I clean my gutter twice already today. Wild out there. It's real moist, man. Heavy rainfall everywhere these days. It's.
it's just follows you, man, you to hell out town. The thing you know, I was talking about this morning, the thing about IT is IT wouldn't be so bad except for the dirt where we live is like this nearly clay that just has no capacity to absorb water whatsoever. That helps. So IT just like anywhere that IT can't flow, IT just stands and sits and seeps into everything. And I just it's barely started raining and already had ptsd from the last two .
rainy seasons. Water finds away you.
Thanks water.
We are in the middle of, what is this? An atmosphere of river, a bomb cyclone.
All of the above IT is a bomb cyclone that produced an atmosphere river, apparently. Hamed, seattle, a couple of days ago.
and now it's down. So yeah yeah think I think seattle, probably they got the rain that we're getting, but they got like extreme winds and a lot of power outages and stuff. Hd, happier .
rawer. I I am the most jealous I have ever been doing little .
set dressing around here.
Have you? Have you had this? Okay, IT hasn't been there forever.
And I just noticed IT now for the first, I think three years ago, got five years ago, like eighty years ago.
I was an x pone again.
Yes, I was probably twenty fifteen .
eh IT had to be after that. Oh, oh, man, i'm much to. I'm not none. Zero where .
replay came out in twenty fifteen a Better effect. Wow, I been off this week and it's basically been nothing but cleaning the house all week.
I'm so a fantasy .
this does not feel like does not feel like a vacation, like the house has been unlivable, like basically with stuff scattered around over the place like we've pull the contents of every closet out and spread IT all across the house. So it's one of .
how many kinds of star .
dies if you found, um have i've open confined of the kisen at least but OK I did. I did find a brick, oh, a whole brick, which by which I A brick I define as thirty six cans.
That is a bad load of cans, dude.
Oh, sorry, I might have been thirty there in little wrapped unit of six and I think there there either five or .
six of it's like one costco unit.
Yes, you you got .
to get a smart plug for your game frame back there.
Slip on when the stream starts in, live back smart proxy.
Well, as long as that futtock is off the grounds, open the water, comes its days, a paper machine and and completely dry, that's all that matters.
Was the only the best for fug jog is the policy of this podcast.
Welcome to brad wheel made a check pod.
I'm well, I D hi, he's name is fun jog. He does not talk. Actually, I think they all have names, like proper names, right? Like a future g is the species.
right? You could name .
them Candy. About to, just in case people know, I think you could named them. I should know that .
what an unjust world that that we have a new called duty. Every year we've only had two b VIP oto games ever.
Yeah, I don't know. Sometimes I think about whether I would actually wanted to come back or not like gold, if they just messed IT up.
I would love. No, no. Here's the thing. Vivi, I was kind of the original cozy game.
right? And also, no, actually very stressful things could spire a lot of control very fast. Yeah you know like sour a sour infiltrates regarding when you're not looking and next thing you know like half of your pinot, as are screaming their death throws.
I mean, look, went to every season, every life. There is a season turn, turn, turn. Winter comes, and this is how my we ve been on, is how my daughter learned about death.
Produce the concept nature. Read in two thun claw. Yeah, we didn't. We didn't want to watch march of the penguins because we would scar her when he was three years old. But we played hundreds of hours of evp aneta over the first, like four years of our life. And yeah, I don't know that he remembers any, i'm afraid, bring IT up now the fear that you'll have ptsd .
from probably a safe policy. okay. I have confirmed, at least on the T, V show, they had names.
oh yeah.
So for example.
that you is a good name.
I who never came up, whoever came up with the port mentos and a is a genius. It's tish. British people are good at tos acie three, yes.
I know we don't do racial trait more in D, D. Apologize in advance.
But yes, I knew you're talking. R, is the character from the T, V show.
You think it's named after fergie from the black I peas or fergie.
the duchess of edinburgh? So OK.
okay. Yeah, it's pretty good. That's good. That's a good as video game that .
anymore don't think any of those are as good as linton lik ode though.
What was your favorite .
pieta and pieta? I know part way the tail bounces as they move about. I think quackery might be my favorite ite name.
That way is pretty good, I .
don't know. And a long time I have to ranking up any, let's go.
I mean, look, I know i'm i'm opening the wiki right now. Here's in the species we have opened out of species. H man, fizz bear, fizzy bear.
Very good. I like the flutter scotches. The butterflies in the moss .
were pretty good. Monkey is not a bad .
mouse smell. Had those big ears pretty good? I like a raise. And you know if if they were going .
to send one real penta, I think for jack was the one though.
Yeah, yeah, I can't think of anybody I would want to have in in maybe the laa a chAmber that was called.
I can tell you, indicated I felt as we've been cleaning out closes and i've came, ross, this anta i've vindicated. I felt putting IT on this shelf behind me. After two years, after the years of grief, I have gotten about keeping things like.
like that. Actually a good one though a lot like I was going to my closets that I found four different pub g jackets. And like, look, one of them is amazing because it's it's it's a replica of two actually that are replicas of in game items. One is just like a black hole that that has pub g written the sleeve and had my name on IT because IT was a partner thing the other one know is like a purple members only jacket that has an airbrushed screen printed tiger on the back.
it's remarkable. Every time I warned that about people like you. I can tell you serious about this jacket .
or not literal members only. brand. Is that even exist anymore?
No, it's not literal members only. And but IT, it's like I can go get IT, if you'd like to see, is just around in the corner and you get to walk over there. I'll be back.
Two seconds is great for not about audio sfor magic eating here to experience time travel.
Okay, i'm back. I'm back.
I promise the people time travel and they have just experiences or is amazing.
So look once oh.
she's tiger.
The the rights leeve was all like tiger batter yeah I was expecting .
just kind of a graphic of a tiger on the really like half of the jacket is tiger it's .
purple and name is not members only doesn't like epl tz, but IT has like that shock collar that was like of that time. The other sleeve is like ten with a black stripe and a zipper touch on the side for like assume your your I D, or maybe you could put your weed there if that's something you do. There's some flowers. But then the back is where the magic happens.
Look at that. Oh, wow.
that's quite a tiger and is a blue eyed tiger. And it's a cross, the faces like in the top right shoulder and it's facing down and looking real scary at some flowers on the other side there.
There are strong tiger associations that i'm aware of.
I think that I think that was tied to the maybe one of the health asian maps. I can't remember when they launched like .
one of the smaller maps been thinking about i've had in each .
like we outplay pog with you sometime, if you like. It's a they merged regions, which makes IT a little bit like you're playing with people in south amErica now. And the the lag in a game where the hyping usually wins the fight, it's a little nearly hyping wins for.
yeah, look.
the way W E. For networking work in the way they set up up up million years ago when they started that game is not conducive for twitch, a witch kind of shooter.
yeah. IT right. Well, anyway, but but the .
currently in a fortnight, very much like old objects. It's all about every control and taking hills and getting .
hard cover and all OK.
But that's all we here to talk about today. Brand.
no, no, not. Well, unless you're thankful for that jacket I .
just threw on the floor in the left of the death cup, hang IT back up later. I would not describe this thankful behavior.
I guess that says at all.
Yeah, uh, let's, uh, we we are here to do is talk about things, technologies that we are thankful for. This is the thing we do often around the the american thanksgiving holiday season, which is next week.
yes, or or just very late if you're canadian.
Yeah yeah. Happy late canadian thanksgiving or american thanksgiving ing is what we like to think of IT is is how I say this, everyone. But um yes, we can we pick a couple of things that we both are are like like often off I guess this origin.
This is a thing Normal. I used to be tested back in the day and IT originated as a hey, these are the things that we like the judge, quietly awesome in the backgrounds of our lives, right? Like IT can be a product, can be a technology, can be a service, can be a back end thing. IT can be just like a weird cable that you use. And it's like the one the one cable that if you don't .
have the whole thing falls apart over my case this year, largely IT can be trains .
or social omens that counts to so um you teach is good and list I I after many, many years I I I lived a door life bread where I have no taps for work and I have no taps for personal stuff. And then I have a checklist APP that it's like me to do this and then I account no more. So I i've switched and i've been using notion for a long time.
Notion is my note APP of choice for like detailed notes. So like if I have projects that are gonna have multiple page, like I have have a whole folder in my notion, that's just projects are working on a PC world and each project is its own page. It's like a you can edit with um IT works like a wiki or you can kind of edit make any text to new page, leak out to the new page from there and you can make a big snail of that. But you could also do things like have nested task list filter up and and like give you sub tasks on sub pages and stuff like that. It's really powerful tool for like getting complicated things organized and the Prices is very good for for personal use.
Its free oh is that adequate?
Ah yeah the the free account is totally find for for one person I find OK. Um if you want to do more stuff if you like, you can also use IT for things like a uh software development team would use for like gertler or something poor like that that kind of task management and like dependencies and all that of you have to pay to get access to those features and they are more expensive.
Um but then I also for for smaller projects and for smaller things. I've been testing out some other stuff and one of those is joplin, which is a cross platform. More of light weight notes up that I use for like I know it's mark down compatibles. I can use IT for like blog posts and stuff like that, that we're going to end up being in markdown anyway. And IT works on my phone and my tablet and my laptop and my desktop, which is my requirement for that notion, also works everywhere.
Yeah, actually I I don't think i've heard of joplin before. I like this. This topic for the last several years has just been like, go, I use notion or I use a city and that seems like those of two that you always hear. I don't think i've heard of chopped before, but if it's like more more light the main appeal versus the last committed.
it's a little more open. Um there you you can they provide multiple think options theyll you think as a service, which is how they support development of the of the software. You can also just pick up your drop box and it'll it'll do that as well.
Um and then the nice thing about IT, I started getting a little nervous. C as notion is kind started start looks like they might be starting to walk down on that ever note road where your data gets a little more trapped every year. Um join just dumps of older in your drop box that you can access and and it's .
like just a budget markdown files. So ah and .
I will say little bit less powerful than the vickie anywhere. Like it's great for personal stuff. It's good for like your personal notes. It's much harder to share stuff with joplin if you're not especially if you not paying .
for their synthesized service about IT. okay. I know I just feel like a basic to do list and just sort of like taker thing.
And I should takes note on how I did this or. You know, A P, I, keys are things I need to remember. And I just for basic stuff for yourself.
that sounds pretty. All the fact that I have notion installed everywhere and it's really easy to use, means that when I am, am doing, when I am setting up like a new docker container that does some new service, I actually take notes about which how do I followed in what my variables were. I was sitting up the docker container all best off.
And IT makes IT much easier when I have replicated later. Instead of having to be engineer the whole thing from scratch, I just can kind of like repeat my steps in, be good to go. You can even embed a whole web page in the notion. So like if if you worried about the blog that you're reading, the song going away.
you can just arrived the whole blog, yeah, yeah, yes. Shall I? Yeah, digging.
I've written here. Amazon, without amazon. How do you do that? That sounds great. mazo. Tes, without amazon, yeah. Which share kind of defining as sort of the amazon the amazon experience, although actually is on looking at the list of stuff i've shot bound here, i'm really talking about the aim zon retail shopping experience yeah to large extent not so much like a of us or video or whatever .
you mean when you buy things from amazon. Yes.
yes, amazon really kind of sucks these days as an org. I am finding in general, a lot of reasons it's .
chAllenging. I feel like they have a lot of bad working conditions for the people in the front line of delivery. Things have .
written here, jeff, kind of terrible for increasing number of reasons these days. They treat they treat all the works pretty horribly. Um the the externs of shopping on their side is just kind of like rife with danger, feels like these .
days between like return scams and stuff perfet .
stock h in the channel uh do be a stock getting intermingled with other retailers. You know it's like Better tal thing this year.
That to me is the one that's the real like if you just thought from amazon first party and IT was fine, I wouldn't be as upset. But when you buy from amazon first party and then they feel fulfill IT from a third party that's also fulfilled by amazon, that's really nearly in this bad yes.
ads on prime video, they're getting worse and worse. We only do the like, you know the subscription service, the one that is hobo with the shipping of shipping. We don't rent you like all the car stuff. But I D that I saw recently, somebody saying they are starting to show ads into rentals. All the car rentals like you pay four books to a movie or man was on and I still has, oh hello like how close to the sun I can fly on this.
In general, if you want to talk about how things were not thankful for, just the overall and certification of streaming video services yeah as a whole doesn't feel good.
Yes, I am. I've have like one to many experiences of not even getting a thing anywhere near when they said would be delivered, which is the whole point of giving them how much money a year for faster shipping. I was very short. I have doesn't feeling for a long time like it's time to dish shams on prime. Basically.
let me so we do groceries through amazon sometimes, which is the one reason where .
we haven't ditched amazon prime require prime fee.
That means you like that if you do IT as you're one of your regular grocery stops, then you're probably just cheaper to buy prime and not be the delivery phy that suffered from. I was on fresh amazon fresh is the grocery delivery.
But like there's a delivery charge, my understanding delivery charge for fresh and this might be different in different areas to I feel like when we were at my parents house and we did some currently there IT was they worked differently to say about in the country. Yeah the the the big thing for me, I just stop to buying things. I've read a thing earlier this year would like at all kind of yeah .
that's been my life for the last thirty years on yeah I I.
I D I read a blog post that was like, hey, when you buy something, you would think you would you want to buy something put in your cart and then wait six days and if you still want to, at the end of six days, then maybe consider buying IT but other delete IT from your car yeah and IT turns out you buy a lot less garbage.
I could buy a .
cose on that yeah like like i'm looking my amazon for this year and said september I bought some like cake ring molds for making sofi pancakes and a copy of a habit for my daughter for class some day trial exam gloves for when gina had zona a new bottles, a new tub of thermal grazy trional extremes I use my last one up and the flash I C program that we talked about on last week show for the monitor and that's much IT.
Yeah, actually i'm looking here outside of the stuff I thought for the hurricanes is like an emergency and needs up now. Yeah, I placed four amzi orders this year and they were all office supplies for kind of barely using IT as is there are other options.
This is this where we we are talking about. The third reason we kept prime is because of the grocery .
thing o so so that I ve landed like starting to feel bad. Continue to pay for the service for all the reasons listed, primarily, primarily like they are just a kind of a crappy company that treats their workforce horribly. I mean, if you see if you seen there, part of this lawsuit against the national labor .
relations board is really what .
are we are coining anyway? The thing i've realized is I been thinking about this though, is like that kind of like as much as I ms. On has like kind of made a lot of things worse. I guess maybe the big, the bigger upside of their prominences that they have kind of dragged. I feel like the the most of the rest of the online retail world along in their wake in terms of like shipping times and can overall customer experience and like you, the point is you can kind of get a lot of what you go with on already else. Now I think .
that seems right in terms .
of like availability, like free shipping is so much more common than you used to be. Like if you think back to think back to like twenty plus years ago, like free shipping was basically unheard of.
right? And yeah, I mean, I remember if you wanted something like when amazon started doing today shipping for prime IT was such a simple eighty dollar annual purchase. You were really like that.
Absolutely, to do that because I was paying. The rare occasion I didn't need something was like three, three shippers to get today shipping. And now like, as a result, the shift infrastructure has expanded dramatically. And like we have this weird situation where six people come to the house on, on, on some of the, some of the houses on our street every day, right? And IT IT maybe made IT too easy.
I what the whole weight six days thing is, hey, if you have to get the store and drive some place to buy something, you're going to think about whether you really needed a little bit more. Then if you just click a thing on your screen and all of the set is there, the next, so in the right. And also .
another thing I think like livery has become much more common. Like there was another thing twenty years ago, like on saturday. I I paid to others for the on .
sunday was never.
and then was basically even able and stuff delivered all the time. I like i'm going out my way to order most things I can from other retailers at this point uh and like I don't feel like i'm missing that much. actually. I feel like a lot of the good like the good qualities lot of the high points of the among experience have of prolific out to other retailers.
Well, so I will say having done a fair amount of retail purchasing lately, any time I have to go into the store and then hit a bug and wait for somebody to come unlock something, i'm probably just going to stand there. And if IT takes more than a minute to I ordered from amazon and then walk away.
apology for rush decisions made in the heat of .
cash yeah, it's yes. So anyway.
yeah even get in a little bit one of my other things here, but I had to buy a power supply from dig key the other day. Oh no, like a full on, just properly c doctor for a device that I inherit and that did not have an A C doctor with a dota. And like I just feel like like filtering a mechanisms on on retail by pages have also gotten way Better.
And like was not entirely ms on innovation, but like the ability to gold stage by stage and say, like OK, I want the adaptor from this region. I wanted to this voltage, I wanted with this size plugin. No, and just be able to filter down to what you want.
Yes, I I like I feel like you can kind of I I start say good bye. I like might be a big claim. I know starting to feel like may be a time to take a year off from prime and see how that goes .
a bit at the same time like we still don't have a good walking around the store experience I I was talking about there's I was talking about this with a friend in the day who who's like? K, we had these new potato chips starts like now I never heard this before. What's the brand again? They're like they've literally been on in caps in their grocery store for the last six months, right in.
And we, we we used to shop the same, same grocery store and you don't you don't get access to those things because there is no browsing experience for a lot of the online retail stuff there. It's amazon or or Z O targeted whatever your big box brand is. So still not perfect? no. Uh, should we talk about the stream deck?
Ture, I like that thing.
I um I have gone in the last year from using the stream deck to set up my streams and like recording for for a podcast and like that to just any time there's an action that I need to do. And it's like three things like every day when I turned on the computer, i'm going going to get on calls. I hit the O B S and watch O B S and the virtual camera turns on all that stuff.
I just have a button in front. Now I use mouse without borders to control the two pcs of my death to search back and board between them. And I bound a button to toggle between the hockey for one and the hockey for the other.
And I don't do the edges thing anymore because IT turns out the one problem with all of the software, K V M switches like like mass without borders or input director, whatever, is that they're kind of junky with borderless full screen games, which is basically what I always use when i'm playing games, is boris full screen saver, multi mono set up. So I just hit the bug when I need to switch switch computers and IT works. IT works perfectly.
It's great. Um I have I got a stream deck plus last year when they were on sale that thanks giving our new year's and I use the nose to control the volume of the different people in discord calls with me or zoom calls depending on which one i'm in. Um I can I can change scenes and sources. I can control the volume O B S sources, which is amazing. Like it's it's it's incredibly and really simple things like mike mute, hey, doesn't sound sexy, but having a hard ware mike mute, but or is not a harvard mike mute button, but a mike new button, the mute, the mike at a system level, turns out is incredibly useful and and super valuable.
My mum is the most important thing on I use all the is how much you do on there that does not relate to software like yeah it's not like I primarily use this to control other physical devices in my house, like turning the lights on and off. In this room.
I have a hockey's thero bs hooked up to control. Like they basically triggers different scenes that changed the lights in my office so I can, my lights go off and the overhead light comes on. And then I have like a low key dim, if i'm working on something that I want to be able to see, my death could not be sitting in the dark. And then I have the full blast, full blast production lights. So yeah.
it's it's mostly, yeah, it's mostly lighting and an audio and camera. My controls like that. I mean, obvious there is a lot of soft latest stuff you can do. In fact, I probably should be doing more software automation like you were talking about.
I there's two things that are really interesting about the stream deck verses like the other competence cooler masterless one, there's the loop, there's a bunch of other things in this kind of space. And I think the thing that the algoma solution has going forward is that their plug in architecture is really good or any of the plug arctic good, the plug in architecture is really well supported.
And all the way to the point that, like if the thing you want to use isn't necessarily supported, you can also probably use a different plugged in architecture and just have exposed, that is, a single button. So I use this single LED bit focus companion, which has an interface for my audio mixer that I can access, that I can just make me a single button or series of button inside the stream tax software, or you can use IT for the entire screen whatever you want. Its its up to you.
So it's um it's really powerful. And also if I like, I feel a little thinking about this because there's an ongoing cost for IT. But if you want to try IT out with just your phone, you can set up a phone and it's like a five dollar a month or two dollar a month application depending on which platform you on that basically the APP is free. You can set this up and try to think you get a few buttons for free if you want more than you have to pay them.
How many a low berrier way to see if this type functionality is even something you d use. And then if you want a physical control surface.
exactly, exactly. And the physical control surfaces, like they have a bunch of different sizes, they have A A sixteen button. One I think, is the kind of default, maybe twice button.
one. I can remember they have a giant. I think the one of my desk is eight, five, eight.
thirty two button.
yeah. And then they have the one with the knobs, apparently the one with the knobs. They also released a nex ell R, I was talking to friend.
They also released a nexus lr. adapt. You can kind of snap into the bottom of that one. And you can run V S, P S and stuff on this. You can run like full on software, like software plugins and things like that, that are like all plugins on the on on the interface for that thing, which is really cool.
no speed.
highly recommended.
Yes, right. I am thankful that I have. I wrote leaving twitter here on this is I got spending dramatically less time on twitter. I have not the actors of my count.
I I think I did not even sign out of IT on my PC, but I did leave the APP from my ipad, which is where I was consuming the most of IT yeah and crucial the the ipad is the place where I was sitting there at night doing nothing but scrolling for like an hour after ten. You know, just the worst possible use of time, even even prior to the current the domes grow. Yes, even even part of the current state of things, let's say, that was not a great use of time for long periods. Now IT is like a profound that negative in life. I'm Normally in the .
the thing I like about blue sky. Um we talked about this on the full narrow this week and people the handful people got fairly upset because I think there's a perception in in certain communities that is that the platform is unwelcoming to them, but it's kind of choose your own adventure for algorithm. So like by default, you get reverse chron logical sort where you is posted at the top and old this poster at the bottom and you just grow back in time, which is which is IT turns out a lot less filtered than anything that has an algorithm. But you can also like there's also options to add other fees that, that users or blue skye themselves have created that give you like like there's there's a things your things people you follow like right .
yeah this one is even find where see the post of people who follow you which is a fun and version yeah there's there's .
um there I have a mutual sweet so that I see people who are following me and i'm following them that pops up. I have won. That's just call gees. It's people who post pictures of orgies. And you can flip a switch that a dumps those like latest input from each of those fees you subscribe to into your main feed when IT like runs low on reverse chrono POS to show is really nice yeah the .
custom feed stuff. Um this maybe the most exciting thing about blue got to me. So for well, aside from the fact that it's just not run as to your mental health and people are generally polite and there is not constant Victory and abuse in your face all the time.
I like for me the thing that always surprises me when I post something on twitter is how I mean, we have both have reasonably sized accounts, which is a different experience than somebody he's mostly just following and consuming gets. But you get a lot of um I get a lot of crypto spam, a lot of shockingly hard core pornography in my replies and a lot of people who are just really, really abusive for no parent reason any time you post anything. And then also like six people look at the post. So yes, I mean.
I don't and I don't think I posted twitter and six months or more probably but but to be clear, even when you don't post actively, just the experience of using IT passively is still life with that stuff. Like, yes, you look at other people's replies without coming across that stuff constantly. Like I just I find myself feeling way less bad, which is not to say I feel bad, had still planning to feel bad about the lake. There is a difference between being aware what's going on and also and just like marinating and negativity one hours every day .
and and people the community has has decided that they don't want to like, quote duncan people, right? So somebody has a bad take instead of quote, quote, tweet that and dumping their feed so that already else can enjoy the bad take. They just don't they just block ck those people and move on and and it's a healthier way to live.
I'm i'm curious to see more than types of fees assume people come over time.
Like you said, thousand of more something. Now if you dig into the list.
well, but but what I mean is there are kind of two types of fees right now. A lot of them, the majority of them, like you said, are like a feet of cat pictures or a few feet of picture. People from this particular country or language speaking region, you know it's like collections of types of content or categories of users or whatever, but not talking more the stuff you were talking about, like posts only from people that you follow who also follow you. You know we're post from your followers like more interesting ways of kind of like sorting and pulling out uh, more unique uh types of ages of stuff that we have seen a lot of yet.
So there's a handful of really interesting ones like there's a science feed that has a curated list of contributors who when they post something with a sports certain mogi, I think it's the uh, test tube then dumps sit into that feed. So it's like OK four people like air biba front of the show aan biba who posted a bunch of science news IT lets her post about science news and get that in front of the people who interest in science stuff, but also to do her Normal whatever SHE else what he wants to post about without like crapping up that that science feed with politics or know where is he ate, launcher.
whatever, right? So what launches the highest purpose of social?
I mean, IT, look, there's no higher reason to be on social media.
And I remember when eating a sandwich, and i'm putting that in quotes, eating a sandwich was .
a valid tweet. People a look, my first, I, I, so I did a thing where I grabs my twitter archive and dumped all of my twitter post onto a burner account. I didn't I haven't told anybody where IT is, but I think bots found IT um a lot of those early tweeter real kin gee, man was I did a lot of buying pants. I was IT was a simple .
time .
yeah my favorite of the feeds right now is the gift links slash gift articles, one that has somebody wrote a passer that detects when you've done a gift link oh for big publishers like like the new or times and washington post and saturday paper and all the places that have payable content. And IT is IT like all way down to like nature. And IT just pulls those out and puts them if you so it's like something that somebody thought was good enough to to post. Um to use one of their ten gift links a .
month or h but I am extremely useful. I I will add that feed. My reason is trying there is no ipad APP.
I use the ipad for sumption you can tell like that's my main like browsing and reading social media device. There is no I ad APP official. It's just the phone APP blown up to I outsize .
where sometimes yes.
which has never brand yes, IT doesn't even not handle that well. But it's like there's third party apps spring up left right now because it's all open. yeah.
So I ve tried pretty much everyone I can find. I tried gray sky, tried one called the open vibe, which actually let you sign, and who blue sky masted on threads. And one other one is the other one.
Twitter is not cohoes rest peace .
definitely cohoes is one other that one supports as well. And I think I only signed in the blue guy with that. I think the ideas that will actually just kind of aggregate one giant continuous feed of all as which I had certainly would not want I could be wrong about that. I might still secret is there's another APP called skate note, which I think IT brings me no pleasure to tell you that I think sky is probably the best of loose guy so far. I but like it's cool to see third party clients again.
Remember third party clients well. And the thing that i'd like is for them like twitter at some point realized that the openness for them was a bug and having third party clients and having people extending their protocol and the thing that they built was not good for their core business. Uh the folks here is like twenty five people, twenty people run the sky right now. And um there the whole thing has been built to run on not much hardware and for users to extend and embrace. So like the fees you have to host the feed people are hosting.
like on their home labs, like some of the fees I had before this gigantic influx in last couple weeks, like feeds I had described to six months ago or whatever, just straight up and work anymore. Yes, some of them straight return a message saying, like, I have turned this often and so this quiet down because this was killing my international connection .
yeah and but but like the fact that you can do that and the fact that your data portable, the whole things designed to be portable, not in the way masted on, is where your your time, an account like you would be on a on a discord server or something almost, or male serbs. This is more design that you can have. You can host your, your presence on whatever server you want.
You can move back in fourth in. There can be different blue sky providers. People are building like viewers for blue sky that are more um like instagram es some more photo first, more video first.
There's all sorts different things going. So things are an interesting place in their motivation plans. They just rolled out their first motivation plans, which are basically um well, I get that things like verification or built in.
So it's are verifying with a checkmark that you have to go through a process together or pay the money or something, you just hook IT up to your domain with the domain record, right? So you're you can use a goofball domain like I do, or you can hook up to your businesses domain and I could be will at will dot tech pot dot content. That town right or party will dot content anyway, does not matter the the modification plans are to add extra features for people who pay.
So things like you can post longer videos or higher resolution videos. You can do things like that. They're not promoting. There's no algorithm. So they're not promoting in the algorithm is just, hey, like do you want to do something that requires more A P I calls the here you go, you can pay a five box. Something will let you do that.
We are also taking money to sign up domains for people who don't know how or want to deal with that themselves. Yeah, which makes sense. I've been kind of happy to see like people that I know who I think this is no shade or anything, but people who people I know who I seem like would barely know what I domain is like probably could you tell you what DNS is? Are still out. They're getting their own domains like people are embracing the domain as user name feature in a way that I like more broadly than I expected. I guess it's i'm trying to say like people I never would have thought would cared about IT are getting in on IT having fun, fun.
Well, IT makes a lot of sense. It's hard in larger organizations where you know, lake, say you work at national geographic and your your online ops people have been running the domains for a long time and you want to get all your reporters to have bob dot national geographic dot com domains. It's going to be harder and it's going to that like that. There's an up pill battle there. They need to get something little bit more straight forward, but it's still pretty cool.
Yes, yes. And also, I mean, blue guy has helped with this, the otto wing and users having another place ago that feels like a twitter has helped but even whose guy not with standing, just spending less time staring at the raging dust fire on twitter all the time yeah.
it's just a .
real boon to my to my daily mental health.
Do something constructive to make a nice .
meal very much. So I looking up matching the other day, think about just think about that. Spend less time on witter. If you're rosing .
a turn there, go. Oh, let's talk about airports pro and their integration with the apple TV and apple ecosystem because I have to say I think this is a on my list last year. It's still bragin rips like the ability I can get up in the morning.
And if I want to watch T, V, and I want to watch something that's loud, I just put my airports in, and I listen to IT and IT connecting to apple T V, and I don't have to think about IT. Then when I plugged in my phone and listening to music later, IT just switch over. And that sounds good.
And IT doesn't noise counselling and IT sometimes boost the volume of things around me if I want that they they are they're really unbelievable devices for the one two hundred hundred dollars that they're like. I think the M S R P is two hundred and fifty bugs that they're often on sale for like one eighty nine. And um they even do the stuff that apples doing now Better across everywhere where they managed the charge speeds and stuff like that.
You don't torture your batteries like you did on old first and second generation ipods. Um so I highly, highly recommended. And IT IT is it's literally a thing that I always have with me. It's like one of the pieces of technology I always care with mix where I am on the train or I have twenty minutes and I have to sydney y cafe some place and I don't want to hear a bunch people talking about nonsense. I just pop a men, put our music and it's nice.
I I think i've got to give them on those at some point. I going to be close .
to a new Janet this point.
but that's IT. I'm probably going to try to hold out until there's a refresh at this point.
Yeah I mean, it's been two years and change the airport t maxes. The big had phone ones, went a long time and then got at the sattest refresh of all time. So I don't know.
It's hard sometimes, sometimes timing. The apple upgrade cycle is less about features are getting a more just present option.
I what we're talking about, apple stuck. Can I shut out apple intelligence because I signed up for IT when they made overall out with eight point one a couple ago. And there's one thing that IT does, it's a lot of really dopey stuff. And one thing that's really nice, which is that IT summarized as notifications for you.
yes, I like going around sometimes.
It's hilarious. Like the other day, IT IT took a conversation that some brands of ours, we have begun discord and did a really funny thing but like I said, logging in, put and preparing for another round bio update requested for two benches on my discord um hang on, what kind of hooks .
and of discord I have to give you unification .
about something like just seeing the notifications that pop up in the dms and like it's it's only pulling from notifications that .
okay I O S S I was OK was just of the people were sending to you .
already yeah so for for example um somebody come in and now one of my post on blue sky, I got some emails. Um there's deals on best buy for black friday starting soon. My washing and drier both been running constantly today woops, multiple people were detected by the front door camera and yeah my watch battery is sufficiently charged so yeah like it's but the summary is really convenient IT. Turns out the rest of its kind of useless, but the some mary on the notifications is very nice.
I think I thought that, like handwriting equations, having IT solve them thing was kind of cool.
I don't think i've gotten, I don't think that's world out. You roll out .
of equations of solving that. You might think, yes, indeed. Alright, my next item, yes, I have written happy projects are so good. Now.
just to be clear, the game frames pretty old at this point.
I know new to me. okay.
IT was good a long time ago is what i'm saying.
One of the other things I on earth, along with fudge hog was um front of the shows. Ander gave me a game frame a couple years ago and i'm start using the game frame. It's great. yes. So I mean the broader point here is there are just like so many dam things out there being made by a like one or two or three or four people that rely on some combination of lake programming or electrical knowledge or would working or union like just little like hobby disciplines that people are coming together to make like rab little things.
It's easier to do now than ever before.
Obviously a move general, which is and fifteen years old.
Yeah, it's been around for minute more than that.
Twenty almost. There's just so much time stuff that is so cool. I, I, I, I.
Mazing projects and this may be overlaps with your next thing too. But the game frame we talked about the project, um I think when I did our in our discord versatile day that somebody made a rasberry pie bridge like it's it's like a samba to USB dumb drive bridge that uses a rasberry pie with wifi. yes. And like the game frame is perfect for that is mine doesn't have a wifi.
think about that. But you would would be nice people to dump new stuff on to the thing I think that uses .
my I might to clear what you're that you show of me is like is extremely um support looking for grass roots like very couple together like it's not a it's not a nice like tidy little device you can buy that. I don't know if .
I will will be probed whatever this is no need for to be. It's just but it's it's like a thing. You have razor pie. You basically just plug a razer pie into you. Like I think the person did IT .
for their bordering machine. Be clear, when you king .
full singapore, absolutely, Peter, even when you might have that, I don't remember .
what gives a tiny thing. But what we're talking matter here is basically a replacement for disposable USB thug drives where anything, anything where you need to get files onto a device where you would plug a thriving to get those files onto that device. Instead, you can transfer them wirelessly to this thing. And I will act like a some drive.
Well, I was just an interesting, I hadn't really thought about, I hadn't really thought about like a samba to USB storage bridge before as a concept. And to me, you think about .
IT is so obvious though, like those technologies are also well understood when you combine them in an interesting way and you get a whole new thing.
And like one of the other things this happened to me recently is I have this old. It's one of the first big digital picture frames. It's in the my dining room and IT was the electric objects is was a company they got bought by jeffy.
Um and then the like with the promise that the service would run forever, then you're never going to believe what happened next. The service didn't run forever. But the read community on the for for the E O A brains has come up with a rasberry pie base project that lets you basically just revitalize, invigorate your old bus in nineteen and picture frame and that's amazing that's cool.
That's thread that's read um the game frame like the had the full hog is going to become set dressing behind me ah but i've in my defense .
I i've got some ideas for some surprise .
sequences i'm going to make myself that I think he will be fairly unique that's that's yeah that's .
been on my to do this now for ten years for people don't know, the game frame is a pixel art frame that our friend of the show, germy Williams, made a decade and change ago and it's sixteen by sixteen pixels. He built really little grid that goes inside IT. So there's no bleeds through between the pixel and you get a really nice bright pixel art display that's great for showing.
Like it's mostly I mostly like eight bit node arcades, right? Because those are the ones are limited to sixteen by sixteen. When you get into the the post kind of N, S, in next days, people started doing bigger .
Price because the machines are more capable characters. Anyway, i'm excited to say that thing of um like the open source Carter reader is another one that comes to mind. Like we talked about that before.
I I borrow to one of those from a good friend of the show but i've been slowly using, I found my copy of final fancy legend when I was home last month. Wow is an original game, boy game. Wow, eighty nine or ninety nine?
About ninety. So when you rip cards to that, you get both .
the car ROM and then also iles. You, well, actually, I have been dumping all the roms because there are many different revisions of roms out there that is actually kind of easier to just feel like i'm gna dump for the version that I had with the save to make absolutely guarantee the work that are you know that I could play a role that I will loaded IT and not like get redish two of the game and not have the same work or something but oh like that that's another, that's another like couple together from parts type of projects that people with, or do we know programing and soldering skills just came up with, you know like there's just so many damn all little things out there that are letting you do so much you couldn't ten fifteen years ago.
I mean, when we had when we had air and on the podcast talking about respect part in the first pod, the like, I distinctly remember being IT make a affair and having people come up to me. Be like, I, have you seen the thirty dollar ARM system on a chip, right? Like you should check this thing out.
It's amazing and it's a slow burn because IT take took a long time for people, a, for infrastructure to build daughter boards to right to happen right at least, and inexpensively. N N, B. IT took a long time for people to figure out all the weird stuff that you're going to use these things for. But and now we're there it's it's we're in a hot navy and it's like it's good stuff out there there there's .
more cool little projects than you could ever have time like one person could ever have time to, to build and use. Yeah like it's just an endless supply of new stuff.
Yeah, i'm a big fan. I didn't like all the way up to like the knox size computers. Like there's like you can get you can get things that will run your weird projects in all sizes and shapes these days.
I'm i'm here for IT 是 okay。 So on the on the in the realm of things that I never think about but have made my life easier and in aggregate saved me, but say, dozens to hundreds of minutes. Over the last few years, i've had this logistic power play match sitting on my desk for since twenty to seventeen and twenty eighteen.
And I don't think i've ever talked about on the podcast, but it's basically one of their lives. Speed wireless transfer s and IT has a big inductive charger. And then you put A A special disc in the bottom of your larger tech mouse, and only words of largest stuff.
But IT just basically always keeps the battery charge some between thirty and sixty percent in your in your wireless miles. And you never, ever, ever worry about bugging the mouse. And the mouse is always charged. And IT always runs at full speed and it's IT is a seamless like the literally the entire er time I had to see.
The only problem I pad is that there was an open RGB update a few months ago that if you installed the larger tech driver when you were doing the open RGB update, IT would crash the open RGB pluggin and crash open RGB as a result. So I disabled the large check pluggin. Everything's group py. It's really, really good.
Is the um of the judging surface span the entire surface is the aspen or they're did zones where IT doesn't charge if you leave IT in the wrong spot.
you know what the best part of IT is. IT doesn't matter because you have enough you have enough battery overhead on the battery, of course but but no but I understand the charging IT doesn't tell you when it's charging. It's charging that's low fire. The charging is you just basically as long as it's on the the pad there, there's a there's a pad underneath the mouse surface and you use whatever mouse service you want like i'm using and you get steel series, a steel case mouse mat with a cork under underpinning to keep IT at the same level as the charging service. And as long as it's on the charging service for some percentage of the day and charges enough that i've never .
run on a battery here, now that all sounds great. Yes, IT doesn't cesspool ate a toward on the desk.
Yeah but but i'd never have .
to plug anything. And I because really.
as you have .
issues with courts later flip about found tolerant and anti cord policy.
Look, if you drill a little hole and drop your micro U B down through the hole, and you could have have a right angle plug into the back, because the charge bat be.
how does IT have a plugged in the map? Not a, not a prettied cord.
So there's a there there's the mad area and then there's a little like brick that's about the size of like a rigorous pack, a gum a little bit bigger than a rigas pack, a gum radio and stuff in IT. And that's where the U. S.
B. Plugs into. So you get a angle.
right angle plug and drill .
hole and put IT through. That's really where i'm going with this. You should do that.
I don't care that much. My deck is really messy. Do I like?
I like a lot? Fair, fair. That's fair. Input devices, I didn't put, I didn't put them on my list, but wireless input devices, I am all in on. After being like a an extremely wireless input skeptic for a long time.
we've got ten. So good, see the mouse and good with the keyboard I can like the benefit of having no wire on the keyboard is not i'd rather have bright RGB on the keyboard, vain and shallow there. Ah what else you got.
you know, h this, I guess, kind of fall is on for my last one a little bit because of some of the stuff have been working with this week. Cheap, small, efficient compute. Oh yeah, uh, i've got a pie four here that I have doing a lot of things. I White that thing yesterday and have been sitting IT back up.
What you going to? This is like a multiple li purpose python.
the whose name is literally multi berry, is that is a .
lot of things IT runs .
IT runs homesites m pie hole is my White guard like it's a pie for is fast enough to be the thing that does your work yeah, i'm going to the house. So does stuff like that. Um turns out there is no way, there is no supported, I should say no supported way to update the um the version of the linux s on a reserve pie the one provided by the pie foundation like you can try but they explicit say, hey, we do not support Operating system of grades are official recommendation is wiped and installed new .
version why you can't just like to delete the up?
Yeah, you can do like a APP to this up greater whatever you can try again, again, you can try. And I might IT work. But literal official passage ing from the pie foundation is to update your rasberry O S.
You should like to enter the new won anyway in mind whatever is old and crafty enough and and a moving over to to docker style containers from a xc on there. Anyway, yes, I was just like to know what fine. I just quite the thing. It's time it's been years time to just start fresh anyway.
But you know like set anything back up again, bring IT in here and like a look at what you're getting in the tiny little thing i've been talking about a getting one of those finely ext six boxes to make IT to be a router again recently. The older like in ships, and we talked about before, there's all of reference coming on. Those like not a big deal.
It's like a slight cox speed bum. It's basic. Same ship. This will be two three hundred megatons faster from the sound of things like, like, the point is like ARM X D six, like whatever. Like, like small, but increasingly, like shockingly powerful, is so prolific .
these days. It's so, so prolific. It's everywhere.
Yeah, you talk about your billion, a million times. Like you don't need a full, like A T X size nas, like I have any more. You can absolutely get a snooty, you're even all the U.
S. Be enclosure. Like i've got to put heart drives in and hoo A B link style, what used to be called luck up to IT. And like there's your asp.
Knox, but now intel sold them to assume S I. I think I can .
remember the actual name yeah.
Like if you search M S I, I think cells, a thing called a .
duck and I think .
who's also sells a thing called a duck, I don't understand how both companies ended up with the right to name, but maybe it's right .
right here on a suspeck com. Not many pcs. The the next youtube of computing is still next.
It's always that the next year IT .
lives on anyway. You know, just like there are many cool things, again, kind like the happy project stuff, like there are so many little things you can do around the house with a tiny little computer that only uses three to five lots of power and only cost you fifty books or something. And that's awesome.
I mean, shit out to older lake too because like it's that's twelve gen antil for people keeping score home. It's it's the last of the good. It's the last of the preview. Intel CPU not counting obviously the error, like if that came out earlier this year. But um are those machines, especially when you get down to the like the I three in the cell er n level are so inexpensive now. So if you want to have like a minecraft server for your kid to play on with their friends and not pay five bucks a months to to um microsoft, like you literally will pay for that in a year's hosting of a microsoft right they're like ninety box or hundred box often and if you get a my sale .
will even cheaper in one hundred looking express with no you would have to add that but literally ninety dollars for for a full computer without on the rain storage is not that exchange.
You can get the rain storage model for thirty box, more typically hundred and twenty box. You if you don't have the rain in that city city around so you really good .
one hundred those mobile ships, they're just equals like until you got P N equals. Now like these low power familles ships are just Sunny coals from the current design. More less i'm sure there's like new answer that i'm missing, but. Is basically the equal design from whatever generation. So we've talked about IT, again, like the equals and lunar lake, like the .
new sky out courses.
The sky on is the current older lake ens, or Grace mom, which is the previous generation. The sky lones are insane and I am like dying for for those to start hit in this form factor.
But this sounds like that's probably another year too away and .
they're be expensive to for a long time. And the old small, a smaller process for these newer ones that will probably jack Price up quite a bit anyway. I'm probably once like there's they're the model number by fifty. So like the end one hundred is going to become the end one fifty from the leaks, from the sound of things in that all panes out, probably way to those but small but small refresh hits and then give one. But it's crazy that to think that those things are like faster than the around of the speed of the sixty seven hundred k from a few years ago.
It's it's really funny to me that in the early days of the internet, you use to have to run your own, rather because browder didn't work right. And then that I ended up being a horrible mistake. There was a huge pain in the ass to keep up always on machine secure.
And linux wasn't really a thing that most Normal people were using at that time. So you were doing something stupid like run on windows two thousand and windows x machine. And here we are again, where it's like you be. The thing to do is to run my own .
round of kind of wrapped back around. And for here, like reuters, I started to say reuters initial ed, which may be as a little harsh and know if that's quite accurate, but they have definitely gone way to expensive or what you're getting.
So I i've been testing us a mesh stuff, which at PC world, which is like one of those technologies, is that for a long time, the idea of a wireless extender was really bad. And now if you have a if you have somebody is not technical and doesn't wired ties at their house and they have like dead spots in their house, tell them to buy a three set mesh and just help them set IT up. So over lapse really well.
And if you're not playing games, it's in distinguish from one really fast, really, really good node. Um and and like i'm really shock, I glad that that exist that that exists a category. It's not something i'm gonna ably buy, but IT IT makes its technology that is easier for everyone involved and that's that's it's good that that exists .
to to be clear, talking about a router in a distance sense, which means not the wireless part, was a big advocate for for separating the wireside to a separate device. But yeah absolutely like good, easy out of the box mesh systems that just work are all right. And i'm talking more like you're kind of four to five hundred dollar now gaming router.
for example. Can you do crow .
crown of salon looking at forts of devices, you know, like like wrapping those back ground who just building your own again? I feel like, uh, is is starting to become appropriate.
I I think I think the I think the mistake there is that we often for a lot of people, we think that, oh, your router and your wifi access point are the same device, right? And the benefit of billion on routers, you replace that every every once at a long while, and you replace your access point every time. That makes sense to update your wifi to a new respect.
And and I think the one the thing that is actively terrible in this category are those crimes are on access points because they are most got very expensive yeah because there are four hundred box and they're the worst of both world. So you get the latest wifi standard, which is great, but you have to replace every two or three years when there's a new wifi standard if you need to keep up. And also, you don't get as good cover as if you have a mesh, you may have really nice performance on your one wired node, but your wireless node, you're going to suffer in the bathroom in the far side. Your house is IT can have coverage in here. They're taking a bath .
and doom score on twitter and you are dealing with a vender embedding often. Are you you the mercy whoever makes that router to frequently to make sure everything works on there. And that is kept up to today from a security perspective like that's not that's not always a guarantee depending on who makes IT.
Yeah often those the goal on those is to dump the most possible features on the on the back of the box. And so they'll be poorly supported or jackie, or you'll have something really weird like there's no D N S loop back so you can connect to an external D N S entry from internal and you have all sorts of wear problems resolved, that is, and you're stuck with you when you have to set up. So yeah separate your router and and your access point yeah and anyway.
all that is to say it's often that there is so much cheap where there now that you can stuff like that on.
okay. So now I have a couple of quick hits on hardware stuff that I really like that don't we don't need to get into m to S S S. This week especially are unbelievably cheap. I'm seeing good m to SSD that are the four terribles for two hundred box and like smoking fast, one tarbes for fifty nine dollars. And if you .
don't have a nice .
SSD in your computer, you spurge get yourself something to go this week.
That's that's good to know. I will. I'm gna look out for those actually haven't thinking for a while now about getting one to plug into the back. My P, S five to put P S four games on. P S four games do not really need to be on the fast, the superfast internal storage, but I don't want to put them on a hard drive because who wants to play games off hard drive at this point?
But I mean, so would you plug IT into .
the P S five S S D? And yeah, just you. Okay, on the back or the front you could use, but he would be cleared to put IT in the back.
But it's got USB three reports. I'm just talking about plugging the four tey S S D into your envy slot. Have five terrible S S D. I have that. Well.
I terribly in there. So now that i've got the pro already have four terabits of, though very fast storage and I think but I want to want something for P S four games about getting one for the x box as well. But I played x and .
cheap in .
vm e drives. And from what i've seen, pretty cheap enclosures these days as well, IT seems like you can get a pretty nice envie enclosure for fifteen twenty box. Now.
yeah, like you can get one with a metal frame and all sorts of cool stuff for fifty box. And or you can just do IT like I do and raw .
dog get.
I just have it's just taking .
out there on a stick. Told expose interface board with the USB connect on its of the indian drive is exposed to the environment, I think like getting one of those as well because they would make IT a lot easy to switch drives in and out or testing and stuff.
It's it's great if you need to move stuff off of um like A V used inside of computer or something shopping computers, okay, it's not ideal, especially we use the software is provided with the drive and IT requires IT shows up as not the brand drive that you have cesspool ily because the mass storage yeah and if you have a fast drive that is using high speeds or gets hot, you have to actually have cooling to put on IT when you pulled IT in because IT IT can overheat um but yeah it's it's handy to have for backing up all stuff.
Um I I also so I bought when I got my um when I got my a uh pincio the U S B C sodding iron from the from the the pine people I I bought A A silicon USB c cord because he was kind of recommended. So you don't accidentally light your cord on fire if you if you cross over and touch the hot tip to to the cord. I love the silo USB courts because they bend really easily. They're pretty instructive. That guy ended up, they are my court of choice for using with the game pads.
And in front of the P C.
often do wired game pets on P C games. Just I don't have to worry about charging and stuff and had a benefit of doing wire, like with the dull sense when I unplugged and I hit the playstation. But then IT turns on the P.
S. Five that sitting here, if I have plug in IT just is hooked up the team. You get weird spots if it's if you turn on the P, S, five and then plug IT in and you're to rock both at the same time and mistakes can be made that way.
But um incredibly useful and and they coiled nicely and they are great. There are a little bit more than like a graded USB cord, but I I the ones i've had her now two years old at least, and I used daily. So I also bought .
the second one with my pint well, but I didn't realized this. We're starting to just get out in the channel more, brother.
A A R has a line of those. I've been, i've seen generic ones at this point to or on non awkward es. But yeah, the awkward es are great that I have.
I have a put almost all of the U. S. B. Cables at my travel kit are now the silicon es. I don't use them. The cards, I worried that if gets hot there, they get that tacky feel on them. But anyway um and then the the last thing is the steam deck which we ve talked about the links we don't need to get into IT, but IT is so nice to sit the living room and play like little indie games locally and playing a lot of lupar o in UFO fifty and willmar works about. But then when I want to play something big, like a big trip, I thing I just streamed from the PC in the other room and and that works incredibly well over wifi six I D I.
I might have to, I might have to look at the team deck when they refreshed. Finally.
when you you traveling enough now that that makes sense.
Well, yes, I work for deep on this one. At this point. I feel like IT could still be another year too, probably before they out a new one.
But I find a weight. But once once there is actually new hardware and that thing that my utility of IT seems to. Too great to deny.
Well, to say the other thing that's happening is the OEM are really innovating at a high street. New yeah the new AMD z process is the two, I think is the new kind of hand held focused, uh, chip little that camera has been in anyway. And end like the homebrew linux destroys that rolled up the stuff that that bell has done with the team deco s are really great. Like bei running on a on a row on our issur. O G L I X is a phenomenal experience.
So I I even considered red. Of course, you could do something like that and even consider putting the demos like thing on the competing hardware that doesn't Normally run demos.
That's let us cool. Let me tell you about a cycled PC world over on youtube. There's a whole video series where we've done where we tested out holo ISO and beside and some of the other stuff that out there in that space of I did know .
the hardware supported there because I know sometimes driver support as little icy. But also those competing devices are always just presented as running windows and being intended for windows sider demos. Knock offs would .
work also most of the other devices in that category or running A P, U as well. So they just use the sitter of cause M D drivers, which is the hard part. yes.
Um there's M S I claw which uses in L A intel GPU and intil integrated graphics, which is not particularly well supported by those things. There are some weird in video bugs with the with the steam deck O S front end and in videos, current drivers. So that doesn't not work great right now. But but if you're using an AMD machine, if you have an AMD GPU, especially on an AMD CPU, it's great. The experience is really, really good.
You just maybe wonder intel l is going to start getting a little more competitive in that space because like lunar lake, as we talked about his killer from a power efficiency standpoint, and it's got the most recent arc graphics on IT, which also, as grated G, P, S. Go, pretty good to understand.
Yeah, the most recent graphics are I dexippus ff, that in lunar lake is actually the same cores as battle mage, which theoretically is launching rumors are soon I would guess before in video does anything but um yeah it's it's pretty good. I'll i'll be interested. I think the big problem there will be links drivers. But msi was was early on supporting um until stuff I think I want to say the claw is a lake, but I might be wrong about that so don't .
quote me yeah that pretty supporters .
many lake media like not era lake.
I don't I don't know how they are in graphics but like I think I read at one point until is actually the biggest contributor to the linux kernel for a time or maybe still is and that's mostly for server stuff. But like I would hope they would be there. Support for .
graphics so on beside the intel al graphics support is good for um arc and post arc of it's if he for P R stuff doesn't really work for p arc stuff for steam deck you can still run the Normal dest like you can still run the Normal test top. It's not a great experience on a hall. Anything else? Yes, last thing.
I guess this is more perspective because I haven't actually done IT IT. What I have written here is rapid, affordable eyewear. I'm not in a bad glasses situation.
You are those are bad glasses. I .
that hurt?
No, they're find these .
were never intended to be .
seen by people yet, like we all as a former exclusive contact where i've had glasses like that as well.
These i'm wearing like a very, very tall pair, let's say. I mean, I refer to them the I doctor of the other day, I referred to them as grandpa's asses.
Yeah, they look like orange.
very large frames, very large lenses.
They look like something that what's his name from news radio would wear? Harmon, no.
Stephen root. Harmon, even all news radio. He was.
yes, no. Fl pl harmon d famously was on news radio.
on radio. When he passed, i'm not sure i've ever seen news radio tell you for sure.
but rao, like, might be the thing. Anyway, news radio is a lot, but even roots, the guy who played a, uh, he played the the millionaire owner of the radio station, but also famously played, what's this named the stapler guy in office space? Sure, you know, Steven, you don't if you don't know his name, but if you saw a picture you to recognize .
immediately even I don't know, eighties texas oil type and my wears kind of thing maybe yeah .
that they're very practical.
They're large. The reason there's a big this this was my first part of progressive VLAN ses that I got like three years ago. Years ago. I just wanted to be told, lest lines as I could get to see you to give give myself like the maximum range on the refraction. You know what I mean, as you know, for people who don't know progressive lenses or one reflecting tive, what's the term?
It's one prescription at the top of the bottom?
yes. Is one. Is one prescription that that six ways into the other downlands. I just wanted the maximum range of creation there, which is why I got these giant lenses, which, again, nobody else going to see you're .
doing great bread. Don't tell. Don't let anybody give you any grief about your lenses.
I don't even know if you want to hear about this. In the intervening years, I lost my main pair of glasses and then my backup a pair is what have been wearing for the last three years, oh no, and have never bothered to go back to the I doctor, despite having insurance .
to no brand and .
the what what I what I assume has to be the entire reflective coating started coming off of those glasses daily once a couple months ago, rapidly, to the point that I can Better through. So here I am on these gigging I C grandpop progressive Lances around the house now, which only you get to see.
I, I do appreciate you sharing with me.
Uh, I have gone to the I doctor and get an example, and actually just went back yesterday .
and picked up frames.
Nice frames OK. Good frames. Would you get something at a modest standard? What fashionable I think? Anyway, the point is those are going to take lake upwards of a month to get here because they're progressives of x whatever.
Uh, and in the meantime, it's kind of crazy held cheaply and quickly. You can just get a pair of glasses. These I don't know how reason the innovation that is. I know I know like some of these services around for years, but like the last time even I checked in on them, they were not near as cheap as they are now. And health, same thing in terms of the speed like a place like and i'm not shilling because I ve been even bore from this place but like examine for example, I was looking .
at thirty box yeah it's .
rave glasses like a week right? Yeah it's like I will buy two or three in case I lose them again or sit on them or something.
Well, like, so I was early on morbi just because at one point I I was getting really I started getting really bad headaches, new prescription and they could do IT like four days or something, right? Um and I have A I have a large prescription but not a difficult prescription if that makes sense. Like like straight correction. There's no weird thing about IT um and that was great and they did a good like unlike almost every optician i've ever been to, they actually light up where the glasses fit on my face with where the where the center of the lenses which when you have A A strong correction is really important because otherwise you everything is distorted and weird when you're looking through the edge of the lenses and yeah so I anyway I was doing internet glasses a long time ago but stuff. But there's still like one hundred and fifty box, two hundred box when you get all in on the paradise es and the and the the new ones, the new online places that are, I assume, manufacturing in china than air mAiling them here are basically free as you.
because I ve gone twelve, thirty one, thirty, almost thirty five years, and like back then, branded you a child, you know, you weren't able to do IT yourself entirely. But I felt like a huge process of, like, a glasses are hundreds of dollars, and that s actually i'm waiting on these nice classes, which I got on my insurance, which again, are going to take over three weeks to get here.
But in the meantime, it's like, why not just go order a couple of back up pairs, single vision? Am I going to get progressives on this? Yeah and I also not sure how to get that.
I was looking at any like I said, but yes, for them to be that cheap and that widely available and easy to get. Like once you ve got your numbers from the doctor, you just go to think types some stuff in and also like i'm sure to the virtual trial stuff is not new either. But that also has been kind of yes, it's Better out for a long time time. Cool to try for the first time because I always just bought classes .
in person before the thing. The thing for me is that and people who don't, people who use glasses to make their lives easier instead of possible, probably have a different feeling about this. With my description is it's enough that like not only can I not drive, but I can't like cross the stream safely about my glasses is right.
And and the amount of anxiety I feel on the reg having one like because I have one pair of main gases is and I have my old ones that are like the last prescription, but they are like I get headaches if I use them from of the computer all day and I i've repair sunglasses and if I lose or break my main pair of glasses, it's gona be a pretty enormous pain in the eyes for like two or three weeks. Now wait for the new glass is to come. So there's a real argument in favor or of just, we know, getting a cut like he said, a couple of thirty dollars bears, yeah, just in case.
Just just leave him in the glow box of the cards. If I made on a hiker or something, if I did my glass, I, this is stupid. When I went to the air space museum as a kid, I was always afraid to lean over the rAiling and look down from the third floor, because, like, if my god is fell off, I don't know if I could get there in time before somebody stepped on a margret. You know, whatever, who this is very intense, less than learned.
I will never do this to myself again. I am always like, i've been living on the edge for three years, like you said, with one pair of glasses, which we're not the nice frames to begin with know.
I think you are understanding how those glasses are just straw hipster glasses. If you have like a mustache with those. People would think you you were going in full hipster. You like you could walk around with that and neighbor .
jacket and you've good to go.
I know every time I.
everytime I look in the mirror, I feel like they have .
added one years. I mean, look, I did have an uncle that SAT talked about how bad vietnam was every, every holiday that were pair glasses, very similar to those. They they're kind of like the john government glasses in labels. I, okay, yeah, little bit like military ask, but not military. Anyway, I got two more quickies.
One is phoning slash, microsoft phoning slash until unison, which is the thing that connects to your phone using bluetooth and wifi and will pull notifications and let you send text on windows in the same way that mac users have been able to use my message on their mac books for years. It's not as good as that implementation. There's big gaps and functionality depending on the IOS or android.
I think the android implementation is generally much Better, but the I, O, S. Implementation will let you respond to, say, text from your spouse using the mouse and keyboard on your computer, which is pretty dam good. Until unison is an intel specific one. It's mostly on their laptops, mostly use IT with .
their laptops. I like my ros interest, like obvious intel, be doing something like, but believe .
everything is kept people from buying until laptops the need thing about the intel unison one is if you have an ipad, you can use IT to share the screen across from the intel laptop to the to the ipad and that works incredibly well. If your wife is good, let's go. Um the other types of both of those both great, they both three.
You have to haven't intel laptop for units in the work phone links pretty good. You're gna want to pair down the notifications that you send over across or the IT pops up for you because IT will wear you out if your notifications are control on your test stop on on your phone. Uh, the other thing that's fabulous is we got a new car this year.
We talked about IT earlier. But uh, we're nine, eight months into the iconic now, I guess seven months into the icon. No, eight months now into the iconic.
And I, I, I still enjoy the ship out, but it's very good. I don't ever miss driving by a gated and thinking that I never have to pull into a game again. I do miss junk food, so I do occasionally go to a seven eleven and maybe grab a hot dog is something but but, but yeah no no. Pumping gas is real nice IT turns out. And um with the exception of like two really minor U I complaints about IT, it's quite good what .
those point there .
is no button to open the charge door from inside the car. So the way you do that is by talking to the car, which you can only do when the car is turned on. That's not great and and IT has to be part.
So it's like if you had the power button before you say that you do IT or you can hit the button on the car remote, which often I don't happen IT also doesn't automatically lock the door to the car when you walk away, which annoyed me because that's like that basic car functionality for ten years ago. And uh, that he means that I have to have the remote like like for the boat, which did that automatic. I just left the key and my zipped up inside jacket pocket all the time.
And with this car, I have to be able to touched the button, which is like, it's these, your first world problems. But yes, yes, but IT gets good range. It's like three and twenty miles max range.
This is a tunny space inside. It's very pleasant to drive. It's peppy when you wanted to be peppy and IT to get good knowledge, when you want them to get a good knowledge. something.
Yeah, I was talking about cars again recently, as I can to play my future. And for sure, if I going to end up in a place where I need a car, that's but I might just kind of preachers like fantasising, you know, just what wish casting, like what kind of car but I get. And we've dropped the manual transportation from the civic.
Almost nothing has a manual tension anymore.
I know I know that, like i've known that for years, but I just whatever reason, like I held in the maybe the last ld out and just basic every day or this not a that's not some high and performance thing yeah and I always just told myself I got I don't one more manual of civic in my life because I really liked to that one I had in the unities yeah and this year model like you can still you you can pay, you can give the one the cost like double what is IT the type? I forget what to type something, not type type basically like whatever the super expensive.
double the Price .
performance version basic twenty two thousand model, you can longer get a manual transmission. So I was like, you know, so that ship apparently has sailed. Ed, unless I would buy a used one. Like, maybe I would look at electric by now, like IT, seems like electric is actually maybe more and more of a sensible choice.
Well, the thing that um we were talking about, what I was talking to, somebody about job that require me in the office more um a couple days ago and I was looking at what cars would cost because I would parly involve us getting a second car and like I used bult like the the bolt that we had that we turned in and they offered to let us buy for twenty three thousand dollars, is now selling for about ten k which is like for a fifty or sixty thousand my electric car with a lot of mileage left on IT is is a pretty amazing deal and will cost you basically nothing to run. So anyway ah and you can park IT anywhere is in the city, you can park anywhere. This is the future seems .
like IT um anyway so that's .
IT A I D love to know what folks are. Think what the other stuff people are thankful for in the in the thread. If you want to post your things postal, i'm sure we forgot .
stuff yeah seems like a great opportunity for for just like share your tips, share your you little known software applets that make your life Better or like hardware donations and do hickey.
And so I didn't get into IT this time, but like I i've almost since since I stop working the game studio, i've switched to using affinity photo and the the accountable publisher I guess the illustrator clone although .
the that they make po designer but be I use IT on my laptop site on i'm IT for the dust top .
right now it's a designer designer and publisher and photo yeah yes I also use the final photo all the time and .
it's great like I I wish I wish they would have been a great one to bring up actually because I wish there were more um i'm trying to think how to describe this. I ish there were more of that .
type of thing and scripts that's like mid duty, like I don't need heavy duty for a lot of these.
Mid duty is a good way to put IT because it's like it's certainly you are not going to put replace full shop in a fully professional high impact environment with for eighty percent of just regular people, everyday photo use totally found for, hey.
I want to remove the background from something clips up the out, or when I put two people on the same screen, all easy to do, right? Like I wish that there was an audio editor in this class code. Like I feel like there's a big jump from like audacity and audition to straight up doors that I don't that I don't want anything.
is the category that I have wanted. Something like this like for audio would be fantastic.
Yeah so yeah like there's a ton of soft stuff that I know we didn't touch. There's a tone of like i'm curious what kind of apps like i'm i'm really stoked about the change to control panel in IOS, where you can add where people can add control panel stuff .
with their software. Now no.
And and it's been like it's just starting to kind trickle out. Now i'm really excited to keep people how how people engage with that. Um and just generally speaking, like IT seems like software is getting Better across the boy. Yeah so anyway.
busy alternative.
Yeah no, it's good and i'm checking to see this is not the last episode, the month. This is the second, the last episode of the month. So this is the time when we remind everybody that the bread well made a tech pot is a listener supported show.
That means we wouldn't here be here without you, the listeners, and we appreciate each and every one of you. But if you want to support the show financial and you want to check a couple of bucks are away. You can try going to patron duck com sized tech pod again.
It's patri on dark comm size tech pod where for five box a month you get access to the discord and you get a patron exclusive episode where we talk about kind of wall off the cost stuff generally these days. But but often it's like a topic that maybe isn't like doesn't make sense for a full episode or something. People were talking about the discord head questions about we want what to just dig in to the things we talked about that month a little bit.
One of the things we talked about that months, a more so you you can get go to patrona hom size technos and find out how to support us there. Um we use that money ah do you know buy food and electricity in the things like that. So we we really do appreciate IT and A A very special thank you to our executive producer to your patrons are including Andrew luck, y co.
Jordan lipid, bunny, ed twinkle, twinkle, David Allen, James chemic and pet the yont makers of the h three high speed prester. Thank you all so much. No, thank you that i'll do you for us this week. bread. I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving.
Thank you. Don't burn the house down attempting .
to batch hok don't eat too .
much turkey we talk .
about this collars her three things by my nights grade geometry teachers pay, thinks, giving sign off no SHE wrote on the board, don't too much turkey. And then he put a comma between much in turkey.
I'm sorry, what kind of teacher? Okay, because they would be way fun here. He was english teacher, but that's stupid. good.
Now, the english acher was, he was very serious. Choose funy in other ways.
Collier was a real one mr.
Color shot us the real ance. Um but yeah we will be back next week of is a good thanksgiving in amErica and I hope everybody. In other places that have things giving had a lovely one months or weeks ago. And if you're not celebrating anything this weekend, then have a nice sunday we'll see next week.