cover of episode 589: 6 Reasons to Love Linux 6.12

589: 6 Reasons to Love Linux 6.12

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一位经验丰富的 web 开发者、教程作者和播客主持人,专注于分享前端开发知识和技术趋势。
Wes详细介绍了Linux 6.12的重要特性,包括其作为下一个LTS版本的重要性、文件系统改进、Sched_ext调度框架的引入、对Raspberry Pi 5的支持、内核崩溃QR码功能、以及Preempt RT实时内核特性的合并。他强调了这些特性对不同工作负载的优化和改进,以及它们对Linux生态系统的长期影响。 Chris补充了LTS内核的维护周期和应用范围,并对Bcachefs的持续开发和Sched_ext的灵活性给予了高度评价。他还分享了Preempt RT在桌面环境下的性能提升体验,并表达了对Linux 6.12成为游戏规则改变者的期待。

Deep Dive

The Linux 6.12 kernel is not just another update; it's a game-changer that deserves full attention, from performance improvements to fascinating new features.
  • Linux 6.12 is a significant kernel update with performance gains and new features.
  • The episode discusses the top six features of Linux 6.12 that will blow listeners away.
  • Double mention picks segment and more are included in the show.

Shownotes Transcript


Spend a few more days over here now just took.

Hello, friends, and welcome back to your weekly linux touch my name.

my name is and my name is brand.

Well, hey, gentleman, coming up on the show today, the linux six twelve at least isn't just another kernel update. IT is and actual game changing, and IT deserves our full attention this week from the performance gains to the massive upgrades we're going to dig in to the top six features of linux. Six, twelve, it's gona blow away and they will rounded out with some great boost, a double ment pix segment and a lot more. Wow, double ment picks us even even .

know if I know about this. So, ww, you're working over time.

I snuck in a surprise. So before we go any further, let's say time, a properly agreeing to our virtual look. Hello, m room.

hello, hello and hello, hello they're on IT and .

look at up powerful quite listening up。 There is powerful cheese. Thought some. Thanks for join us, everybody, and a bit good morning to our friends. Over at tail scale, tail scale outcomes, slash on plug IT is the easiest way to connect your devices and services wherever they are, whatever they are.

Go get tae scale on one hundred devices fur free at tail scale dock comms, lash a unplug IT is the best way to build a simple network across complex infrastructure, creating a flat match network powered Better. That's right. It's really slick if you got like five systems to take you three minutes to get them all go.

And it's so great. I love a tail scale darcos flash unpack gentlemen before us is linked six, twelve IT may be released right now as we're recording. We're doing so. So we don't know it's on schedule, be recorded to be released today.

Yeah, you never know, right? Like lynda makes the call, he could decide that an arc ate make sense. Either way, it's coming real sum.

If he did that, IT looks like the next release would be the next and right i'm thinking we're gonna IT though I bet you by the time we hit stop.

I betch IT out yeah and you know there's a little pressure um one of folks are getting stuff cut up for the thirteen merge window, which will open once six years out. So IT could impress us on there .

is a lot of exciting new features in linux six twelve. And I don't think we have ever, ever dedicated an entire episode to a corneal release .

that we've talked about, big features from releases, but usually there's something else going on in the show, not so today .

um but this is probably a kernel that you are going to end up running because of well, will get into IT, and that is our first feature. Gb, take us away with top six. Number six, number six, you go.

Thank you. Well, down IT is the next lts. One kern nel version is selected to be an lts each year. The selected L T S. Cornell is then maintained for two years.

sometimes longer. Yeah, often, you know these cornels that end up in L T S. distroyed. Then they are maintained and patched, and you see them .

on servers for a year. And android phones.

oh yeah, absolutely.

So the ideas, you wanted to be stable. You want to be able to support them for a while. You want them available for enterprise and in bedded systems.

And so the L, T S kernel receives regular updates and bug fixes and security patches that get backwards from newer corneal versions. I know greg K. H is intimately connected to IT.

On average, the L T S kernels receive nine to ten patches per day compared to ten to fifteen patches for the regular stable kernel. Hh, you know, my first question, if I had great here right now, if he's in the number room, would that be something? Yeah, what do you decide which patches go to the L, T, S corner versus that's a bit of a delta.

Imagine there's no part of IT probably is how much you know who's demanding that who wants IT? What's the you know is a security thing that needs to you? Is that a feature improvement that is like widely adopted?

And then of course, there's all bugs, just bugs. True, true.

But then there's the question of how much done work is ah that's I imagine some things are relatively simply to backboard and others are are a huge pain .

yeah and then of course, I would imagine towards the end of that L T S cornal life IT becomes more and more of a chAllenge to backdoor. So IT becomes tRicky and tRicky because the mainline kernels moving further further forward.

right, can either have to drag a bunch more code back for what you need, a reimplement ted or so .

right off the top. The reason why this is going to be an important kernel is because IT is the .

next delt us know on the show. We live fast and crazy and run our secret sometimes. But the reality is a lot of place, especially like a work production environment, you don't necessarily have the luxury of picking what cornely you got, what you got on the supported destroy that you happen to be running unless maybe your workload really demand something specific. So makes sense to be familiar with the features you're gonna and for a long time, come on. Plus, this is kind of a new baseline will be once that is deployed for like what Linda s can do.

Yeah, yeah. And we'll get know why that's going to be such a big deal. Number five, a lot of file system fun in this kernel.

A lot obviously be cash of a scuts and love will talk about that. But just some good stuff in for X, X, F, S. Really nice to see.

I O U ring now supports acing discard. So you're going to get some significant performance improvements. Their fuse gets some nice improvements here.

Butter fast gets some performance enhancement. Is that right? Everything gets a little love. Be cash is expected to have the experimental flag removed next year, and six, twelve see some key features like the base. And six or teens gona have even more for self healing features of the cash of us. Hey.

and that's what you want, right? You have a fancy copy on right file system, the support having replication and multiple copies of data and you know what to have to do a scary run, you know, file system check if you I want to just figure out and keep on going also .

in six well for b cash fs, improve capability to support petiole size file systems. Not a problem.

I, but I love to have that problem. yes. And if you .

eventually .

won enterprise adoption, probably something you .

need also a Better user experience around degrade IT miles. But I think maybe more so than the features that we're seeing big cash of us for six twelve ve. It's the fact that these patches are in six twelve.

right? You know, actually I did a little first end testing because I got six twelve R, C, seven running on my system with an encysted route, be cash F S file system. And so like the and I think at some point there might must have been you know some stuff wrong with the osm because the first time the new canal ran reported fixing some stuff um yeah and then later just to see I did like an off line uh full file system check and IT takes a bunch of stuff and now I can boot between neither Carol and both are have that's clearly been working improvement in both the run time user space two lion and the coronal tolin and I know coming in six, thirteen, two, there is work to make those two pass basically the same. So it's going to be but .

do you agree the biggest story maybe here is the fact that be cash a fest hasn't been forced out of main mainline and that patches are landing in six. Well, they are landing in six, six.

thirteen already. yeah.

And I think like b cash F, S.

are still on board up. I mean, we haven't seen further, you know, incidents. Explosions are heated discussions. I think at the end of the last one, IT seemed like linus in can't gotten on the same page yeah you know were understanding each other's goals and motivations that were willing to work together.

And let's hope that continues. Button of fest got some fixes and some cover factory and cleanups. That's where the performance comes from. So there's also, along with that, some improvements now to air reporting preparations for compression in sub page mode and reducing the accident locked scope for red Operations, which will allow for a smoother integration with iron map later on. So they're like also lay in down the future for butter faster.

doing simply.

But office is in a really, really tight spot. Now if you haven't checked IT out, it's not two thousand and tens button fest anymore. IT is whatever I don't have a good IT is much, much Better, is much improved. Are we all running to some extent, your big cash on the st?

You have butter fly st anywhere? yeah. You have butterfish on system .

brand button of fest. Now, up, up. yeah. So do I on my home news and on all of my test ops. And none of them have had any problems just getting Better.

Better yeah and you know you've got more you you still shouldn't use five, six but i've got read one c three and four. A few uh need a lot of data production. And what's means you can also use that for your files to meta data even if you don't use IT for the data to just help maxi have a really robust file system. I was doing some tests as Brown this morning, this nars path, where I made a little file system with four disks in red ten.

And then I killed one desk, and then I killed a second desk just to see, like, could I still mounted? And what how much of the data can I recover? And yeah, I mean, I had killed about thirty percent, thirty three percent of the files can, as I was expected to cause, you know, I I nuked more and then was able to survive, but I was able .

to recover the rest, the rest, at least you could get that the remaining.

That's fun experiment. Yeah, he mad man, course I didn't do with any real data.

but I hope not just branch later, right? yeah.

okay. reasonable.

Number four. This one I think is hard to wrap your head around initially, but once you start to appreciate the extension ability is going to give them an exercise. It's gonna maybe one of the most used features by cloud providers and professional high and workloads.

And IT is a new framework for scheduling. I don't actually know how you pronounce IT. The AI version of Chris pronounced IT wrong, and I am afraid to pronounce IT.

Schedule schedule a.

schedule sion. I would think this schedule extension functionality, which was initially planned that linux six eleven actually now was learning in six twelve, but enables the schedule policies to be implemented, as this is the big part, guys, B, P, F programs. So you can have your own custom scheduler for your specific word case. So you can see how valve could use this on the steam deck to create a valve designed engineer schedule specifically for the steam deck. Or you could see how AWS, or as you could use this to have A B P F schedule that optimizes resource allocation for different customer workloads.

One thing that kind need about this is by leveraging E B P F. Um you know it's already designed to implemented and loaded from user space. Are I got safety and like run time checks and you a lot of checking to make sure that you're not going to crash the cornel.

So you get to reuse all of that for your scheduler. Um you know so meta did a case study there's in with one of the largest workloads in their fleet for that workload. How much work the machine could perform is determined by the ninety ninety percent, while request response lencs, usually the C, P, U, utilization hovers around forty percent.

So with that much CPU time unused, they were thinking like there's got to be room room for some scheduling improvements here. They want to know, like our idols, C, P, S, hanging in out when there could be doing work is a task, waking up and looking for a CPU to rub. How do we choose the right one the most efficiently? So they played with that.

They implemented several different schedulers using this, this technology. And here's their conclusion. This experience has clearly confirmed the benefits of sketchy xd. To us, there's no way we could have experimented with an schedule change. This significant in production IT would have taken too long and too much coordination in pain even if we could experiment and obtain the same results, the path deployment ment would be too uncertain and arduous. With sketch X, I spent a couple weeks writing S, C, X layer, which is one of the things they built, and another week testing IT on the line production workload, while continuously tinkering to obtain the result that what so need.

right? You don't have to reboot, you have to eat, just tinker with a little program you wrote also.

because it's so safe, we can easily expand in the testing to wider scale and deploy as is, I didn't spend too much effort optimising the configuration. And the resulting configuration isn't very specific to the workload. The goal behind sx layer is to allow application teams to easily apply their domain specific knowledge and experience to improve scheduling behaviors. So now like your info team can set this up so that you can you know, like your workload, you can tweet the linux and dulled. You don't need a customer, cornel.

and you go from like there's s like three or four schedulers you can pick from and then you've got to have a kernel with built for that. And then you've got to have some boot flags, and you've got to reboot every time you swap out schedules. To now you can hot load a purpose built schedule that runs inside a cornal vm, handling that stuff for you .

at superfast beds. And you can use rust .

to do IT if you want all cheese hab. Ca, so this, so we're as we get along here, six, twelve starts to emerge as the corneal that really lets you build around your specific workload and schedule extension is a really big part of that because recovered when E, B, P, F just came to the next cornal years ago and IT was really for more diagnostic type stuff.

Yeah right. I mean, we'd always been uh envious of things like the trays, which IT turns out now exists basically as a wrapper on top of E B P F. So yeah right, way to hook in and add trace points and look at how what the cornel is doing and have counters and stuff know we didn't have to reapply the kernel .

to get extra information. Yeah, this is a big feature and this not even in our top three. And this this is one of those is going to have long lasting impacts on linux, in cloud workloads, in high production workloads and gaming workloads. I mean, would IT be possible people, people tinker with this kind of stuff to see if they can optimize battery life? I think IT is possible.

I just wanna, if I can make a schedule that prevents you from running in ano.

One password dock com slash unplug, that's the number one password dock com slash unplug. You really have this problem in modern day IT users have their own devices and all these services they want to access. How do you make sure that your end users, and I mean, always without exception, work on only company on devices and use IT approved haps is is IT even possible this day and age? I mean, let's be real.

In today's world, it's it's like hurting cats, which they say is impossible. At least we've been i've never tried. So you have to make sure that if your employer using their own phones and their own tables, their own laptops, maybe their own smart fridge to access some sort of crazy like proxy calendar service, you have to make sure that your company data is secure.

So how do you do that in this actual reality that we face? One password has the answer to this is extended access management. One password extended access management helps you secure every sign for every APP on every device.

IT solves problems that year. Traditional ims and nms just weren't designed to even touch it's security for the way we actually work today. It's generally available for companies with oak and microsoft entrance and beta for google workspace customers as well.

So support the show. Check IT out. They got a lot of great information and more at their website. So you just get started there you go to one password dot com slash unplug. That is the number one password dot com slash unplug.

Number three.

rasberry pie five support. The rasberry pie five was announced on september twenty eight, twenty twenty three. IT began shipping on october twenty third of twenty twenty three. So over a year ago, we record now the patches to support at least the basic S O C landed in the six well development cycle on september sixteen. So just a just before the ear mark of the announcement.

So to their credit, they did get the kernel drivers in under the ear mark, but we're not actually going to get them shipping to us until now. And it's it's taking some time to just get the basic bcm twenty seven twelve rasper five five support working and more code still leads to be done. Um I think there's stuff that just has to be iron out still to get all the functionality.

But like, you know, this is a big part of IT. And you know what this means is you don't have to use the respect BIOS anymore. You can use something that just use .

the up string that makes .

you so much more flexible. And IT starts with twelve.

I feel like this is really the advantage that raspberry pie has going for IT over some of the other associations, like have this bake din to linux everywhere. I feel like that's such a beautiful thing.

He made a huge difference for me when I could just boot a susa ice or an arch, I so on a red berry pie and I just handle the stuff in the four series IT was IT made IT such a more a practical device for linux user? Um because i'm not particularly interested in rasberry bio est just because I am running this headley and I come to just wanted to be similar to my other systems. So it's very nice to see that.

Yeah and there's a lot of like about red bae O S, but what they get their own like window manager. Now there's like all you just get kind of more and more of its own thing, which far the folks maybe what you want, but not enough for us. yes. Number two, crash Q R support support.

Um we've been talking about this because we've watched as they landed August twenty nine th of this year twenty twenty four. This feature may actually be the thing that gets most people using rust because the crash Q R code support is red and interest. And you've got an example .

right here on your yeah that as part of building a custom cornal this week we went to enable this stuff so when you uh run to a problem that Normally you would get like a you coral panic stack trace written out on the text council.

if you're lucky, dog, get cut off.

Yeah instead, you get a screen with a customizable colored background and forget round color. It's got a cute little penguin in the upper left hand corner in an explanation mark in like sk art style. Of course the main segment is dominated by a giant forty by forty Q R code um and then has A A nice little message that says, carpani, please remote your computer and then I don't know with the full scope of what all I can show, but it's got a little line that tells you so like I used ah the magic this request trigger stuff with slash proc slash R Q to trigger this. So IT tells me this R Q trigger crash.

Well, that's kind of nice um why rest west? Why do they have to use trust?

You know that's a good question. Um I think he just came down to to develop, want to learn rest well I don't know about learn use yeah it's a way leverage this new functionality and also maybe IT was just a little bit simply to get the karo stuff is going in rough IT does going .

to push the rest issue forward in links kernel yeah because .

IT kind of means this is one of the first things. It's not a lot of stuff has been pushed forward to develop drivers, but drivers are necessarily kind of often at least coupled to the unless needed to commonly enable a cornel that has rust to people, don't figure out all the issues and you know push IT forward.

I think enterprise wants this feature.

Yeah I mean, I think there's a lot of those because you can um the Q R code can just be a data dump of like a lot of the data you would get in .

a corneal very dense r code.

But you can also have an induct U R L, right? So you corporate I T or your league contribution could put in A U R that like auto starts creating a bug report from the coral crash data and your user can just like scan with their phone, you know right there. There's also uh, a connection here to something that people are developing in the background, which is disabling the virtual terminal in linux.

I'm sorry.

Yeah so it's called config vt. People doing config vt equals no .

v config VS knows what I say, right? T so is the virtual .

terminals that you used to the text council enabled in the curl, but it's a lot of old, crafty code. And these days you could totally have a user space process that can be your council. You don't nessy need this.

You know, the kernel to do that. IT can do a lot of modern features in terms of like you know see fun support, even just like any kind of modern stuff that like a regular terminal can do. IT does not have support to do that. I think it's made some things painful with like getting the real time stuff merge, you know various other improvements they .

going to to read about that yeah right around this.

So there's desires to remove IT to be able to turn IT off just to simplify the code base and improve multi see capabilities, enhance security.

Yeah I suppose that would.

So that's where the D R, M, panic stuff comes in because you .

could have the terminal turned off, but still get that output.

still wanted some kind of output dip. And if you don't have a text council to display ties in with that functionality extends IT with additional capability is.

yes, the developer who created this does work for red hat. And they say the mission to enable convict vt, uh, the virtual internal is what you were just discussing. Hears that brought her effort to modernized and streamline the kernels, display an input handling system so you can make you more secure, but still get more information.

And then there you can tune the kind of information that Q R code supplies. So you can see, maybe if you're in a very sensitive environment, it's pretty a minimal. But if you're in an a trusted environment.

maybe you get you sank that you are you get all the information unit inmates, you conversion or whatever lation sure. Yeah yes, it's going to play with, I will say. Um it's early support that he was just merge.

So not a ton of D M. Subsystems have support like the I nine one five intel driver did not. So I just set up a vital machine using the simple D R M driver, which is built into the corneal. So I think in a lot of cases depend on on your hardware is why didn't V M just for ease? But if you black list your existing driver, right, don't let you're actual G, P, U driver low, then you could probably get the simple, the R, M.

one to do IT a little full. So you are testing on this. So like, like, first I got to get a kernel and I got to get all this, and I ve got to get IT working in building and that takes forever.

And then you like, once you're getting all working, did you then realize or I have to now crash this thing? Or did that did you accurate you the entire time that you're going to have to crash? At what point did you realize? Oh, now I have to figure out how to make linux girl panic. Well.

I had that that realization did happen kind .

of the right.

K also, when I was like, oh yeah, I guess i'm doing this while i'm also using R, C, you know, experimental.

yeah, just .

fine. But really you actually don't have to crash that you can I wanna be because that's one of the main things that but there, if you enable IT, which is another kernel option, this patch added under this debug F S, there's um something you like, echo one, two and little display that basically do this thing that would do if IT crashed, without exception, your system number one.

And now we get to the big one, preempt R T landed september twenty th after twenty years.

Same like in development.

I mean, seriously, guys, this is a massive one. Yeah.

I guess I was one two thousand four years or so.

What I can started. wow. So real time kernel support has finally been merged as of linux six twelve and IT is available on ARM sixty four risk five x ty six and of course, X Y six sixty four devices right now.

And I guess the pre advantages, the pre advantages, the preempt advantages are IT ensures consistent response times by making the kernel fully preventable, critical for real time applications. IT converts inner candlish to prompt kernal l threads, which reduces system latency Spikes. So I kind of understand all that.

I kind of get IT. And yet I didn't expect you to make the difference. I did. And I don't know where where do we start with, with prem party because I go back to our conversation we had about the mars rover and how they were custom patching their olympics internals to enable prom party because they needed IT in the space application.

Yeah you know there's a lot of things for linux where the links is just sort of default optimized for through put. And you know when you're deploy vers, often what you want the response time is because you need to meet some threshold but it's not like a super tight boundary.

Not life for death or ah or you know noticeable even sometimes.

But if you're running a you know a billion dollar rover or year or helicopter or A C N C A machine or medical equipment, uh, you ve got to make decisions and you have very tight and consistent timelines with which you ve got to do that. Oh wise, you're outside of safety margins. And by default, the little corner, which is not meant to do that. There are dedicated real time Operating systems, some of which you might even still need, that this would not get you all the way there if you need sort of like you know really tight minimal code base that's optimize for exactly situation.

One of the reasons why linux s kind of leg initially in the automotive industry and things like q in ex succeeded for a while, right?

But there's a lot of workloads of in between there, right? Like IT needs more than the stock current can do, but IT doesn't need this like dedicated, perfectly real time Operator system that had proofs worked out about IT and. That's with A P M R T patch that kind of came in right? okay.

And you know these days uh over time we finally saw like the the bulk of of IT actually merging available and the the prom t option, the config option is now in six twelve. But you know, IT was a gradual process, so the curls got more and more preemptive over time. A lot of things had to be tweet to changed.

Yes, a lot of things ought to be tweet and figured out things that you might not expect. And IT means like even if you don't go full R T, like you can still go, uh, I think a lot of stuff. The coronal come compiled preempt dynamic, which lets you sort of tweak how prem to body is at run time. But you can also configure IT to be more prompted. And then R T kind of like .

takes IT to the max. Yeah, yeah. Takes IT to the max. IT. Does you did some testing because because we're talking about space and mechanical Operations, but media production, real time kern nel matter as well, especially when you're .

applying effects in processing yeah um .

or you know in in lic.

if you got to be consistent, if you have deadline because you need to fill ill your buffers, if you're going to go send out the next way former the next packet onto the network.

So you did some audio sampling so we can hear the difference between a real time linux system and a non real time. 问 了 system。 So ah here is the version that has a non real time and not just stock six eleven .

t seventy stock linux and you get .

with called sometimes x fronts and you will hear them as almost like packet. So in this audio.

take a listen b cash F S has now during the party of various color component sending and preemptive poll request ahead of the linux six thirteen merge window is expected open following the linux six twelve release, which might be as soon as one day. You may have .

heard those pops in that audio. In fact, if you've been listened to the show a while every now, then you may hear those pops in the actual release audio.

Yeah, right. So like the cornel has to shuffle data around, right? Got to go read data from my interface, what's coming from the microphone, the digital conversion, and then it's going to go shovelled to pie and pipi has got to shaffer around your your graph and feed to reparata ity know what I was happening. And that's a case where, you know, if the world got distracted because he was trying to breathe some bites to the day and IT didn't meet that time to deadline, you don't have any idea to, right? So you get that you what .

is essentially a packet loss.

And for context there I was compiling the kernel. So that was maxing up all of my CPU. Uh, I was also doing a ping flood on the network's time. Yeah.

keep that x up system busy.

And as you had of the very start of the show, that was me spending up a whole bunch of dd processes writing to the disk.

Ah one of the things i've definitely found in media production is it's generally when multiple subsystems in linux are stressed is where you start to notice this. And so if you ve got a lot of output that can happen now here, IT is again the same audio, but with linux six, twelve and prompt.

R, T, turn done, I didn't change anything else. I just read and show a different when I in addition to be cash of as working its way through its remaining bugs. Well, for linux six thirteen, there's a more feature work in particular around self healing support, enhancing recent group and an option handled in on the rebaLanced data path.

Oh, not a single drop, right? H, it's so great. I cannot wait to give this on our production system.

They might want to le testing that was in was really in my system. But yeah, way more consistent, way easier to to use.

interact with wow. You know, funny thing is I was going to say, hey, there was one there near the end. But I think that's actually your live cornel sending one to me here. We got. Sv, I know, right?

I also made .

me aware of A P, W top. OK, which is pipe air top and cool, lets you see those export. Oh, so we made IT really clear when I was on the other cornel, even when I wasn't recording using per, you know doing anything with audio. The x grants are just steadily increasing in there. And when I was on the R T kernel, no, they were pretty .

much so I just um a nod to the decades of work that have taken place to make this possible, wasted a fantastic job of breaking out the timeline in our no IT starts the journey starts two thousand and three two thousand four really till today and um we had a chance to loaded on our systems. We wanted to see if we could notice a difference using a prem tt kernel on just a desktop load. And I wasn't particularly interested in even trying that.

I have to be honest with you because i've been told that really doesn't make a difference, and i've been told that it's kind of ologies a bunch of hype. And so I wasn't british. T, I didn't feel like I was necessary for me to try IT to report here on the show because I didn't think i'd be able to observe anything well. So i'm very, very happy that you had a different attitude and you when I hadn't tried IT and you then dropped a little hit in the chat that hey, I think my desktop feels faster that's all yeah just so um west very kindly built a linux six twelve Carol for me and create a little flake for me to get that set up on my nick OA system. What were your first impressions of a desktop with pram party?

I IT felt snapp ier yeah you know everything yes firefox in .

particular felt snapper changing tabs.

Just even the fricking .

tab changing is snapp.

Er yeah and a lot of the little K E things council faster.

You I mean I i'd never complaining about to be in slow. It's faster. It's faster in the way like I was talking about a couple of my macbook feels a little bit faster. It's just as everything a little snapp ier.

I think you can tell that. And again, I we haven't tried is taking the stock, cornel and applying all the technic you can do without having to rebuild IT. This was just like stock, stock.

But I think you can tell that, right? The kernel is doing a Better job of always being available to to do what needs to happen immediately. Finish what was in I .

am I don't know if I can convey how surprised I was. Notice a difference in my desktop workload.

Like it's still kind of stand right is not good, like ah a radical change if you're using your desktop at your work station day day.

I think it's like the tabs are just a little small here. I I couldn't really give you a full full uh uh a like review because somebody over there decided like on comment on my desktop applications. So like I would like i've got nothing to test.

I don't have any other apps. I don't know. So I was like i'm using firefox, using console and dolphin.

My OK this feel very good. I was helping you at uncommon once IT. That was just in africa.

The first approach to we were doing, I was sending you a full system closures. So I figured I didn't. Well, I thought i'd open IT up.

And I thought the only thing that would become IT IT would be nano and would be in there. But no, I I, I did. It's it's pretty great and i'm not going back and I don't know how much of a heading i'm creating myself by now saying that i'm A A prey empt only kind of guy. But I once six twelve was officially released, i'm going to figure out how to run a real time version on nexo s and I my test ops go in real time only. And our recording systems, you can hear the difference in the audio and systems.

And it's get me really excited to spend some time we do in the city.

Six, twelve is literally a game changer for us, but there are so many things. This top six is the literal definition of scratching the surface. Michael arbel has done an unbelievable job of trying to document some of the features. I would imagine cartoon movies will eventually, once it's out too, it's going to it's a massive task to cover everything in this release. And it's I think brand, you said at best, IT kind of puts all of the free software project releases in the perspective .

yeah took minutes and minutes and minutes to just go through like the summary of the feature changes. And I know this is an L T S. So I imagine their squeakin a lot of things in, but just too I mean, this is the whole episode kind of suggest that the number .

of like widely .

amazing features they are bringing to a single kernel release is is unbelieving. And I know there's a lot of people working on IT, so it's maybe not fair to compare that to smaller projects. But the cheese they are doing amazing work, and we are lucky as lynx s users to benefit from that work really down down the road.

Linux on plug dock com slash membership supports the show directly. We got a couple of perks for you. Number one, you get to add free version of the shelf held like it's the same show, nicer, clean and tightened by drew.

But none of these types ads or second option is the full boat leg. Now that's probably doubled the show because we put a lot of stuff in there that doesn't make you in the main show the stuff we trims. So we can focus the main show like in the pressure.

This week we talked about the new for linux installed that's landing in the next four. We talked a little bit about bluefish forty one, a risk motherboard for framework, and then zmp back and forth the tuxedo o computers has had with the linux cornel regarding the license e of their Rogers and the resolution that came to that among gs. You know, of course, just a gas and get together with friends.

That's all part of the pre power that you get as a member. And it's just a way to say thank you know, I realized that we are entering a face now where you're probably getting tired of hearing me ask for support. I probably would be if I was listening, but we are entering an era where I just simply have no other option.

We're going the way of linux magazines, but thankfully, podcast, we don't have this huge, massive cost of print infrastructure and mAiling out magazines. We don't have a huge overhead. There's a solution here in a direct funding from our audience.

We run a lean mean Operation. I think could be shocked. Well, maybe not. If you're listen for what you. You probably have an idea.

But I think if you're like, if you just were another business owner and you saw what we ve got done in the budget, we get done, the magazine publishers could never have touch that. And so we have a real special opportunity here. That's why you direct support IT matters so much.

We have an annual membership will have linked in the show notes that gets you support to all the shows. Course limmers song plug got com flash membership just to support the show. Or you can boost him, and then you can support at your own candles, amount on your terms as you like, and you get a message right on the show. So this couple of options there, and we're really appreciate at whatever when you choose. Of course, we always are grateful if you just spread the word and help grow the audience to let some plug not complete membership, or send a boost with a new podcast step, get those a pocket APP stop com.

While you guys are away planning with kernels, I got this giant bag of boosts here.

And now IT is time for the boost. Da.

when the walls fell, boosted in with forty eight thousand, one hundred and ninety seven sets. And he is our boler this week.

Got that bother on sale.

Good for you, boy. This day late and a dollar shirt finally got my booty issues resolved. Anyways, my first experience with linux was six, seven back in high school. Bad shout .

out to .

mister holy. He made a huge impression on my life. Oh, a teacher. I had, I had a really, I had a really great high school teachers as as well that was all in skk.

So was really nice because he was hima ye against the microsoft brigade. Well, look out, west pain. I got news for you there. Body IT is a zip code boost.

Yes, zip code is a Better deal.

Are you want try to find IT?

I do.

This is a fun, right?

We got four, eight, one, seven. Yes, and I believe that is as IT code. Um in absence ani michigan.

Hello michigan.

without what a name? Y P S I L the w .

well I don't know. I like to with that I guess .

the internet suggs episode hini but dear booster, you have to be thank you.

mr. Walls will appreciate .

IT to be in with twenty seven thousand and I.

D that which all kind covered keep up the good .

work team i'm sending in australia. Post code boost. Just subtract twenty one thousand.

Zip code is a Better deal.

wow. Well, this is an australian zip code.

Can tell you that much.

Yeah, jenson is called a post code is true.

true. I think a post code is a fancy your way to says that code I D you like IT post .

codes a Better deal. It's more metric.


That looks like that maybe is in part of is that first, first in perth, western australia? That's awesome. You know, I feel like we have a king ship with western australia. There W, A, and here a stay. W, A.

I was thinking the same thing.

Or we have a boost here from grounded grid for two thousand six hundred sets. He last episode, Chris, seem surprised that nobody might use a pie as a test. So I thought I would share that for over two years.

My primary system is a pie four hundred booting arch of a five terrible western digital passport. And I love IT. Eventually an eleven update broke the system. But I an IT with a roll back version of ex for another six months, the power user, and the system was actually .

a big up great for me. I mean, you roll back your eggs for six months. Kind of a power user move? No, if anybody was going to do that, we're going to do with a pie four hundred.

Because I use the pie four hundred for quite a while, is like a standby system always ready to go with the terminal because every now, then i'd show up and like my best top ouldn't be working, or I forgot my laptop and I was only using a laptop. And it's like, oh, crap. I need a system to essa, sure to do a counter thing, whatever.

In the pie four hundred was so great for that. So I could believe IT grounded, but I am really impressed. You manage to stick with that for two years at five terrific external hard drive.

Probably helped quite a bit. I bet that's amazing. I wonder, you know, I onder if you could do, I if you could do IT today with a modern destroy there a little heavier.

I have only one question. Okay, how many tabs can you keep up?

That's a good question. That's a good question. You two kids came in with a charge or boost five thousand sets. You know, now you guys don't live my youtube twitch or you could bring back the pump up music idea again. Maybe create a specific pump up song using A, I like you ve been doing with these other songs.

We do play a little more music. You just get a up on.

You got to .

the members.

We, yeah, yeah, that's true. That's true. yeah. Ah, we love the music. No, because he is gets the mood going. We were looking for a specific pump pup song for a no. Ironically, we ended up on a song to play the end of the show.

voting the offset of .

what we are .

looking going well. So maybe that's .

sure mabe.

I will say, I think that whole pump up song journey, really fun to hear from the audience that all these weird, crazy, esoteric songs from all over the world. So thanks. We're sending those in. And if you have others here.

please yeah.

somewhat just in boosting with the baseball is boost.

So the combine is one, two, three, four, five, oh.

OK rename booster, formally known as user thirty nine, and hopefull name .

is fix done.

confirm. Last week, I asked about desktop hardware and loved your suggestions. I was a very close to getting a building until I spotted an excEllent deal on facebook marketplace for an S F F PC with a modern right now, my seller was excEllent and am very happy with the purchase.

IT can be a small gamble, but in my case, the seller did. This is a hobby and was very thoughtful, nice for the taxes. Have you considered adding a category that's about the show itself, you know like best episode, best interview, best chAllenge, best host that i've never considered that .

because we don't really like thinking and talking about ourselves much, but that would be good information for us to .

have true hm.

good score on the machine, by the way, well done. Good move on that somewhat. I think I think that's a problem.

Move with the week right there. I will think about that for the taxes. We do need to get cooking on them taxes. So you're going to hear more about that real soon.

We have an excEllent boost chair from legal mt mode two thousand six hundred .

and one .

seo shes glad hear from a fellow tab hoder exceed two thousand six hundred tabs. The other week 我 on one browser, on one computer, I did not bother to calculate a grand total across all my devices.

Oh yeah, going to use .

floating point. Yeah, nobody who has the time tell you what. Oh, boy, here IT is everybody. Gene beings back seventeen thousand, two hundred and thirty eight sets ah he's got a whole row, a boost catching up on the shows he enjoys.

Many like a stairs are up.

up fourteen, a close summarized to watch me go. He says he enjoyed the meshta tic episode and he's tempted to get started in there. Bunt, by the way, you could try a bookmark manager to solve all those tabs, which and well that you decide to come back to us.

I'll do a little research in the set attack, right west gene .

enjoyed hearing your mom's dying to left. I like that too. Also, we heard, as mentioned, the colour for the scale call for papers.

He's going to think about putting a talking and look forward seeing there. Love that. I'm really excited to use more determined.

Nick, that sounds awesome. I regarding linux for a very Young child. Wa, i'm considering IT more now because my chrome book at school as part you kid as a chrome box. So jim, my kids all got chrome books and I still decided to give them laptops to go alongside their chrome x and I think that was a good decision, because when they get home, they basically don't even touch the ground books, and they even prepared, if they can, to do their homework on their actual laptops, and they can just sign into their google count for school, right? And the user actual laptop shop, I say, do IT because either getting introduced the concepts and features .

south and figure out how you can need to do the stuff they got to do.

And he's got ideas for a planet nicks for U. N. X. I should talk about his single flake for everything in west. Should doing introduction .

for package in APP in a flake? Um yeah okay.

i'll like and the longest distro was meant as this go to for years, the longest continuous server was sent tos. Nobody sent in their server of us. Thank you, jane.

We should have asked that that's a great point. My longest continuous desktop has to be a tie between gentle, of course, and his pop O S. Pop s is really making a aim for themselves um and tips us on the taking over branch laptop.

Everybody loved to the takeover of the laptop. Not everybody loved us. A lot of people just wanted us to fix the .

package manager.

I don't know that was a bit as much fun, but i've been .

i've been fixing the package manager .

for like last month. I thought that was a lister jeff sends in a binary boost sound bite audition. Should we hear? IT, yeah, this should be .

interesting. He only send in ten thousand.

one hundred and OK. Here we go once in three, where? And I thought I saw too.

Good, good. That is pretty good for a binary boost. I think that's a winner. Thank you.

Pj od, to see estra boost in with five thousand that supposed, I have to say fountain is working quite nicely. Oh, good. I had an idea bug, but they got back to me with a fix in the one one eight release. With that said, I would love an ability to add a song to my library from the player screen, or a quick ad of the tracking list of a music podcast to a place.

IT would also be nice if post would form at Better on noster overall, IT looks nice on fountain with leaking to clipsed podcast or songs, but on primal, for example, if just shows the boost pot, which isn't comfortable, also cross posting into activity part would be awesome as well. And most of the pub by sol box could be a way to do IT. Either way, i'm excited about what phone is doing, what is going to do down the road.

Me too, otto sy, and I think it's got got incredible, but I am still asking for people to boost in if there having any problems with fountain because the team going to be reviewing the boost and we created new action list from that. But the austrian stuff does seem to be coming along quite nicely. I could see some twigs to how could share, and I could be really nice.

Thank you, sir. We have a baseballs boost from biggles.

Yes, it's amazing. I've got the same combination .

of my luggage, keep up the good work and hello from dublin, ireland.

Hello well, hello. Thank you for your comment.

A go way down the rabbit hole on nixon s thanks to you guys. However, NVIDIA encoder support for my A I work station was a real chAllenge until eventually I found a member an efficient implementation of conder.

Whether you go member.

interesting if you have any of your stuff upon, get somewhere maybe boost to link.

Thank you. Bles tod from beginner comes in with eleven thousand, one hundred and one sets. No message.

just the value, your value .

like a binary boost .

me if you IT could be IT could .

be a bunny but it's not today what pj duty feel zack, a deck comes in with ten thousand sets.

Another one. Okay, all right. Okay, fine. I I didn't even remember what I had. Not only think I say it's not right now, it's a both. And I thought I thought too right.

That's pretty good. Can grandson getting brands laptop fixed? Though I was kind of curious on what would have actually taken to fix the tumbled zipper issue. I get the impression that time really does not want you to add more repositories ies and just keep what is already there as part of why I eventually jumped off of IT. Maybe leave there are positive alone and just use flat pack and APP image to fill out the rest.

That's my players right there .

and maybe next though at that point, man is well used for, do a or next O S. And speak enough for deora. Their K T, E spin is the closest i've seen to tumble's, where IT just feels like our first .

class citizen to know, yeah, I, I I want to apologize to the suits fans out there that we're actually hoping for an episode where we just fixed his current install. And what I don't think we properly conveyed was that we went into IT knowing the brand was ready to migrate. And so that wasn't really on the table and IT was more about like what is the fun kind of hardest st way we could migrate that laptop and make content.

We we want to go looking for hard fun things.

but people tuning expecting us to fix the existing install and that sometimes a great option. And so I apologize to those who frustrated.

But yeah, brit was just saying, right, like IT was you have been through the we can chat on air so much, but you'd been through the cycle of life and fixed. And that's why you are ready to migrate.

Well, actually, we did shared on air like a year ago, we did an episode where we have a little tiny segment where we fixed my time. We and I think that was maybe even in the title. And so it's not a new journey. I think we could have done a slightly Better job explaining that path that i've been through and where I was just at this point, just kind already to move on.

Yeah but I was fun. So and now I ve been working all I hope.

oh yeah, we heard any things.

I mean, I have to install le much just stuff, but it's been now you're making .

me feel .

like I need a new cornal so i'll see. Well, yeah.

we've got to get that thing. R, T, but you might wait for six. Well, actually, you know, to after on that actually .

is up just so the audience knows I did offer .

both of you that true. And I first brand was the taker, but then was he going to talk in this top performance that I got? I went right to the front of the line .

yeah when he said dust top performance, like Chris says this, yes, please. Well, we got sad stacker seven sending in four thousand four hundred and forty four boosts. That's across two boosts. Some rose eck .

things are looking up for all the duck.

I get one feedback and one question here. You mentioned Milly in the last episode is IT daily. And to find IT amazing, specifically the scraping feature that collects all of the steps and ingredients from a blog or recipe website, and that works fantastically.

By the way, there is some standard that most websites follow that makes this much easier. It's defined in scheme dot ogg's slash recipe. We heavily used the meal planner feature to plan the entire week's dishes and prepare for the weekly grocery tour.

That's the good feed back. I've wondered, because I knew about the schema. I've wondered if I came across ones. If western could create a script that would I reformat to match ch, the schema, and then imported, oh yeah, because I got a bunch of a markdown files. And I wondering .

if they could be schemed IT up to be important?

no. Oh yeah. I bet right now.

here is the second boost for the question. I'm using fountain for boosting. To my knowledge, IT only allows using its internal custodial wallet.

However, i've heard from other boosters that were able to connect their own node, val, by hub and running an albius b myself. So how can I use IT for boosting? Do I need to use another podcasting APP? Any hints would be appreciated.

Well, first of all, well, well done. Get we have going that's freaking fantastic, are already wait .

here and you .

got you fired IT that ah so the nice thing about fountain is that it's all just kind of managed for you and they just host all of that and they do all of the pluming, but you can't pluggin your own self host a lot of other podcasting nets can. Um podcast guru, if you're on I O S casta tic definitely does. Pod verse will work with your alby hub. There's a lot of the max, I think even true fans, if you only use the true fans that that will work with your .

alby hub and on the desk top, uh, pod over. If you get the L, B extension in your roster are then uh, pod verse or podcast index are places that you can do IT.

Yeah you can boost from there from the web.

Fountain has a boost via invoice functionality. I think right now it's only enabled for live streams. But in the past, IT worked more widely. So IT may be another option.

So the way I I do IT is that my hub is my main lightning know my L B hub. And then I just, you know, every couple of weeks, as I going to go through my budget, I just send some cats over to my fountain wallet and I just to keep a stash, and then I would keep IT separated. And I don't mind that at all.

You could do the same with breeze if you like. H which is similar set up. It's but it's technically non custody because they run a no in the APP ah but there's there are feeds involved to pay for the liquidity that they provide yeah that .

makes them very easy to boost yeah and then you you don't even have to use a different you can keep your pig cast step and just use breeze to boost and expo in the feed and boost from good question and sad sack. It's nice to hear from you. Thank you very much.

Slash home slash. Jay comes in with two thousand sets and they write, just got next. Cloud nine stalled using the web installed. IT seems sold so far. I have been working for you guys up and down.

Well, we have a couple of .

different next five instances. So what kind of depends on the one you're talking mind that I just reset up at home are using the nexo s module is working like a frequent chap. But our next code that we use as our daily production back in for the network, which has been in there for like four post years now just recently, has been given us issues um specifically with retrieving files, will upload files that look like they are there, but then we can't pull them down and we suspect has something to do. The fact that we use s three object storage as our back in storage .

for next clock yeah they ended up being next just zero bites industry.

Yeah the U. I shows the file there where you checked actual bucket and the files.

not there. I did some database clean up and just general maintenance on IT and updates and sense then IT seems to be doing Better but will see if I can.

We're still tracked in IT down, but um that's kind of a particular set up, right because we're run on the V P S is using s three object storage as this back in on my home set up what i've just got a postcard database and i'm just using my local file system.

The good bro is a new one with the next time.

Well, i'm playing with a few and a few different places. I now have a new like a home server as of what was that last week. And my plan is to host an extremely private next cloud here, literally in my cabin, middle of nowhere.

So i'm playing with IT there. And I have had a test instance on A V P. S. For many months now that i've just been kindly don't do this, but i've been handing out credentials to friends to just like bang on that thing and see what they think and that things been super solid and extremely snappy. So I am looking for d implementing that.

But I will say the next cloud i've had installed for five to six years now based on the snaps system, a next cloud have nine a couple weeks ago. And IT seems a little faster in the web interface, which happy to see. It's the snaps always been a little slower for me in this particular set up. So nice to see a little bit of speed there.

I do agree. I think even on our chair red instance that we were combining about a the web next cloud of line is the happy, as I ve been with the web, Better face.

Yeah, I cos that .

je make Jackson with a really hello from .

scotland listener .

from the wonder g era don't borrow cries shaver.

Ah yes, that's a good call back right there.

Um what's your view on the next community goings on our .

question you know um it's interesting to see how this directly impacts on folks and seems to completely just wash over and not impact other folks. And i've heit cited as you concerned that the next community cannot call on and i've heard IT cited as absolutely no big deal. I think I fall somewhere kind of in the middle.

You know, I I am concerned about a project that could be overrun by moderators, but I also wanted to be a welcoming place, as many people's possible, that can work together. And that's a tough line to strike. Having run a community for you almost twenty years, I can definitely say we've been on both sides of that and made mistakes before.

So those things take time. And as a linux dirigo tion grows and often goes through these kind of dramatic community events that seem like they're just the absolute biggest deal in the world, and then you fast ford a few years later, people completely stop talking about them. And you see IT for every major distribution that come along and really survived is they've gone through this metamorphism where they have kind of pushed through a moment in time and they come out a little bit different creature on the other side. And I think because next has been around for so long.

what he doesn't two thousand .

and four um IT has the staying power to survive this. And now we also see commercial openings, tions enterprise implementations. And the user base has grown so exponentially in the last three years.

A lot of inertia, a lot of folks writing out IT know .

and people recognizing the value and understanding IT Better. Now because the market need has met the product match, there was a product out there for a long time. They didn't have a market need, but now there is a market needed. The two have met, and I think that gives its stain power.

There's also, you know can be hard to judge from a farm. You know you see a lot of discussions, they get a lot of attention, but I think that can be hard to figure out how that actually does impact to you, right? Um if you are relying and think about nick as like a giant package of up to date libraries and you write about the maintenance of that drop in off, something I can kind of get the concern.

But if you're using IT as a build tool or you know you're you're comfortable doing a little bit stuff yourself because nix is so flexible, right? Like even if someone hasn't maintained this little behind on the maintenance of a package, if you can just update the pin and rebuild IT yourself, next is still perfectly usable for you. So even if that happens, I think next will still be super useful and IT can be really hard to tell, even as a project may lose prominent members.

You know, how is the growth baLance that out? Does IT doesn't not um this is the stuff that takes years to settle out. So we're still watching and have a lot .

of fun use IT yeah I mean, what but I answer with the fork student can be some to test in the future you never know.

But yeah, that's the other part. That seems like even a lot of the folks who have had, particularly you who have been involved, some have left. But I think for many of them, the ideas rooted in next, like the approach, it's hard to shake. So like the drive to make other tools in the space or you know cousin's or other things in the family. Yeah so.

You know humans do yeah exactly.

I will say if you do need a little bit of a primer on what chatty mike is asking about here in the next community. We did do um an episode on IT five six three and example five six, three, if you want, check that out next people problems now have sarcasm sent in. I think i'll call this a co boost for five thousand sets.

Oh my god.

this draws follow.

lose. Yeah, he wants to pull forward bit tiger.

Yeah hybrid sarcasm in, said I, I, I want to get you reading bit tigers boost yeah .

bit tigers came in at one hundred seats, which was both obviously lower two thousand set cut off, but will read IT because hybrid archest most in is like a coastal. I like that we do what I hello Chris las, in the jupiter of broadcasting group. IT has been a long journey getting here.

I have been a long time listener since the early days of linux action show. I was finally able to set up fountain FM and get my lighting wallet. Hey o congratulating now i'm earning income purely on noster creating original, spicy, thought provoking content.

I wanted to thank you personally so much over the last fourteen years for introducing me to noster linux, bitcoin and countless other open sore software through all the your broadcasting shows. You've been a positive influence in my life. I wouldn't be who I am today without uba broadcasting.

This will definitely be the first of many boost to come keep up the truly meaningful work. Well, well, thank you very much. Db double applies there.

Really people aren't listening.

That is really nice to hear. And um you know bit tiger, I think you're kind of on IT sad are scarce and they're going even more scarce, but there are ways today to earn sats like noster and people's happy.

Your content I think also a bit tiger, if you haven't, you should check out stacks ard art news because same mechanism that people can zap no, so instead of an update te they have a sap sap, so use APP somebody a saat and that's considered an vote. And the best content rises to the surface that stacked er dot news. And then if you're really crazy, you can try the fold card, which will give you sats back on your bill pay and stuff like that.

But does that sort of the full try effect of there? And bit tiger, thank you so much for listening and taking the time to get all that set up. I know IT really can be a bit of a journey and it's really special office here from you long timers.

And thank you hebrid for costa soring that boost. Really appreciate IT brad comes in with eleven thousand cats. Just pup, the brakes right there. Brand, have you found?

Mixo, how have you found knicks OS configuration editing has have been problematic? Or does this feel like a new home? The great question there's .

a good question. I think this is in reference to this computer. I'm sitting in front of just getting new nicko s on IT and therefore, uh, I need to add that conflict. I think, yes, you probably have a few tricks here. I think i'm onna name the ones that I think you're really important.

I think linking your configuration outside of ec so that you can modify with just your Normal user, instead of having to be a super user every single time you wanted do an edit, is key to making IT smooth. You know, when you were, you run into, oh yeah, I think I want this APP and you just want to go change your config quickly. Sure is helpful. Do not enter, you may need enter your passage every time you want .

to change the conflict and you could change the know foller. I see foller if you want to do but nick oas rebel is set up if you sim link your flake down nicks, it'll just follow that so you can have a get repo in your homework you know homework less source or whatever you do and the system just pick up yeah.

you can then use your favorite editor. I lean towards kate. I'm been using kate for many, many years. Chris, you are running into an issue here where kate wasn't too happy doing super user edits in your kin figure.

I remember that I think you have solved that now but h kate does some highlighting for nicks specifically, which is really super helpful, just makes a little easier to brow through there. And the other trick is um still from your friends, like I am stealing little code bits all the time and throwing them in my configuration file from from west, from Chris, from all sorts people. So you know don't simply try to figure out yourself, go to the community with next you can a bunch of stuff trying to get an application running often is just a copy pace away.

And a lot of people post that can fix to get up. You can search and get up and find a lot of example configurations yeah to .

alex from self hosted at or alex. He's got a great config.

He's got a perfect media server configure post up their perfect stuff.

And you can try out if you try a graph that APP as well, which is like a get hub search that you don't have decide and to get hub to use. Um it's also a pretty good at finding rivers that have mixed them.

Graph that APP is a good that can almost be a pic, but that's just a tip right there. What you said to I won underscore i'd love IT when we get together and we're working on systems and we're post in each other config and i'll just start all, all next stuff from just it's great oh, that's how you solved that. Grab that real quick.

Yeah, I knew his favorite one is pretty rebuild.

Pretty rebuild is nice. Yeah yeah. That's the came up with for a little script that just uses the next output monitor too. I need to clean that up .

and put but that makes look, makes you look nice. Thank you. Everybody who participated this week in the boost, its always a lot of fun Prices. You can tell we had thirty seven of you just listening .

and streaming sets as you listen. I all to who think a bunch and was clearly trying to OCR s need.

So we see you. Hey, shut out. So thirty seven dreamers stacked one hundred and thirteen thousand, eight hundred and two sets just on the road.

just stream.

You combine that with l boost. We stacked a grand total of three hundred, two thousand, five hundred, and one to five of sets. Thank you, everybody. This is a value for value show. We don't want to go the way of linux magazines.

You could become a member, or you can set your support with a membership on autopsied, or you can do A P, A boost at your own, came at your own amount at your own time, get your message read on the show, and it's all open source, free software. No middle man pear to pear. Really appreciate you and big chat out to our members as well.

As we wrap up, I have well, I we went overboard this week place apol there isn't brace yourself. It's a big pic segment. So first step is an application that britt has been getting a lot of views out of.

You're gonna love IT is probably to tell you what IT does write in. The name is called butterfly assistant and bradly. You've been played around with this.

It's a gooey on top of button. Fs, you I have as its earlier i've been kind of diving into butter fs on a few different systems here, uh, mainly because I now have a butter affectations nas here on my local network and so i'm going to be migrating from using bg, which has worked really well for me, for backup PS to a more file system native backup solution. Um I don't know how long you'll take me, but tools like button F S assistance is very helpful in this regard. IT just is a gooey to do a bunch of the stuff you can do on the command line, of course, but IT just surfaces a lot of your button affect volumes, for instance, sub volumes, and makes IT just easier to see what's there without needing to let go, poke around in the command line and to also just edit a few snapper entries so you can do have easier visibility on your book ups and sending things in different places. So if you are running butterfly s and you're interested and just doing that and you're doing highly suggested.

I think what was kind of appealing to me is like you said, IT gives you one place to just view all yourself volumes. But getting kind of a guy on top of these features, maybe you didn't even know Butler of us had one spot to manage all your snapshots, to do all your buttons of this maintenance, to know what the difference butter, to even know, to even know what the difference with a different button of fast maintenance options are. That's nice. Just have a going, you learn IT and you know just doing command line stuff on the back end.

But that's kind of prefer that I was probably because you know something that conflicts that we were sharing.

A nix was turning off man pages and we did no man pages save time. And in west, while you are most around with kernels, this week you found kernel config .

I O oh yeah, this was very not only did they actually have the data for the R C kernel that I was playing with in there wow um but like I don't compile kernels a ton and IT was a little tRicky at first because you have to turn on expert config expert before you can turn on config prompt R T affair. But if you don't do that, then you get weird errors that are like, god can fig R T equals yes but wanted no one no what is that person right?

Yeah exactly.

Um so read into the docks and be able to quickly, plus I trying to figure the options. I really wanted my um D R M panic Q R code because you can change the background color by default. I think you know, just like black and White, but I wanted that blue screen looks.

So I found ah I asked A I like what's the windows blue color and hex notation and then plug that in. And so you have been to quickly searched ed through cornal convict options and see the docks on them and what they take. And stuff was super handy.

I wonder if that's the same blue we've been used since windows seven. IT is a very pleasing blue. I'll give them that.

But the blue screen blue might be a different blue. That's a lot. Kern nel, convict that I O and butterfly assistant and there are so many more.

In fact, i'm going to do a place I don't even have IT listed. I was going to save for next week, but we're going to go for three picks. Surprise.

third pick up before you do, just for reference, you know for the color, not that there zero zero, zero zero sea zero is what I read .

was the .

window that if feels .

right in my heart, west, and that's what matters. Okay, here, here we go. Third randa bonus pic, not even linked in the dock.

The boys have no idea. I was even onna make this pick. It's called television.

And IT is a fuzzy search for the linux terminal and IT is a full on tue that, uh, IT just looks incredible. Who found television this week? Because IT IT wasn't me.

not me.

Bradly, did you find that the revolution will not be televised? Was at you.

I don't have television here. So OK, I don't think there was me. I might have been a.

oh, this was me. Just forgot the name. Yeah, it's really.

really need. And so that's why making IT a bonus pick. And yes, of course, you guess to written rest, it's a blazing fast general purpose fuzzy finder to e.

So it's a terminal user interface written rust. It's inspired by the ky of him telescope plugin and is designed to be fast, efficient and simple to use and easily extensible. And it's beautiful, beautiful too.

So IT really the results are fantastic. It's a fuzzy as a fuzzy matching algorithm to filter in the list of entries, the algorithm that then depends on the input patch that you provide. So I could see this being really useful on like my like.

For example, one of the things I thought we might do tonight after the show is go through fake nails and figure out where we could trim some of the fat. And a tool like this makes IT, makes IT really easy. So there you go, three fantastic pics.

Buttons, fest assistant, really, if you have a butterfish file system and you should look at some of the main as options you have there kernel, can fig I O just play around and learn about some of the options with the kernel and how that works? And then television, which will have linked to hear is a on getup and IT is a very cool terminal application. It's funny.

I feel like twenty twenty four has been the year of some really kick as terminal applications that are Better than some of we ever had, which go feature that one. Hey, did you know we do this show live? We do IT on tuesday, as in sunday.

You can join a sunday at noon. Pacific 3。 Pr, we'd love to have you join us. We ve got a number room where you can get a live ops feed right off of our mixer using a full free software stack.

Or of course, in a podcasting to to to APP of your choice or plug jb lived at FM into your radio APP of choice. See what? And just listen, we love to have you there and then the whole things made available to our members of special thank you.

And of course, we'll put links to everything we talked about today, linux on plug dut slash five, eight, nine. We're getting close five ninety next week. Starting to get a little nervous going to be working on the taxes too are right, everybody. Thank you so much for join us on this week's episode of the unplug program, and I hope to see you right back here next monday as in tuesday.