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I love IT. I really do.
Hello and welcome to the hamid o crh course podcast man and is josh .
amateur o call sine K I six and A Z A N W Z and it's time.
Let's get started show. Hello, leah, is your week this week?
Pod pod .
did a poo, how I uploaded .
my logs and everything you .
uploaded them before me.
You suck .
in the realm of of bota inks. You are the Better. Pola points are people.
You are pottles tic. So how was that? How was that experience?
It's really hard to hear. There's static.
I mean, we were we were just using the mike off of the head unit of the radio. So i'm the speaker of the head unit. So yeah, sure. yeah.
But I mean others .
than that. How was that? What was IT like you real people through that thing?
Well, I found the daily two, the B, F, O, to try to find people on the air. I used a bad plan to make sure I was with IT. My SHE was .
perfect. Ed of the .
ham radio .
police coming Operating of .
privilege it's true. Um IT was fun. Everybody was super friendly. IT was nice being on the beach. We Operated from .
Crystal cove. We literally had probably the most picture. Ask total location you could .
have yeah was a friend scored one of the on on the beach cottages yeah .
it's it's really hard to explain the people who haven't seen these cottages. They are the cutest little building you can stay in on the beach yes, and it's not .
like and you can just walk down to this restaurant called the beach comer that serves the most amazing bloody marries that have crap class and cocktail trip to them. And then you can also order benz that are the flakey lightless most delicious beneath stated with sugar, with a little picture of of, like hot chocolate syrup to pour over IT. And when he says .
walk to we're not talking like any amount of distance. If IT was a quarter mile would be too far. I was just a few buildings over yeah was he was crazy and and it's literally on the sand like they're sand when you're walking up to IT.
It's and within walking distance also of types .
yeah it's the weirdest little ocean Crystal cove, california like cars can't go. It's all foot traffic IT takes little triumph that go from .
an in parking lot. Let's be really clear .
the same by trans. We're talking about like a six seeder gulf card. Yes, right. So when when you go to this place, which this is the downside of IT, but it's, I guess, kind of a positive, there's no there's no fuel like there's no natural gas like there's no there's .
a fit in ur level. There are actually cotai that are on the ur level. We were on the beach OK.
but above .
the Cliff there are and those are allowed fires.
Like do they have fuel though piped in? I don't trying to do so. My understanding is there's no fuel piped in. There's no natural gas. There's nothing like that. So you have to pack in whatever you're gonna cook with, but IT has to fit on the golf carts that we just talk to me.
You had these little golf cards hall your ham radio here I did.
Yeah, I had my palicar case, the seventy one hundred in the palicar case, IT was like I was not prepared for the lack of stuff you could bring and you had me just pile up the truck with a bunch of stuff and we dragged IT all down there and they're like, oh, don't bring that to bring that. I'll bring that, bring that on my art advice. So I just started showing this all inside the truck because I was going to park IT, another area.
And that's another thing. You don't park by the cottage. You have to like, unload and then you park across the start like the other side of PC h and there's a shuttle probably pretty far away because you're actually I walk while we walked IT on the way out.
Really glad we brought the wagon as, yes, the wagon is, the wagon has saved our butt so many times my, but specifically because I D be the one slept in everything is IT was fun. Now that I know what IT is, if we ever go back in which I would totally recommend, you have to pack like your own place, going back packing. Yes, like this is a backpack per person for their clothing.
And these colleges, though, they have fridges, microwaves, there are no utensils. There's nothing to cook with.
There's just empty. Like this is a completely rusted. There's nothing there, but there's bathroom water. This bathroom and shower is the hot water. Yes, okay. So there's like a tub, all that stuff, but you're literally packing everything in on your back. There's nothing problem and there's best no amenities.
There's best with sheet. When I say amenity.
it's like all the extra soft. There's no fuel, there's electricity, microwave, refrigerator that kind of thing. But if you're going to cook something, you have to bring the cooking capability.
I mean, there's a stove again.
i'm going back is an electric stove, okay, electrics stove. So so they just wanted to grill on mutine on the back or what was the deal?
Well, we brought .
barbecue 行 OK。 So we .
had barbecue colby, the korean short ribs. And then I also scare up a bunch of argentine red shrimp and other shrimp.
So, good. Thank you. They're really good.
I can do that for you any time. My love, because I love you. They are very good.
We can actually grill in our own backyard. Did you know that? Did you have you heard about that?
I did. Yeah, I have got the protein and protein in the back. But other than that, IT was, IT was really good. We did. We did really well.
We brought up the celine adjustable vertical antenna with the radio Spikes, ran both the stock in china that comes with that and the seventeen foot vertical stainless steel whip. We we generally did Better with the seventeen foot staining the steel whip. I am going to do a test and comparison between the two intense systems in the future here. So look forward to that. But otherwise, IT IT was a lot .
of fun in a great time. I activated in ten minutes.
You have pretty yeah .
yeah ten contacts. In ten minutes.
you started getting cold and you were two contacts away. And were you literally got up because the replies, that the C Q calls got quiet, because I was calling C. Q for a little while, and you you were probably ten feet away, walking away. And then the station came in and you .
came running back about a finish .
and you're like, bone boom, those two contacts done. And you're like, i'm a highly .
recommend being a second Operator to josh.
You did log for yourself though I did. You use the only .
because you refuse to do IT for me.
You use the potty APP the pot, a APP for the logging. Because I was logged. My iod had a bunch. I have waited cuseit. I was running before you were at the barge drinking, and I was working them.
IT was a big, bloody mary. IT was hard work.
is hard work.
That was a crab clain IT, a bunch of fermented vegetables, the biggest stock of salary i've ever seen.
that was crispy and delicious.
very good.
Well, welcome everybody, the hammer forecast. We welcome you back again. I'm actually on a little bit of a brick right now between Operating the radio oh.
for the A W L sweepstakes.
A W sweep stakes is happening right now and I have taken a long break from IT to run the podcast. So i'm coming off that drink in a couple adult beverages yes, to get things start. Peers, delicious.
Yeah, I I did give layer a wonderful brew from lahore called the stunt double. It's a double book. It's their german double book.
IT is so good. IT is one of their best beers. The one that I have though is the scher six.
It's a cold I, P. A so double book is the closest to like a red. I think I in your flavor profile, very harmony.
Anyway, we like to kick off the podcast with the ham radio minute. It's never a minute. So speaking of contesting, i'll just, I guess, talk a little bit about that because that's not the show topic.
The show topic is actually about a cheap, inexpensive intern to get you all on the air. So contesting is, is I think it's kind of violated in its popularity. I think for quite a long time, ham radio contesting was like the the, the peak of interest everybody wanted to contest. Vast majority people .
wanted to come.
You have put soa now, you have post sota, you have people that just kind of want to lone wolf IT. I think the lone wolf mentality of amateur r radio has grown in popularity, where before IT was a return al thing, everybody belonged this fernery club, almost because you couldn't just go buy a radio or you had to build IT yourself. And you needed to you needed to work with the community and other people to get the radio on the air.
Right now, you can just go buy a radio, yes, spend all the money you want, just put something up. And you have to have very little involvement from people. You just call somebody up from mature and going mara work.
You solve me this. What's the problem? What you do, how do you break this?
The ultimate right?
I mean, that's that's kind of what happens, but they probably answer more Q N A calls than anybody on the planet. So I think contesting is almost the epidemic. Amateur dio, like the fernery competition really? Yeah because it's like most contestants know each other and they're all friends, but they have this rivalry.
But it's like in good nature, like good spirit rivalry. And I think contesting is kind of almost taken a back seat to almost the everybody gets an award of like pot a okay. So when you do a parks on the air, there's no competition other than another poto Operator might want to do more potent than you do and then they just put to more.
And so they're higher in the poter ranks. But when you do a contest, there is a winner we walk away going, oh no, they won, right? It's kind of interesting.
So like, is that a telling point of our of our society at large that we'd all rather it's almost like when you go watch somebody play a video game on youtube, you d like a youtube playing a video game. We're all kind of rotten together for the same kind of thing when we're doing poa. We're all routine together that the Operator is going to activate the boda. And we all successfully, like all the all the water levels rise together as activators as activate, IT as chasers eta. I think .
society has moved away from the concept of competition in general .
a little bit. I mean, like all my sports has gone down to a certain level.
Well, even in school, at school, there used to be a very clear ranking of where you stood.
Everything was pretty public. The kids who got hundreds versus the kids who weren't doing so well, scores were posted, right. And now that's really found upon posted scores, sharing another students progress at all.
And right. And if you ask a teacher, well, where where does my kid rank in the class? right? The answer is, well, we don't want them comparing themselves against other kids.
right? And I come .
from a school where, though I understand you should be competing against yourself to improve yourself. Competition breed excEllent.
sure. Well, I am curing.
Maybe not, maybe not in the the middle.
Well, no, I mean, take parks on the year. Let lets stick with that, right? So I think the x of the Operators in parks on the air, while they may be competing with other park activators, they're not directly in like a period of time where they must grudge match IT out like we do in contesting.
There's twenty four hours you have to natch IT out. They're just kind of like i'm doing my own thing. yes. And if one person can commit an example amount of their time to do more of IT, it's easy free to go. Well, I I got a job. I just I can't do more than I already here versus in a twenty four, our period where you all commit that time to do IT, the clear winner is the one that did IT Better. So the .
question you can't .
side step that you can't look away .
from that who is a more effective Operator, the winner of a contest or the person with the most pot activations.
Oh, that's so hard to say. Probably the contested .
why ah so .
okay because the contesting has driven .
them to dial in every single part of the shack from the radio to the antena, the whole thing to make sure that they can reach as far and effectively as they .
can is tough. This is really tough because there are there are exceptional cases in parks on the air. The ones who will do like twelve parks in a day or some astronomical number, they have to have their system completely dialed to be able to crank on many parks drive.
I will argue that the people .
who are talking to the radio Operation, the protesters are cracking out more cusos period and they're trying to peak their efficiency to a point that is, oh no, you know what? No okay, go head. See your point that i'm going to come back with how I know that is contestants go head.
but even the top poto activators is the one who the one who can do twelve in a day. They are competing to be able to do that. They know that maybe somebody else has activated eleven parks, so they're going to go for the twelve because competition, oh yeah.
reads excEllent. yes. yeah. okay. So here's how I know. What are you ready for this? There is this thing that people do, okay? I know we talked about a little bit, but IT is IT still boggles my mind how a human being can actually do this single Operator to radio contesting. One person Operating two radios at the same time.
Okay, so nothing .
would prevent a .
pola Operator from doing that. true. I've never .
heard of a port Operator doing that though. okay. So single Operator, two radio is they've got like one radio on forty meters and another radio twenty meters or some other band. And while one radio is receiving the station that's giving them the signal report they're typing in, they're talking on the other radio to the person giving them their signal reports.
the brain hacking, right? This is that whole like you turn your hand going counter clock lies and then have your hand. Do you know the opposite kind of thing?
The mental brain hacking to do that? Insane, insane. So and there .
is nothing wrong with Operating cam radio for fun? No, right? Like but and and a lot of people aren't onna like what I have to say about competition. But for example, Edison.
for example, Edison.
he has the most competitive child that I know. Okay, and I went to a birthday party today, and when people filed out that I was Edison on's mom, I was hiding. I had my apologies.
ready. But one of the first things that they said was he's really good at math. Yeah and he recently a he they did a math competition like a qualifier to get him into this matthee bia program. And IT was only between third and fourth graders and the only twelve of the two hundred.
There are two hundred applicants.
I think. Well, I mean total there I mean there there was about forty or fifty hood the test, but you can imagine that they self selected because they were already kids that like to math. But of the two hundred third and fourth graders total that the opportunity was offered to.
And then the fifty who actually tried out, Edison ended up being one of the twelve, right? And because of the competition, he was already a kid that liked math. He comes home. He does his beast academy, which nobody has kids around our kids age. It's A A math programme that is a .
massive multiple te they are on my math game no.
that's protests.
which is oh, that's what IT that's right.
Basic active. He is just straight math lessons and he comes home every day. He does A A math lesson to just keep holding his massacres because he good, likes to do IT, right? And it's really good because IT teaches a number sense.
So if you are kids into math at all, I highly recommend. But he has started taking multiple lessons a day OK to just push his math forward so that he can be more competitive for the method in bad, really. So this is the difference between doing something for fun and doing something now because you're gona go and compete against other people who are also very good at this.
Yeah, I mean, that's the call thing about ham radios. You can do all the things. All the things exist.
And you can, as i'm doing, the reason why i'm doing a little swift taxes, I want the mug. That's why i'm doing IT. I don't necessary want to to be a contested. Not that there's anything wrong without I love IT. In fact, I think that that's like the prestige level, like when you're playing the online motile, like when you get the wow prestige weapons, like that's what contesting feels like to me .
and and bend is kind of like you he does things for the fun of IT. If there's a prize, he really wants to kick in some more effort. But he is not driven by competition.
He's just the things that he cares about. He's much more of a soft skills kind of him. He really likes, uh, being the responsible one and getting actually is for the person that he is versus the things that he accomplishes. So that .
is why he is a hole puff. And that is why edit is .
a sliver rest. I am a raven, one hundred percent .
edit is a sliver IT. And by default.
because the sorting hat must make everything equal, you are a group door.
I don't think i'm a griffin door. There's no way i'm a griffin door. I'm somewhere between a brave and colonus leather and for sure because now i'm talking about ham radio like, you know, I just i'm here for the fun and all that stuff but for my youtube channel i'd like looking at the views and like odd watch on itself. Go out.
You like to, as they love scoring points at put IT.
No, no, no. Come on now. I you come on now, you come on now.
okay? You guys tell us what you think I am. I got voted at work. They did a sorting everything at work and and they were all IT was a split decision everybody was like easy, the raven law or slithering no way, no way, no griffe door.
Then they've never seen you .
teach a bunches. We've never seen me rip some kids, some people up on their their monthly business reports and their schedules being total garbage. Now there's no way your watching me teach kids knives thought I was a griffe door .
from the there's no way.
there's no way I was so serious with them .
you know you're doing tomorrow teach in a bunch kids electronic.
which is way safer it's going to be a lot word like.
you know, it's funny I insisted on everybody .
getting safety glass. What do you thinks that to happen?
And I know Sparks, what do you're just supposed to use safety glasses for the electronics elective?
I don't know what to tell you. That's what IT says.
said that websites that.
I don't know what to say about any of that.
I just want them to get used to .
wearing that like yeah total name .
so this there .
not great you there's nothing worse than a bad pair of safety goggles or glasses or whatever and make your eyes the visionary screwed up there. They are hot. So, okay, yes, there are good ones out there. But yeah, generally they suck. I agree.
I just want them to get used to wearing them. This is not a dangerous electronics project, but if they decide to go down this path, then they should be wearing safety goggles when there is a risk of.
So you sound like one of my youtube common anders, right? Layer, I am going to do IT. I gotto push the button. Layer, why do you .
have to part? No, you push the buton now have to be what I say.
Thank you. I thank you .
are amazing. you. I'm gonna. I'm going to keep pushing .
the button through the end of the year because we have to say thank you. Oh, you're on extra now. yeah. Oh my god.
never bring the C. W. you. H.
so you are .
doing this.
I see what you've .
done here. What should have vied? I'm on the amateurs tra studies .
you I just want .
to say thank you to have now. Now we're doing IT. What should have we do if a candidate fails to comply with the examiner's instructions during an amateur Operator license examination.
if he dies, he dies a war in .
the candidate that continued failure to comply will result in termination of the examination. b. Allow the candidate to complete the examination but invalidate the results.
waste everyone's time, see .
immediately, terminate everyone's ign vinson, and close the. That is so extreme .
is through the roof.
D immediately terminate the candidates examination.
Well, that certainly is extra.
It's d yeah. D of .
course. What do you made this? Just like really easy .
to why is IT important to keep the LED length short or lead length short for components used in circuits for V, H, F and above? a. To increase the thermal time constant?
B all these choices are correct. c. To maintain component lifetime, or d to minimize inductive reactors. The answer is .
d to minimize. You killing IT so far.
what is the benefit of making voltage measurements with the true R M S calculating meter? a. The signals R M S noise factories also calculated.
B the calculated R M S value can be converted directly into fazer form. c. Annamite is measured both sign cu, soide and non coosoo to signals OK .
or d and .
inverse for your trance form can be used. It's the one I couldn't tell you I got that wrong because I could have IT doesn't. So hello, which matching system for jaggy antennas requires the driven element to be insulated from the boom?
A T match, b gamma, c short fed, or d beta. And the answer is d beta or herpa. IT was beta or hair pit, and I said beta, but it's d beta or hair pitt. And I just remember that from the general.
哦, yes.
what is the typical output impedance of an opm? a. Very high.
B, very low. C one hundred homes or d ten thousand arms? I got this wrong, but the answer is, be very low. I don't know what op amp, and we're .
going to read IT. Wow, that is a good I love IT.
A theoretical o amp Operational amplifier is the ideal voltage amplifier with infinite input impedance and zero output impedance, and real devices change infinite zero to very high and very low go.
That is five questions of the extra question pool. I was not planning for this, so I I may not push the button next week. I'll just launch into saying a huge thank you to ham study dot work for helping lay ya not only pass our technician, not only pass their general and I don't think I .
did IT for layer, but again.
ah congratulations on passing your general. Fantastic job. You can also check out the fantastic books that gordon west produces, now published by the a doble R L.
There are links in the shown notes to those books, as well as what we really like in what I used for my extra, which is your fast track to the ham radio license books. And they have them for technician generals. And extra, you can check them out. We have links in the video are the, I would say, and so used to youtube ing to change those yeah man, it's tough the podcast description and thank you another announcement ham radio dot coffee if you go home .
radio .
tactical doc tactical dog is hey guys, I am stuck in hi you are one ten uniform to india six november of zeu zero seven lima alpha extra. That is my exchange for the contest. I think i'm on one hundred thirteen thirteen contacts right now. But yes, hamton tics and .
two hundred no.
you're not. You are absolutely not. You know, it's funning. Actually, I could load the flex radio application on your phone and you can Operate the flex while i'm Operating .
the do IT right now.
No, no, not do that right now, right now. So yeah, check, check that out, I guess. So hamed article to a coffee, if if you want to join the coffee in another club, I really like all of them. I think you battle of them very good. What was the one we got recently there?
that we haven't open that you, that's for the mail. OK got to open to wait for that in back in the glory of the new sticker. Hey, join the conversation by leaving a review on apple podcast for the hamodia crash course podcast and or emAiling us at .
burned me last week. I don't like IT.
It's going to be Better. I promise leaving a review wherever you listen to the podcast will help the hamo crh course podcast reach more hands in the ham. Curious and we appreciated layer. We have a .
review we do.
This is from jay pala. Hey.
jade pool, may.
And they write ham radio and life. This podcast is educational and fund. Each episode contains a specific topic as well as hama jacon ones, with a lot of banter between the husband and wife duo. I like the mixture, and it's very entertaining for my non ham husband.
Well, thank you. I really .
enjoy hearing how ham radio fits in their daily lines, especially in scouting. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Yes, I appreciate that, jake. Thank you so much. wonderful.
I recently found that there is A A college for kids class where they built a radio is .
somewhere yeah and I don't .
know if they're bringing the class matic summer. So they may have just missed the entire opportunity because I immediately hadn't rolled them in space camp at the discovery.
I feel like that. What is that good? Five, I think they like the rocket days when they blast off rockets and stuff. I think.
I think IT came home telling us stuff, which is a good sign. Yeah.
I like IT general. I don't know. I like I I wouldn't .
do IT again though because I think they run the entire .
same curriculum. Oh, no.
So then I have to find something different for this summer, which I understand it's only november and I don't need to worry about summer, but I do IT doesn't .
work like that out here. So they showed topic.
Thank you, jane, for the review. Thank you show.
The topic show is gentleman.
Let's get down to business.
The show topic is the wonderful and universal seventeen foot web. And what is the seventy input web? okay.
Well, it's it's a right. So i'm holding us seventeen foot here. IT is there.
holding IT up in all its glory. That's not seventeen.
Yes, like many .
r telescoping stopping wap are going, go hand, extend this all the way till he hit a wall here.
My office .
is not something and everything anyway. So yes, IT is seventeen foot. You believe the tales of seventeen foot? No, you don't believe that this is seventeen foot.
I don't. I have to. You really want me to .
fully open .
IT measure on my word. okay?
We'll get to take measures so I can see how long this is .
not extended a take .
all count the .
are you serious?
But why are we arguing about such a.
you have to be, I believe, and I not good.
I am sorry, i'm sorry later. This is not a magic trick. I am not a magician.
For if anybody doesn't stand this, when anyone comes up to layer to do slight of hand magic, and they ask her a question, SHE will hit them with the hard science. Like, why or no? Let's count all the cards. Let's measure everything.
I believe that this is seventeen feet. okay? why? Because I think this is about two feet. Yes, no.
T OK. why? And you're navigation. Ally chAllenged and then telling me measurements off of your hand. I saw you go hand with above IT like you're measuring with your hand.
And then there's there's ten of these these .
stack elements OK.
So so just you .
move forward with the whole show, yeah yeah okay. So this is if you think coax, right? So everybody listening, you have a, you have a metal rid of seventeen feet that gets you, if you extended all the way, get you beyond that of a quarter wave on twenty meters, right? And i've i've been asked so many times, you know, what is a cheap antena that can be used in different applications, a home application, car application.
fishing rod.
fishing rod on the air, right? Some it's on the air, even seventeen food vertical, these little whips actually pretty good. And there's a number of manufacturers of them now.
And the interesting thing about IT is they're all kind of similar. So the Prices don't fluctuate greatly. I have a couple from a million.
I have a couple from mmj, and they are they're pretty similar construction wise. I think the biggest thing you've gotto look for is at the color, the base of where the thread mount is. I like the ones that a little bit beefier on the bottom.
I don't I can't say that that is a Better inten necessarily, but it's never slip. It's never broken loose and it's it's been pretty. But okay, what why why is this so universal and so effective for amar radium? Well, there's a thread based on the bottom of IT.
So if you think about coax, coax has a center pin and in a shield. And generally, if you're gonna do anything, quarter wave, a quarter wave has to have a quarter wavelength on the pin, the center pin and then on the shield. Another quarter wave and IT could be in the air like a dimple.
So you could use two seventeen foot ips to be a dial, like, find out in A V orientation. That's how you see that with alan tennis. Altha n tennis has a dial, right, that functions with two seventeen.
Oh yes of I of course have seven fit ips from alpha um IT has two verticals that stick out kind of like in a vertical facing v that is a dipole right and you can adjust them physically. We'll talk about the adjustment in the second, but the big thing that why they're so univerSally easy to use is that there three AIDS by twenty four thread pitch. So three years by twenty four, there's a lot of tripods that will work with them.
There's a lot of different mounting structures that work with them. So just talking about mounts alone. To get started with this, let's say you wanted to have a mobile antenna, maybe something that may maybe only break out the mobile mount, the magnetic base when you do in parks on the air slapped that on the top of your vehicle.
You have a mag mount. There you go, there's your pot. A set up layer asked me earlier, what is this i'm building? What is this layer? What do you think this is? I'm holding what? It's a ranch. It's a wrench. I'm holding specifically a pair of vice ript, okay, that have A L basket on the side of IT.
yeah. Why IT does that help that?
Well, so with this l basket, you can take the seventeen fit vertical hip look at this line and you thread IT in there and then .
you attached to something .
and then you use the little range bit to ranch down on a park bench peace, a metal .
or IT to my desk, please know. Thank you.
But um so you can you can use this range with an l bracket and this connection notice this little rubber gromit.
I see the rubber grom IT.
The rubber grooming is the center pin of the coax OK. And then everything below the grammar is the shield of the .
coax so you can use .
the ranchi bit to connect to radio lines like wires that go underneath the a park band or whatever that you're strapping onto earth. If this is on a vehicle or a tailgated piece of metal like a fence, you can just clamp them on their boom. There's your antanas a just attach a coacher done that the whole and tanna so some of the the the stainless deal whip you can get them for inexpensive is fifty box I said .
this vice .
scrip mount was twill box sweet yeah and it's also a paradise scripts handy, handy.
But can you fish with .
that with the vice?
Cripes, no.
I mean, I could fish with that. I don't know if everyone could fish with that. I'm i'm pretty decent, efficient, I will say, prove that I have many times. What do you, what you want from .
me prive tomorrow? No.
I i've got things did. I've got a contest to wrap up. I got all of canada, all of canada. I do not have log. I think I have two provinces.
province .
provinces in can provinces in canada. I walk down. I need all of the rest of them.
There's not a lot of people up there. I don't know if you know that. great。
That was layer. That was later fault. You made me lose track of my .
IT depends on which province your talking man, which province did you .
ready get british .
columbia that is pretty populated. Yeah, you can probably get some quebec in there.
I think I got to sketchy one.
That's pretty good, pretty good. What else you need?
All the rest?
Wow, I don't know what they are.
okay. So the vice script is kind of like an extension of a clamp system. So come million has A C clamp. A lot of people have the super clap, which is kind like jaws, like literally a little clamping jaws, that you turn a little tea grip on the bottom of IT, or a tea handle.
then will close IT up. You could make that vice scrip look like a shark. You just pain IT to look like a shark.
And then, then then what happens?
You use IT and then you have a shark and tana.
You know there's a company to make shark ham sticks. Let's a company, shark R F.
that's a this opportunity. They should be selling those way. yes. Seems .
like I mean, I guess you could make you look like a goldfish painted in the cold fish orange.
That's good idea. I might do that actually. So along with climbs yourself, Spikes. So I have a Spike on the ground. We can just throw that soccer in the .
ground and just leave your dog to .
IT then do that. I put june on IT not clothes ripped that thing or of the ground, but you could do that. And um Spikes are great.
They're a great option for soil, not sand. You don't want to use a to also never in a Carrying on bag. Never in a Carry on speak from experience.
No, no, there is not like, I don't know, I like, I like to nit like was the second one I don't not kill the guy with IT was asking me about my kitting needles yeah no, the Spikes are not onna be spice not going to be portable on the, on the plane, but everywhere else. fantastic. Laterly has a pair of kitting news that he just yanked out right now.
fantastic. So tripod, second thing, most of the three, eight by twenty four thread pitch will work great on a ton of different tripods. What just hit me, are you throwing stuff? What are you doing? Oh, she's literally hitting stuff, and she's shooting them all over.
That's not the right way to net. Actually.
just now three years by twenty, thread pitch were great in merit of options. Tripod are huge. You get a contractors tripod or not a surveyors tripod.
Surveyors tripod, a survey tripod can be laid out really flat, and with a vertical antenna, they work wonderfully. You can use a vertical, and tanna, like the seventeen foot whip, have a very low takeoff angle. And IT really is not affected by height.
And that kind of brings to the second point again. Reminder here, the whip is the center pen of your coax, and the lower half is the shield, right? So everything on the clamping end and everything below that is going to be the shield side of IT.
So what's the secret of using this? Because, you know, they get there's a lot of people that talk about these seventeen verticals. Some people have myriad experiences with them.
Not a great time. The secret of using them when IT always comes down to is the other side of the antanas a, the seventeen foot telescopic. Telescopic part of the anti na is the simple part.
You put that out all the way. IT works really well. You adjust IT will talk about the adjustment and a little bit, but it's the lower part. It's where all the rest of the intern is, and that's your radios. So the radios make up the other half of the intendance were talking about this in the vertical capacity.
I like to use these with four wires bundled together with, like a spade connector and automotive electronics connector with about four wires of twelve foot, maybe twenty three games around that size. Eighteen gage is probably good. You can go down to sixteen ages, kind of big.
Now sixteen gage is probably fine, but four wires of that, and you get like a little, you know, x pattern, but you can double those up, so you can Carry maybe two bungles, three bundles of four twelve foot wires bundled together. And if you think about a vice strip with the jazz, you know, the clamping jazz, you can just put the spade connectors underneath the jaws when you fix IT to anything that could be a wood bench at that point. That doesn't matter what the makeup.
Ove IT is, in fact a nicely insulated wooden. Anything with your radios underneath that are going to be way Better and trying to figure out this metal ic thing that you're setting up next to. So the trick for always using these vertical antennas is radio liars.
Have enough radio liars underneath you that you get the other side of the anti na, right? Because that there is the biggest thing as you want the shield side of the antanas a covered. So the second thing, here's the biggest second thing is the analyzer making sure the anti na is resonant on the frequency you're Operating on.
Now this gets this gets turned around a little bit. So often times when we have an analyzer, analyzers are trying to give us a reading that we feel good about. We're like, great. I got a one to one S W R, and i'm happy about IT. That's not really the right answer.
Um so you want to tune for reactors, right? So a general test questions, right? If you can get your reactors to zero, your antena is resonant, perfectly resonant on the frequency and is reading IT becomes a purely resistant load at that point.
right? okay.
When you get to a resonance of almost zero on the frequency you're Operating on using an inta analyzer, and I will cavy on this with you pretty much need a nano vna to tune for reactors or look at reactors or a little bit more more expensive of rig experts stick or a rig expert antena analyzer, you need something that will give you a react reading.
When you're looking at a reacting reading, you will generally see impedance in the form of what your analysis is seeing coming back to IT. So you'll see something like hopefully close to fifty owes because that's what we kind of want to see for the radio to be happy. But on the antanas side, you might see something like ten on the reactors.
Well, you should adjust the antenna to bring that number is close to zero as possible. And that frequency and if that means that the competence goes up, if it's within the relative Operating range of the radio call IT to the one S W R, you're fine because that means you're getting all of that power that's getting to the antenna, perfectly going out of antenna. The antenna is now a resonant piece of the whole picture.
That is what you should be aiming for, right? Even if you have a two to one S W R with a resonant properly, zero reactors and tana, you're going to be great IT doesn't matter if you even have like a loan coil on the bottom of IT, it's going to to perform wonderfully. If you get IT to that point, you will still have some reflections, possibly with power coming back down the line because you have an S W R of like two to one.
But you're always going to a be Better off for tuning for the maximum reactors. And that's what you should do with an internet like this because they're physically adjustable. And that's the major point of this is whichever bang, jon, usually twenty and lower down to ten, hacked even two meters, you can go even not only can get for the out of that I am tried, but anyway, they're physically adjustable.
So using an analyst, you can get the antena exactly where you wanted to be and and I can come down to the my ute little movements within those elements, and you can get fantastic coverage on whatever you're doing. So consider that when you are thinking about IT anta na, you can be out the door with A A vice script camp and a vertical piece coax and some wire from home deepo in some electrical connectors for maybe one hundred box. And that's pretty good.
And it's a nice small platform package that you can take for parks on the air. You can even do IT for soda. But just consider that you have to figure out how you are going to manage that coax connection because you do need to isolate the whip that you put up the seventeen foot versus the shield side of the coaxin. Ah there you .
go and there we. Are 又没。
you? Man, this is the hog wild and he assaulted ham seller, let do you have something for us this week?
I have something indeed related to contesting.
oh my goodness. So someone .
in a hand radio group said, lot of angry net Operators, Q, R. Min contest's, uh, battle of the extremes. To be fair, I am a contested so I care nothing for the nets or if they have been there for fifty years.
If someone is their first just move. It's the polite thing to do, just my opinion, sure to cause flags. So if you don't like my solution, go complain on seventy five meters about IT. Good luck in the sweep sticks.
Seventy five meters as a band in use, unsweet sticks. So there are the work bans, right? So work bans are the world amateur dio council were kind of isolated at the at the worldwide level, basically, right? Those frequencies are usually not included in the contesting spaces.
The promise. There's no really good nighttime band for non contesting, okay, because eighty metres in one hundred sixty metres are all used also during contesting. So they don't really have a the same refuge like they Normally go to forty, eighty and one sixty are all in use for contesting.
So I can see specifically if your net is on forty old boy contest days for net Operators on forty has to be a nightmare, specifically lay. Now you understand this is a general forty meters. The band space of Operation, particularly for single sideband, is a very small.
And being on that band earlier today, people were just transmit on top of me. It's possibly and hear me, realistically, I didn't have that much power. And so they're just like that just go ahead.
So like it's it's crazy. It's like a trying to get into a like a busy mall parking lot and there's no parking spaces and everything is driving around. You don't mean that's what IT feels like a lot of times. So I I get IT at the same time.
There's this really interesting if you if you take camera all the way back to like the hallowed roots of when the fc, even before the fcc exists, like the the charter of the fcc, when they are talking about the amateur dian, all that stuff that there are three tenants of amateur dia, which is the growth and. Scientific knowledge of radio that's like high minded sancy area right then there is the the technician space building radios to Operate in the frequencies that we have allocated for amauri radio. And then there is the effective Operation of the radios for like doing a job, like if, if, if, if the government was like, hey, we want to train up all these people to be effective Operators so they can do radio jobs in the future.
Because when they were created, there was a lot of radio jobs huge. Then contesting is like, oh, that's that's a really good thing. Yeah, let's let's encourage the contesting because that's making them really good effective Operators for all the little radio jobs that may exist out there.
And for the net Operators, yes, it's still valuable, but we got to share the space because we all have a little stake in this whole big thing that is amazing radio. So yes, your net running for three hundred and sixty five days without missing a day and checking in people from across the world is is value added. But at the same time, no one owns any one frequently, sure. And they can't tell people to get off of their frequency because there is no their frequency, right?
Well, somebody says five nine, five nine. Again and again, I care not for contest contestants or nets if i'm on a frequency first. And the context comes on IT thinking it's his, as most of them do, and he won't move.
Being the arrogant person most of them are. Then I find cranking up the power and causing him as much Q R M as possible usually works best to move on the number collector. I'd rather use the hand bands to make actual contacts rather than collect an imaginary number.
It's the five nine that gets me laughing. Even when the number collector can't hardly hear the station. He still five, nine. How sad.
Hamerton sweepstakes, no, five, nine, eight of sweepstakes, no, five, nine. There's no signal report.
I really speed IT up.
not at all. Oh.
that's not good there. There's the exchange is bigger because of that. It's a more difficult exchange in contesting.
A lot of people will not do sweepstakes as they don't like the exchange IT is it's six points. There's like six different parts and it's like not a joke yeah all right. So I don't know what they're so upset about. We copy each other effectively and we have appropriate rules to make sure that we're not not getting there a contact. So yeah I .
say one more thing, another response. sure. Those hurricane and flood victims are second to contest anyone walking on a netty to lose their license. That's obviously dripping with sarcasm. yes. Yeah.
yeah. I don't think anybody is stepping on a hurricane watch net with a contest. I'm sure what happened. I'm sure that happened, but at the same time, I don't think that's .
an intention.
It's definitely .
not intentional. Well, that's a hug wild in the solter ham salter.
are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are into .
the unknown. I will go for our show. Fear no man of this .
one foot .
after that for I prepared to .
survive .
i'm not a little .
to be alright this week prepared this .
corners is gonna a short one OK but a very positive one oh, a headline comes out of minnesota IT looks like IT is out of alcoa ver local teen hero honed by E R, F D. That alcohol fire department for prepared and bravery.
Oh okay. Love them.
Sixty year old cousin Walker, an employee of guardian angle rereview landing, has been honored by elk river fire chief mark dickinson for her response to a fire emergency at the senior living center. The incident occurred on october fifth twenty twenty four, when a fire broke out on a fourth floor deck at river view landing. Despite being only six weeks into her role, Walkers quick thinking and composed to meter enabled her to extinguish the flames before firefighters arrive, averting potential harm to residents and problem.
that's fantastic. Reflecting on the experience, Walker attributed her actions to the training he received during on boarding. I remember the race and pass .
protocols. Oh yes.
rescue, activate. Can a confine extinguish and pull, aim, squeeze, sweep?
wow. Is that fantastic?
Her calm application of these emergency steps ensure the fire was contained swiftly and effectively.
Wow, that's great. Dickinson.
who has served as alcohol fire tree for six years, has only awarded this commendation twice. The awards sitting praise the teen's bravery and heroic c actions, emphasizing how her calm and decisive actions saved the potential for significant damage and danger to others.
I love that. Yeah, a positive note.
So way to go. Curtain Walker.
And IT goes to show that really, you can't be too Young to remember these emergency protocols.
Yeah, training is always fundamental, yes, for any response. Yes, I love IT. 哎, 妈, let me know. We want IT. Now, the me know what's is not a members call the schedule .
And now our future presentation.
we ended last week. Forest cast, well, now we ended the movie corner by the hello, welcome to the movie corner. The movie club hamodia crash was the movie club talking about how are they get in? Is a movie where they taught .
oil drillers .
to be astronauts.
That is correct.
And how, in a funny story, ban affleck I was, said madama d. Ban aflac said to Jerry brooker, why don't you just teach the astronauts to drill? And he told him .
to shut up army.
getting a Bruce wireless joint.
There are so many people.
so is is Billy .
bob thorn live, Tyler ban, affleck, will patton, Steve shami.
Steve bu shammy, who plays a nuttall ase, which, by the way, he plays a nutcase in so many .
things is very good at IT.
He is a very .
good nut case being typed ast.
mr. Pink reprises his role in arboleda. Okay, another comment, disaster movie, actually it's an asteroid, right? It's not a comment.
Uh, starts with media showers astonied belt. This episode is brought to you by dragon ball legends, the ultimate dragon able experience on your mobile device. Dragon's legends features action packed enemy action RPG game play with go cool viga trunks, and all your favorite dragon ball characters sum in your favorite characters from popular on enemy series such as dragon ball that and dragon ball G T to dragon ball super fighting real time against friendly arrival dragon.
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great. okay. So it's it's all of the things. Anyway, the concept is very clear. Bio rock hurtling at earth, they determine it's going to hit the earth. And they send deep oil drillers, the best in the business, deep oil drillers, in the form of the crew.
comedic the crew that put together and their later requests .
for her .
what they want, yeah, for her risking their lives.
So Bruce well is the best oil drilling on the planet. And they're like, we need this man, right? He's barely holding together this rag tag oin Wilson, by the way, didn't did you mention on Wilson? I want lesson's in IT yes, he dies. Spoiler alert. Oh, for that part of the movie where you fell asleep.
That's right.
Well yeah um so Bruce, well is the best oiler never Better. Uh, they how IT doesn't that? I need my team. This is what's very confusing to me.
Ask somebody who is running and oil drilling company. okay. If you would say I need to use my team, wouldn't that be the team that work for you currently.
but not making money?
sure. But what i'm saying is he assembles in oceans eleven level of scattered team. Okay.
they're going over .
the country .
to get guys goin .
who are not oil drilling for their time.
No, no, no, no, no, no. This is a my god that they create in this movie to create a montage. okay? The movie starts out on an oil rig, an oil platform. The entire crew is on the oil platform, and live Tyler and a ben affleck start to hook up that's later .
in the movie.
No, this is how IT starts. This is the beginning of the movie. The beginning of the movie is on the oil rig.
And Bruce well as finds out that ban aflac is after his daughter and she's into IT. He pulls out a shotgun and started shooting IT ban afflict. I really felt .
asleep during parts of.
and I would like to point out OK I want to point out IT would be fun if this is a beverly hill billies. It's full of salt rock. I'm just there to scare him kind of thing.
None of that comes across in this montage of it's not a montage. It's literally been Bruce was chasing benefit down and trying to kill him with a shotgun in a highly mechanical object. And there are no are very little that I remember rickshaws or anyone getting mad as a by product of him, by the way, he shooting a shotgun at probably twenty yards.
And benefit is standing there with no clothes on, just a boxer like para boxers. And you see the impact of the pellets right next to him in a highly tight pattern. And I know Bruce willis at looking at that shocking.
He is not using a long beards, full tapered choke. There is not on a full choke at all. So there is a wild pattern on this gun.
He's getting hit is hit and bad fleg at that at twenty yards or more. I think that was even further than that. In some cases, he gets IT with nothing.
This is a Michael bay movie. okay?
Why is a Jerry book crime? No, I mean.
Jerry brooker's production company was involved.
But in fact, IT, like Michael, there's going to be .
some explosion. Oh, oh, my. And a lot of tight shots, a lot of youtube shots, you know, like, I pick up a camera and then I do the thing where I I start the recording up here, then I zoom IT in, yes, and I bring my hand with camera. Water, water that she's looking at me and she's like, i've seen him do this.
Michael bay, embarrassing.
Oh yeah, super crich. Michael bay uses some of the most aggressive, hard zoos and all of film. M, and once you see IT as doing IT, you're like, oh, I do that. Yeah, I could do what he did.
but there's some explosives, somebody walking away from the explosion .
more time or right? How do there's there are so many ridiculous sm cuts in this movie. And if you if you watch this after hearing me, you cannot see IT. It's like the left track you in the big .
Michael bay movies for everyone he does.
He does these panning shots with really weird angles. He does his weird zoos. These pull away shots. His punch shots is crazy, dude. While.
I mean, it's ninety eight.
he doesn't matter. Never stop put roles in there, all the robots. And and didn't Michael they did. Michael bay, do pirates? Who did pirates?
you do that anyway. So they're on this all goes back to where lay was going from the central point of they all got scattered. So when Bruce will gets picked up by the government, he said, okay, crew take time and they all dry .
broke o .
he didn't.
He didn't direct IT, but it's his production.
okay. So Bruce was just picked up by the government and he says, okay, everybody, you know, you're done, have some fun. And they scattered into the wind like gone. And then they spend like a particular, by the way, the .
freaking comment.
how far away is IT? It's like days away. It's not even it's not even like three days. How for how much time do they have from when they figure this out? That is going .
to look IT out eighteen days.
eighteen days. That's crazy for what we're about to talk about. So they scattered the government to go fine. These guys, a lot of them have to get like physically arrested.
But but keep in mind, yeah, he says, I gotta use my guys.
I got to use my guys.
None of these guys are working in oil drilling anymore.
Okay, play that note. They're just on leave. It's like a break time.
No one of them is a two of them are geologists.
Yes, no, okay, yes. Then oin Wilson and a bushmen as geologists, okay, noted, they're just on break. It's like hard work pay.
You can only work for so long and then you have a break. okay? So they like a month off the lifetime from work.
I didn't understand.
Yes, that's actually that.
So that is his crew of drilling. Yeah.
they really assemble the crew. Now the okay. I'm not going to i'm not going to tell you that the martian, which is funny because it's md diamond, the Martin is, I think, way more scientifically accurate than I don't think that i'm standing on any kind of sure shaky ground when I say that the time that the movie depicts and getting something to mad diamond, relatively effective, right? Like the like, make sense. Eighteen days to do what they did is crazy.
Well, so IT turns out that out over twelve days, which I I have to assume includes the mon tosh period of where they evaluate them for space readiness. which. It's twelve days.
That's insane.
They are trained to become astronauts with an astronaut. They went to the face count. He was just down the street.
the street. I'm not even at the point of the human I am at the point where I haven't got to my upsetting point yet. What we'll get there.
okay? So they resemble the crew. They put them through this region error of getting them flight ready. And yes, we would like to point out that there is a proper flight crew, a part of the two shuttles that they launch that are real astronauts, which that the main real shuttle guy, he's an actor in times of stuff. He's in everything, that of the guy.
He's a character actor about the astronaut. Willy sharp.
yeah. Sharp, yeah, yeah, yeah. He, he's in everything that got, what's the actor name? okay? Great, wonderful.
Good, good copy ing. On this one, I thought you had to open OK in mind. okay. So the problem I have with this is they introduce and deploy a brand new shuttle system. Never, never before used to go do this.
William fitch ener.
fantastic. Thank you. They created IT like a super shuttle. So we at the time that this movie was made, I think the space edl was kind of like decommissioning, like honest last missions kind of think. And they're like, what have we had a .
super shuttles though?
They do. They have two of they have two suit that just one I am like beside myself. And like you're telling me that they're just throwing all these dudes into two space vehicles .
that they've .
never launched before. They've never used, and they launched them at the same time from the same platform on the same day like .
IT doesn't make sense IT.
but they're literally blasting off next to each other to the point that rubble could destroy the other way. And they are like and they're offset too. So one is just blasting the other one with loose to try this.
Like it's just what is happening. Like statistically, what are we do IT out here? It's crazy, the whole thing crazy.
They get these guys in a space and they're like, we ve got to refuel this thing because they're going to do a sling shot around the moon, which i'm not even I am not. I am not involved in the orbital mechanics of a space vehicle. They don't give me that kind of responsibility.
But if you have a thing hardings at earth, they use the moon to catapult, to get IT in the speed and lined IT up to land on this tank, which that alone is wild. To me, i'm sure it's possible, but to me that's a little crazy anyway, before they get there though. So they get in, in the low earth, they detach the boosters and the fuel system, the large fuel cancer, the big orange thing that everybody thinks a is, is an engine or motor.
It's not. It's a fuel canter. Anyway, the shuttle lands at the mere space station.
I skipped a toner stuff, by the way, like all the training and all the stuff like, Frankly, I don't know, I don't know what to say so.
but IT IT goes to mere to get fuelled.
IT goes to mere to get fuel. Okay, I I want, I want everybody to think about the difference between metric and standard boat.
I told, told, just say every person.
listen me goes yeah, no, there's a huge difference. Does anyone think that the refueling apparatus of a brand new space shuttles that amErica made is going to line up with the fixtures of mere. Like we're just going na have that.
And so so then you say we will judge they had eighteen days. Maybe they just had fixtures. And so like that, okay, fine, fine.
you just need adapter.
They got like a guy on mere like one dude that they just abandon in space by himself to refuel this thing and he's um I believe he's the actor to place what in constant .
teen can you .
look at the russian guy? Is he also in constant in which by the way is is one of his best rules ever, ever, ever, ever, never, ever IT doesn't matter what you say um is .
IT the .
same guy? Peter .
the russian guy? He literally looks like a russian guy.
Does he a little, a little like all demote?
Uh, a little bit? sure. Yeah, yes. Same guy. yes. Okay, ah so good, he plays just so good. Pod being your message eppolito ed.
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Monitor podcast on pod bean today. I can't. There's there so many things in this movie, so they start refueling, and this is one of those movies where time is meaningless and explosions will wait for you to get to where you're going.
But just barely, just barely. They they cause an oxyde league in the mere space station, which create so benefits like is chosen to go down and refuel this thing that there's a refusing pod that he has to like pulled some levels on, and it's russians. So he pulls lever. And of course, he breaks off and he can't shut off the fuel and the fuels, just pouring out liquid oxygen. So IT starts to create an explosion.
Why I don't know.
Because because Michael bay, yeah because there's an open flame somewhere like, yes, that's not good, but there's no reason to believe that you'd necessarily have a fire immediately starts burning. So pan f like has to get god, he's GTA climb out of this fuel pod duct. By the way, all his buddies have already gotten back to the shuttles and y've started closing the doors like they've trapped ban afflict. There's multiple parts in this movie where there is someone you believe has been struck out beyond the airlock and and people believe they have died ultimately to come back as the as like a hero actually benefit like this happens to him like twice in the movie.
Amazing, what a story.
C so they um he starts this oxygen fire and and he's in the fuel tank and he's GTA climb out and the fires burning behind him and I like blows him out of the fuel well, which would rip the whole thing apart by the way, they just rip everything apart. It's not very structurally sound. It's in space.
It's not IT doesn't need to be like IT doesn't need to stand earthquakes on ground kind of thing, right? So his truck and back and he realizes they've closed him in the russian guy off to this airlock and the russian guy goes, no, I know another way. What do you mean? Another way is like, no, we have an air conditional event or something.
They die hard their way. I'm not even beginning they do. They go into like a super cold, which i'm not going to get started about colden space or anything like that. They they break themselves into an area duct event, which is big enough for humans, which is full of cycles and stuff like that, which is like i'm not again, i'm not going to start talking about that stuff. To get into the part that they were just annex by this very heavy airlock door.
why do you have a by pass system that could have a human size amount of anything in something .
that needs to be air.
in something that needs to be air? Ck, no problem. They ve got through IT.
We're good. We're here now get us in the shuttle. And so they did.
They get in the channel and then they they fly to this asteroid which is covered with um shares of Crystal right shards of cyst al which gonna have go hand point that out. The space shuttle is covered in highly delicate ceramics. They're designed to withstand heat, not a brain.
And if you're .
pelting them with Crystals, which by the way a Crystals are, they going to be really high on the most scale of.
like hardness.
sure, they're done, they're cooked. And then they will further be cooked when they try to reenter the earth if they ever get away, right? So this is like already big problem. And they're just there are bumper carving these shuttle into the asteroid like they're crashing into each other, crashing in like it's it's a Michael bfl x so they're just like flying.
All of that is how Michael bay do.
So they get there. And then I I don't even get to the frequent lunar lander that they have. They have like an eight wheel across lunar lander. I I want to put god.
This feels like your roman .
empire said it's not. It's just things like we just went so hard in the wrong way, right? Like you you could went the different ways. I'm talking about .
world fortune.
jez. 看 the lunar lander, which was put on the moon, was like the literally most strip down vehicle of all time. IT was IT was super strip down. IT was almost reminiscent of a world, world to jeep, which had to fit into a very small village of a relatively small cargo plant, right? AmErica hadn't figured all that stuff out for, like big cargo movements.
We didn't have like all these different containers and all this stuff that we do that we depend on today, right? So they have this like massive drilling vehicle that they they cooked into space, but they never showed. Like really, you just have axels that are twenty feet wide.
Like how did you get that in the spaceship? Like what are we doing? But just a lot.
I'm getting i'm getting a little pen down. I just got all i've gone us to the astro. I you've got us any further than that.
So the vacation destroyed .
oh yeah, me got got blowed up big time, by the way, got blow up big time while they're flying through the explosion like they're like some kind of a dog fighter. And in the shuttle, like there's no blast or any, there's no like it's a shuttle. Man IT flies like a chair.
What are you talking about? They are, do you like barrow rules and space with this thing? It's like, what do you do and why? Okay, take me away from this calgon take me away.
Okay, so they get to the asteroid. okay. One, the shuttles very damaged, kill everyone on board days.
over three of them well, but you don't know that there's another one of those. So they think the second shuttle is lost, the ban flex shuttle, okay, they think it's gone. alright. So, you know, going back to what .
is an armado.
that's the stupid ler OK.
all right. And IT lands twenty six miles from its intended landing site.
So they now have to do like, no watch. I got to do all this now.
Oh my god, it's okay. You can do the whole show without me.
That's what. So this will be called thirteen monkeys. Really good brazil as movie. You should go watch that. So Bruce Willy has got to got .
a guess crew.
There's no leo leis IT. He should be just fight the a comment in the background student, whatever I have, very specific out of skills. One is drilling the other slighting people.
alright. So brazil, he gets everybody at the arbillot sharp, sharp like, okay, so here's the second drama a point. They got a bomb, right? Everyone, everyone of the shuttle has an atomic weapon because they want to drill down. And if you didn't get the born and want to drill, and they can buy the way jesus. You're so I just want I not mad, and you just, the more I think about that, the more I get upset.
Couldn't you their .
possible .
consulted any experts at all with your big .
old budget movie? The big plan, the big board was to land on the asteroid, drill into IT, then blow up a bomb so that IT split. And then IT does like a fast and .
furious manua where .
the covert breaks apart. And the'd like zoos around the side of the planet on both ends, like the broken off pieces, go boom. And then they they just swap around the other side plant.
okay. So Bruce really gets the armadillo. That's what it's called.
Thank you. Thank you later. Thank you on this journey that .
we're on.
They get, they get the the vehicle there, by the way. Okay, so sharp skirt up. He landed the thing wrong because Steve, by shami, by the way, genius, also a geologist he meant is being a generator a couple times and that he said, this is the wrong landing spot because you're basically landed on hard metal. Like.
how does he know that?
Great question, like great question, fantastic question. How don't know, don't know, but there you go. So because of that, the drills have to work much harder like they are.
They're constantly drilling and they barely think. I don't even know how how many feet do they have to go. The number doesn't matter. Just assume if it's fifty feet, they've only gone ten feet in the amount of time of thing like IT doesn't say okay IT could be legal safety to feit doesn't matter and they've only gone ten feet and they they ve got to ten feet at the point that they thought they would be at fifty. And so now sharp passed to decide, do I just blow up the bomb that I have in the spaceship in the hopes that IT will push the air d enough off its path, off its path, right?
Which is in every other comment movie that is actually the go. To get IT off it's but not just really into him that is literally .
the plot of don't look up, which is also a bad science movie that is do you know much master are talking about .
is like what are we .
getting frustrated?
You cannot suspend. That's like the science .
that's like running up to you saying bolt and like trying to push him with a finger and like full speed like I mean.
you could trip .
him note that's different. That's a whole different thing i'm talking about. Like a finger is going if you had like rockets, you know, I mean, like on a surface of something pushing the other direction don't make sense.
You you have to start IT like way, way, way, way, way, way back anyway. So they start burning through drilling bits. They started burning through transmissions and ultimately the driver of the armadillo who is um the same, do I think in the edge of tomorrow? Who's the guy who's wearing only underwear? Yeah great, great movie.
Another very good movie. Good time. Me wind me movie starting tomkins.
Anyway, so that armada gets blow up and so now they're the point where they're like, well, we've to know what the option to blow this whole thing up yeah well, that's all going on. Ben affleck is the surviving member of the shuttle crew. There's only a couple of them.
I think it's it's the russian guy and in one of the jewellers, like one one of the crew, they start driving to Bruce villas. They know where he's at and there's a scene where they're on this comment. Comment is hurt in this space and they have apparently trusters on on the armadillo to push IT down onto the the, the surface and so that you can drive.
So literally the drive wheels are propelling IT forward, but then their thrusters pushing IT down because of, I guess, the lack of gravity on the astro, which I mean the the answer is going to have its own gravity. C, it's not really rotating now, but IT IT does have mass, so IT will have gravity to ascertain. Next tent.
Anyway, they they turn the thrusters off to jump a gorge. What in the army? Della.
which is not a space vehicle.
IT, has no orienting thrusters or anything like that, is IT. IT has thrusters to push IT down, okay? And IT gets to a point where I like runs into stuff, and then I like starts to barrel roll, okay? And then they turn the thrusters back on, and then the thrusters just safely bring IT down immediately.
Right now, if they caught the barrel wrong at any time when the thrusters kicked on, they could have just ejected itself from the plane of the the asteroid, like launched IT. IT would have then become a space vehicle. You really mean like the thruster could have just launched IT? Like, okay, and it's spinning so fast and they just looked IT into landing back onto the asteroid and then they drove IT over.
And there's a big oh my god, i'm so happy here. And then there's a moment where it's a call back to earlier in the movie where AJ, oh my god, I can't believe I remember his name AJ ban affly and birth was like, no, you're you're going to blow IT up. You no, trust me. You never trust me, ever. You just, you don't love me liking your daughter and you never believed in me because he .
used to work for him. And then then IT like a went off and started his own drilling company. But he obviously did respect him because he wanted him on the cruel.
of course. yeah.
Or he was trying to so so he couldn't take his doctor.
try to kill him with a shotgun.
Benefit brings .
the army deal in. They start read, they're back in the whole digging up. And he gets to this pocket of very aggressive gases, I guess. And he's like, just just trust me, if you never he punches through there he goes and he .
he gets the .
bombing and and that's how Bruce.
well, as knows, is that he's good enough .
for his daughter yeah punches the bombing and but something we didn't talk about in the in the part of where they all land is that the american government has given up on them. They think they will fail. And the fail safe is that from earth, they can just blow that thing up at any time they want.
And why was that not the solution before sending human?
Just fire all our weapons at this thing, I guess, anyway, so they had already decided earth was like, no, you had your chance let to blow up. And sharp was told that his job was to protect the explosion. Sharp pass like a handgun on him in space, which is so various to make, say, okay, sure.
Why not? I'm sure to kill guy up. Sure, it's fine.
Anyway, burst was in them. Fight burse really wins. Get the gun. So so in in the the time I took for sharp, this is now one over. By the way, this is like the best everything, even negotiations, yes, in space, of course. And so sharp disarms the bomb, but in the process of disarming the bomb, they lose the remote detonation capabilities.
Oh, no.
So then they have to draw straws. Now that they have reached the debt that they want, they have a very dramatic moment where A J is the one who drawls the short straw so he is the one who must blow himself up yeah, on the asteroid. So Bruce welsh has a moment where he's like, i'm i'm going to take him down when to walk down and they get to this elevator.
By the way, the space ship, the the shuttle has a space elevator. Yes, great. Um sure. That's needed. Total good use of space, good use of weight in the thing you've onta put into space. absolutely. And so he he starts to walk him down, and he rips the oxygen hose, but well, ripped the oxygen hose of a suit, requiring him to go back into the elevator. Bruce, well as takes up the charge of being the one who will .
then blow himself up so heroic.
And then he does blow himself up. Are my get in? I I don't like like, okay, I think there's is a lots of like slow walking dudes being recovered from space, by the way, never go into a quanti situation. They just landed on a thing that has been orbiting space for a millennia with materials that humankind has never experienced that could be on their suit and they don't immediately quanti them or um they're literally wearing the suits that they were wearing on the asteroid.
So so there's a part here that IT says that Grace is talking to Harry.
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah so they they get the so kind, Bruce. Well, as gets in the armadillo after the shutters are like about to cook off and he goes, there is a radio on that thing sure. With the video with full video of face time, they're face timing and he's like and she's like, you're the best part of me and then he's like, I gotta save the world and she's like, I love you. Okay, that's that's what happens.
Well, because he's also given his permission .
for them to marry, because someone .
be dead so they .
get away. They blow IT up, by the way, I think they already passed the threshold. If they blew IT up, IT would still strike the planet, right? I don't know.
Yeah, yeah. I don't know what you know. Michael b, eighteen days.
Michael big, I don't know. They blew IT up. Roll hard IT take blewed IT up good. And then the current thing bothers me because that's a real thing, actually, right?
If you think about IT, something is hurdling through space forever and has collected things in space forever, frozen little bits in box, and you get something on your suit, and then you bring IT to earth and then IT kills everybody. right? right? Like that's a thing that is totally possible.
It's something that has a happened just in history from country to country.
yeah. I mean that to ourselves. yes. So that doesn't happen.
There's no one because, I mean, that wouldn't a good movie anyway. They learn about and they live Tyler in AJ there. Now, you know, together, the the end. Jesus.
well, thank you for doing that fantastic break up.
I yeah what we .
rate movies here at the H. R, C. C. Movie club on a six point, the uh six category scale, five point each, starting with likelihood of disaster prepared this uh, realism, characters, plot, entertainment value for a total overall points up thirty .
gotta hate how high this is going to score yeah, yeah. You know how I feel about asteroid and comments?
Likely, yeah.
it's five. Is five.
five that in in some time in human existence? Yeah, okay, all right.
You do know that things from space hit the planet every day, right?
Yeah, they always come really close.
No, they hit the planet.
no. I mean, also big things that could be cat.
sure. It's statistically extremely likely that there could be a huge rock that could hit the planet.
Okay, so the next is prepared. This, the us.
I mean, is they just have the shuttle. Yeah, they're like, well, yeah, god, I hate this.
But none of the crew, aside from Bruce wells, and maybe ban off like we're physical, ready to be astronauts if.
I mean, the russian guy they picked up was like the most astronaut and only the cosmetic, yes, always cracked me up. The russians call their astronaut s Cosmonauts. Cracks me up.
I don't know why, just sure I prepared this of one. They're obviously not prepared to go to space. So I mean, that's an easy one you can give you to two, I guess. Okay, two.
how real?
This is what? It's a one. It's a one. It's cannot get out here.
I know that these characters, I know that these characters were not very good though, because I fell lep.
I will say the standout character, I think is actually Billy bob thorn. Really, i'd liked Billy bob thorn is the command Operator of the ground stations like the grounds.
I think you just like people who are ruthless. He wasn't really ruthless.
He was really Carrying, actually, really, yeah, Billy button was actually a really good. I think he was probably the best character, one of the best characters in this movie. No question, own Wilson was kind of funny, but he didn't have a lot of screen time. Live title, not bad.
But okay, so what do you give the .
characters I do?
Okay, I do the plot.
Come on. What you want, say, you gotta pick this one.
What you can't, because I fell asleep. We have to default to all your ratings. Sorry, I failed everybody in the movie this week. I have even been go back to watch IT IT fall asleep.
And that was that the two.
okay, you get you are harsh.
yeah. okay.
In terms of .
that yes.
because it's a Michael bave very he, it's the science cy stuff that nobody cares about, right? But if you don't care about this stuff, it's actually very entertaining. It's very entertaining. I could even go as high as four. I hate to say that you .
can give you to three. That's okay.
I'm scratching myself because .
i'm getting you can give you a three point five.
okay, three point five.
That's oh my .
god. Fifty five.
which put IT above twisters?
Yeah, no. I'd rather watch .
them again.
Yes, yes, okay. I am. I am happy with this ended. I think I should be above twister, if that gives you any kind of idea what I thought about twisters. The move IT was not a good movie.
all right. Well, if you would like to join the hr C C movie club, you can go ahead and head over to the show. Notes of ever IT is you ve listen to this podcast and score through the shower notes to get to the H R C C movie club link that takes you to Polly.
There's also a very cold a letter box that was put together by C J. Yes, that details all of the movies in the order that we watch them. 嗯, but if you click on that link to poly, IT will take you a two, a pole that ask what disaster post pocalypse prepared, post apocalyptic prepared this? And IT doesn't say this, but include a radio related movies.
Should we watch for the H. R. C, C. Movie club now before you add a suggestion, please call through everything that has been suggested.
If you see the movie, you we're going to suggest, just vote for IT yeah. If you do not see IT, then please do add IT. And you are welcome to head on over to the H R C C.
Podcasting of the disco to love before your movie. And we if we watch IT IT, we will not watch IT a cat. But if we ve washed as a part of the movie club, we won't watch IT again. So we pick whatever rises to the top that we haven't watched. So we going to go through this list.
I will tell you, I will watch red done again.
No, but not a part of the movie.
I see .
frequency, zombie land wali twenty twelve, he judgers guide to the galaxy. Cast away. Contact a quiet place, red down, deep impact fall, towering inferno we're getting to the end of this year. You realized .
that more of the world twelve .
monkey sand Andreas blast. From the past eleven months, we've watched a .
lot of movies .
and we have army eta twisters, airplane Greenland tremors, soiled Green, maximum of overdrive, the tomorrow war, the road shown of the dead, I am legend on the beach, the day after world was the independence day. We haven't .
watch nineteen and .
ninety six six independent day. I .
don't think .
we well, that is what we are watching this week.
That's a good movie. I think I really watches with the kids like two years ago. They are really like dad.
We really watch this. Shut up and watched again. It's a treasure. We will not go quietly into the dark.
was that bill palmer, bill paxton, bill pakistan?
okay. And because I love you so much for Carrying this entire H. R.
C. C. Movie club, i'm going to let you stick your hand in this.
Oh, my god.
As part of our rewards for the I bought.
what did I get?
I bought, I hate this two hundred something, animate not animate, articulated, printed.
Oh my god, if you, my handed greatest fear.
Articulated three d printed .
little there.
Very yeah. excelling. IT took weeks to get here, but it's from animal studios. Sorry.
no as much.
I just get smart. So I bought .
two hundred and fifty.
but there's really only there's duplicate like five to six duplicate. So I probably shouldn't bought them in two .
hundred and fifty. Wow, but it's fine. Never stopped .
you before. This is very cute. I did buy you display a case for your animals to work, maybe not that one. I love you myself, self.
I'm not between us on the least nearly .
how root?
Oh, oh, so you're offended by the snail ended by favor for you. Is a snail interesting? Wow.
least name .
the least nari between .
the two of us. Yeah, is what you say. So you're calling me snailed.
If you had to compare us to a snail, which one is the most likely to be a snail?
You know why? Because you are .
strong enough to Carry a house on your back OK.
Okay, I guess it's yeah, see your things. slug.
which one of us is the most like a slug?
I do eat more vegetables .
than .
that is.
And we go.
What's happening? The start cases change, remember, but you're more likely to get stuck in beer.
in beer.
So that's how you catch snow. This lugs. You put a container of beer out in the garden and they all crawled and.
You put like a just an open top container, fear, and the slugs crawling in and die. Oh yeah, yeah. So you got me twice. That's the most we think.
I didn't know that what you were doing with my mother. Now I A little upset that the slog to have a so much found out there. Why didn't you tell me, could we not have come up with their own slugger, a jacon concoction that would have worked? No, horrible.
You can use flat beer. They don't care about garbage.
Most corona.
That's the family trick. This is the family track .
will be turning your back on the family you do to.
That movie, when I say .
litter, yes, literally I did. I not that in a question. Nobody has .
suggested faster furies. I know there's at least somewhere they use radios.
That's all they use. There's a tonto two way radios. S in fact, few years.
Thank you. I told you there's a brand and fraiser movie features plagues. I can't be any more specific than that. That should be on the list that I don't think on there.
Take you in. No.
absolutely not. Oh, no. That's a horrible benin's ration movie. okay? There's only the only one about the money, of course.
Course, i'm talking about the movie, one of my favorite movies of all time. That's not me. Now i'm lobbing yes about me fill looming literally. I would say that like it's not.
It's not near reject ent.
yeah. Plagues, disasters, totally. Okay, that goes down. Unlike one of my top ten movie going experiences is seeing that in theatre. That was such a good movie in theater. Did you see that in thear?
Oh my god, you missed out.
I guess I did peak .
of brain and freezer like the height of his power.
如果 有人 接 的。 well.
i'm gna take when .
he throws the bag on the table and they're on the steamer ship, the potboy throws the bag on the table and just opens up to all these weapons. So good. All right, man, welcome to the email correspondence tower and the many old buildings, there are two, there are two outbuildings are going to start at the physical male.
Dep, this is where you can send us packages that we get here at po box, fifty one old ones to redos california, nine zero seven zero three. And I don't have a knife on me. Oh my god, I am a real.
I don't have a knife here, but their sitters.
This is from home .
tactical talk coffee purpose .
blue coffee. We are now on the haddo crash course breakfast blend. With the sticker, we get the sticker right there. nice. Here's the sticker. So I I will start .
tearing into that. This I this is one of .
the funnest the the logo, the the trap is, oh, you have in the background is quintius sentier donate coin something california. It's like a winches dont upside down like it's .
literally I M holding.
I also got a uh Q S L card from kb nine I T V. nice. And this is the minnesota statehood of two hundred and fifty eight to nineteen fifty eight.
It's a real minnesota day today on the podcast.
Minnesota, land of a thousand lakes. This was postmark in saint paul, minnesota. We made a contact on F.
T. eight. Thanks for the fun and learning on youtube. Hope you work polder someday. thanks.
Dave call.
We did IT. This is the male segment. So do we tap into that more of my oh yeah.
let's take your A H to .
continue through questions eleven three okay, if anybody didn't follow last weeks podcast, josh um got a questioner from casa to rate these are definitely your numbers to rate when what you got oh this is a child yeah um to rate josh's potential of being on the spectrum, particularly for A D H D. So here's here's your thinking so would be on eleven so if anybody is not familiar with this, we didn't listen last week podcast. This is from half one the the foremost authority .
the foremost .
authority in agd. They have a questionnaire that ask you certain scenario and then you rate them based off of, would you do this or would this happen? One several times per month, two several times per week, three several times per day, or four several times per hour.
I think i've got a four on a couple of four on one of those jesus, eleven. I fail to complete or return work assignments, which I bring home. If you do not bring your cob rate, the zero.
Okay, that's a freeing. Yeah, I got a zero. Yeah, this, that's a good thing. Twelve, I fail to independently perform or complete chores or fulfill responsibility.
Ie s eg, have to remind, fail or begin to complete responsibility, lie s without assistance. So I am going to answer these first, and then lay will tell me her score, I believe. That I am A. Two.
you're three.
I god vero times do you per day.
one to several times per day. Do you know what that is? What when you do the dishes and you load the dishwasher, you don't do any of the other things related to the drop c, you just loaded IT. You don't care what's on the counters. You if IT needs to be hand wash, forget IT that's that's an incomplete I .
believe I fulfilled my responsibility day's layer.
Well, then I have another question .
here for aren't on .
the two to marriage and .
I are thirteen, I failed to remain on task to prepare for work assignments, failed to study for presentation, failed to finish task, taken home eea. If this is not necessary to prepare for workers signals at home rate, this a zero. Would you call any of my youtube stuff work assignments? No, no.
okay. There OK the end because I was going to get a zero on that bad boy regardless. Fourteen, I have difficulty organizing responsibly.
T ie, s. Each play of already writing SHE literally drew her hand up in and like a slow R. I get to go first here.
E G, difficult to using time efficiently. Kay, well, that just killed me. Difficulty performing chores, lose things. Difficulty returning home but die. Failure to return things.
That's a tree for me. That's three, okay?
Fifteen, I complete task with little to a little or no regard for quality or neatness of work. This is a tough one for me, and they is hesitating.
Complete task of the new year date.
How many times do I do that?
three. And now I put a one. A one.
You are insane. You are insane. I have literally seen you go outside to film a video and take the cover off the patio table. I just for IT, just how are you? It's out how there?
I wonder who put that there? I wonder who did that out there the other day, and like, who did this apparently with me? Sixteen, I have difficulty reading, not due visions in capital letters or following written directions, eg, difficulty following written steps provided until task is completed.
So, okay, the last part, difficulty following written steps provided until task is completed. Written steps written, written. I am a one.
You are a two.
You toss directions .
like there. You really like .
This was what that says, reading or following, written to rich.
like a manual.
Read and follow the directions.
It's not, it's quite. I have no difficulty reading them. I choose not to. They're wrong, layer, they're wrong. You just rip something off of your clothes.
They come on.
I do not follow directions.
Well, this was going to see me right over the edge seventeen.
But it's just that you only have to look at directions one several times a week if they were for every.
I would never look at directions again in the rest of my life. I could no.
but i'm saying that would be a four if you had to one to several times an hour.
You're in my ten gentle relationship with directions in written form. It's what puts me want to do. So horrible .
I feel .
like you we've condensed ed your entirety of taking the general test over. However, along that was we've condensate down to this two episodes the broadcast of me being dissected question air that we're taking seventeen. Old boy.
Seventeen, I am easily frustrated by task which are not interesting to be. E, G, give up, easily failed to put forth my best effort. Now, layer, I want you to be really careful how you respond to this one. Really careful.
okay. So here's .
the thing.
One, it's a one, but because you are only expected one to several times a month to do things that are not interesting to you, you are not too .
many things I get dragging into. They're not interesting to me.
One, two, three times a month. that's. Kay IT is the frequency of exposure. Once again.
Eighteen, I fail, I fail to follow necessary steps in task. E. G, performing chores, Operating tools or appliances. Eeta.
哼, 哼哼。
怎么。 Be careful.
for here is a three.
Because you only do the part that you think is completely essential.
like .
what like when you do laundry, there is no sorting on the front end.
That's not true.
The end, unless is just for your clothes. No, yes, sometimes you pick out just your clothes, but then on the folding end.
well, if IT comes a laundry layer, we all fail. Yes, we do. That's not, that's not a good.
That's not a good one.
Nineteen OK, I have difficulty managing time at home. E, G, fail to complete task on time, failed to accurate to make gun. You got me on that wood that failed to accurately estimate the amount of time to finish a shore or act curate or activity.
That is a three. No, we ve got one more twenty because we've got a couple of give me. So just go two.
Okay, twenty, I have difficulty getting a task started, and I tend to put off things and progression. Ate three. That's a one. Why are you kidding me? I still don't .
have my very little library. I still don't have .
very good those those .
the free little library was .
a gift task like task.
You is a task.
I think you have me at a very highly one. Thank you that you think that I could just whip things out Willy nearly without any like, I appreciate that. I appreciate that you think that .
I am so dynamic. I do think you're dynamic dynamically.
the new and interesting way. okay. Well, we do have a big old box here somewhere. Where is the big box?
This one from golden beaver? Yes, yes, I purchased that.
So just no OK. We purchase something from golden .
beaver to make up for the whole anything very me.
And yeah, we'll get drunk thinking about us in bay. And I told everybody.
I know everyone, I actually use the budget in babee as a segway. IT was a touching moment.
We reported blood all over IT in the front end.
Kay, that means we're closing the doors on .
the physical male deepo and heading on over to the voice mail. E anx. S, you can send us a voice mail. E at .
five, six, two, three, three, four, two, three, eight, nine.
And let's hear them. Voice miles.
Hello, H R C C pod test listers .
jol correspond .
IT of the tea in in the pen news network colon in and say, congratulation on the new power. Thank you. Concentrate this.
I have to give out a specific dog point. I two, my way to also got a new puppy, we bw IT from a black smith. And let me tell when we got at home he went not end up making a bolt for the door.
Let me do you can make anything. She's a rag all.
So there was the funniest realization today where I was like, okay, kids, just remember if you're worried about june, like running outside and you're at the door and you're like pushing your back or whatever, just pick her up SHE waves.
Just pick her up SHE was like all over me trying to get outside and i'm like, was he was trying to get inside from the outside, if you like, locked them both out there to go party or whatever and she's trying to get in. She's like pushing, pushing, pushing them like, no june, get back. Get back back, back back. What the heck .
figure up.
closed the door, I put her down.
outsmarted the dog, did shit.
Why might try to logic a puppy? Just pick IT up.
SHE really is adorable.
though I SHE waste nothing to the point of its like I feel like i'm a break er, like a baby, like an infant.
I went to a birthday party today for Edison on's friend. I'd brought him with me.
That was, he was really sad. He left without him. The .
main event was a puppy party. Somebody came, set up a pen and then filled IT with over a dozen puppies, little, little dogs, little like just toy size dogs. And then you get in the pen and the puppies get in your lap, and they were there for hours.
That's a weird party thing, right? Because you do with all the dogs at age out.
No, there are just toy breed, so they always are puppies. Zed.
they're not really puppies, right?
There's only one real puppy. The rest were adults.
哦, thank you. Oh my god, my god. That's what does he do with the puppy city?
And then the person who was there, apparently this is a lucrative enough business to have employees guess so because I was talking to the person who kind of set everything up and I was like, go well, what do you um like you adopt out of a lot of talks because you bring all these is essentially a roving adoption, right? And she's that all they're not my dogs. The person who owns them like this is their business.
And I just I go out to the events and all they do is they set up the pen. They clean up whenever the puppies have an accident in the pen, and then they watch, let people in and out of the ten. And that's that's crazy.
Yes, how much think they charged something? I don't know.
But it's the second time the'd thought a puppy party, this family, and they did, wondering coit.
what? Yeah, what mean? They did one during covet.
What does that mean? That was just that family in their h their cousins.
Oh, okay.
That's well, I wonder how much they make doing that.
I know at least five hundred dollars.
you think so. Five hundred dollars truck and twelve dogs at least. Wow, okay.
yeah. All right. That's always smell.
Hey, join lia. A nova took me on my side here this week, out by over the long weekend I took a chance of doing to get a teddy ter and six meter extension once my uh fan ipl. Now I have a little bit Better ten little coverage tonight and said this wasn't doing well on IT for whatever reason and I had yet have a six meter in ten is.
So I finally got that up and going, I want to test that in my W, S, C, T, S. Stop working. I don't stop working. Everything works, except for some reason when I hit transient IT does not. And audio to the radio. And i'm working through that try showing that and volt try to think that just because I think that a bit more detail than as the boys may help um here and I think of think of blame window eleven that a anything else to predict that point. Um but yes, so like although that I did get my hands up and .
ready good six .
another issue I had in the past with think pate nap sticking so I got that fix and ah so .
I hope i'll .
try that here in next weekend of nature out that all works as well but just getting that last for a bit of radio mainland done before the snow flight here are likely soon so seven three from getting very cold.
Thank you, mike.
Mike, if you don't own an antena analyzer by now, I give you all the permit you need .
to buy one.
I feel like an intent analyzer in this situation is exactly what you need.
next voice mile.
Hello, pocket this near a hello we are do .
again really made .
me just hopeful less conversation about this. I black set up and I got money, turn the hole my pocket so I get in head on looking at new radio that a purchase and alone in the hold. I don't know if you seen this goes on.
Get apart, right? They can. We have some advertisements force of new to mobile radios. Um I live the numbers of here, but apparently they are having is like the end in the rest or A S P and a they have such a special single protesting that getting part of these years so that you can know that so what you do more likely, uh, figure you want to, you know maybe check IT out, talk about IT in the future to video, see you idea, marry. Well, thank you very much. And I today and just let you know, you will actually let me now basal mules.
Ah yes. So there, by the way, that the digital signal processing that you get on something like an F T M five hundred is going to be similar to some of the S U radios that are coming out. But but I think that so performance wise, what you can expect, but I think the technology behind IT is a little bit different.
That's about all I know on that right now. I kindly need to see you in person and hear IT. Not really not not less see IT, but hear IT in person to give you kind of my thoughts.
I've been waiting a little bit on that, but I suspect that you might see this across on many all of the U. C. Radio is coming forward.
This is the last yes, that is killed my I was a look giving you out on my wrong saga, fixing my inside half way um a year long saga and I so last time I told you that i'd got a new box from my and m come three base and that have we a transform rebuts? Previously I had still not like silicon, just a filled up and apparently that degraded outside. And probably what stuff in the issues would like water on other stuff? not. And because I feel so well, I couldn't get into IT and maintain the box so I just got a replacement box from the um same size, same everything this one have the stuff um installed IT um haven't sealed IT up um to like a full seal yet but I have tested IT and looks like that resolve the issue um so I might see you up different way um to allow all the components to be seal but not degrade heavily at just like a year outside so um yeah I think i'm back on i'm back on the air with my inhered heavy new box same inside .
so nice new .
box is the pressures .
of the inside swap out of the stuff mature all lined up just as if you are IT was the same numbers that works before when I was new so this is still one like a zoo saying, hey, spend twenty box and just do the easier thing is still doing the whole replacment .
and a hot tip on savings.
And the media was very important .
in life, but media is, yeah you never know what will happen did .
thank you so much, Nathan.
All right, well, we're closing the doors on the voice male anees in its time to, I guess, climb the tower. Hello.
hello. Welcome to the tower. Hello, hello. Welcome to reading your email. And jane, thank you for your email. We hope you like IT here inde .
such a john indeed. So welcome to the proper email course, bond tower. You can email us at layer ham tactical dot com. We would love to hear your ham radio stories, what you've have been doing with ham radio, what your projects are on him radio, maybe even what your what you're working on that workbench.
Tell us about IT in the email if you have a question, is a great time to ask IT at layd hamm tactical dotcom and as always, ham tactical dot com help support the podcast and the youtube channel if you're wanting how to do that, that is a great way. As well as now join us on the coffee club. Ham tactical dot coffee is where to check that out layer.
What do we have? Oh no, I didn't mention the last thing. Ham tactical dot org, those ideas, a lot of that .
come I .
said dot org like it's like it's an organization in doc m ham taco dochev SE have article dcom. A lot of your ideas have gone into the merge creations that we've come up with. And so if you send us a merch idea in a in email and lay likes IT and SHE makes IT and put that on the website, you will get one for free. So thanks for doing that.
All right. The first female titled misleading, this comes from chick. Hey, lyon, josh, a few weeks ago I went to leave you all of five star rating on apple podcast and saw the one star misleading review just after I had been posted.
On one hand, I know those sorts of things can be kind of funny and mostly inconsequential. I'm glad you guys were able to laugh about IT during the last episode. On the other hand, I think we have a tendency to fix IT on negative feedback even when we make an effort to ignore IT.
I spent a decent amount of time in various retail positions, and I know how one bad customer interaction or negative review can rule in hundreds of great ones, especially when you really care about doing a good job some time, some people, at least some of the time, are just jerks. I think you guys are doing an awesome job, and I always look forward to the new episodes. IT goes without saying, but i'll say IT, anyway, the podcast wouldn't be half as great as IT is without U.
L, A series. Thank you. I josh, i'm also afraid of my significant other sometimes cruel are scary. A real man knows that this is nothing to be a shamed of best k nine, A, F, B. Well, I would like .
to clarify that this podcast, uh, would be one hundred percent different if IT wasn't without live because there .
wouldn't be a podcast.
I'm not going to a part. I'm not onna do a podcast by myself. I'll just go make a youtube video like IT. IT doesn't make sense for me not to use that platform.
That is the platform I think may be some people .
would prefer that maybe maybe may be what they are doing. Yeah, that's what that comment was later. How do you deal with the way do you get negative feedback? First.
I did off of that review.
Aside from that though, do you ever get negative feed back?
not. Really yeah I I was .
worrying about that because yeah I think I don't think you get you're not really in a position where you get negative feedback aside from like Edison.
that sometimes is yeah.
he's probably in the .
most and then he always apologize.
Most political of people that you have to have to deal with is Edison. Yeah you're not really in you're not really in like A A world where you get a lot of that. No right. OK, no, but .
today I did. 嗯。 At the chinese school, there was a teacher who I don't have any idea why the communication is so poor about the things that he needs to get a correct, and the principal asked me to jump in on this meeting with the teacher, along with a couple of other people, and he became really adversarial and super gas. Lady.
oh, I love that. okay.
And I basically at some point to say, you absolutely have to understand how the things you are doing are being perceived, right? Regardless of your intention. There is no way you would have taken this action if this wasn't what you wanted to communicate. And what we're telly .
knew is that so .
you took .
the .
hard fact point .
yeah not going to.
And IT IT was specifically because of how SHE treated this family and he became very clear that he just didn't like this family, right? And the family happens to be a minority family at the school.
OK, I want to stop for a second. So almost all families are asian. So you're saying they're not asian. Okay, got IT. It's specifically .
a black family because specifically .
when you say a minority, you mean a minority of that, right? Cause I look at asians as being a right.
And everybody was kind of to turn around IT. What he had done was he was trying to hold this family accountable for not attending every week, which is not an unusual thing to do. A lot of people miss classes here and there.
And so he had pulled the family over to.
this is a teacher pulling the fat .
over to the principal to basically ask, what are the consequences of not attending class and not informing the teacher that you will be missing? And the answer is nothing. There is a no consequence, is not a Mandatorily.
People pay to be here, right? You know, then they'd lose the value of their dollar. Yeah.
that's exactly what I said. I said if they've pay for a class, they don't show up, have lost that that session and nor is the teacher .
obligated to like catch the child up necessarily. yes. yeah. I mean, that's like there is there is content the child missing out on if the if the content is not being replaced by home training or whatever IT is, then they are going to miss out because they are going to be under equipped for the training that all the kids in that class have been to the pending.
And so he said, well, I had asked the week before, which was carnival week, what the consequences were and I didn't get an answer, so I was just following up and I was like, but there was no reason for you to involve the family. If you had a policy question that still one on one conversation, you couldn't need to bring the family to the principle. You were clearly .
trying to make your position, I know, to put the family in and then the principle with no warning.
that's what i'm saying. And SHE was like, well, that's not what I meant. I was trying to clarify. I I was like, no, there is absolutely you just cut repeating on ourselves always like, no, you have to know that there was a reason for you to pull that family over. If you were just trying to clarify policy, you wouldn't involved them, right? But I was for you to intimidate .
them and SHE was like.
going or no and I was like, and quite Frankly, it's problematic because you've isolated a minority family he was like, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm like i'm talking .
about the fact that they're black. You just said IT only crap.
okay and then SHE went, oh, I didn't say anything about .
something you didn't need to. Wow, good for you.
And so no, nobody gives me and I could be.
So I I have been on the end of receiving negative feedback like I have i've been so but this is before copied, right? So when I was Younger in like conference rooms, I have. Emoted my feelings not necessarily based off of what i'm saying to like people could figure out what I meant like like anything, but like you're a little to a motive.
I have been mentioned as being the term so I had I had a IT IT was like I was on like a consultant. I don't know. Like I had to say you have a level of wit. They told me this like you have a level of wit that you bring to the corporate environment that is could be hard to navigate for you like in in moving up and had .
to that change of behavior. No, I don't know what.
I have got .
negative feedback. IT was on a video I post. It's internet .
negative. Youtube got like .
a facebook.
That's of negative. Yes.
that's all internet. Not even looking at that right now.
I'm looking like but like if if a human being face to face is willing to give you negative feedback like that, something you should actually probably internalize to a certain degree. sure. And they said to me like this is a, this is a very like you are very witty that is going to be. They didn't say well, they meant that. They meant that they started from the detriment point.
They are like that is a hard thing to continue to be witty and and not get yourself into a situation where you say the wrong thing at the wrong time of the wrong person, right? And they're like you should just be aware of that and i'm like fair point of fair point yeah totally because it's IT is totally totally true, particularly being like an older White dude now like a man come on right um but then at the same time, I have been on so much of the other side of IT, particularly this year with giving criticism and giving the the working criticism to people, putting them on the path of potentially getting fired yeah those type of people laying people off like IT is I think it's size of this. I think the .
important thing when you're giving negative feedback though is that you have to rely at the end of the conversation. We're having this conversation not .
because because yeah.
I want you to feel bad. We're having this conversation so that we can move forward IT in a productive way because in reality, if we didn't want to do that, we wouldn't have .
the conversation at all. That is a fta tic. Fantastic point because some of the biggest problems I have when I deal with the managers that were under me, so many of them just want to move to get the problem out of the way yeah and often times I will try and coach them to explain that often IT is a this communication or a misunderstanding of respons ibi ie.
S that the individual that you're having problems with doesn't have right? And you owe IT to them to at least explain that in the blackest widest way possible so they understand IT. And I will take your point and add to IT, the biggest thing that managers or people in those roles have a problem with is following up to clarify exactly what the expectations were, right in a way that there is no ambiguity.
yes. So when you have a conversation with someone, a one on one conversation and you say something like this is why what we hire you to do, black and White, and you're doing most of these things, we need you to get Better at these things yeah and there's a software way of saying all of that. I'm just getting right to the point then you have that conversation right and and and and often times IT turns into a, well, I am doing fifty percent of ties but don't have the tools or i'm restricted from doing the other right how can you help me out? Great, perfect.
So then you go back to your desk and you write an email exactly that says, these are what we expect you to do. yeah. And we acknowledge that, yes, you have been encumbers from doing these five things because of dt, T, T, T.
And I think we have a path to close this. And here's how we're going to do IT. We expect you to improve upon these particular areas. And then everybody has that email .
Oh my god, you do not in in a culture of millennial and zinnias and whatever genes e, whatever all that everybody says, oh, I got the receipts boba ba ba ba ba. Everybody's really serious about having the text message of like the dirt on somebody, but they do none of that at the corporate level. Nobody is tracking receipt at that level.
No one has C, Y, A at all. There is no C Y A. I'm telling everybody listening to me IT doesn't matter if you are a individual contributor, non managment management, first level middle management director IT doesn't matter, you have to be tracking no ambiguity receipts on everything if we didn't need receive contracts with exist in business right period.
Yes, no question. Like oh, beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to add that point upon your already good point. Oh, thank you. yes.
Well, the next year will is titled merchandise idea. And this from adam. I apologized for the low quality image.
I did all the editing on my cell phone with a me APP more engagement coming in the future, but I have more backlog podcast to catch up on first. Thanks for trying to catch up. And this is party on from W A five pr. And i'm going to show you that I know that josh is .
going to say out of this OK.
it's poter .
hub 哦 yeah yeah .
we we don't use branding .
of other brands.
but also .
there's a pornography.
It's really it's a little bit rock bottom atam, but we haven't hit the rockets that is .
for the rock bottom and that is for the rock bottom line of but .
adam has to follow up and he goes, I just now got to your podcast with the suggestion only fans shirt. And I realize my suggestion may not exactly tickle your fancy. So i've attached an image with a revision to the front of the shirt.
I hope you like IT Better once again. More thro engagement coming in the future. And adam, there was nothing attached to. Very sorry, but I look forward to .
IT in the future. Hey, google, this is one area where .
ached outlook be. You don't it's like, but I found these results on search.
Stop IT. I do like .
this Better. I am because it's like pot in the style of math.
H, I like, I like the sports .
IT .
with the logos on the sleeves.
I don't know if I can do that, but i'd like.
I like math poto part. That's kind cool. Yeah, that is cool. yeah.
Thank you. I am, I like, I appreciate you clean IT up. And if we make one, you will get one for free like that.
Good the next year.
titled historic november twenty twenty four. Hello, john lea. My yi and I were holding our collective breath during the first part of november, waiting for the news.
No, not about the election of the most powerful person in the world. We were waiting for more important news to lay a past the general, and thank you. That's so I didn't really think anybody would care what they are not. We just .
started listening to the all or one .
hand bands podcast and heard the wonderful news that lay a pass the exam. I generally .
did see you.
There we Operate. You lay A A hearty and well earned congratulations and find business. congrats.
E, S, F, B and C, K, W. You earned IT. Thank you. congrats. The O M I, the O M have been a hand for over fifty years.
wow. Congratulations on that.
It's obvious that both of you are wonderful ambassadors for our loved hobby. That's so nice. Your podcast are fun, clever and informative all at once. Joshua una best enthusiasm for the hobby is obvious, and lay obviously loves you enough to go along with you on the jury. I am equally lucky as my wye helps me with pta and other ham activities.
As he explained in a previous email to you about a year ago, because of hands like you, the future of ham radio is in good hands. Keep doing what you do. That is really the great test compliment you can .
give you when you start making lining comments. That's like crazy.
That's really likes living IT.
I mean, I I under I appreciate the gravity of IT. Yeah right. That's that's very serious praise. So thank you.
Did you know that josh's related to useless .
is as great I am. yes. K, and also the mayflower.
Yes, from the mayflower era. I don't think it's may flower direct.
What was the? I thought that was? That was a guy. I was a guy who couldn't live in the pilgrim area.
He, he was in lamh rock.
the may flor.
I don't think he was on the mayflower proper, but he was a mayflower era.
He was may flower. Jason, yes, okay.
but he didn't live with the purity.
No, what?
Not H.
That's right. We come from the land of Dennis.
You you were not pure enough.
No, no, no, not at all.
right. Well, so congratulations again. Layer seventy three and eighty eight to layer from the Y O, the O, M, N Y.
Well, thank you. O, M. And while I appreciate you some days.
I wonder how my blood line even made IT out of the salon, which trails.
So did you know.
uh, maybe that one .
of the reasons that cats are connected to, which is history ally, has to do with the plague OK. Because the plague was basically spread with rats, yes, or rather even fleas on rats. But a single women often had cats.
meaning no s so their homes .
were relatively untouched by the plague.
Okay, so this is really fast. Any part about the plague, that there was a whole religious sect of people that were like, just get the plague, or the plague is just a natural thing, and they turned IT into like a religious part where they were just like, just be part of the plague. yeah.
And how that turned out for that.
I was really weird.
We literally saw that during the pana going.
If you guys want to look up the history of the plague and the not like scientific history, the play, but the cultural response to the plague, yeah, you will find that even people, what we would think as mid evil people, and very similar reactions to how we, I think it's human nature. I think that is yeah, totally, totally, of course. Speaking of wishes, there is a book, a handbook on how one must deal with wishes.
Have you ever heard of this book is a very large book. It's like how you process no, it's like how you would process the beautiful judging of a witch. What if you were a rich hunter? Because this is a business fact tt.
There was a business of hunting and finding these wishes, like how you would test them for which spots on their body like you strip them down. But there's a book and IT was I believe its in latin, you've never heard of this before. So in english, the translation is the hammer of the witch. okay? Now the name of IT, though you might be familiar with, it's called the mAlice alpha carum.
I think I have heard of that.
yeah. So that is the book which you can still buy on amazon um which is how one would be a witch hunter, if you will, mAlice and malfa carum which is one of best title of not good but there you .
go right? The next emails title, apple podcast reviews canada.
This comes to a story you totally, I don't know how to bring up apple podcast canada.
Hey guys, good. If you're not receiving apple podcast reviews, you should check other countries as well, specifically the country north of you. You know the one you're trying to make contacts in too.
I need to make all the country.
What part of canada you? What do you do in tomorrow? Seventy three steward, V E three, R G O, I love you the following some time ago.
And the email of the review reads, I was here anyway. And this comes from ringo. Try the only difficult thing about this show is finding the button and time to leave a review.
The two mean were tagging is layer and her earth while boyfriend turned husband with a ham radio infliction lead you on a fun round trip through choke large and hilary, sometimes related to him radio. If you are here to learn more about ham radio to take your U. S.
Space license exam, turn nate run back to the youtube for the video. Yes, if you are here for all the related fun, for a hamet's ur lifestyle with all the trimmings and a few side, it's outside, but often related to hamad r radio, this this be your place. Greatly appreciate the return to long format podcast grater than four hours.
For a while, there was an attempt to have an incredibly fast pace pods of two hours, but the expansion of the additional sections, we have returned to the more familiar, comfortable and necessary for our podcast. I mean, face, we all love waste in time with this hobby. Why not at a podcast that can help you do that? IT is the best community, includes community self appointed podcast producers, email, physical and voice, male repeaters.
This thing has at all including a cost of repeating characters, including mike alpha zu alabama I Andrew k. Fire and the ever present of march to cark. We are essentially a car fan club over here.
Oh yeah. Ah if car can do IT, nobody can. If you read this far, you obviously appreciate a wonderful time sink. And this pot is fantastic at that. You are into hamet's radio and you should be you should be into this pot and you aren't well, if you aren't, well, you are just wrong. Seventy three if you know you know v three R G O they were that is so so nice.
Thank you. Thank in the time to collect that um I almost need to get like a month of nord VPN where I can switch my location and and then pull up the podcast and see what other countries say about IT because I can't see that. I don't know how to do that. I see I might have to do with that. I don't know about .
another Better way to do IT log in as another country .
on another wow. See, SHE .
speaks .
so confident, and you think he knows what he is talking about. In this case, I think you have to geographically position yourself in another country, I believe. IT, okay.
Thank you. Thank you to IT for all the time work.
Thank you to the next .
year was tired, nor cal proper. And this comes from Douglas B. I wanted to take thank the north hole proper for putting their email very well.
One thing that i've learned in this life is that people aren't always left versus right. Well, I don't personally use marijuana. I voted for legalizing recreational marijuana in arizona the second time I came on the ballot.
This position was once considered a liberal stance or so. I thought, we all should be free to live our lives freely, so long as we aren't hurting anyone. And all involved are able, consenting adults.
The U. S. Founding fathers would likely have been considered liberals of their time. That's a libertarian.
yeah. I always, I always take the viewpoint of I probably hold more liberal belief than are some democrat democrats and also at the same time, more conservative beliefs than some conservatives.
right. Like and I I mean that like that there are fringy things that .
but here's the thing about .
moderates .
that really like no matter how extreme you believe one way or another, the thing about moderates is that they're not trying to tell other people .
that they have to. I I I think that might be the the big point is that if you swing that hard into a party, you're about the party and their stand telling people how to live, like enforcing IT upon them, right? right? Which bothers me.
So I think the term moderate has become like sander yeah .
and unfortunately, I felt like libertarians would be the ideal moderate party. But I think it's also been copied too far extreme now what .
it's also been copied bike conservatives.
I know the live chairs are still their own party, but I think that.
well, it's also gotten too complicated, yes.
but we knew there's no way for the libertarian party to win because they're about decentralizing the power.
right? yeah.
And you don't get donations. You don't get .
any kind of do .
us favors. You want to take politicians .
ability do favors away. He is not draining the swap. You can't OK. D, C, as we learned.
is truly a swamp as we watched the waters rise at the, at the lincoln memorial. Al, really like, oh, we can go back the way we told .
me the literally got flooded. IT, literally. The patti. C was like where the swap is, the patch.
Ic, what about? Ah ah yeah no, you can't walk that way anymore. why? Oh, the water is there?
Yes, it's reclaim ing the land IT does this quite often oh.
I mean.
often enough that there's signs yeah .
like and it's not like that .
they have to move. Where are IT .
tells you it's like there be water there at this time like, oh, okay, great.
As i've gotten out of being in the echo chAmber of the news and social media, I do think that we are all more alike than different. That is very true. I think we need a more civil discussion I have come to enjoy, have a good discussion with those that may have differ opinions. Where has your has loving your neighbor gone? I specifically don't talk about politics to, uh, the people who live on my street for a good reason thing.
I don't know that doulas BKI7.
L I K .
double. It's it's not your point. It's the point of like love that neighbor. I don't love my neighbor, but I have a communal responsibility to my neighborhood and for that reason, I will go to extra links that I would not go with other people to protect .
my neighbor .
because of a that that neighbor responsibility, the communal R I D A of .
our neighbors.
Love, love.
Yeah, like in friendship.
I mean, love is such a weird word in that case. To me, IT is more .
of like a of mankind. But love.
love to me is like A A non rational feeling versus what I feel about my neighbors is a very .
No, it's not emotional. It's a sponsibility. Okay.
like I don't view well, I have an affection for a lot of our neighbors.
I, well, I also have affection for them, but my responsibility to them is different. You know mean like that it's thing it's done separate.
But I do agree with you, Douglas, that we should be prioritizing mutual .
respect over .
political stance. I've seen so many videos of people, uh, pretending to go through their neighborhood or go about their day post election, trying to suss out how somebody vote IT so that they can judge them.
No, god.
you know and it's .
that's like the epidemic, like you ve got too much time on your hands.
It's there are jokes.
but you you should pick up a warham or forty two army japanee CS use your time effectively come on.
But I just think we don't boil down to our political views s the way that and again, I know that not everybody may feel this way, but you don't boil down just to your religious views or your ethnicity or any number of things. You are a combination of the things that you do and believe so. And I think if we look at IT that way, right, that we are all very similar. We're all doing very much the same things every day.
I I love that what you said, but my mind was thinking about what a space marine chapter you would pick if you were a part of a particular political party. So if you are a hard court trump supporter, you would be a world leaders with the chaos army of corn.
confusing. yeah. okay. So democrat .
could go both ways. IT could be a thousand sons, which is also chaos. IT could be a the children's of the empire. OK which is also also could be also marine. So text .
could be other marines.
IT also could be the salamanders. So lot of democrats have a wide option. But um if you're just border line, like just more towards the conservatives, de probably raven guard, oh, spacewalks, pressure.
There you go. Okay, no. Well, the next e mail titled roving potu footy report and this comes from made N A C H O, hey, leon josh, I just wanted to drop a quick email. I just got back from a quick word, tripped up to new hampshire and managed to knock out my fifth state for peta.
Four, nine, two to lichfield state. Foster, well, that's fantastic. Well done night. Unfortunately, he was dark by the time I got out to the park, so I didn't get any pictures.
I'll be going for my six state on a trip to dallas, texas next week. I hope you enjoy. Dallas, texas is a great place.
I've also been on a quest to make my pot gear smaller and more suitable for airline Carry on. I just picked up some rg three sixteen coax. I've attached a picture of my fifty foot coil of IT. Well, IT is more lossy than R G eight that I had been traveling with. IT is substantially smaller and lighter.
IT still .
works great. And I was able to use IT to complete my last activation. And new hampshire, on the food front, on my way home, we spent the night in boston, and we had dinner at the barking crab. I've attached a picture of the lobster and new england clam boil. IT was delicious right up my ali, did he not .
send pictures of the radios? S, he just sent pictures of food, food and coil OK coil. Hope all is going well.
nate. N. C, H, O, the roving footy ham. That's a channel I would watch. Look at that.
That's a big loser. That's a big boy.
Very big. And then there's a very small coil, very handle. Well done me. You'll have to send a picture of your new A P plane pack out.
Oh yeah, I I wanna, you know, I like a good bag. Show me the bag .
me too. Show me that that are mess.
Yeah, right? yeah.
But I am on the look out for a very good as seafood buffet. I just want to see how many crab legs the kids could if they were not limited.
I'm very proud .
Edison could put a buffet out of business.
Very proud right now. Edison is strongly and crap down.
Yeah, he's not a fan of lobster. I'm lobster.
I I know I think I don't know what you'd say about this, but I have a very good process for recovering crap. Me, you do. There is one thing I can say I do pretty well. I i've been trying to teach them um how to properly take down a crab leg. I think he's at the point where he's gonna a start to really turn some corners there.
You really give them with something I show.
showed them all, like how to diagram a grab, like and break IT all down. You started the tip and break all the tendance and do the thing. And you get wonderful crab me, and how to how to show them how to break the leg in the middle.
Can't break the leg in middle. Free that delicious. And i'm not talking about threads.
The whole piece of the leg you can do IT in, old man. There's nothing Better, nothing Better than recovering that whole piece out of there. So good.
There is a place in downtown nicu.
X no, sorry.
that does a king club lobster. Hold on. It's, I want to tell you the menu. King crab, lobster, a five wag, you stick.
K the buff station includes king crab legs, snow crab eggs, lobster tails, fresh oysters for cellphone, all manner of vogue. There's unlimited trip. Ruby, tenderly.
Thing is you to park their second robby, right? Is that .
the one hundred and thirty nine dollars a guest?
okay. Yeah, yeah.
Make sense. yeah. And you can. You're limited to one hundred and twenty minutes. I want to say jane .
has gone .
here already and jane would .
go to a place like that.
And i'm not sure that he was impressed, but she's got a real good. So .
yeah oh, you can get just the unlimited seafood without the full service experience of the um the custom cuts of a five gue for ninety nine dollars per guess I got .
to say I don't as someone who ends up behind the wheel after a long buff time, yeah I don't wanna drive. I just don't think .
they can eat one hundred and nine dollars worth crab legs.
I could eat ninety nine dollars of the crab. X, I will say that I I can do that. but.
So i've been many buffets where they have crab.
This is all they do though this is yeah it's .
only do okay OK and it's like nice it's like a nice body yeah because that's i'm going with this .
is that sometimes show your pictures like i'll .
show you pictures of the inside like I do like it's pretty nice yes, yeah, it's really nice actually. Oh, oh, my god, that's, I OCR about that.
That's that's .
a tomahawk I use just, just flowers. I know it's very beautiful. Okay.
that's a lot of chefs back there.
How do I do like a vegas buffet? Because you're very clean. yes. And when you get when the crab comes out, it's just like the crab legs.
Yes, without like all the sexual stuff, it's not just a wet right problem all the time. Hot steamy bus that you're just like porn through. Like okay so cost. Yeah, no, that's that's you. Yeah, yes, yeah.
So to me, right, if if we're do men like a boil in the in a picnic area, on a grass land, on a picnic table, throw that stuff out, let's go to town, dumped out, go right. I imagine that the crab experience I could have in that situation is probably pretty close to a very high and crab joint like you're showing you, sure. right?
Just on pure quantity and volume and quality. I bet you there are people like in lousianner. There's people like here in california, like on the coast there are polling craps out of the water and eaten IT and and drinking drinking coronas with the family familiar corona just have a ball same level locality of the crab. Bet you that cost them next and nothing sure .
you know means .
OK right you understand yeah um I still .
want to do this.
Oh wow okay .
um and I don't know what kind of special occasion it's going to .
to get me somebody his birthday. I don't .
know if that could be my Christmas gift to .
drive the downtown L I think that's the the biggest hurdle of the whole thing. I am the Price that four hundred .
dollars to pay.
hundred dollars for .
the kids to eat crab legs. But I just .
want to get there. I did someone to get there and order a casa. Yes, I get what IT not there was crab legs there.
I'm just saying I hate driving in a so much i'll drive. On the van. yeah. Oh, I mean, we're good. Then stop.
Then stop. And now what's time?
It's the final email.
The final emails titled hr cc podcast and IT comes from Austin. Hello, i've been listening to the backlog for a about of month. Thank you.
Thank you, and thanks for all that you guys have done for the community. I use ham study. Thanks to your advice and passed my .
tech on the a congratulate .
congratulations. And one of my local club members talk me and to taking the general test that I didn't study and a study and outs of, I got twenty out of thirty five, correct? So my real question is, do I study for the next month and go for general again? Yes, that is because you're ready in like test study mode or wait and write IT out.
I'm pretty interested in potu, so i'm thinking general would be a good idea. Seventy three from Austin and i'm still waiting for my cosign update. Austin kt 3ACU finally up my call sign after a week, and i've been listening to some local repeaters on my U V five r this week.
Now I get to find out if I can get into them also. Congrats on passing your general test layer. Well, thank you, Austin.
Thank you, Austin. And my general feeling is just like layer. If you're already kind of in study mode, you mind as well, just hammer and all out and be done with that.
If if you want to take as far as general and then you enjoy the time, yeah go for IT. But I think general is when the radio experience really starts to open up. So you oit yourself if you are interested in IT to just go hand do that. And yes, the post experience will be much finer then then that of just a technician nothing against technicians but um yeah .
I agree right well, thank you everybody who left a voice mails sent in physical mall and sent an e mail yes.
And we very much appreciate that everybody. Thank you so much. I am going to scurry off to edit this podcast and posted and then run back to the shock at least for a little bit to see if I can find some canadian stations for A L sweet stakes guys. We have a lot of fun making this podcast and the fact you you listen IT means a lot to us. Seventy three.
seventy three.