cover of episode Raycast, Tailscale, and Day One with Comfort Zone's Niléane Dorffer

Raycast, Tailscale, and Day One with Comfort Zone's Niléane Dorffer

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Voorhees
Niléane Dorffer
Niléane Dorffer: Raycast 已成为她 Mac 上不可或缺的工具,极大地提高了她的工作效率。她详细描述了 Raycast 如何帮助她完成各种任务,包括快速启动应用程序、管理窗口、使用剪贴板以及与 BetterTouchTool 集成以简化键盘快捷键。她还分享了使用 Raycast 的 AI 功能进行拼写检查和翻译的经验,并讨论了使用 Safari 阅读列表和 Raycast 扩展来管理稍后阅读的文章。她还谈到了她对 Day One 的长期使用以及由于所有者 Automatic 的立场问题而产生的担忧,并尝试寻找替代方案,例如 Everlogue,但由于 UI 差异而难以适应。最后,她分享了她不使用任务管理应用,仅依靠日历记录重要事项的习惯。 John Voorhees: 他详细介绍了如何使用 Raycast 来管理窗口位置、剪贴板和快捷键,并解释了为什么他更喜欢使用 Raycast 来启动快捷键,而不是使用系统自带的快捷键方式。他还讨论了 Raycast 的商业模式以及 AI 功能,并分享了他使用 Tailscale 的经验,以及如何利用 Tailscale 连接各种设备,并通过其家庭网络路由流量以提高安全性。

Deep Dive

Niléane discusses her transition from Alfred to Raycast as her primary launcher, highlighting its speed and reliability. She explains her intricate integration of Raycast extensions with BetterTouchTool, enabling her to trigger commands using special keys on her keyboard. Niléane also shares her use of Raycast's AI features for proofreading and translation, emphasizing its practicality in her multilingual writing.
  • Niléane switched from Alfred to Raycast due to its superior speed and reliability.
  • She uses BetterTouchTool to trigger Raycast extensions with special keys.
  • Raycast's AI tools are essential for proofreading and translating text in her workflow.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, Federico and John are joined by Niléane Dorffer who writes at MacStories and is a co-host of Comfort Zone, a podcast all about trying new things in your tech life, to talk about three of Niléane’s favorite apps – Raycast, Tailscale, and Day One – after which Federico quizzes Niléane about some of the everyday apps she uses.

This episode is sponsored by:

  • Memberful) – Help Your Clients Monetize Their Passion.

  • Notion) – Try the powerful, easy-to-use Notion AI today.

Links and Show Notes

Introducing Niléane Dorffer



Day One)

What Do You Use?

  • The Apps Niléane Uses:

  • Task Management: Nothing or Calendar

  • RSS: Nothing (previously, Reeder))

  • Read Later: Safari Reading List with a Raycast extension)

  • Writing: Obsidian) and Notes or Google Docs

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