Jeremy from TheQuartering 认为 InfoWars 的出售过程存在诸多疑点,包括成交价低于其他竞标者、法官选择买家不透明等,暗示这其中可能存在政治阴谋,旨在 silencing Alex Jones。Alex Jones 本人也表示,出售过程并非公开拍卖,法官无视了更高的报价,将 InfoWars 卖给了与民主党有关联的公司,这是一场伪装成拍卖的私人交易。
The sale of Infowars to the Onion was halted by a judge due to concerns about the auction process's fairness. Allegations of corruption and bias in the selection of the buyer have surfaced.
Judge halted the sale to review the Onion's purchase.
Alleged corruption and bias in the auction process.
Alex Jones claims the auction was rigged against him.