cover of episode Habits Of The Most Influential People

Habits Of The Most Influential People

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The Ken Coleman Show

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Ken Coleman
Ken Coleman 认为,想要在工作中取得成功,就需要不断提升自己,学习伟人的做法,并有效地领导团队。他以本杰明·富兰克林为例,强调了日常安排、反思和人际关系的重要性。

Deep Dive

The episode explores Ben Franklin's daily routine and its elements of good work, good time, and good reflection, emphasizing the importance of a structured day for effectiveness and fulfillment.
  • Franklin's routine included elements of planning, focused work, reading, and reflection.
  • The routine highlights the importance of gratitude, planning, and self-examination.
  • Franklin's routine can be adapted to modern life for increased effectiveness.

Shownotes Transcript


I mean, that we're going to review the habits of maybe one of the most influential people amErica has ever known. And then middle class jobs are shrinking, but there are some that are growing will break IT down. That's next.

Welcome to the show that if you win at work, I want you getting Better so that you're moving up the latter and you are leading effectively. So this is perfect. You want to do great things, do what great people do.

There you go. That could be the entire show. I could literally stop the show. Alex wouldn't be happy. But that would be enough for you to learn something that you want to do great things, do what great people did. And so we're going to go back into the way back machine today.

I, the team and I were talking about this recently about an idea, and i'd been reading a book about america's filling father and how they viewed the pursuit of happiness. I phrased that they actually talked about in their personal correspondence well before Thomas sheva, in pending in the decline of independence IT was IT was an idea that they that they were influenced by. And so I was reading this book.

The actual title, the book is the procedure happens is a great book you read IT. And one of the things that keep kept pop up up in this book was the daily rituals, the routines, the agendas of these very influential men. So let's start with bin Franklin, shall I? I thought let's just use bin Franklin daily.

Did know there's lots of different versions because he would change his agenda. So for some of you fact checkers out there, relax. This version is one of many versions.

He would have changed his daily agenda, much like you do. K but but i've seen multiple different versions of his daily agenda. And and the one we're going to share with you today is in fact very indicative of how he would spend each day.

And so I want to roll through this and then give you some observations OK. So this has been Franklins daily, random, daily agenda from five A M to A M. This is what his gene was, rise, wash and address powerful goodness.

Exclusion point. You love the way they talked and wrote back then. I certainly do contrave the day's business that means kind of plan.

Think about what i'm gonna get done today and take the resolution of the day. Prosecute the present study and breakfast. I want to come back to each of these.

Okay, this is so much written in this. I next, from eighty and twelve P. M, he wrote down work. From twelve to two, he would read or overlooked by accounts, his financial accounts, and then dine OK. From two to six was blocked up for more work.

From six to ten is what you would write, put things in their places, supper, music or diversion or conversation, examination of the day, and in from ten P M to five A M, sleep, right? I'm not saying that you have to do this agenda, but i'm saying if you had an origin of your day that had these elements and these disciplines in IT, you would be far more effective. Let's let's break IT down.

I'm going to take my analysis. I ve not a historian for those who wondered. I'm not an expert on this, but i'm going to use a common sense.

And i've read a lot about Franklin. I've red, I exceed biography on him. I know enough to inform my own comments on this.

So let's break the schedule down now that I given you the day, let's break IT down five A M. We get the rise wash. It's like us taking a shower right um and address powerful goodness.

Now in in his notes, powerful is capitalized and goodness is capitalized. Can I tell you what he's argue about? I think you started about prayer.

I think you started about some meditation. Address powerful goodness explanation. Point is, I wrote, I think that saying, I must start my day being grateful for another morning.

I'm going to start my day in gratitude to the supreme power, god, god of the universe, who created all things you and me. I think that's what he say. Well, so it's a great way to start.

Then he says, can ride the day's business now already said some alone time with god, whatever that look like for him. He's contriving the day's business is, in other words, he's planning thinking through what's the most important thing today, what's the highest priority today. That's what he saying.

Take the resolution of the day. It's pretty cool. I don't know what that means.

And so i'm going to skip over that instead to try to fake IT, right? But to be resolved to take a resolution, right? Uh, that's pretty interesting.

There could very well be saying after coming through, can try the day's business and what am I resolving? What what is the theme of the day could be, I love prosecute the present study. To me that's something that he's thinking about processing.

Maybe he studies that he was a classic inventer and then breakfast. So is that the order in which he did IT? We'd have to have a history, a way, and on that, the answers, who really don't know.

But that was what was on his agenda, from five am to eight A M right now, eight to twelve as work. Kay, twelve, the two. fascinating.

Now, this is a power lunch. Bin Franklin was the first guy to have a power lunch. I know power lunch, today's world might mean a lot of different things, a lot of different people, but this is a power lunch.

He's taking a break from work. That's the key thing. A two hour break from work. fascinating.

Gonna read first thing on, and i'm gonna ad, maybe you read, find the work you are to do if you hate the work you're in, I don't know. Maybe you read a spine novel. Maybe you read about a subject, a subject matter that you interested in your field.

Read that he overlooked his accounts. Look again, finances and he has lunch. Two to six years work OK back to that. We get that another block of focused work.

And in six to ten, this is, I really enjoy this one, put things in their places, get, organize things around the house, get things in order. He has his supper, music or diversion, and keeping my folks. These people did not have televisions.

They did not have smart phones or ipads. They didn't have streaming services. Alex, you know, they had company. They would go sit in partners.

You SAT me to gather, and you talk whose relationships is the point? Music or diversion? learn? Know what that means.

But you know, you can take that as you will. I will tell you that if you study Franklin, he was a ladies man. And so I think that might be his diversion and and then conversation.

And then here's my everything at the other day examination. All great thinkers, all great doors, have a rhythm of reflections the of the day. So as much fun as i've had with this, this idea here, its relationship and reflection, where their evenings, you get that relationships and reflection, that's what their evening is consistently.

And I think there's some great power in that, this idea that after a full day of work, we're going to be in relationship with other people and friends, have a good time, good drink, good food, good music, good time. So I want you to walk away from this, to say that I took away from this good work, good time and good reflection. I I think if you had those three women see your day, you'll see a massive change in your life.

Good work. Do good work. Have a good time.

Make sure that you have good reflection. I think that's really, really interesting stuff. Good word. Good time, good reflection at a good life.

This shows a sponsor by Better help. You know, this month is all about gratitude, and most of us have people in our lives that we're grateful for. I can think of one person less who is like an older brother, but really have been a mentor to me throughout important times in my life.

He's been through more than i've been through. He has a tremendous amount of wisdom, but most importantly, he's a great so when he's got to be honest with me, he's still patted me on the back and he's saying, you've got this. I'm here for you. And you know, when we're talking about gratitude, one of the people that we need to be most grateful to is ourselves.

In other words, how often are you getting alone in writing down what you're grateful for, saying out loud what you're grateful for in your life is so important? We don't always stop to acknowledge when we've learn a new skill or work on a relationship to improve our lives and career. So here's my reminder to think the people in your life, including you, that's why I recommend Better help, because sometimes we need to talk to professional trained to help us discover true gratitude for ourselves and others in this holiday season.

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All right, books. And one of my goals is always keep you on the cutting edge of of trains and things that could affect your ability to make an income. Here's a cbs news article that I want to break down in its important headline.

Middle school jobs are shrinking and these could one day disappear. There are almost all of these are in the middle class that we're going to go over, obviously. And we're talking about pay from forty thousand on the low in to write around one hundred thousand a bit over one hundred thousand dollars a year.

And in this this particular a group of professions in that demographic of income, the forecast from the department of labor um shows that they will shed more than six hundred thousand jobs by twenty thirty three in this particular area. We're going to break this down for you um and and you're going to see here a heavy dose of clerical workers. Now before I go through this workers that remain in these particular applications occupations, we'll have to have skills to adapt to new technology such as artificial intelligence or other forms of automation.

So so here we go. I'm not going to go through all these. Let's just go through uh, some of the top ten office clock.

They're going to see a reduction of one hundred and forty seven thousand jobs through twenty thirty three first line supervisors of retail sales workers. I'm not going to go through with the amount of jobs every time. And this is all adding up to obviously six hundred thousand jobs.

Um first line supervisors of office and administrative support workers. So want to stop there have two different categories and what you're seeing as first line supervisors. okay. So that right there is an interesting indicator of a trend IT doesn't matter whether the retail sales workers or they are administrative of support workers.

We are talking about that line of management, kay, that so if you've got A A manager of a store, maybe we call them the the the overall manager and then you have a shift managers. So we're talking about shift managers, whatever that title is that the first front line of management we can call the middle management in this situation. God, you're going to see an efficiency there.

That's interesting. I just keep going metal and plastic machine workers. So again is where A I and robots and automation is going to come in and really affect these workers.

Financial clerk, these are numbers, people crushing numbers. Again, A I and programming gonna able to crunch numbers a lot easier, lot faster. Material recording clerks, bill and account collectors, quality control inspectors.

So again, i'm just highlighting about eight of the top ten here what we see where you can especially right code and created A I program and where an artificial intelligence, some type of bott or a program can do what other people have previously done and do IT faster and a lot more efficient removing human air. That's where you're going to see a shift. okay.

But again, just because you're in this field doesn't mean that you're not able to make a living. You may have to adjust and add some skill sets because, remember this, computers can only do what humans allow them to do or programme to do. We're tell them what to do.

okay. So keep that in my right now. Let's keep going for a quick analysis.

And then I want to come back in a minute and I am going to tell you the middle jobs that they're forecasting growth OK. This some good news here. Now lets look at technology jobs. okay?

Because as technology advances, you will have a shift of technology workers who they were paid at one point to do a and now no longer needed to do a, but they can be shifted or they can pay with, if you will, into technology work to do be okay. And that's what you're going to see. This bureau of labor statistics report is forecasting that computer programmer will shed ten percent of their workers by twenty thirty three.

The main reason automation is making coats more efficient so you're required fewer programmer. However, the same report says yet the economy will add more than three hundred thousand a new software developers in the next decade OK. So again, you're not kicked out of an industry.

You're going have to shift if you're going to IT IT. And again, this is important point out. The world of work right now is rapidly changing and and I think we will now have a new pace at which work evolves.

In other words, the way i'm putting this is I believe this work from the from the dawn of time until now, as technology comes in the way work of walls is believing faster. And then I think from the dawn of time to now, there have been certain periods where we see accelerated changes in the world of world. One, for example, would be the the use of the internet.

If we imagine how quickly our world at work of you, those who ve been to working along enough to remember when there was an internet and I, I mean, pop, I aged myself here, but when I went to college, there was no internet. I know that freak you out, alex, but that's how old I am. I went to college.

There was an internet. We didn't have laptops. We are using M.

S. dos. okay. So imagine how the world of work change.

When the internet came in. I was there. I was probably believe. Nineteen twenty first time I got on a computer with internet, i'm working on a campaign. The way we did work was like IT changed the game, right?

So there are seasons of history where and I think with with where we are in A I I think the next two, three years of one of those times of history will look back on and say the world of work rapidly changed in this season. And as a result, every time we see rapid a massive changes in the speed of which work events is faster every time. So every time we come through a more major, significant, oh, wow, work evolve.

Well, guess what, th Epace q uickens. So here's what i'm getting that make sure you are up skilling and staying up to date with what you need to know. Like I remember ten years ago, like a you need to be able to use microsoft excel, that's a joke.

Now I mean, I guess he's still got to be able to use IT, but that was like a big skill. Like so now you're gonna have to be able to use A I you're just gonna have to be able to deal with that and use IT. So there you go, right? Let me move in this.

Some good news. How many do you want some good news? Really quit. I'm a role for this in about minute.

Okay, here, the same same report, where are middle class jobs growing medical assistance, light truck drivers. Now let me explain that. That's not your eighteen wheelers, you barreling down the inner state.

This is light truck drivers, that your, your local, your regional stops construction, labor's substance abuse, behavioral disorder and mental health councils, heavy tracor trailer truck drivers, electricians, accountants, registered nurses, analysts and general and Operation managers, the fox says, are we call in middle class jobs we're talking about on the low range forty thousand. High range little bit over hurt thousand. Those are growing.

Did you see what's happening there? This is the anti A I. We need medical assistance to help you ever increasingly burdened health care system, doctors and nurses, truck drivers.

Everybody's ordering something off a fricking website. Amazon's changes the game. Now you're ordering from your local business guy and your drop and stuff off construction. Labor's got to have them go. Ta have them to build houses, build buildings, substance abuse, behavior disorder, middle kells, heavy truck, trailer, electricians, accountants, register nurses, analysts, managers, leaders.

Guess what's happening here? Every one of these middle last jobs growing has nothing to do with technology that has everything to do with people, only things that people can do. Everybody, relax.

A I, the big bad monster is not going to kick you out of the workforce. You're just gonna have to adapt to. The good news though, for middle class, we can get this economy straight. Now we'll see.

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Hi, thank you for taking my oh, I really appreciated you. Um my overall question for you today is my if my job is checking off my talents, I took me get clear assessment back in twenty seventeen when I struggling with my original job. Um since college i'd been nearly twelve years.

I had little kids and so um I took the assessment of evaluating what to do is a career. But then I heard your your show and you mention to someone like sometimes it's not locations, location and that kind of like open up a new avenue for me. And so I did find a new job IT um and from an hour commute down to five minutes. So IT probably helps my family a lot to take home for the kids. Good yeah but IT was a big pay cut what I justified and we made at work. Now fresh forward to twenty twenty four, I am six months into a new career doing basically the same thing, still working for um state government and I got more money and now I worked from home um but the problem is is i'm not addressing any of my passions and so I have a side hustle where I make things um and sell them at the farmers market and I love that but everyone's like all you should make IT into a business but I can make the same time money doing that and I worried like doing more in regards of that would really eliminate the joy .

I get out of IT because I become more of the business you like I .

to produce mass produce something that .

I just enjoy creating .

yeah yeah I I contentment yeah my talent .

being met but my not my patience I think so what what is the primary .

reason that .

you're working money exact exactly? And what is that money going to? What's the number one, right? But in what specific way is IT paying for IT? Is a pain for college? Is IT pain dead off? yes.

So that that's the big thing is we are finally get free um and in two years will have our host paid off now that we have more money coming on. And my kids start graduating high school three years and my husband can take retirement. I always been the breadwinner working in low enforcement.

yes. And that's very special that he often feel the burden of that being the burden winner anymore. And so that really keeps me where i'm at um but again, it's to find that fulfillment .

factor well so yeah and i'm getting there. I totally love this question. I'm trying to end around and figure out if I am right when I said yes that you can that you can be fulfilled.

And I talent only job and in my answer is yes. If the sole purpose for working is a financial contribution, which IT is, then I do believe that you can look at a job and go. This particular job is a resource that is very much needed and it's fairly tempo temporary to good.

Good describes temporary all of a sudden. Just forgot how to talk in this, you know I mean, and so now you're mindset on this is, look, there's coming a day where i'm coming home and i'm going to do more of my stuff that I sell. The farmers market is just a labour of love.

Maybe IT turned into something, maybe IT doesn't. But I think in this case. I don't know that you have to have the M I using what I do best to do, what I love to produce results that I care about.

Don't know if you have to have that, if you have fulfilment in other areas of your life. In fact, I know you don't if if you see IT that way. Yeah, are you surprised that I said that?

No, I i've been telling myself that for a while now, just because that makes me show up every day to work like it's fine.

Well, I think the purpose in your work though now is less about the contribution of the actual of the actual um result of your work. And the purpose of the work is the contribution to your family into the life style you're setting up that you want to a look .

right yeah and I think that in the last few years we've had a lot of family crises like and I my mind switched more than like it's more a job rather than me contributing to the world. Um and I guess it's still trying to settle with that like i'm not gona .

change everything. Well, let me that's right and let me ask this, what is the timeline best guess that you you're gna quit this job .

and that you will go home fifteen to .

twenty years oh, I don't think I realized that.

So yeah, I only in my four days so .

right but I just thought that with you guys paying your house soft, your husband retiring, that you .

may .

downed ft mabe oh, well, my answer changes a little bit in the everything I said, I believe. But I think there's come at a point where you may want to pivot to something that you really enjoy. If you've got a fifteen year journey of work ahead of you to where you have to bring in a certain amount of money, then yeah, I don't want you written in out for fifteen, twenty years on town and alone that will get old.

I was thinking my answer, by the way, for the rest of audience, in case you're wondering, my answer was based on a short term season. Is talent enough to be fulled? The answer is short term. yes. Because I was somewhere in my mind can, as I had this idea, you were doing this for .

a short term and I really need only be here for five years to be vested for my pension so I have twelve years of pension already this .

agency which would you be?

Um it's a it's a employer back tension. No no how much money we talking .

about you stick IT out for five years what you're penchant going to be.

It's based on my high five years of salary. okay. And since I met the top of my salary would be IT would be best to stay there for that money.

okay. So we so you so okay because my opinion on that is, you know yes, I don't know if you're making .

more money can freed and I don't have to be age.

what what would you be doing if you wave one and i'm going to go do this kind of work as I think you know the answer yeah.

I would probably to be working with in your community? probably. okay.

And so what's require for you to able to .

do that work? nothing.

You're qualified.

Now every do keep, every do a lot of volunteer work through our church.

helping our senior citizen. So facilities in area that in a reasonable drive. So it's not back to that old situation.

Yes, what do they pay? What are these positions pay? More of the same of what you make now? Or less.

less, much, much less.

Oh, I see. So we're back to that again.

So I do volunteer through church .

like a thirty meals. And that is the same type of fulfilment as a job of a paycheck. As long as the work is cream result that matters to you.

The brain doesn't know whether in that moment you're doing that task, whether not you're getting paid for or not. The heart doesn't know either. All the brain in the heart note is who were enjoying this, right?


So from that, the employing you've got to stick IT out as long you're doing fulfill fulfill work like the volunteering, like the craft or whatever you're making for the local farmers market um ice and then you you're very involved at home, the life rythm, the family rythm is far as schedule and all that is really good. Then I think that yeah you can maintain this. I don't know that I do IT for more than five years though OK because .

at this .

point you have to work so hard to pay your home off and and now you're a different level so maybe you don't have to make as much you don't mean or you know um it's not about it's not about making any money that's grave anyway but you're still bring in money .

in yes and you still .

doing something you enjoy. So I think that help you out and we get to what yeah I think IT .

was just a confirm that balancing that all just do the work IT still gives you the baLance, you know. And I think I was just trying to reach for something that maybe I can get through just work.

That's right. I think you I think hear heads on right. I think your hearts totally wired the right way, and i'm really proud of you.

Thank you. Thank you very much for the call. That is that's that's really worth the stuff you're thinking through financially, professionally.

And I think you're baLanced and you're going to do something really help people. This is the control ensure. Thanks for listening to the can and show for more. You can find the show on demand. Wherever you listen to podcasts and watch the show on youtube, you can also find can across all social media by following at can cola.