cover of episode Could the 4B movement ever happen in America?

Could the 4B movement ever happen in America?

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Power User with Taylor Lorenz

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
EJ Dickson
EJ Dickson认为4B运动(不结婚、不生育、不恋爱)起源于韩国,旨在抗议性别不平等。她分析了性罢工在不同国家的有效性,并指出4B运动在美国难以取得成功的几个原因:其有效性难以衡量;其基于过时的女性性观念;美国女性的生育率和结婚率已经很低,她们已在用脚投票。Dickson还指出,网络上对单身、不育女性的厌恶日益增长,特朗普的当选加剧了性别对立,未来性别关系不容乐观。此外,社交媒体环境的变化也使得线上行动组织更加困难。 Taylor作为主持人,引导了对话方向,并提出了一些关键问题,例如4B运动与厌女症的关系,以及社交媒体对政治运动的影响。

Deep Dive

The episode begins by discussing the origins and principles of the 4B movement, a feminist movement from South Korea that involves abstaining from sex, marriage, and childbirth as a form of protest.
  • The 4B movement started in South Korea in 2016.
  • It involves women intentionally abstaining from sex, marriage, and childbirth.
  • The movement gained traction online after the recent election.

Shownotes Transcript

Are women abstaining from sex to protest Donald Trump’s re-election? That’s the impression you’d get if you spent time reading the media over the past few weeks. Since the election, the “4B Movement” has been gaining traction online. But where did it come from, how does it work, and could something like this really take off in America? The Cut’s EJ Dickson joins Taylor to discuss. 

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