Hello and welcome two connected episode five hundred and twenty eight for wednesday of ebert unius twenty, twenty four. Have we officially decided if the date is going back at the top of the show?
Did IT was IT ever?
I don't know. I don't think I ever was.
I think I think of upgrade, which is my have a programme. I don't think .
anybody on the show is ever read .
the day until you just maybe he just likes IT to them. I guess I have to use to decide as the keep document.
I guess. So anyway, hello, my name is Steven hack. I'm joined by Ricky benches in my curly.
Hello, hello. Got some hot topics today.
Yes, there's no photo co. This week. He's on making .
effort with hot topics.
hot topics like the store. No.
did you have a topic .
in the U. K, no.
but I know what IT is. I've consumed enough american and sure is one of these things were like there was a hot topic somewhere but like it's not the same idea. But I get that is like a lot of like band, t shirt, ts and emo stuff. Yeah understanding .
we had one or .
you may not .
surprise you that I was kind of into IT.
What kind of things would you buy from .
hot topic of black things?
Okay, mike, me up make up like that. Wake me said a lot of a nocte skill, two shirts. I've question for him, okay, how should I phone sticky? yeah. What happened to you?
I, we had breakfast for dinner the night, great waffles, bacon, eggs, sea. And I, we ate, and I was cleaning up, and my phone was on the table, and I knocked over and open, mostly full thing of maple seri. And straight under my phone and IT was one .
of those things .
that maybe you've had this IT took a second for me to kind of like register what was happening, right? Like I think I didn't catch IT wasn't somehow oic safe. So the phones fine, like I rust off the phone and let IT dry. But the peak design case that i've been using, as you may know, has a lot of fabric .
and .
it's a little stained. You can kind of see, I can direct sunlight where there's a stain. But anytime I take a phone call, this been a week I can not get a little with of sir.
i'm the fires out I .
think god, it's not a fine waving case, you know, like, you know.
game over. I guess what is really funny when you ordered that pigs in case either for your error or there you got two of them and you gave me one and I never going to use IT. She's in a draw. So like you could have had a replacement case, but now you don't even have had the sticky case.
Now I get the sea case.
So this is the phone buttons. Okay, because I want to spill some mip therapy on an apple T, V. remote. And that thing will never work correctly ever again. Yeah, you press the button and I like IT not return.
That's not good. Uh, yeah, honestly, IT seems fine, like the case took the the, the the majority of the damage, the phone, the phone seems okay.
If you said a thing and also opposites a thing, which is one of my favorite, I think it's a southern m to call a container thing a full thing.
a full thing.
Yeah, I like that. I like that. Another one that I like is, uh, the way that you use the word visit.
what he mean.
like we're going to visit for a while.
Yeah, we're going to have sometimes you can use .
that as a now we're gonna a visit ah like visit thing. I gonna visit for a while and drink out of .
the thing I A time. Honey.
see what I mean. Like I I love you. I love IT.
There are certain like things in like southern living, I guess that have you southern lure? We just increase ate to people. And I think this is IT like things like that. I like, it's nice.
I've never thought about either of those being weird.
which I think goes to your point. Yeah, why would you you live that? You know what I mean, true. Why would IT .
be weird my whole life, my whole life at the minivan. And the marble story continues. I get two updates here. People, people may remember I spoke about when I was alma bedel.
I was going to to find what sounds like a marble under the floor somewhere, my ice and event that you hear spira tally. So I thought I fixed IT. Turns out I had a two things.
One, I had to get, uh, a tire independent, a tire replaced on the van. Um that IT sustained some damage. And as I was turning into the tire shop, I heard the marble, which was just a real like gut punch from the universe to me.
Like this tires, like barely you like to IT, took a big chunk out the side the time my spouse had a pott hole in her van. And like, well, you now take IT and get the tire replace. I knew the tire was dead.
Yeah, I was turning IT and heard IT like, yeah, I come on and then listen to josh wrote in and I think josh value, right? So this is listener josh. After hearing Steven discuss the marble in his minivan, I was reminded of a redit post where a marble was stuck in the floor events under the driver seat.
There are vertical supports in the event whether marble will get trapped, and then at an unknown time, released from that position to a new one. And I think josh is on to something here, because when I took the seats out of the van and pulled a bunch of the carpet back, what I discovered is there's not really like open space that touches metal. The marbles is rolling around, right? I would IT couldn't rolling around if I were trapped in between the installation in the carpet, but IT being in a vet does make sense.
And what makes me really think this is true? And I hadn't thought about this. And then I read this in a click.
When you hear the marble is always for the same amount of time, the marble isn't like it's not a free range marble. It's moving within a set distance, whether IT is trapped. So next time I take the van apart looking for this, because IT is now war between me and this marble. I'm going into events. I'm going into events, mike.
I think it's the only way like like this. As we said before, you can take you cannot take the car part, right? You should not.
You you maybe could, but you should not, I think is maybe a Better way to say, I don't want not testing you here, right? This is not a chAllenge and not like, still you can't do IT because I don't want to chAllenge you because I really don't want you to do IT because I worry you. I worry about your family. You know that they didn't just can't go IT just just cause sir.
and a lot of a loan. Another .
seventeen. okay. Uh, but maybe maybe the vents. Yeah, I have. Have you had a conversation with the children .
about the marble?
no one has fessed up to losing a marble on the van.
Maybe this is maybe a bad thing, right? That like, maybe you've, god, I would like to hear about IT. Like, do you have a way in which you would try and get the children to give you information like and like there's like an amnesty. Now what we get trouble for this, is there way to do that?
right? So so like a, hey, you're not in trouble. I just need to know yeah kind of thing or a so every watch silo season one and preparation for season two. My word, season one is i'd forgone how good IT was.
It's so good but the everything in the silo is like basically a forgiveness day like you can confess to doing bad things and you're not trouble for them like that's what I need um I will say the side of the van that is on is where our Youngest child sets and our Youngest child and mike, you ve been in my house. You may have noticed this a little bit messy, his room of disaster all the time. The .
stuff everywhere is yes yeah just .
got a lot .
going on to and .
is got some .
work to do yeah.
One of my favorite stories about that particular child is the first time Jason came to mind. His, our Youngest was maybe like three, two or three. Maybe he was little. And he says, like, yeah, he just like running through the house, a ball of energy, the gap that hasn't changed. So I think it's on him and I think he would be the one to have a marble like this hanging out caring IT around. Um right now I think at the Better my truck there's at least three sticks that he's picked up on the way back to the truck from school pickup that are all very important you know are there are all named sticky, which is kind of funny.
That make sense, that make sense.
I mean, I would not cause stick.
So anyway is named after your phone.
Hey, you, maybe I hang on. I got IT. Maybe I don't need to get the marble out. Maybe I need to trap the marble. What if I just pour a thing of maple syrup down the ice events in the van and IT solidifies, you know, I can. Jassim park.
they're like to fly.
And Amber, I can do that. And steffen .
finds a way, you know that right? I think I would .
be sleeping in the van if I tried. If I tried that.
yeah. Yes, it's small. good.
IT would feel good. I might tell us about macos virtualization.
I'm going to try I mean, I read a headline, you can tell me you if this is a problem and around the internet. So m four max cannot run macro S V prior to venture a thirteen point four. So if you try and boot up virtual machine of an older version of macs, the virtual machine just want boot.
This is a black screen. This is not a case. Another apple silicon max. I'm going to read a quote here from a piece and nine to five mac.
According to research check, sba fitzalan seems most likely that the bug affects an early part of the canal boot, which would require up to release new I P S W files for other versions of macos that they would work with information. However, this is unlikely to happen. Uh and so also basically other apples to come. Max cannot virtualize from before macos twelve. This feels like a nothing to me, but I I figured that you would be I don't know, you would always you be a person like so you I see I know you do IT around the machines of older a version of macos, but the fact that can go earlier than twelve, I mean, just lost one version of macos.
Yeah I mean, yes, you've also version macos, but the I think it's just an opportunity to talk about like the bigger chAllenges around preserving old software, right? Like this is always a chAllenge when you move between processor platforms and is not a horse power problem. Like the end for her is planning fast enough to emulate X, Y six and power B, C software, right? It's it's different than our older listeners may shut down when I say this.
It's different than like virtual PC, which is back in the day on a power PC mac, you could emulate X A D six to like run, like windows two thousand. And IT was so slow, like on on the g four that I tried IT on mike, like you had to click the start button in windows like one to dIreness like unusable under most circumstances. It's different now these machines are really fast, but it's it's more complicated than the just horse power.
Uh, the O S has to know the client. O S has to know it's going on or someone has to build a layer in between even when epsilon first ship there were issues with the ARM version of windows that you couldn't run that um and I don't know where that stands. The issue like I know you can do parallels and stuff now, but um this is always a chAllenge. And if this truly is up to apple to fix that, maybe not gonna happen, but IT may be that someone figures figures this out and someone built something that allows us to work. Or you do what I recommend, build a cabin and fill IT with computers, and then you can run whatever or as you want.
I don't know, maybe this is just one of these things I don't understand. But like. What are people doing? Like what what is like?
What are you wanting to do like on macos twelve monitary? sure. What is what is that like? I'm i'm actually asking you .
like yeah ah are .
the people doing?
I I think there's a case for a from the development perspective, like you're building a mac APP and you want to mix you you you support back x number of version in the new mixture that you a new feature words or something like that, that's probably the most yeah.
But what if you need to test macos eleven? I mean, we can't. Can you like you have .
an own machine or you drop support for IT or you just hope for the best, which is not a good not a good development practice either or so. Uh, but I don't know how many people are doing that.
Well, the information out there, I guess if you need to do this, don't buy inform mac, I guess is the is the thing. I think I think some of this stuff, I just don't get that you know me. I don't I don't like to hold on to anything.
I just let that all go, right? So yeah, it's the same as like game preservation. I understand the idea of IT, but I don't know what people are doing with IT all .
you know yeah let us go. Let us go.
Yes, exactly. You don't need these max anymore.
It's good. Hey, mi, guess what? membership. Sell time. Well.
now that is a different one, is a different .
place right now. You can go to give relay dot com. The link is in the show notes. Does IT really easy to remember, give really dot com.
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So maybe you would like this as a gift so you can send this website to a love one or maybe you would like to buy this for a gift for somebody in your life. But something is even has done this year because even put this wonderful website together is to make IT easier than before to actually just buy this uh, membership for yourself if you wanted to do that. Um I think this is wonderful Price twenty percent off and it's running .
until once seven december eighteen th.
Yeah so we would really appreciate that IT really helps support the show um and IT supports any show that you describe to be if you listen, that is we going to want you to become .
a connective promessi. Ah it's a it's a great I think is a great deal and it's lad to us and if you are, remember thank you. We appreciated. And yeah the good a good time of year, mike.
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the love.
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the era of the butterfly keyboard is over.
I didn't know what was still in IT was still in IT, was still in IT. Apple was long time ago.
Um yeah, apple was, uh, just last week, they wound down their long running repair extension program for the butterfly likely board where they were, fix your computer for free. IT is the only repair accounting program, or R E P, if you're in the know is the only rp I can think of that was updated to include a computer the day that computer will on sale. So in twenty nine, when they revised the thirteen and fifteen eight macbook pro ah in the air, those machines were introduced into the repair program the day they came out, which is just a real vote confidence on apple's part IT was a weird time.
IT was a wear yeah yeah that I mean, IT was a sad time too lake, that era was just if a pretty depressing to talk about the computers like IT wasn't just this one. When when was the winter star?
He started with the twenty fifteen macbook, but when I kind of mainstream was twenty sixteen with the macro pro.
So this was like a similar in the approach al today we spoke about the imac pro was reflecting on that um and like the imac pro was also a response to this period of time where max were bad for various reasons like yeah there were not good options.
The new computers they were producing like the macbook were disappointing and ultimately um from a power perspective, battery perspective, heat perspective, throttling and the keyboard even though like the design of the the macbook was so nice, but like IT was ultimately a let down in a bunch of ways. And then there was like the slow rolled out and attempted multiple attempted fixes of this buff like you board, which is unbelievable that IT lost for four years. We were dealing with this and like every time to be a new one would be like and they would ve improved the keyboard.
And it's like they just can't make like a little bit Better, little bit, little bit Better. I think by the end, they did actually have, I think what was a fine enough product um from a reliability perspective, IT wasn't breaking as often increase. I'm wrong, but I was just like time to move on. Like IT still was never good as good as or as reliable as the previous system yeah .
they twice you know rather famously they added like a little layer protection in there and as they try couple different things and I think between and eighteen they were more reliable. But the the reputation of these machines was just a real bad. And ah putting this link together on five twelve this morning, I read about a little bit and then I went to to find a picture of this laptop and I really was struck bike.
Basically nothing out of this generation of laptop is still with us other than like the big track pad. But the keyboard got replaced and they did that with the very last, with the only sixteenth intel, my pro. Then IT came the others.
But the touch bar is gone, the keyboards has gone, and the all you need a thunder boat promise also gone, right? That the the philly on micro prose brought back HDMI max safe and the sd carsons. And it's just so while to look at this picture of this computer.
But like you got so many things wrong with this and to their credit, they walked back. But the further we get from this period, the mall stands out to me as a man. There was some stuff going on over there.
I love the way that sounds of the kabo though like i'm really going for like IT IT sounds I had good sound IT was very like snappy sounds like um yeah I have one of these that was the pieces .
of a coaching that could be possible .
IT would just like you were losing a bit of material every time type. It's just like ever is like a roding like the cable with just a rode over time. Yeah, it's a shame.
This is a shame that was like just a rough time to be in. My favorite thing that came out of that was um Jason row a uh and we produced for upgrade a uh true crime episode about grade called who killed the bottle like keyboard. I think IT was a Christmas episode.
You're in the episode when a character I don't remember. I need to really listen to this. I know that we had, like, we have people playing characters.
Uh, I was like, IT was a whole thing. Now I was a good time. It's like a thought, five minute thing. IT is time to fun. I'm pretty sure from remembering correctly, I think somebody played tim cook.
Maybe is me or maybe .
we we added IT something together. I don't remember. Maybe IT was you. But yeah, I was a good time. I'm i'm going to add this back to my q because I want to be listen to this, but that was my favorite thing that came out of all.
I was really good. I had forgot about that until I saw you'd put in notion this morning. Very good. But yes, so the repetition of program is over.
So if you still have one of these and you have trouble out of IT officially, you're out of luck. But I would say that if you have a failure, like go make your case to to apple and they may they may have mercy on you. But I I also can't imagine there's a ton of these running around anymore.
I'm not sure they're out there. I have people listening, have one their background now. But I think the overall, I think a loud people move past these as soon as they could. Yeah, rest in peace. But a fkey board .
taken from us too. So you know .
no not so that's not true at all.
So too so do you remember we we did a .
live show in chicago and the equi had fAllen off my laptop like right before the show. And so I brought a spoil lers for a live show that was six years ago. Um I brought a claim, shall I book to do the show with because I can type on on .
my P2P anymore yeah wasn't IT like that. We couldn't update the shown because you I can .
put them .
yeah you to put them on like A U S B K or something and like load dome. And this is a text file in text that that was a good time. Yeah.
that was a good time. Like no one can change anything or I won't know a Better about IT.
I was a .
good time. I was speaking in good times. Okay, text base social media .
is rocking and roll in. It's like two thousand and eight of them is.
So you have talked to a blue sky on a couple of shows. You all spoke about IT on upgrade plus just the member version of web grade. You also spoke about IT on cortex this week. I've listen to a lot of you this week. I'm like weirdly, on top of my point .
is the way to go in.
Yeah and so so you've been using IT a little bit. I've been using IT a little bit. You've shared your feelings about IT and I I don't know, just kind of wanted to have that discussion with you. And you've had that discussion with with other people left out a little bit.
But like here we are. Here are if only if if blue sky started to pick up like two days later than I did, then we would be first here. And I just the march of time.
The march of time is really more like the november of time currently.
Why do you have to do this? You know, why do you have to do with.
uh, blue guy has some interesting features like on the surface of IT IT looks and I say this with as much expect as possible as if they totally ripped off twitter like IT looks like twitter like ah because I was like jack, like we're going to federate twitter before that where the people were using jeff has gone from blue sky. His he's back and his he's doing whatever jack dorsey.
A eating only uh grass that I gw himself on the side of a mountain or something. What a guy. Um but they have built a lot of features that are really interesting, mostly around content moderation in control.
So they have content filters set for adult contents, lot of options around that um including like nonsexual unity, a lot of options. Uh, they have custom fees and they have a pretty good directory of like feds that have been built. And some of them are really interesting and you can do specially add IT to your account.
Now just today, as we're recording this threads, is rolling out a similar feature to everybody. Custom feed. Um think about these like lists in sort of the twitter .
world yeah where .
you've got um I had one for like politics and news. They weren't people that I followed and they want to in my Normal timing by back in the day and tweet bot, I could like bounced over there and see .
what was going on. Yeah, I never use lists, but but I understand the thinking behind IT. I think at the time, I just kind like if I want this content, i'll get the content. But I think I may be understand IT a little bit more now.
And like blue sky of some interesting ones like and they have some that are said that you can subscribe to and some that are like the idea is is like so if we have a mutual think, you get like commute list. So it's just posts from people you follow and who follow you right there has to be that link um and they have like a popular with friends, which I think is interesting. I think it's .
like like nozzle .
is just like an interesting um IT is an interesting way to get an algorithm is not too far away from you if that makes sense. Yeah so I take a stuff that you aren't following, like accounts you want to following or some that you are. But it's like what is pop? Yeah I just I find that to be interesting. I find that to be interesting.
Yeah yeah lots of interesting ideas around there. Um they have dms which are much more like twitter. Dms uh master on has private replies, which I always feel like i'm going to screw up.
Um I don't like the way there's work at all and then threats does not have dms. And you know I think they would say if you want A D M, use another meta product like instagram mar a messenger or something. But I think to think that most people like about blue guy in terms of moderation is they have really robust post interaction settings.
And so you can allow a single post to be quoted or not quoted. You can set who can reply everybody or nobody, or mentioned users or followed users. And I think all of that's really well done in the U.
I I think is actually really good. When you look at the post interaction setti, it's clear, I think what's gonna happen when you check the various boxes. I think all that's really good. And my like my issues aren't with blue sky itself. Like where I continue to struggle with is like I ultimately think any social media that isn't like this will always end up in the same place. Like no matter how good the intentions are or how unique the technology is, ultimately there's something fundamental about the you have x number of text characters like that sort of social media I think can help but wonder .
into the same place that always ends up over time yeah probably I I think that there is a spectrum of what that result can look like um but I I think I broadly agree with you right that like there are certain traits deb, modern tax space, social media have that the ad icon will not change I like IT IT is but a matter of time until a service wall trend towards what twitter was, you know but I mean, of course, twitter is continued.
You know like it's gone further away than even what IT was when we were there, right? So like to was a thing I know is a different company then like when I left, like you, but then IT continued to get worse and worse and worse in the way that I don't like. So you know, like even the services had the ability to do that.
Like I would say, like for me, blue sky feels like the closest to all twitter have experienced out of masterdom threats. And this like and part of IT is I think part of the reason that it's getting a bit of a resurgence is like we all have interest in our life or people in our life that that didn't leave twitter right. And so like for me, because I decided I didn't want in anymore, not just not post anymore.
There were certain like areas of my interest where I wish is not getting content from those people. For me it's gaming, right? So like people in gaming, I gaming twitter didn't leave, right? And so I was not really seeing very much text based content from those people like they were every now and again.
Some of these gaming creators a pop on threats, but they really want, they won't, giving their best content to threats. S they were like cross posted or like, you know, just like hanging out, like posted the occasional thing, but like they were still on twitter, right, because they were still getting the news on twitter. And so they were like sharing news to return, sharing opinions like, and so like, I think everybody has that that corner and IT feels like blue sky is it's like post election.
It's like blue sky is been able to capture up a bit, a bit more of this um and I think that's what's happening. I don't really know why people have like why people particularly chose blue guy. I think a lot a lot of people who chose threads like tried threads and didn't like IT. And so they I think I think I hear a lot about threats is like people say the algorithms bad and that is not my experience with threats. And and I do wonder if it's because I did kind of commit to IT and so maybe IT is lona bit about me. I think IT takes that um but anyway seems like people are overall or like people don't really seem to like threats uh a threads, the apple or whatever IT is yes so they're trying out blue sky, it's owner maybe um you know I know that that's the thing, but that's not what i'm seeing. People say like the people that i'm talking about, which is like the content create, is that I know not complaining about the fact that is matter owned lake because everybody to use an instagram so .
like you know yeah I think that's a little our own echo chAmber kind of thing .
because was like do you know and trust to own blue guy because blue guy on to like I don't yeah that doesn't really feel like a thing to make. Like if you truly, truly care about who owes social media, I mean, set up your own masterton server I suppose like or don't use them all, I don't know because someone's controlling IT doesn't matter.
What's that in someone's controlling something somewhere? But like when IT about like the twitter are evolved, like they're being like is a couple of things. One, there's no algorithm in your face, so that feels like old twitter, right? But the discovery tools that if you want them, like when I was using twitter, IT did not defauts to the for you, like that was the thing that you had to go to.
And I think that was the thing that could change at some point. Um a blue sky only has an official APP. So IT doesn't feel good like a third party APP does.
You know, I know iphone apps prety bad.
Yeah, but remember, if you remember, I use the official twitter APP.
I know, yeah, I moved away .
from the third party apps because I just wanted to get the actual experience of the service. And all study notifications are a disaster, like everything is mixed together and you can't fill to the amount from each other, which I find her. So like it's it's it's hard for me right now to see replies because the service is pop in off like i'm getting followers and getting like says that it's hard for me to actually see the replies from people.
So it's interesting like i'm i'm giving blue sky like a college try here, like I I i'm wanting to spend some time on IT. I'd like that at the moment. IT has a lot of the content create is that I wanted hear from.
So like that's cool. Like I like that is actually for me at the moment, i'm enjoying IT a little bit more than threads because i'm actually getting stuff that i've missed. Like I don't know what this feeling is going to be like in a little bit of like with all of these things.
Now I have three places and so like I not really now I have no idea what goes well because I felt like I had a good sense of like, i'm talking to our listeners on the dawn and like, no, i'm talking to my tech nerds on the dawn, right? And then I have a lot of listeners that aren't the straight, like apple nerds, and there a lot of those people are on threads, right? And so that I could kind of split IT.
And now, now, what's blue sky? Like, I I have no idea I but i'm just like i'm like trying IT all out. But you know I ve just added another APP that I put a fifty minute applied IT on. Fifty minute applies on all these things you trying to like, but now I know i've gone from thirty to forty five total, so I might do some twain there. My main, the main criticism I have about blue sky is that they chose every possible bad way to deal with using names.
every decision they seem to have made about how using names work feels bad.
Yeah, before we dive into that, this court is pop in off. There are third party acts for blue sky. Seems like they're all kind of media.
Ga, so then my point .
stands here once just called a gray sky ah and the other is called skates. And I will not get .
out because name get interest yeah this is like when my one had took remember that people but like so the using name system, if you choose like a standard username, right? So like you just sign up and you just say, like all this is my username, every user is like you choose whatever IT is doing is so you choose your using name. I like, so be like, I like dog b sky dot social, that is your user name.
Like you then become like b sky dot APP slash profile slash. And then I would be, I might dot be sky dot social terrible, terrible rio. And then that everyone's like, oh, just get your own domain name, you could help your own doma domain name.
So my 2, I I did that. So no, I B sky, don't APP flash profile stash mike dot social that's not ideally the no none. It's really weird to me because it's like it's hard to communicate like for for blue sky like I guess just just find me like I was master almost hard enough.
Like now this one is even more complicated. I think like you know, we have mastered on and then an eventually just became, like, all you could just work and out find someone but now, like, I don't even have like a consistent thing like, I don't know, I gonna change that. I saw what you did today. You've you've done an interesting thing, which is like a whole new thing. You got a whole .
new yeah I M eighty six that net and I just directly to .
because i've embraced .
the eighty six in my user name.
I just, I don't like this. I don't like I I think they they chose every wrong decision. Why can I just choose a using name? Yeah.
I am. I I think a lot of that is with the cause because they have their own federation protocol called at.
I feel like so no, I that no one else confederate with them, they not federate with anyone else, and they also make all of the decisions. So like, if I go to blue sky, I should just be able to the M. P. up.
Yeah, I think this the whole like server name thing IT was with that in mind. But I grew what I think Jason said or someone had a great plus. That's Jason or the other guy. The other guy is. Who's casey the that the we don't need two of these, right? We don't need mastodon federation activity pub and A T and the activity pub s already one like because threads is integrating with the and threats is the biggest one of any of these networks by far like blue guys popping off but threads management tally bigger yeah but .
now blue skies weight bigger than mustard so so has mastered on has activity pop one I don't know like yeah threads this is like federating with IT but what if they also decide to federate with A T at some point a activity pub .
is also in wordpress uh and some other things like maybe activity pub wins but massed on losers like we just don't know and that's on one hand like exciting and fund because twitter just had monopoly on this or whatever IT what's fifteen years? But in the meantime, it's a little frustrating. And like I think is you know like for me between madan and threads, if people who is cross post everything, I tend to follow them on mass, don, if they are like apple relay people and my threads is much more kind like people in my real life .
because .
they've just opened IT from instagram, right? And then like some news and political stuff and so yeah I don't know where blue sky is in with that. Um I also continue as you know I really like blue guy having a moment has like reopened to this for me of like where is and of this fit in my life and like I I use them all.
I use IT all too much lesson twitter a lot. Listen twitter. I too have the limits set up, and I most days follow this limits on my phone, but because I can't shake that all like the this that this format hasn't inherit in the point in the dark place, regardless of what you do in terms of moderation and content setting and stuff. Just that this format is has something about IT that intrinsically drift towards dark things. Like.
where do I fit into that?
right? Like, I like reading what I read on IT is IT just that I post less? Is that I don't use IT at all? Like, do I just use IT for work announcements? Like I continue to really struggle with that, and I think i'd basically kind of put that just out of my mind for a long time. But with blue sky being, you know kind of coming in to its own at the moment, it's kind of reopen all that for me. I don't know what the hinter is, but this is where I am with IT to be to be relying est.
Yeah, i'm not sure that we should have gone anywhere after twitter like I I don't know if I was beneficial. I think IT could have been a moment to to leave social media if that was something .
that you wanted to do and you .
did IT for a while. Yeah and someone naming .
no names told me.
told me that I should join master on for the good of our business.
Sounds like federal.
This sounds like federal does. And I you know, I cause the thing for me now is there are three services right to use. And if i'm trying to talk about my work I have after our post to all three of those services, this is become easy to do with tools like classroom, which I love has blue sky.
I been using IT this week to post stuff everywhere, but i'm just not sure that that is really serving anyone. I don't feel like I particularly wanna double down on any area, like on any like I was going to doble down on any other big threads because I were are the most followers, but i'm also not sure that that is the best place, like I don't really have a good sense where the best places yeah. So I kind of feel stuck in needing to post things everywhere and at a point where i'm not even really sure if if people if I like helping people and I don't feel like I wanna choose one because I don't no what I don't know which what one I prefer because i'm using them so little. And if i'm gonna choose one of these because it's like for business reasons, I have to choose the one that will provide the most benefit in the long run and that is unknown at this stage .
yeah currently is massaged on, but that may not be the case riber.
but is IT I think I .
think IT is like just of just as you been talking, it's going through my replies on threads. And Mason, like massed on is where listener type stuff, reader type stuff is happening.
That's where I get the most replies, but I get the most likes and reaches on threatens yeah so then what's the best one? Yeah you know it's very complicated.
I mean, I look, maybe I get the most likes and recharge on threads because I have like way more followers on threats s than I do on master on so yeah, don't know, man and then I feel like whenever I talk about this, it's like this whole conversation feels like antithetical to the whole point of IT because i'm not particularly giving people a good sell on why they should follow me on any of these service. Well, like I don't know what to post you. Yeah, I kind of wish I could just post freely, but like IT just doesn't.
I just don't really feel like I can do that anymore. Like this is just the thing that is changed over a time I think is part of what you are like a looting to. Everybody knows this, right? Like you post something on social media because this is is mean forever.
You post something if I got a company, if you say this, uh, yeah what I mean like that's just too much of that and it's like that a real I could be a real drain on your on your mental health like you just like being scared to say anything like I don't feel scared to say things on pocket as say um you know because like people and is just like a different expectation and yeah so yeah I don't I don't really know what to do. Uh, I use these services primarily to keep up with people now like I am a much more of a consumer than I am like a creator on these platforms. Um I think that's probably good good.
But also like should I be a creative new platform? Is that Better for my business? Like I at this point, I have no idea.
What I know is I had, I don't know, forty thousand followers on twitter ever. I don't have that combined across all three services and everything seems fine. So maybe maybe I maybe I never needed IT in the first place like I have no idea at this point .
um or maybe the. Must say this gently maybe the follower number doesn't mean anything at all like but yes, there were forty thousand on twitter, but they either all weren't real or there were people who who weren't active. I'm the same way I didn't have forty thousand. I think I like thirty thousand on twitter and yeah.
you're downing the forty thousand my heads that were out there on to my everybody you .
like ten thousand followers at some point.
Someone bought three thousand followers to me once, but then I got .
somebody to help me .
write a block list. good. That's good.
Uh, I know that my cats are out there.
but yes, they're out there.
baby. You know, I like our entire businesses built on quality, not quantity .
to to yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right.
You're right. So I don't know. I think a lot of us in the same, but right, like not even like fancy content creators was like twitter was also around for fifteen years. So you picked up a lot of people over time, right? Who are you you know, then once never came back or got IT by bus or whatever.
So I guess maybe a Better way to look at this is like, how great IT is that our audiences around? Yeah, right. But like the people listening to this show, the people listen to make power users, the people that listen to cortex, the people listen to APP stories, remap stories you like.
We have our own audiences that are controlled by by any company. And like I guess that is like the Silvia line to take from IT, which is the you know i've always had larger audience system podcasts than on any social media. Same um and so I can you we just to keep talking to people in the way that we are um but I just want to make sure that i'm like i'm being responsible as a person who creates for the international.
But I think at this stage it's kind of losing what I would like to happen. I just wanted them to be really dominant like you know I like one of them is dominant and then that's a and at the moment it's like threads is that but IT also isn't you know like threats has the most users, the most month active users, the most daily active users but IT doesn't seem too of like IT has definitely not catch red the minds and the hearts in the way that twitted IT right. Like IT has not done that like I don't I don't feel like you're seeing threads, posts to report about on the news and so right.
And so like I don't it's hard to know what the future is right now. All I know is I am i'm happy to try out blue sky and kind of disappointed that we have another one like this. Why I can't just one of them done IT.
Maybe blue skies, the winner like I S, I guess we will see, you know. But like it's impossible at this stage to know what the future is like. And I would just like to fast forward to that point where that is settled. You know .
yeah time will tell, but I can't keep up with author like just it's impossible. This ebbs ode of connected is made possible by fit board. When you want to change your fitness level, IT can be hard to know where to start. That's why i'm pleased.
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Muscle fatigue and recovery to design a well baLanced out routine because muscles improve, working in concert and the entire muscular system is important, so overworking some, while underworked, other muscle groups can negatively impact your results, and so you don't get bored. The APP makes up your workout with new exercises, rep schemes, supersets and circuits in all. This is really easy to use.
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As we are recordings ss, the scuttlebutt that the department of justice is planning to require ask, i'm not really sure how that works. Google to sell off chrome. Now this is one of the results of the search oly case of department of justice. It's basically won over google and is now a case of like the remedy stage. So the department justice is going to go to the judge and said is what we want google to do.
Other requirements are like there's I could think that is apple, people say is really important, but I don't fully understand IT about like google might need to give away its search engine data the other search and providers could use um I don't fully understand that part but they also um there may be a requirement to remove google search in the play stores, the default t for android making uses to to choose something else requiring android itself to be solved with so very happy about that. But I want to talk about chrome specific like yeah because I was the one I can most easily get my head around. So the expectation is that they will say the google chrome cannot even be owned by google anymore.
Like this isn't even a uh h you have to make people choose um which search engine they should you know not like a search engine ballot. The department of justice thinks that google should not own a web brows er and if this happens, the expectation is that chrome could end up being valued at like fifteen to twenty billion dollars if someone has to buy IT. And I guess my question is who's going to pay this yeah that could and doesn't have a browse already. And if somebody buys IT, don't we just end up in the same situation 的 言 where they're gonna use IT for a benefit?
The wrong yeah it's so complicated. Like if you're strategy member like bins post today was was really good to subscribe update today. I was really good about this. They talk about on detherage as well as you imagined bin thoughts on this very well formed.
You can't separate easily crime from the rest of google, right? IT IT came out of a company that is a search engine and a company that hasn't ad business. And yes, that means they they do have levers within the browser they can pull. But the era of a standon broza company is over. Look no further than firefox lying among people off two weeks ago.
And did you see that oc is like pivoting?
Yeah you see that. Yeah we talk to about that. Don't imp u uh, because it's not working for them either. And we we now live in a world where a browser is just a compound of the Operating system.
And this is a lot of what had been said like this isn't all origin to me, but it's different than IT was in the nineties. And even when this was microsoft in the hot seat, you know gold was thirty years ago with the D O jam. Um even then separating internet explored from windows wasn't completely sensical. Top to bottom, and that's before you gain the issues.
Like right before recording, there was an article about googles concern over, like if this happens, what is that gonna do to, you know, the thousands of people who work on chrome, like people in as part of their defense, like lot of people have jobs working on this. what? what? What do we do about that? And it's all very messy, complicated.
But I I just don't think in twenty twenty four, you can have a successful browser that's not part of your Operating system. And in google OS, you know, is the internet right? Like i'm not running chromos, i'm running macos, but google O S is the .
web really like.
oh yeah I known right havens .
there and what you know like.
So we're not really focusing on the android things. That seems unlikely. That's what they gona do, but its kind of the same question like an APP store can't really exist successfully on its own apart from the platform vender at least IT hasn't happened yet, but we've tried weak.
We're in an era where brothers were independent companies and that that time is indeed. And if google has to sell crime or or spin IT off IT will not be the success that IT is. I am sure google spends a lot of money on chrome.
You know where that money comes from, sir jazz, right? You you crime is free. You're not paying to use IT. IT works because it's a function of a larger company. IT will not stand on its own.
And I think if this comes to past, we're going to end up in a world where in an attempt to have greater competition, the opposite may happen where like crime gets spun out and, you know, does IT fade away over time. Then we have safari and edge, which, by the way, is running on chromium, the engine inside a chrome. Like what .
happened to mean it's .
all very complicated. And while I am generally in favor of governments working to protect the rights of citizens, this doesn't seem very thought through thought through very well.
Yeah, i'm not really sure why not just a brows? Like why not just a search ballot screen? why? why? I mean, look, i'm sure someone is a good thought about this.
But like you, maybe there's a concern about data collection more than just um what search engine you're using, right? Like if you if you use google's browser, i'm sure that they get information, which is helpful to them. But IT is is a pretty significant thing to do.
And you're right, like i'm i'm not sure that this is really the the best thing for consumers because like what happens? And then like does this not just make apple more powerful? This is not just make micros more powerful, like if chrome goes away. Yeah and I think I saw empty c say, like maybe the company that's best place to buy this is open a eye.
But so what the dog is done, if that happens, is make the number one player in a ei way more powerful. Like you, you've shifted the monopoly from one type to another. If any company buys chrome.
they inherently become more powerful anyway, right?
Yeah like sixty seven percent of desktop browsing.
Like, yes, I think yeah I think sixty I think I saw that number, but that was surprised to me. I never really considered IT before.
I mean, IT also makes sense, but still is just like that's a huge number when you consider how many other browses there are, right? And the iphone like you think about the iphone, right? And like still chrome is sixty percent of browsing um and like I I figure if you this is my assumption that makes no sense of the companies that could buy crime that would want a bike rome open a ee feels very top of the pile of like could do IT and you could benefit right sure .
that if that so I .
think google have to let go chrome and having to do all this other stuff is bad enough. And if they if OpenAI were to buy chrome, I can't think google in troubled here.
I think so too. And this like there's i'm going to address a sidebar that will come back. So just second you the other thing I play here is google paying the likes of apple and firefox and others for google to be the default certain engine, right?
It's twenty billion to apple or something. It's an ungodly number that I think just my opinion should be bad. I think probably will be.
I think that is gonna away you and. That makes IT where google searched to compete more directly with these other things. So that's the other kind of part of this is like, again, it's hard to separate the search in the browser.
But if google doesn't have a browser, they are at the wings of what other people do in their browsers. And their only cover, ironically, may be that, well, now open a eye can pay apple to be the deflect search engine like we have to, if false, back to just competing on their core product. I think that's also ultimately bad for google doesn't they're losing the search wars two companies like OpenAI. But yeah, IT is IT is a monumental shift like this is as big of a shift if if this happens that we've seen in consumer technology, maybe sense micro soft O J or maybe since through of the resurgence of apple twenty five years ago. Like I feel like.
I mean, look, i'm i'm trying to I wasn't really uh uh, as active. I wasn't active and technology that I was too Young. But like internet explorer did not seem like the core of microsoft business wasn't windows was right.
And they used windows. They used windows to leverage ie and to market leadership.
That was yeah the problem. Well, like what is being look at here is the absolute core of google business. It's search information. It's search data, it's advertising data and how we integrates with the various parts of its multiple platforms, platforms only existing to make the search more powerful.
Yeah and like this, google screwed up like, well, this is on google, right? Because like they got into a bunch of shady stuff and their case seems to really fAllen apart based upon a lot of like, hey, let's not talk about this, right. There's like a lot of those kinds of messages.
And I think that enabled the D O, J to build a case. This is a jury case of like, clearly you can try this company yeah which is true. I mean, the reason doing is they didn't wanted to be in yeah right.
So like them, this is like it's bad. They are, this is, this is they are already goog. You're right. Google already face in trouble, right? Because they are they seem to be on the backfill t right now product was um and now maybe legislatively as well yeah it's going to be fascinating to see how the next mean this be real five to ten years of this unfolding go because it's gonna this long if this this kind of legislation but like yeah and make google you consent about .
the timing of this. We change governments in two months and even if this happens now, like. I think the bind administration is trying to get this done. But one of the few things that unites both ends of our political spectrum in the us is a distrust of big tech.
And in the past.
IT would be easier to say, well, this may happen now, but this could be a new ministration in a couple of months and they'll get IT overturn and they'll fight IT or no something. But I don't think that's the case this time around. And I don't think google can buy their time and is hope that the trump ministration balls them out because they dislike them like like it's one of the few things they both agree on and that's a bit of their own making too. I agree.
I think some more extreme. I went to ChatGPT to find question. This investigation began under the administer another band .
administration trying to get over the .
finish line like yeah took IT over and IT was filed in october twenty twenty. okay. So like and then the trump IT, it's been mostly under the by demonstration law has been done.
But yeah, there are a lot of there are a lot of, uh, things that people are wondering, like, you know is is the trump mini ration going to keep this going or whatever? I think this case against google, the answer is yeah yes because he does. He seems to really, really not like google yeah as much as he doesn't like, uh, facebook.
he does like twitter them.
He lost .
to a body .
with the owners.
If I were at google, I would be, I would not be sleeping very well. This is existent, al, for them. And I think crime is more existence al, than android would be if they went down that road to android or splitting the place throughout of android like that's bad um but this, like you said, strikes at the heart of of what they do and yeah because I guess .
even though android is important, chrome as on android two, right? So like you know and they .
don't make money, I think they make money from and right, but they they make their money from search, you know that their they're their big income. And so IT is IT is fascinating. I mean, I I was think about this this morning.
I wish I paid close attention of this as I was on winning over the last couple of years. But now that it's here, like this is this is this story. H, I think in tech for a while. Uh, google, obviously to the four for, but what is happening to big tech companies in the u eu, increasingly in the us, like the way that these companies Operate and have Operated will continue to change at the behest of governments and like that's the next decade in our industry is what is that? How does that shake out?
Yeah I think early they don't .
come for bit.
Podcasting well I mean I think will be fine.
The go serial .
watch outcome and their brand.
they coming for you, for jo. And I guess this .
is this is the result of great .
right yeah a lot of IT um greed. And if there is an irony here, a lot of these things generally are due to a failure and regulation to begin with. Yes, because the government, and I think the most example that comes to mind for me most, mark soccer looking for a congress, how does facebook make money, sir? We run ads like a fundamental lack of understanding on our on the government's part of how these companies work, how they make their money.
And in that lack of accountability, these companies have been able to run wild. And now that the government is catching up, not unnecessarily understanding, but in just made, lot of this started with like just an act to grind from the political parties. But now it's at a point where the government gonna come down.
And because they don't always have a full understanding how these things work, they come down in weird ways, right? Some of the stuff in the E. U.
With apple, I agree with some of IT. I digress with some of IT, but some of IT is hard to argue with. Like if you understood this Better, you would make a different decision that would maybe be more impactful? no.
And with this, I can't decide. Do they do they understand the reimplanted of this for google? Or do they exactly understand their reunification that are going for what could be a fatal blow?
嗯嗯, i am from the outside IT seems to me like IT is very hard to make regulation in america.
IT is IT seems .
like maybe IT might be too hard. And so the u end up in scenarios like this, we're like nothing is is like regulator. So IT will tried to be what time cause yeah and and even then IT becomes complicated because of like case law being the the foundation of the legal system. IT just seems like that should just been a law like IT seems like it's very, very complicated for laws to get past .
IT is you're you're not wrong. You're not wrong.
So if so much .
to fix that well 呢, i do what I can, you know, play out, please.
Yes, please do. I didn't. I wasn't necessarily thinking you, but if you think you can do IT like, I would like try.
I don't. Uncle, who is mayor? I mean.
you got some sway, I guess. So can you do anything about google?
I'll see. I like to do IT. This episode connected is made possible by venta the folks who help you automate compliance, manage risk and continuously prove trust. Improving company trust is more important than ever, especially when IT comes to your security program back to help centralize program requirements and automate evidence collection for frameworks like sock to, I saw twenty seven or one and hipper and so many more. This means you can save time, money and build customer trust and adventure.
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I think the venta for the support of the show and all every day. Over kasker a nice substance today our friend chance Miller over a fy mac has IT write up um I think is only three things to touch on ah the first is something that I had never really considered for a podcast client but as soon as I saw was like, oh, this is really, I think, really smart. Uh, overcast now has a forty eight hour history, and you can step back to that history, undo anything at any point.
So and talking about this online marker talked about IT as, like, oh, did you fall asleep? And like, not set the sleep timer in the neuro podcast play? Like, you can go back or did you excEllent, the lean episode two days ago and now you can't find IT, or you can just go back and get IT.
This is amazing one, the D. C, uh, I accidentally, uh, is one of the years mean that cow for sharing a room? This is not important to the story.
but that was, is that the year you stole this? Harry monitor?
No, I think that was the year after that. 嗯, and I put my phone down and accidentally press play on overcast, but this volume is the way down. And when I woke up, my entire cute.
do everything play for .
everything. And the problem with that is, you don't know what's gone? Yes, yeah, that's like a day, a lost problem. So this is this would have been fantastic for me then because then I could have just gone through and all those .
episodes back to the market. Didn't vite .
too like .
one star?
I know, I know I haven't seen a how far back IT goes. Maybe goes back four years.
It's forty eight hours, forty eight. Yeah, I love this. I think it's super, super smart.
And I suspect that, uh, this will become possible. And and other broadcast players. Uh, the second thing is the addition of listener states.
So like apple music, can spotify, others have features like this. You can now going back to twenty twenty three. You can see your top podcast by year, month or day. You can see IT by how much time you listened to IT or how long the episodes are. And you can generate images of your top podcast to share on social media, which has been the majority of my massed on time mind today as people, uh, people sharing that, which are, I think it's .
prety cool yeah. I think it's a nice feature. I hope to see more from IT in the future than this. Like I think this is like a good start. I don't know what data Michael collects in that way, like that if whether he could do more in the future. Like I would like some like per show fund stats, like a spotify uh rapped does whatever.
You know maybe there's like some fun weird stuff, but that that those things are complicated, which I understand what i'm asking for is a complicated thing, but I think IT would be interesting to say. I think just a starting point. This is great.
This is something that um people want, right? So like i've listen to x amount this this is my most popular. Like, IT was fun for me to look through, mind.
That was not like I didn't expect my answers to be the way that they were. So that was really fun for me. yeah. And so IT was nice. Look, one of my favorite things, IT, doesn't actually show in the in the screen shot, but like in the APP itself, one of my most listen to podcasts, my overcast uploads, which is me listening back to all of the cortex episodes for I post them.
One of my most listen two shows this year was my own show for editing profits so that I thought that was pretty funny uh but yeah if this is this is a very nice feature to have and like I know that uh mok has been talking about this for years um about trying to do something like this um and so I I think this .
is I think this is cool um me too uh I really like IT. Uh the third thing is that the annual subscription of avocat premium will be increasing from ten dollars to fifteen dollars a year. I think it's totally fair.
I spent in box the whole time. I use overcast everyday like I am. And I would pay ten dollars .
on up forever cost. And I wouldn't care about IT. Yeah right? Because I would pay for any power step if I used this like that was my pocket APP.
I would pay for IT like that because podcasting is so import to me as a consumer. Um I understand why you know I understand that nobody that there are so many people that just don't like any pressure change at all. But I think fifteen dollars a year of the cast is a very like I happily pay .
that yeah too they go it's a it's a percussion in the upstart now so calculating this in the word propagating no.
I like populating. I mean that that kind of fit like is a coffee thing, right? Michael likes coffee c and say it's populating you feel like i'm expecting he probably doesn't like populate .
a coffee but I don't know yeah it's two but an well.
it's more about like like particulate and coffee and come sometimes burn the coffee depending on he done. What wants .
to OK A I notification summaries? We want to do a checking on this because this is now out I S eighteen point. One is out to everybody. Eighteen point to be a four drought while recording. I don't know there's any word and what's new in there yet, but people have now been using these novation summaries and a really easy way to get cloud and on social media to dunk on IT, and rightfully so because my word, sometimes weird things happen. I think my personal favourite example is if use ring like like I do, apple intelligence basically summed up how many people that your ring camera has seen. So like if someone walks by my house, like a person is scene, and then two hours later, the male person comes by, a person is seen, and then three hours later, my family come from four people are seen, apple intelligence will add of them and say six people are at your front door like that's not true at all, but that's how that did the addition. Uh, so that wants funny to me, but some of them are obviously more or less funny and more upsetting or just wrong and I think it's were doing a stern comes in yeah so .
johnnson of the watch journal posted A A screenshot and the contact name his wife and the summary y says apologized for yelling at her husband feeling bad about IT johanna's uh post says very intelligent apple intelligent text the contact clearly labeled here is my wife was talking about our son no husband in this conversation or in the last ten years of marriage understand to be very well written yeah because john is a great right but he is the thing this is like, do I look at this? I'm sure with the content of the messages, there is some way in which you could understand.
And A, I messed up. But the problem here in my, in my opinion, is the intelligence. right? This is not intelligent because even the small alist amount of personal context about Joanna s life would show that these assumption should not have been made, right?
Not like that this system should not have made this assumption about her because of the fact that SHE is married to a woman. Yeah, right. Like the phone has a i'm sure many ways in which he could work with information now, but it's made an assumption based on something in the content of these messages but like this is the issue even we're calling these things intelligent, right? Like guy, if I posted one ah I posted the own blue sky yeah of I had I had a um we had a reminder in my in the reminders APP now I notice is an an intelligence but it's also just like an example these kinds of things we are the um uh of put up the Christmas story o suggested date twenty five december now it's probably a bit light point of the Christmas sTerry I mean yeah I would prefer to do IT this weekend which is my plan. But like this is the issue like those things are just like so done but now we're all these things, intelligent systems and that is just that is a domos rock system right yet for apple intelligence to say ah that to stan's wife has .
a husband yeah is is it's bad. And as bad as these things are like IT is inevitable that one of these things becomes accidently dangerous or like acutely harmful, right? And it's disappointing. I I think like I had wanted to believe that apple was gona be Better at this than other companies. And it's just not just not like these are amateurs stakes and when you sell, this is like, oh, it's gonna based on what IT knows about to you, like clearly enjoying this case, that's not true. You know clearly in your case, IT is isn't using common sense, like it's frustrating.
Mean technically the personal context stuff, not in air sharing. Technically, I think this is part of if we to believe that, that is going to work, that is part of the problem. Like maybe you should have just waited, know um rather than trying to get this stuff out.
Db, meaning that comes back to the thing of like you know, which you've heard on every podcast for for one span, which to dip point is kind of been annoyed, but is true of the fact of apples been selling these features about them actually being actually shipping. Yeah like just as a context you still not hear, right? It's not available in the U K.
That should change your region actings. So like there are ads still here talking about applying intelligence, but it's not really gonna available to december um because IT isn't especially what's in eighteen point one, I think is not worth doing. I think eighteen point two is a Better release has more in IT, like just in general, I O S, eighteen point two, we should take Better version of us.
So the thing that I was wondering about this is, like in all space, this stuff is everywhere, right? My threads are gone. By the way, love showing me these posts. Oh yeah, this is one of the things that my threats are going really likes to show me is these posts. And it's because I do interact with them.
right? yeah. Well, I do IT anytime I see what he is like. Here's a favorite for you and a favorite .
for you like that. So I I get all of these posts and I would say, like I know I generally actually do like this feature. Find IT to be useful, right?
Like currently the what's that family thread is pop enough gh, there's like twenty messages in IT. And I can look at IT and see like all it's it's about my brother's birthday. So like I can now like wait on that for IT.
Well, it's nice. It's is about to today. My my brother is twenty four this year and so like a hope this like a family event that is being planned so but .
like I know can you imagine after another .
thirteen month oh yeah hang on to those yeah um but I find that to be useful, right rather than just what the last message was because the last message in that thread i'm looking at IT right now is thematically very different. Someone's gonna, which, if I would have read that, would have thought that all twenty messages were about that thing, but then not so like I do find the feature useful and is easy to dcm. I could don IT if I wanted to.
I get things pop up. But by and lunch, i'm able to use some common sense when I promise message. So I think a lot of the ones that I see people posting there is common sense that you can apply to a.
Now you can have these things that are offensive to you, frustrated ging to you. I get that. But like some of them, like I do believe there is an an common sense that you're able to apply to IT. But then also, if there I ve said before, if there are apps that you think don't work, then you can turn them off individually like yeah, I said this before, like I don't think IT works very good for overcast. So I just turn to offer overnight because smashing the descriptions of multiple podcast together doesn't necessarily .
to get me what i'm looking for.
IT is sometimes silicious though, like all of this is happening and I was eighteen IT is only available to a small amount of people. And I turn our attention to our mutual friend, another school, David smith, who is like such a great with with Smith now is like such a great um what's of information about how the O S moves through people .
and so at the moment.
in the way maybe .
I .
mean all real, really like if you think about that, I don't know what the next was.
I'm going to say, are they just happening to me? Uh, so the school said that h he posted on on mid on about being around this time last year that apple kind of turn on the switch to like push I S seventeen people people like yeah up until you like this point in the year, if you're update into the new Operating system is a choice you've made like the phones aren't pushing you on your yet, which is why to me, I no idea that this is even a thing, right? But yeah, IT takes months and months and months before apple will be like our were good now and would be like a point release and then you say like, hey, everybody upgrade.
So I could the moment which Smith uh user base is kind of IT looks like around thirty to four percent installed of I O S eighteen. And so at some point, it's gonna take off, and I don't know that will be like a huge jump. So all of this to say the amount of people that are even using any of these features in point one or point two is really small compared to how many people will be in a couple months and then what happens. That's what i'm really interested about.
I would say the caviar there is that there's a bunch of phones that can run our eighteen that cannot run apple intelligence. So there's that .
yeah but there's a lot of phones though there's lot of point is, is not just the new ones. It's all the profiles from last year, every ipad, every mac with apple silicon, right? Both those of silicon can do IT, yes.
And then all of the iphone sold this year, which there are many millions, and the pro phones sold apple, apple. Uh, so there is still like a lot of people who have the opportunity to to get access to this. Haven't seen you and and i'm really intrigued as to what that is gonna be like. If anything, I don't know. Yeah.
my personal experience with that has been different than yours. There have been times where like yeah something is kind of pop and off and it's like organic gland that and see that you know they just of IT you know that I can wait. But more often than not my feeling is I have to read everything twice.
And there are different areas in which summer zen takes place. You have notifications, you have message like in the messages APP, and then you have in your inbox, in mail. And two degree, I think of other things are slightly differently, but a thing of the day, I feel like i'm reading a lot of stuff more than once.
So i've had this on for a while this morning. I went through and turned IT off. And I want to run IT for a couple weeks and see if I miss IT and see if I like, oh, gosh, is actually the fiction summaries worth saving me time? IT in settings notifications in their summarized notifications.
Like you said, you can go into IT per APP basis and turn them off, I think is good. And then setting apps messages and then settings apps and mail. You can turn off the summer zone in there. Um so i'm going to run without IT for a while and see how IT goes and I will report back in a couple weeks but so do you might if I .
chAllenge you for a moment, I just said please Allene just i'm in try to what you think of that. So you mentioned that you're reading everything twice.
right? IT feels that i'm seeing that.
You mean that like you get a you get a message, well, you see a summary and then you have to type up and read, right? yeah. But like if you add like a stack of ten messages, you always have to read read things more for times, right? Like you've read the most recent message as the notification and then you tap and really the other ones. So like there's always an element of like rereading.
Yeah but but i'm reading like in that case, you you are right the same thing with the inbox, right? I see a mail message. I see the first two lines I tap at the first two lines are in the email and but it's the same words and I trust that what I read in part one of that step is the same as part two of that step. And yeah that's not always true with A I notifications like we are summer yeah so you you're .
right IT IT is .
the same action but IT feels different and i'm just I wanted explore that a little B A little bit more yeah if .
you don't trust IT, it's kind of points isn't right because that then you're wasting in your time, you're wasting your time. You you're reading IT you don't trust what's this what is the point of reading IT?
And I had a couple of things early on. I thought I taken screen something, but I can't find them. But I A couple of things early on in the beta that IT basically summarized IT exactly wrong. Well, yeah and so that I feel like, and maybe was just my experience, but I feel like off the bat, I had a couple of bad interactions with that, and that has can IT set me up not to trust IT fully, and that something else I want to explore.
I if I takes some time away from I turn IT back on is that feeling at reset in my mind um and now that i've been using IT for a while, I can understand that, okay, some of that doesn't work with a four and IT needs some fine tuning like the things we've mentioned and like maybe maybe I end up where yeah maybe this is useful in mail but not useful in messages or or whatever, I don't know. So i'm gna as one to explore a little bit. I'm not really happy with that. All turned on right .
now because there are like certain things that these systems, I just don't know how they would ever work with like sarcasm. I've had that kind of thing where someone saying something sarcastically and what IT results in is what they're saying is the exact opposite of the thing that they're saying. But I know they're being sarcastic when I read IT, you know some sense. And so like i've had these scenario, well, like the summary says something and I think the message is the absolute opposite of that thing because. The person was being so caster, which found that to be very funny.
Computers are bad, that sort of thing, and maybe illum can make them Better.
But I think so. I, I, I do, I do think so. I think that there is an element of enough information can provider response there. Like I think i'm start into realized that I I just need to question the capability of these systems less because every time i've done IT up to this point, I have ultimately been wrong yeah like there's no way they can do this and then IT sounds I just enough time they can and so like I M kind of just remaining skeptical but trying i'm trying my best not to make definitive statements about the capability of these systems.
sure. Yeah and that's that's why i'm not just turning this often walking away like yeah, I want to compare IT because i've been running the beta since I came out, right. Especially especially I was eighteen. I've been i've been in beta land way longer than I Normally am yeah the year yes.
yeah. I mean, I was barely on the eighteen beta, and I know I like immediate all the time. Yes, I ve been on all, yes.
my phone is rebooting with data for right now like you.
Yeah, I just did. I 就是 so yes.
I see. Oh, braking news.
They've turned off. All appelle intelligence is gone. Can you imagine? Wow, my first crazy that seems like .
you summarize something again correctly.
And you know, there are some .
rising other places, but like a maybe using safari for a while now with the apple telling, and I never think to use IT, I never I never crossed is my mind like, oh, i'm reading a long thing on our technical let me let A I summarized for me I got I never think about IT is sorry i've used that like i've .
used that on some like long articles to give me a sense of like I actually did IT one of the google articles today like I I had a bunch of links and I wanted to know if the one I was almost going to give me the information that I thought I might need. So I just did the quick summary and I did I like, great. And I read the whole ticket because I was trying to find some answers, some questions. So .
but you go. Anything else?
I don't think so.
I don't think so either. We covered a lot of stuff, blood of topics, blood topics, if you wanted find us online.
how how do you do that?
Search for on your social network and choice. He is generally I mike, and i'm generally I mate eighty six. You'll find sometimes sometimes find us somehow, uh, Better bet is just to find us where our workers on the actual internet.
You can find mike on other show here on ray and his excelled work, cortex brand. It's a it's the holiday season, Michael, feeling about cortex brand, do you? Okay.
I have today been trying to understand commercial voices for customs, so that's how I am. So I sorry.
I asked .
rough day of the boats and shipping and is the whole thing is no good. It's the most terrible time of the year is right now before IT becomes wonderful. Like right now is a tough part yeah well.
thank you for doing that. I enjoy having your notebook in my life. You can follow a federico. He's not here this week. So here's what we need to do, okay, across medan, or threads or blue sky, because he is active on all three, and you are running I O S A two point two, or you have access to some other A I art generation tools.
Oh my god.
sent him a picture of a dog dressed sana. Steven, I can't believe .
that you wouldn't OK of a listeners to higher relist as to make this all of work.
Jim cut that .
i'm very disappointed right now. I'm disappointed right now to save you right now. I IT um and he is .
the T V I T I C C I across whatever service he was to find him on. Do you think federico was being in my space? I bet he was.
Oh, he definitely was. And he probably have my comments playing .
on this profile. Yes, I wish I was there this week because I wasn't been talking about about linking park.
I guess we do IT next time. why?
Because he's even listened to .
IT or they are gone out. Well.
yeah, I thought i'm seeing them next four.
No, yeah. So I get tickets.
You O K, thank luis. Like five years blaming.
Yeah, of this they are not come to me this.
they're playing a nation, but on a day I can make. And so I got two tickets, and mary are gonna spend in the weekend and think Lewis .
and see linking park can be also amazing. Do Lewis art than the age? That said, I thought I was that I don't have like a special kind of burger there or something.
The same whole things the same way is burger.
Yes, I have a whole .
thing I don't know. Let us know. Let us know on boost guy. Um you can find me so that I major sex. Uh, I host mac paris here, each on IT, really, each every sunday. Well, everyone.
the blue sky is storing off. He doesn't know. I know how to shows anymore. It's true.
Uh, we so sunday's oppositely M P. Use a special one. IT is part one of two of our like state of the platforms we do every year.
And i'm very happy with sunday's episode of M. P. U. I think it's a rober cool. Go check that out. I like think our sponsors this week, the anta football and next week and until next time, mike say goodyer .