number of concrete examples. I could really, really explain IT to .

someone yeah yeah.

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We're going to do IT at the end of this APP of the quick lightning round. Just a quiz, milla on I are going to do this again in the future for the other hosts or mac stories about the apps that you're using. But before we get to that, I just wanted to ask you, uh, some quick thoughts on day one, the journal APP uh, because I know you've been you know you wrote about this before you've been a day one user for many years. Uh, you also were were about to the apple journal APP last year on mac stories and how the journal APP started as these iphone only APP you know with not as many features as day one but day one uh I am guessing as being on your mind lately um not just because of journal uh but because of uh because they one is now owned by automatic um the same company that owns wordpress and obviously the automatic .

CEO as sort of the things have taken a turn is is what i'm gonna say yeah problem with duty .

is problematic. Yes, that's a good it's a good brand. What what are your .

thoughts yeah it's I hate this situation because IT happens too regularly um I remember this happening with .

hey no yeah .

yeah we live through that .

ah yeah the hey email that that was pretty cool actually I I really like using IT and then like yeah then the company went the wild, I guess, with ridiculous stances. And I could not just use the service anymore, and I had to move on. And now, if they want, the issue is I ve been using this up eight years now.

So this up has tens of gig bites of my journal launches in there, and I can't just move on that easily and just try something else that easily. Um a few weeks ago, uh with uh I had a recommendation from devon um to try out over logue which is an ndi alternative uh joining up。 Uh it's actually pretty good. It's really good and it's really well integrated with the uh new journal, a suggestions API that apple um implement last year in I O S. The issue with the ever log is IT doesn't stick with me.

Um I think because the U I is so different, the way that IT presents your entries is a bit like the apple's own journal of lab uh the timeline of entries you see the APP looks more like a social media timing where you sort of meant to radio entries there right air in the timing instead of going into the the entries IT may not sound like much, but the differences in U I IT makes a huge difference. Um when you so used to uh journey up that you've been using every day for eight years, yeah i'm struggling. I am not thing i'm going to move on.

And like we said about ai, sometimes we just got to keep going with what we have and that's okay. Um we're doing our best here. And even if I disagree completely with the takes that the the C E.

O has had recently um one good piece of news is the journal lab in U S eighteen dot one has an action shocker now a short detection now um a create entry, uh a short detection which means technically you can create a shortcut to migrate from they want to journal now which you couldn't do before. And also the journal lab, apple apple journal lab has an export option so you can export your entries. So IT feels like you're less getting locked into a thing which I was really worried about last year because the journal level was really enclosed on itself.

You create entries on the iphone only. You cannot do IT anywhere else. You cannot exploit IT export IT anywhere else. You cannot create in any other way. And that was a, that was a big issue for me. Now IT seems that they are going they moving in the right direction um and I hope that they can just hot the up the APP to the ipad and to the market, please. And maybe i'm going to move to this up, but I don't know.

All right. So before we wipe up, we just have a few questions for you about the apps that you use. Um and i'm gona start with one that is actually at the end because I think we're gonna hear the hot take we're onna hear the hard take here nearly on what do you use for task management.

We've been through this own comfort zone. I know that's .

that's why I ask .

um I don't use anything. Is the answer .

incredible, incredible.

Do okay the real answer is I use the calendar okay for really important things OK. And that that's like one thing but we can really important things but all the wise, I don't use anything .

otherwise everything else is just on your mind.

It's on my mind or not. Um I I I kind of try to learn to trust myself. I've got A H G just like my Chris ah we've got two very different flavors of the A D H D. He's the kind where you have to write everything down. And i'm the completely reverse kind. Well, if I write something down, it's like i'm going to take you out of my head and this will be easier to forget about IT if I write IT down or stores IT sounds irrational maybe but like if I write something down, IT feels like it's out there and I can get rid of IT forever interesting interesting.

What do you use for access?

Um okay so I promise this is not a joke but nothing OK. Um until very recently, I was using reader and i'm a big fan of reader. And when the new reader came out, I try to move to IT and this very new approach felt very different and I try to go all in on that approach and this new approach reveal on red counts, and only with timeline.

Thinking between your devices has made me realized that, or IT, maybe I can just go to websites instead of opening this up. And i'm done this for the month so fast. It's okay.

Interest interesting. What about like, okay, but you you must stumble upon like a link or an article that you wanna save somewhere for later or do you also remember your else?

Yeah um now I right now i'll use the safari reading okay again yeah and I i've mentioned this in my workout uh extension right round up as an extension that lets you read a like browse through your reading list, your safari reading list in red and i've been using the safari reading this exclusively in this way so I save them to the reading list on my iphone most the time and on .

the mic I just go to recast um very interesting and the last one would be where do you do your writing?

Okay so IT depends um for the maxim stuff and uh for like work stuff, activist stuff I use open and for everything else I use either up notes or google dogs and google dogs because that's ah we have a plan. We have a work plan there. So that's included for free for me.

All right. Well, well, I think that about does IT john. I think I think .

did IT does that's an episode does. Thanks, neil, on for joining us. I really appreciate you being on the show. Thank you. Please everybody check out comfort zone because as a rifle podcast, it's out weekly and IT comes out typically on thursday. Although last week we had a very special ipad mini episode where Chris veiled the ipad many that was out a couple of days early, but typically you will find IT on thursdays. Just go to max stories dot net slash comfort zone to check out the details about the show. There you can find the three of us over at maxed ies, that net, federico and I are on master on federico is at the teaching that max stories, that net i'm at john, what he's that max, his dot net and nearly on you are wear .

on mastodon neon madam at night.

very nice, very nice. And we're on threads and instagram, very go, is at vertex. That's V I T I C C I nyan, you are on threats as what is .

my name? The .

newly on yeah.

that's IT lily are with my last night.

See, I know, I know even Better than you, you, your, your name is and I match hn worries on both. J, O, H, N, V, W, R, H, W, S. Talk to you later.
