cover of episode Apple Readies Security Camera & Smart Display for 2025

Apple Readies Security Camera & Smart Display for 2025

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HomeKit Insider

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专注于解决高质量训练数据和模型开发成本问题的 AI 研究员。
一位经验丰富的 web 开发者、教程作者和播客主持人,专注于分享前端开发知识和技术趋势。
Andrew 介绍了 Nuki Smart Lock Ultra 的特点,它比前代产品更小巧、快速且静音,采用无刷电机,并计划支持 Matter 协议下的乐络认证,类似于 Home Key 功能。欧盟版和美国版在锁芯替换方面有所不同,美国版无需更换锁芯,对租房者更加友好。Wes 对其高价格表示疑问,并与 Aqara U50 等更经济的智能锁进行比较。Andrew 认为 Nuki Smart Lock Ultra 注重速度和未来兼容性,例如 Matter 协议下的乐络认证,这可能是其价格较高的原因。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss recent boxing and UFC events, including the Jack Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight and its implications.
  • First live broadcast of a fight through Netflix.
  • Record numbers expected for the event.
  • Public interest driven by wanting to see Jack Paul defeated.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome everybodies you exciting episode of home and insider. You've got me your host as always, Andrew oha. Joining me once again this week is was hilliard, who I believe he called next in the jack paul versus mike tyson fight. So i'm pulling for you on that one.

That whole thing I didn't even know is happening until like yesterday when I saw some work like a news post saying that my tyson slapped him IT away and i'm just like, oh, this is a thing that's happening.

They have been because my test okay, I first off, I don't follow any of this stuff, but I have followed TV news and its a big deal that this is the first fight that can be broadcast live through netlik, which has with no additional charge. So it's it's going to hit record numbers and stuff like that. So I was following from that perspective.

I also really hate the paul brothers. They happened to be from a cleveland. And like men, what are staying in the city? That is the plenty. thanks.

Yeah, I do know that this person is a terrible character, and I know to dislike him. And mike, this is going to wipe the flow with him.

But as far as I think, I think that's why most people are watching, right? They just want to see him laid out.

Yeah, it's it's really funny. How stupid like it's kind of like I just read about what he did but like jumping up at him and getting the his face lept yeah, it's just like what you want to do to every like petting ant child that a act that way because it's what this person seems to be acting like is just some crazy spoiled brat. So fun, fun, restful stuff going on.


and what U. F, C anyway okay.

I guess outside of restless or or fighting, boxing, whatever, this is our Normal topics you are on the show. It's been a big week for apple. In general.

We had more the beta stuff dropping. We had new max coming out this week. We had a new version of final cut, which I am completely helped for having in a couple short forms on and if you as follow youtube channel.

So i'm very excited about that. I did even test to as the new lake I capabilities for the magnetic mask and how IT compares, unlike the three max first cm four max. And unsurprisingly, IT was definitely Better, but only about ten percent IT.

Actually still, that's probably the first thing I found in a video workload that put some strain on my machine. Like video workloads are no longer that intensive for apple's processors. But IT still talk about fifteen minutes. Think I was like fifteen universes, thirteen or something like that for the two machines to go through the entire timeline and apply the magnetic mask all way through. So IT definitely takes some time.

It's getting tough to talk about some of these apple product like processors in a way because before I was, if you know anyone, them to, especially IT was all about the processor, the CPU, how fast the single core performance .

was and especially transitioning from intel l and general and GPU .

everything since the first couple of generations. We keep getting all of these extra components. We're getting these hardware accelerated units that change video production, that change um everything about how the product works, GPU accelerators and all the stuff.

And while i'm sure tools like geek bench can test for these, they have to be optimized for them. And the only way to do this is by doing the video workflow and running in testing IT. And it's still incredible how much speed these things have like you compare this five ninety nine and formed many to the seven thousand dollar configured mac, thirty two thousand dollar configured mac pro from until days.

And I just wipes the floor in every way even with the afterburner card. It's incredible how much performance has come from these chips. My and four mag many arrives, I think monday or two this week. I'm excited to set that up.

nice. yeah. I mean, the market mini really has been incredible. I've loved that thing. Even I don't really use these cups much anymore. I'm just so impressed by IT, but and also impressed like that m for max the fact that apple is fitting that GPU powered everything into a laptop that is besting like a thirty eighty super is insane.

And on a CPU level, it's besting the m two ultra that in the mac pro in a question on buying a mac pro just for the CPU, and I like it's the expendable and customization, but still that was never the case before. You would never buy an apple until laptop that was getting Better performance than a mac pro that had been released like one or two years. IT makes thing that .

makes you onder what apples going to do when the for ultra arrives. And are they just going to come out with the same case again with the same expansions? Lots to do, almost nothing really the very good for very specific workplace.

But um people are looking for more of that GPU side of things again and I don't know, we'll see we've talked about before this this is interesting. I mean, this m four pro can outdo the m to ultramar pro right now in some performance says again, just incredible strides in the apple silicon. And i'm glad that they can continue to release these things because we were just not seeing that back in the until days.

no. But I mean, like that thirty eighty super is like it's like a foot long, like it's a massive corraine ics card for a desktop and it's comparable to this tiny laptop you can slip in your bag. And the same thing goes like when we're looking in for ultra, which again be a desktop computer for either the studio or the pro both.

But that is going to be comfortable to that thirty ninety, which is just insane to me that apple done so much here. It's IT is wild. But we don't get out about our stuff because we learn more about all apple's ladies machines.

I'm sure you can hear plenty about him over on the apple insider podcast. So let's get into some news for the week starting over. Just a quick little one.

I don't if you've seen this APP at all, a new podcasting up since we're a podcast, we can talk about those. And this one I had such a nice U I. That i'd just wanted to give you a shout out.

It's called q like Q U E U E and IT is IT is so beautiful, it's just a very simple design podcast APP free to downloads you can try out with in that purchase to unlock everything. But IT just looks great. IT looks a really, really nice.

And honestly, I was sold on this just for like he's little animations and U I. Elements that they did. So if you are in the market for a podcast APP, you want to try IT out.

There's a link in the showed tes for this one because I think IT looks really, really pretty. I don't know there's where's the developer on this one? Ike fresher is who they're going to thank for that one, the developer of this out because they're done an absolutely amazing job on IT.

Yeah, this looks really cool. I always like seeing new entries in the space, and i'd like to let you know that I just started recording so seven minutes um it's okay. good. Thank goodness for back up audio recordings, but from .

here on out west will sound Better.

Yes, that was that always interesting when that happens. But life, we even did. We've lost ninety percent .

of our listeners in the first seven minutes because west audio was subbed.

Cutting with this never was that bad. I think I think our recording sweet does fine is just really more compressed than now. Maybe you'll here a difference.

We'll see. Yeah I like IT when, uh, new apps come out, uh, compete always new faces is nice and fresh. It's interesting to see what they do.

Well, next up a list of news. We have the nuclei smart a lock ultra nuka is A, I believe, the more european in base. So they usually launch in the E, U.

Before they come here stateside. But i've always really like that. We've always had a really nice, clean kind of modern design.

A little bit of an an issue that we have was like the August lock that west night have talked about at length where people aren't quite sure what to do with IT. You like it's it's just a dead bull. It's just round, but it's a dead bull.

So you just you turn IT like a dead bull, but you're walking out the door. You don't need to touch the dead bull because you're in someone's house. Just you can just use the the doorknob because the dorms the same.

But that's the vives they still get from nuke because IT is a retrofit lock that goes overall, replaces your regulator interior, dead pool, nice and compact. And this new one is three times smaller. And the three times faster than the prior generation is taking me their fifth generation smart lock.

And the eu version replaces the cylinder and includes three different keys. Or you cannot keep your exact same keys, but the U S. Version that we come in twenty twenty five will be fully retrofit, allow you to keep your cylinder. No need to, riki. Which makes IT especially good for renters.

Um they say there's no support for home for home key, home key here, but they do plan to add a lero support, which is this will be home key but for matter so we should see the exact same thing here. I'm curiously you'll have the ottawa lock with a euro, but we're talking we're waiting for a euro even get here, let alone what features of IT companies will support but expect we'll have a version of homework y via lero. I don't know about the ottawa lock yet, but something like that, that will be coming like next year.

Um the biggest change here they did this was they removed the giant bulky battery compartment that hung below IT and now has a new internal battery IT supports a wifi with building matter over thread and they say this is the first smart lock to heavy rush less motor. If anyone is clear power tools, you may be familiar with why a rush less motor is a good thing. But the highlights, they're much more efficient, at least somewhat more efficient, about ten percent more part efficient than a regular brush motor.

They are quieter. So yes, there's a quieter to Operate, which I have heard from people who will try this. It's insanely quiet. That's very fast. They have a longer lifespan because there's no brushes making contact. IT has a longer lifespan for the motor itself in general, smaller and later, which is why this one is so much tinier than before. What do you think of this new luck?

It's cool. I mean, I always wonder how many more versions of a smart lock can we get. This seems like there is constantly more designs coming along, but I do think this one might be a little easier for people to understand, to grab hold of, to turn.

And unlock um but now overall cool idea. I maybe bombed out a little bit on the home key support, but maybe that could be backhoe in through like you said, like a lio and everything just so many smart like to choose from these days. IT IT is funny to me though i'm looking at this one. How much is IT supposed to cost?

I don't know what IT is. Is do they have A A race here for the U S.

We have a euro three forty nine and that is incredible ah because the level lot we're going to get into is about four hundred dollars us. And IT is this little tiny just that IT looks like a dead bull IT functions like a dead bult people see IT IT makes sense. And then you look at this guy and it's very large lock.

And I wonder if for at this word place where it's getting difficult to manufacturing that that's why it's so expensive. Maybe they were trying to aim a little bit more down market or they had a specific design goal in mind. But I imagine that the ultimate go of these smart locks is to reach level of design.

I mean, why would you want to just look like a regular dead bull just for security purposes and and for esthetics as well? Because this is a large hunk of thing hanging off of your door. And IT kind of looks like a dorn ob.

And I think some people would look at the door be likewise, they're two dombes. So it's interesting to say the least. But I I wonder if maybe there are little bit behind the times compared to two competitors.

I think the reason is as two or three different things here. First is the actual like something like the brush le's motor or there was or not as cheap as your traditional motors, which makes IT after and quiet. That's what we do see with this thing and that I think that is going to be ideal, can also impact lifespan of IT.

If these things last longer. It's built to last year prior. You don't have to buy another one in a short of a timespan.

And as you may have to buy a competitor never had a competitor crap out on me. So I don't know, you know, lifespan of allow these door rocks. We are in this position where we test a lot of them, so it's like constantly swapping them out.

August locks completely sees up on me somehow. So I these these types, maybe the rush al smother would definitely be Better for that kind of situation. Yeah I mean, I could see why this particular industrial design makes sense and it's probably more efficient, right?

What level lock probably has to make a lot of compromises. Doesn't have a large of a battery compartment because they hide IT in the dead bolt. So it's definitely a given take.

But I think the two other things that we see here with this is, one, they're really touting the speed. They say IT is three times faster. The prior one and their prior one wasn't slow. So from the people who have tested this, they say IT unlocks fully in like a second or something, which is much quicker than, I think, any other one that I have tested. And it's one of those things where you look at your diminishing returns at what you're going to spend on to getting to that point for that little bit of Better.

So IT may have caused them a significant amount of R N D or a changes in hardware to get to that super fast on lock speed, and it's going to end up adding onto that Price tag by a little bit. They could have slow that down and ban fifty dollars cheaper, but they're trying to be that best of the best point. And the third thing is they are really focusing on the future proofing is like there's say, oh, we're onna, have a lero in here.

I've seen very, very few promising to bring a lero to a lock yet. And as you said, we're getting into level here in the moment, but they have hokey, but I know matter requirements. I think you're a little bit more owners like there are a little bit higher thresh hold for some of these requirements.

So they are probably building into those future proof things that level and others didn't do. The final thing they were moving on is that there are easy difference in these styles of the luck. So because you said like this one goes on the back in its outside of the door, maybe has a bigger battery and stuff, but when you look at like the level one, the level one had to replace your front dead bold two like your keyhole.

So all of that has additional components inside like IT has a little bit more space for all this stuff. It's got those extra components in there. This is all having to fit outside of your lock to make IT retrofit. They may not be able to do that because levels other products aren't getting the updates that we're going to talk about here that don't have to replace those pieces of hardware. So I think all those coming to play, they are able to give all those things in a fully retrofit solution.

different buying solutions, different ideas. I mean, i'm looking at the Price too, and I get the feature set. I guess that it's quieter, I get that it's faster.

But then again, I look at the a car out you fifty that I bought on sale for my mother for ninety dollars. And IT does everything he needs IT to do. And it's a secure system that uses home key ah so it's encrypted and safe. Like I don't expect you to get hacked doing anything. I'm not worried about security.

I don't think someone's going to break into unless state you again someone wants to break into a house or going to these are just um know there deterrence in any case that does not matter which smart like you buy, if you want to break a door, you're going to break a door. But so i'm wondering personally, if i'm shopping in the market today, why would I choose a three hundred and fifty plus dollar smart lock versus something like the a car of you fifty other than just esthetic like for me, I want the level for the level I want to level up. I wanted to look pretty.

I wanted to look like a that boat. I'm definitely to go that right. But um otherwise, just if you just need peer performance, it's curious to see again what these competitors are targeting in. I wonder what consumers are thinking about when they're buying absolutely.

Again, part of this is new ki is heating a lot of the european market, which a lot of r locks don't go over there. So that, that could be a big parva as well. okay.

Well, we do want to talk about we are going to talk about a car. We're going to talk about level lock. But before we do take our break, because we chat for quite a while, we're to think and we love him.

IT is shoplifting. And I have learned so many things as we've covered in shop fy as a sponsor on the podcast. But I also knew a lot of people who have been like chapter fy developers and working on like web stores with that, and there so many cool things.

I was looking at someone who had just fluent to trap fy on their web front, and they were talking about how huge the increases ban for their hard totals by have these little ad on option. So I could have I get product list and then I go, these are also the compatible ones that can go with that. And people can just like checkmark them and quickly add them to their box.

And it's such an easy little thing. And like, I love that. Like, that is such a cool little thing. To be able to togo on and instantly create additional value on your product is one of those little things that I love about shop pithy, probably.

Ly, the biggest thing though, is how IT scales from tiny little people starting their first businesses to people who have these massive companies. Alberts roses broke in, and we've talked about all of them moment. No mad here in the tax bases are two, the big one that I know that you shop a five.

A lot of people have been turned. This platform, IT, has so much functionality built in creative O Q pon code in discounting and credits, creates this unified inventory system that match a bricking water store with their online market place. Think that inventory as well, people do things like in the store pick up and like shipping out orders, like it's so cool to be able to handle all of them with this one platform.

It's just such a nice unified experience. There's so much stuff to love about IT, a couple things that they like that we point out nobody does selling Better than sharp fy ed. The number one check out on the planet, but not so seat secret, that shop pay boost conversion up to fifty percent speaking to shop.

I I love that checkout process because got shocked pay, you've got apple pay, you've got a samsung pay, google wallet like paypal, putting your credit or information on what everyone in its trusted bill secure people recognize IT they know they can trust your store. There's so many things to love about shop fy, so i'll grade your business at the same check out that rothes offered birkin in moment. No, that all these companies use, sign up for your one out our per month trial period and shape of dcom, a slash home kit, all lower case, good to shop fied dock coma slash home kit to upgrade you're selling today shop fied doc comm, a slash homegirl. So as we talked about, let's gain to level lock. What did you walk to do this?

Well, level lock got an update, a quietly, almost kind of snuck by me. I saw in the release notes that level lock got support for matter over thread suddenly. So that's I did see. No, I wonder if you can explain this is a like a limited time upgrade for matter over is a little .

bit of a weird thing. And yeah so basically so there's two different for waging goers. You can buy IT right now with matter installed by IT.

Put IT on good go second option as if you've already purchased one or if you have purchased one right now through amazon. The link in the showed one, whatever. You can get IT now without that far more update.

And then it'll be a free upgrade for anyone who already has one. If you already have one free upgrade until that date, which is a january fourteenth of twenty twenty five. To me, IT is weird that they are like hooding this behind a free update for a limited time before I assumed charging people really update or just charging people for a new lot, lot, i'm not quite sure. But this is a little bit .

weird like it's to be a server controlling these updates and. Maybe it's just volume or they don't want to have to pay for IT perpetual. They just want to have IT available because whatever they're doing IT, they must be storing the suffered required for this somewhere and in fetching IT, that's my only guess.

And I know maybe that sounds weird because update x all time you have, but maybe the package for this is bigger. Maybe IT just requires more band with, who knows? But there seems to be A A financial component to this that we're not aware of and then allowing IT to be a retro update is then just trying to be good to the customer because honestly, they didn't have to do this.

So at least they are doing IT at all, whether or not it's on a time insured, but that's plenty of time. January fourteenth is a woo, agreed. So this can keep the same functionality has now.

But that matter, supporters who is going to make IT instantly available across all the other different smart home platforms start things to go home. Amazon, all of that is very easily. All that's a great news to hear. I'm absolutely upgrading, mind because for home kit users, one of things that know we heard a lot really on the matter like oh, why would I upgraded to matter? Because it's working perfect with home kit.

Number one reason why you're again thread so right now and Operates over lutte, the the red radios, we talked about them that y've been hidden in these lots, literally the bolt, the other versions of level, have the thread radios in them, and they would ve never used them. Then they came out a little update tune, where made them usable for the apartment complexes to like things together, or something for like that shared a living space situation, but never for for us. And I always kept wondering, why aren't they just going to turn on the red for home, kid or apple home with that worrying about matter? But I always heard like package deal make IT easier to understand and like now worth a thread and now works in.

Now just one thing you update, you get matter and you get thread that can improve. I'm hoping Better your life is to read is more battery efficient than the blue th is and range could be Better because you can have something like an eve energy. You buy your front door and that's going to allow youtube act as a threat or router, not a border router, but a router and pass that along, give you extended range so you could get more responsible out of this as well.

Yeah, you got to think it's a more modern standard. And while apple hasn't depreciated home kit or anything, it's sound like as the fastest to adopt features or compatibility sets for different things. And it's in a game.

We're talking about a smart lock. So there's IT open and clothes, right? But IT just gives you more options and more ability. So i've recently moved rather systems to won by tp link.

And it's been interesting because i'm going from a links of system that didn't really have a lot of control in the APP IT just was giving me a lot of problems and I was on why I six, so maybe would have opening more control of. I moved to wifi seven. I don't know what would have been solved that.

I done that, but i'm trying out a wifi system by T P. link. And in the ad, IT has the option to add matter homework IT or matter devices to the writers APP as and use the road as a controller for them.

I didn't because i'm using homemade IT, but IT is interesting to see that, that is an option. And then just an additional layer. I mean, you can share these across multiple ecosystems, and there's nothing wrong with that.

You can use different automation. It's like having the a car APP have specific automation to a car of features, but still being able to see these devices in the home APP having these layers of availability and control is very useful. And I wouldn't bypass matter just because IT isn't home kit because honestly, at this point, I believe matters more future proof.

And I I don't think home kids going anywhere, I just think it's going to look more, more like matter as time goes along. And there there's a chance that it'll be kind of like chee too, where it's just mag safe, right, where they end up being more in parallel. And maybe as time goes forward, matter will be more important to a apple ecosystem than IT is today. So I just there's nothing there's nothing to lose by updating. Is alm .

saying angry? I think he we're just scared origin because like there, there was a lot of early bug with matter. There still is.

And depending on version matter, this is supporting could you could grow up some bugs. But I think that the efficiency, the range and all these other benefits of the red will outweigh that. Mean, you can now direct talk from your iphone to your lock of the f thread.

If you're not immediately they're using homekeeping think there are benefits. I am trying to upgrade mine right now doing look at that from where is alive yet. So they say everything is out, but i've not seen the update show up for my particularly smart lock was if if I get IT updated, I will let you know on the next episode.

This next one will just hate really quick. So a cara, this is not a an official news we'll able to talk more about on the next episode. They are teasing this released for the sixteen th.

But I can tell you what there with their tag, wine is on social, which is real time alerts, sleep design and no more. What's the smell moments coming soon to keep your home? Worry, worry for launching november seventh.

They have said that IT is a smart water controller, so we know what that is. I may I might be testing one who knows. So I can't give a more respect everything away until next week.

But if you're in the market for a smart water controller, like maybe you're it's transitioning right now in your area from fall of winter and you want to make sure you're turning off like your outdoor for IT and they're a hard to reach spot or maybe you just have water sensors in your basement, your things, whatever. And you want na worry if this something is leaking, your waters going to get turned off, you know, flood your house or something that I can imagine, this would be pretty useful. So keep in, I offer that west. You want to speculate at all on that before we move on to our big two topics here.

Well, I mean, water control, I feel like, is such an underutilized part of home kit or or smart home in general. I keep eyeballing that moon smart power system and then there's the gosh, what is that called? It's the controller that you can buy anyway.

There's there's smart controls for shower and then there's a couple smart for its, but it's a few and far between. So it's nice to see a car under the space that seems like a car I wanted to just be everything in the smart home, which i'm fine with. Honestly, I like IT when I can focus on a single brand and have everything kind of communicate through different there are different standards that they focus on.

But as well as what this is, yeah, I don't know IT just sounds that sounds interesting to me, a some sort of water controller. I mean, I personally think that having some sort of smart valve to control the water line in your home and the like in coming water into your home is an excEllent idea, because you just have a water link sensor anywhere, a water they could occur. And as seen as that senses one, have the ability to just automatically shut off the water supply.

Really good idea. I mean, I feel like that's homework or want to won at that point because water, the image is not something you ever want to deal with. So yeah, we will see what they announce. This, this sound like I will be nice.

Well, wrapping up this episode, literally, west and I are frothing right now about these two announcements or or rumors that came out this week. We are I speak for west here, but i'm pretty sure we are both incredibly excited for the new details that have come out first from ming cheque and then from germin .

yeah IT seems like what's funny is they're .

tied together to two unrelated sources but related .

to the same time right um because once so go in order here. First IT was apple smart home cameras and stuff and then IT was a homeowner, veal, a leak. So but it's suggested the apples going to reveal this homework.

B first, to test the waters on being delving more into the hardware side of smart home. And then as long as that goes well, we'll see these smart cameras. So let's let's start with mean equal in the smart cameras.

yes. So quote came out saying that apple is working on its own first party smart home camera, launching in twenty twenty six with production remaining up in late twenty twenty five. This completely aligned with I think this is so funny because I had parts of this even written in here before.

We knew about some of the other stuff that was going on. But my my figure was for the road map, we'd have the new versions of matter coming out this ball. We'd have the new version of matter being announced in the spring that will include camera support.

That's when I think, as far as my guess is that when it's targeting to the additive matter, so we're going to have cameras sport added a matter in the spring of twenty twenty five, which would give apple time to then integrated summer production and fall launching in spring or twenty twenty six. So that is my guess for this timely here. Gore tech has been tap for the production, which they would ve used them for.

There were some issues there, but there's been solved. So now everybody's happy and gets along targeting tens of millions in the unitary, which is pretty crazy for the smart home camera space. That is that is very high. They'll be a dominant share of the market here.

But I think with the big thing that I think is going to stand and out, two things, privacy and A I apple AI stuff for its cameras, like its package and person detection, are fairly lackluster harshly due to apple's importance on privacy. They've been working on that. They ve been refining IT.

We've seen no changes on that on our front end, but apple is not in standing still IT sounds like a lot that's going to do you in these cameras and give them the first party advantage of building in like apple and lenders directly into the cameras themselves. Some features may be available for third parties, but I think a lot of that can be built in there. And it's really, really exciting. Know what you take away of all this.

Do you think these will be ten I D P cameras?

okay. I I believe I maybe i'm an optimistic here. I think matter is going to include perfect forky cameras. I think matters going to do that I think would be too far behind to do ten eighty.

So these smart cameras um there's been room this isn't the first time we heard about IT, so I don't know how far back we have to go, but there has been some rumor that apple's working on smart hom devices on the hardware side that they want to build light bulbs. We've heard that. We've heard about sensors, different things they are testing eternally abt.

Apple has a small whole smart home ecosystem inside of their little model that they have on a stage, right. I think that these cameras are gonna fairly strait forward. I think you're right um in the idea that there might be A I focus or more apple focus on some way in the ecosystem. But I think apple just wants to have a little bit more control and be able to say there is absolutely no way that these are like hackable or usable in a bott net or in any case, like you can put these in your ecosystem that are completely trustworthy.

And I wonder if maybe somehow these these security cameras would double as like smart home cameras or as a conference cameras, right? Like you mount IT to your TV and when you're not using IT as a conference camera, as a security camera, right? And then you get a face time call and you enter the phone and it's a face time camera.

That's the kind of stuff of managing because apple, I think, is going towards more modularity with its products. These would that be built with sensors? They would work as baby monitors.

A with you sound detection of for a crying baby or shatter detection or anything like that like. So I expect these to be all in one units. Apples going to go all out. They're probably going to be expensive because I don't see apple trying to compete in the market with some incredibly basic I P camera. I think it's going to have a lot to do with maybe this home hub we can get into because I think the two go hand in hand, really .

absolutely. Um so we had big matter news last last weekend or so two weeks ago, whatever spent. But matter one, win four was announced and we didn't get cameras in that back, but we did get things like routers.

And my first I was I really still wish apple would get into the router space. And now that we're getting matter having router support, I think it's a perfect time for apple to do that. Now at apple, we've been saying apple focusing that on the smart home in twenty twenty ve in in twenty twenty six going forward.

So the next part of this news is that apple is yet working on a home hub b and this is again, bin rumor. We've talked about IT hopefully on the show, but now we have more details by way of german. They say that IT is working on a new homeware, something referred before.

It's to my understanding, it's going to be a fork version of tvs, which makes sense. Apples literally turning tvs into some sort of home hub. For years now, we have a redesigned control center for your tvs.

We have the new object like the new way of switching your screens avers, which literally feels like it's more at home on a smaller cut screen display then on your apple TV. So like all of those things are pointing to that interface for this device. Next thing is, we're going to get hitter integration with matter, but this is going to be huge.

I think this is why apple has been so mum about their matter support like we can't even get them to a comment on old do you have matter? One two, one three, where you at on like no one can get any answers. There's nothing official.

There's things is blow around, but we have not been able to get anything. I think we're going to we're going to see this hub come out and it's going to have like fool matter, like one point three support building, like I think they're going to blow us away with a quick of one three, one four maybe. You know, at this point, the changes are are small enough.

I think they could do IT. I think that's what we're going to do. So we going have a very tightening Graced with matter, which is going to unlock a bunch of new accessory types that will be able to use in home for the first time, is, of course, going to act as a thread border router.

And girl is also saying that it's one and have a camera built in. So it's going to be acting like a center stage face time camera to keep you on there and to take these face calls make sense. And then it's going to have a like a six and half in touch stream and say like two iphones kind of side by side. And it'll have a walmart option or a stand option. So it's a it's a lot of details here.

Well, so yeah, there's a lot going on. First of all, its slow Price. Apple wants apparently to sell these like they do home odds.

They want people to buy them and have multiple in a single households. They expect users. I I think it's going to be meal to user product. But at the same time, I think they expect that users would that maybe have one reach bedroom and then they would just travel around the housewife during the day and there would be anker points in the kitchen, dining room, living room, office, but nights ands and different stands were described like a speaker stand, would be used to play music versus a standard nights, and would just keep IT charged but show the display or a small mount to show IT. So and I think all these across inter would have options for power inputs.

And yeah overall, IT sounds like A A very, very straightforward like a season like some secret, like the apples unlocked IT IT IT does sound similar to the functionality or something like a google home or um what is that other problem? Amazon a amazon uh, echo or whatever their echo show or whatever they have. So it's definitely in apple's warehouse. I think we're going to be looking at a two hundred dollar Price range and you think is going to come .

with A A dumb stand in the box and then like an optional up sell for a wall, mt or a speaker mount the entire ecosystems .

going to be accessory based. I think think I yeah it's like you you might build to buy a bundle. I doubt IT this is gonna a tablet in a box that maybe there's a kickstand on IT. Honestly, I don't even think it'll have a stand bundle in the box and it's probably going to be accommodation of a lot of things. So simple, simple design, square body, huge puzzles.

So it's it's not going to be the pretty big look, probably overall, probably esthetically pleasing in a way that it's probably a little bit thinner and lighter because IT seems like IT might be running like a watch chip set, right? So it's going to be underpowered. It's meant to just be a display technology .

like it's onna run in a years. It's gonna based on what apple TV got. I don't think you're gna go with bb maybe but is is just .

meant to show you information and act as a reay. Um there's this obviously seems to be a precursor to the thousand dollar uh homework b that would have be on a robotic ARM that looks at you and follows you as you move around the room um and that would be an A I hub. Um I don't think that this is that product just yet.

Um I think you will be.

but IT if it's an eight seventeen pro, I guess. But I IT just that they're quickly pricing themselves out the ipad. Many has an eight seventeen pro and a retina display in all the stuff and IT costs six hundred dollars.

So I just don't see apple going that hard on this because if they want multiple in the household, they're gonna aiming for a two hundred dollar Price point, I think because that's still more expensive than a lot of these home devices that are being sold. But if fits apple's market share, they can't go too high. If they are selling a speaker stand, that speaker stand can't cause more than a homeboy IT would make sense there.

There's there in such a tight space here, I wonder what it's going to look like. But overall, the functionality looks like it's going to be similar to what we've seen like with the google product. You can pick IT up and Carry IT with you.

IT shows you what music expLoring IT can show you a timer. It's going to have that standby mode interface and you can receive a face time call and you connect IT to whatever mount is available. You're in the kitchen.

It's on a ARM mount connected to the wall, right? Like that's the idea. And apparently it's onna have people sensing so knows how many people in the room who's talking to and how close you are.

And when you give IT a command or look at IT, it's going to show you information based on your proximity. If you're further away, IT gets bigger. If you eat closer, IT gets more dense. And google home, I believe arty does this.

So same thing was like a the nest and equity thermostats .

yeah so there's it's interesting to see that they're entering the space and kind of combining a bunch of technologies, but I don't see this as a six hundred dollar plus tablet device because then they would just sell you an ipad that hasn't always on display. So this has to be done market, otherwise IT doesn't make any sense. I don't think so.

Counterpoint, I think you're on on the Price point. I think the devices that can be like about two hundred dollars for the tablet itself can have their face on camera to generate little bit. What you said with what we talked about before was that there does seem to be not only will be able to use that camera to like recognize or we like hand gestures for you to be able to dismiss things is going to know who you are.

We at the AI in your photos and things like that, they'll able to tell different people apart and match your gestures with with what you're doing. All that is good, but this is where I think we disagree. We've heard the rumor said that apple was the first smart home device that they made was going to be the moving robot one.

And you're saying, no, this is why I think that's right because I think they going to sell the tablet, right, two hundred dollars smart home display with a basic extent or you get one that got the speaker quality of a full sized home pod. So you're replacing a full size home pod and then apple already has the tech. You don't need a seventeen pro you need in a series chip at all because this right here, magnetic mount on the top, you slap your device and automatic uses the building camera to find people and follow around the room.

We'd even heard that this tablet would mount on top of something that would look like an old mac g four, right? With the rounded base on the bottom, the meddle m coming up. Where does that look like? Maybe something like this, I would be able to rotate around and tilt up and down. I would be able to follow you. They've already got the tracking and everything built into every iphone that runs IOS seventeen yeah I feel like that's I going to cost much.

No no, that's not the issue. The I believe the robotic ARM um system relying on A I A is the is the issue. That's where it's gonna. There's portions .

going to support apple intelligence.

Well the thing portions of this report that suggests that uh this could be a quote, A I hub and act as a relate to the rest of the homework. If you speaking to a home part which is not have apple intelligence, IT would be able to bounce that signal through one of these homeless bes and have IT performed the task for IT. And that's interesting because then you'd be able to apple will be able to say you want to smarter theory, you buy this device.

I think that would be a good selling point. But then again, apple's box and selves into a corner, it's a raman ship at limitation and those things are not inexpensive. So I just wonder how they're going to play this.

Is that going to be a different kind of really, we've discuss this before. Private cloud compute could IT just be a internet relay that has a very specific chipset that allows you to do this in a more expensive way? No, I agree.

I don't think IT needs A, I to control the robotic ARM. That would be silly. I think IT needs the A I capabilities is apple intelligence capabilities. S to control apple intelligence. What we're seeing with the new iphone fifteen updates with the ipad many right.

The ipad mini got this chip set just like your apple intelligence is the bare minimum qualifier unless they just have millions of these little chips playing around. I just i'm not sure what their goal is. As far as intelligence goes, it's can be full apple.

I I see no other way around IT apples can be putting apple intelligence in everything that they can. They want to get IT out there as much as possible because they want to start motives ing IT. So there is no way I see this device launching because the amount of people that, oh, man, I am someone who has a big smart home that wants a smart home controller, but I also don't want to pay for apple until IT. I think that market is going to be too for that version.

I agree with that. Like there there's honestly almost no way apple could launched this home hub without supporting up on intelligence. My issue is how are they going to do IT? Is IT? Because I I wonder if they don't announce a new proprietary chip set of some kind that's built for AI that is cheap, inexpensive.

mean, going to put that ship in the iphone S E four in march and that's gonna be a sub four hundred dollar phone may be and i'm not saying this is this isn't going to be nearly as verbose.

Correct me from wrong. Seventeen pro is on the same architecture. Is the m to correct. So if that's true, then there is no reason why apple won't be making billions of these right now um in a fab because they act that process has a high yield rate and it's more in expensive. This time goes on.

If IT was built in the same processing three, they would be trying to run away from IT. So i'm assuming that's correct. And maybe maybe we're just underestimate the fact that apple was already preparing a seventeen pro to just be a long term entry level chip that cause of fifty cents to make and they can just shove IT and everything.

which that's the case. We really that there could be the eighteen ship too. I mean, for because that was their cheaper version of that. I mean, it's not a been down version, doesn't make IT a specific design ship. So yeah, maybe that's what they are going with.

That could be maybe why IT was unavailable for ipad many as well, right? IT, we'll see the apple strategy here is getting clear as time goes on. We knew almost nothing a while ago except that apples making a tablet like smart hub.

And now it's here's all the use cases and the accessories. And so hopefully, I can't wait to have a name for this things. I don't know what's call IT homeboy is kind of silly, but I am excited for apple's pitch because if apple can do one thing, they can pitch your product and they can convince you to buy IT.

So i'm i'm interested in seeing how they sell device because to be honest, even for me, it's like I already have an ipad and I can just buy magnetic mounts for around the home. And I understand it's different because it's not not always on display and my battery eventually explode if I leave at powered on all the time. So there's obviously given take here and there's a reason why this product should exist, but I think they really need to sell us on IT. I think .

apple is gonna with more like a two fifty years, three hundred or Price point because already google is more expensive like the google home hub. Max is like two thirty and apple is not going to undercut the competition and IT won't have the speaker building. So but that speaker is not amazing.

Anyway, I got one speakers, not great. So I think they are going to use IT. You'll Priced a little bit above that to stay somewhat competitive, maybe two fifty, and they're going to call on those accessories deriving additional sales so they might not make as much money with that main unit.

But when they have the robotic arms speaker attachment or amount options, any of those things, I think that's where they are going to make up additional money. Plus again, long term revenue driving through eyes, cloud descriptions and home kidders or home kidding sider at part you're no edit popped up as i'm talking and I read home kid inside apple intelligence. So I think I could apply us in apple intelligence features.

We're going to be subscription revenues going forward. So I will going to come out little bit competitive here. They set of features, all that stuff built in, and then they're onna have a lot of reoccurring revenue with those ads and subscriptions.

It's interesting because this lines up with other things that have come out. I believe there is an esc filing recently telling investors to I think I didn't get to read. I just pass me by very quickly suggesting that telling investors, hey, you know, the iphone was kind of an anomaly, right? That and expecting us to redo the iphone is just unrealistic.

And that seems like a very honest thing for apple to say, but it's true like I come on, never gonna another iphone. And going forward, they expect to release more products that will sell in higher volume in volume, but they're never gonna the iphone success. So I think these products fall into that strategy, I think. And so IT all seems to be lining up, like you said, matter supported cameras, apple coming home up with the homework b that they want to sell two or three to each households than smart cameras. You're going to buy a couple of those and where you know maybe even that light bulb that people keep removing is, is gonna and then will we'll have a whole apple home ecosystem.

But I think the biggest thing that they have been a theme for years now that we saw with nanos few years ago that has been continuously to grow. What we're going to see with the smart home is going to be A I because we got to the point like you had to manually turn up bulbs like with with a button or whatever. And I was like wireless cool.

The next step up after that, you're getting to oh, we can schedule them. Now we have basic motion sensing and now we're getting to a trigger and a little bit more than automation. And the next step of that is going to be doing things is proactively, and companies are already doing that.

Nana ef is doing that with a lot of their stuff. And that's where I think apple is going to start. That's where apple sees that value.

They see so much potential here in the smart home. We have heard of that rumors how much apple believes in the smart home. And I think that A I step is going to be that next case in ario. Everything's going to start to come together very nicely and it's going to start next year with that home hub. Then apples, they are going to do something just for me and release their own rounds and then we're going to get their own camera s and A I stuff going to continue to grow at a crazy pace.

I really hope that we see this device in march.

This I hopes that I can't wait no longer yeah.

because this seems like march is the date now. And unless something happens, that's what's coming. It's got to be in production.

So supply chain stuff s onna start popping. We might even see a picture ever at some point, but it's a square display. I'm not sure what there is to see, but i'm very interested in this.

I'm very interested in an apple TV update. Hopefully maybe they'll come together in the spring. Maybe apple have a little smart home event or something .

germen called that imminent like half a year ago.

Well, I think this report maybe i'm remembering incorrectly. I think this report specifically called out march of twenty five, but maybe that was something else. But anyway, I am very excited for this product and I will definitely be buying to at least. So apple, you can put me down for two on out of two billion that you're in a salty.

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