cover of episode 527: myke why did you say that

527: myke why did you say that

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Myke 提到他购买了 Mokibo Fusion 键盘,并表示该键盘在 Vision Pro 中表现良好,可以作为多键盘或触控板使用。Federico 补充说,Mokibo Fusion 2.0 版本兼容 VisionOS 和 iPadOS。

Deep Dive

Discussion about the Mokibo Fusion keyboard and its compatibility with Vision Pro, including user experiences and potential shipping issues.
  • Mokibo Fusion keyboard can act as a mouse with rubber fingers across the keys.
  • Vision Pro enables mouse support, making Mokibo Fusion potentially useful with multiple keyboards and trackpads.
  • Users have reported mixed experiences with the Mokibo Fusion, with some finding it sketchy and others praising its functionality.

Shownotes Transcript


From relay this is connected episode five hundred and twenty seven today showers brought to you by e cam square space and smaller world and one of your cohoes for the we we and it's my pleasure to introduce mr. Stephen hacky. Hello Steven.

Hello hello, how are you?

I'm good. I'm good. How are you?

I am good. It's rainy, kind of like a dark, cool, rainy day here, which is, umm, okay, fun. But what's more fun is being joined by a very own riki benches in miche.

Hi, I ki benching mick lei and i'm here today. Try and get you to buy A T shirt. Would you like to look good for the holidays? Will let me tell you the real fm I rapped the gift of podcasts holiday t shirt is available once again. What's going to take to get you in one of these t shirts today store? I buy one OK.

and you can get .

one for your very self. Or is also a link in the shows. Also on this store is a really weird collection of merchandise called happy merchandise, which is an artist interpretation of me in a bull pet from the broadcasters.

On these are all available to you related the FM stash store and sing, i'm making lots of hand gestures right now to, like, try and invite people to buy, but they can't see them. But what's gonna take? You know.

nothing. Just a bit of money.

Okay, that's what it's going to take. Go get one for yourself, even that I do a good job.

It's pretty. You see all the cells go. Yeah, so far. So good.

good, great.

I put your face on a cup and a phone case as I went wild other day.

you know, as I told you of flying like that out, what cost a lot of money, so you gotta try and make IT back. Somehow I was.

I was shocked. Very .


if they are members, which you should be, you get connected to pro longer at every version. So to week, uh, one member perk is this membership podcast. United called backstage and I did the merge live on back stage and it's it's pretty funny.

Okay, follow up, mike. Tell us about visionary s two and keyboards. And yes, go on here.

So system long term follow up. So we've spent time in the past talking about the monkey o keyboard board.


which is the keyboard that you can kind of rubber fingers across the keys and use that as a mouse. We originally called IT a sketchy keyboard, and got lots of feedback from people who have used that and say that IT does work well. What is even further? The keyboard? Truth is out there.

What is even further back? Follow up. This was a post on mastodon by chaotian, who was the person who designed the three printed case and also created some of the spectrum es for how to extract the touch I D button from a magic keyboard and put them in into case.

Thanks to that. Anyway, they said after visionless to enabling mouse support, which was a thing, I did not remember what happened. The makeba fusion seems to work pretty well with the vision pro, a multiple keyboards, flash, occasional track pad for high precision election. So, you know, let you go. I .

ordered one. Yeah, you did from the sketchy website. Yeah, have no idea if you're gone. Actually, gonna ship per now I actually ordered one from the indigent go page, which seemed a bit more legit.

Um the thing is I ordered one from the indigo o profile, uh, four days ago and then I got no confirmation. What's ever are they even? Are they even considering shipping the IT right now? I got ta received from india google, yeah, but that was IT that really that was that there was IT.

They have concepts of a plane for shipping .

that thing to you. Yes, yes.

they they have that I don't know the stand. So within the google you can just buy stuff like it's .

not like I will I will let you know if if you were.

I mean, the answer is will say, I guess .

in the past, I have used to go go to it's weird because it's like you think of IT as a kick start but like it's it's like a kick start that keeps going after the fact yes it's like um I have bought and received uh like A E G P U and a hand held from the google from two separate current campaigns after they were over. Yeah so it's like the the campaign stays up and you can continue purchasing the item, but it's it's all very unclear, to be fair.

india. Ga, no offence to andy gaga, but like I get like a weird box. Why did you not do kick starter? You know like because i've seen lots of indie gogo campaigns for things that have been kicked off, kicked off and they go to go go and there's just like a thing of like a why why are we here? Like why do we choose the goga was the starting point. You know, I don't know if you guys feel that way, but that's kind .

of how feel go ah yeah it's yeah I don't know, I don't know. I let you know if if you ever shows up will see no, no, but he looks he looks interesting and IT seems like there's a versions two of the mocket's fusion, which is what I ordered, uh, should be compatible with both visionary and ipad O S. So we'll see maybe at some point little show .

up the next time will follow up. That I just read in our document made me, I had to really simple think about this for a second where I kind of felt like I was, I mean, wearing like a jane bomb movie and someone is trying to get a like some documents to us. IT says the marble is still in the van and like, i've worked IT out now, but IT IT took IT took a minute for me to work out. Well, this was in reference to, it's like the crown flies at night or sometimes, right?

We spoke about this on what how I spent. So my time mysa betis, we think there was a marble loose somewhere in our minivan that you would only hear every once in a while. I put a picture in discord, took the seats out of the van, put carpet back.

I thought I had fixed IT. I found this like piece of plastic. I didn't hear IT anymore, but my wife, this is a direct copy in pace from my message yesterday, mary texted me and all said was the marvel was still in the van, so I felt hand honest about onna, take another .

month off back. You did not complete the sebek. Le, yeah, you got ta go back and do that.

I know. Um I don't. I mean, the next step is like fruit dissembling this vehicle and I just seems like a lot.

I'm gonna tell you something now, right? You can do whatever you want with this to tell you, no, you are an incredibly skilled individual. I have seen you do things in, like two things, and I like, why? How do you do that? You know, like i've seen you get on a roof like just things that I would not do right, or like even doing the car play thing right way.

Like you you know, you change the car play thing. You look like change suspension or I don't I don't know and please don't take this the chAllenge. I I don't know how I feel about you disassembling an entire minivan. I'm convinced something won't go back together correctly.

Can I say something? Can I say something else? Can I say anything else to add on what mike said? Um I am by no means a handy man um but I think you I think you're thinking through this problem the wrong way I think is this assembled van, right? You took out all the seats and whatever um but I think the marble is actually in one of the seats you've been looking in the van, but I think the marble is inside the seat.

Interesting that's why .

you were unable to identify the marble.

Have we also considered that maybe they just a marble in in mary's backpack like this mobile in every CD like what is going? God, the marvel jumped .

into your truck.

You're never got ta get this thing. But yeah, i'm with federal. Maybe it's not where you is like it's know where you think you like is somewhere else. It's some the mobile like mobile coming from .

inside the or or you have a potentially dangerous way to test out your theory that the marble is in the, I do not advise, but have you tried moving the van without the seats and see if you hear the marble more around?

I think the concern is or not the concern, the problem is that its inner minutes and so like we thought I was fixed now for like three weeks and then I came back and so I don't I have to drive the van without the seats for a while and that's bad.

right right? Yeah don't do that. Or if you do, uh maybe record youtube, the first sponsor.

why you do that? Oh, he made the job. We all made in our message.

You made IT. If you go check your own message. Now, Better, these two references to this are occurring. But yes, one way to do IT is to go too fast.

Yeah, just shoot the marvel out of the back. You get IT on EXO camera. Yeah, I don't know what i'm going to do. I mean, i'm not gonna. I don't know. This is simply IT further would get complicated and I already had to like disconnect the batteries so I could unplug the airbags from the seats like IT was already a lot. So what we made, marble.

yeah, the marble, the marbles pot, the family law. Now maybe you know, and this year is .

if we sell IT at some point in the distant future, but I hope it's quiet.

Drive slow, just really, really slow, like on the test drive, like just very, very slow.

Bad news, no grainy gate. No, no.

no. Grainy gate. Grainy gate. Mobile gate.

We're not doing this. This is not a gate. This is a no.

Just stop going on the micro as forum.

So much to us. This is care.

What is this? Some egg.

mr. Listener, Steven.

with A V IT doesn't matter .

IT like even if if someone sends you will link to the max mac. Rumors forms, IT also counts. Stop going on. The micro mo's forms is like people with conspiracy theories hanging out in the that all is, but anyone is happen.

please. Yes.

the macbook in one cameras apparently look grainy after the macao as fifteen point one update. okay. And uh, I have an one maco care and I see this. It's it's weird. It's coolly a sort processing thing.

Maybe you can spend time on the forms then I guess I guess if you have IT, I wait, did you know is that before you read about IT?

I don't I mean, that's on the laptop I only use for beta s, so go get IT off the shelf and date IT. And I don't really ever use the camera built until any laptop, but they go training that ball fix IT. It's probably fixed in fifteen point two grainy gate grain gate.

This episode of connected is brought to you by E K M. E M live is the leading video production in life streaming studio built for the mac IT hus. All aspects of video, not just live streaming.

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which seems low. When I just try this product, you.

I one of us, well, well.

talk about this.

Let's talk three things. It's three things, kay, a rugged, waterproof tablet, a premium portable speaker and a mobile car play system. It's or not three kick starters. It's one kick starter we call IT no mad. So this .

thing is .

incredible. It's this android tablet that supports car plane. Android auto supports airplay, has blue tooth and headphone jack out, lots of mounting options.

Its waterproof. Basically it's is a take IT anywhere, including the shower car play airplay speaker thing. And I kind love .

IT what they are era, if you haven't seen as you, you have to watch the video with sound later because it's hilarious. Like the guy doing the video like this is if anything, this is a, this is a fantastic kicks out the campaign from like a video perspective, like the the the marketing of this product is very good.

And like what they're going for, which I appreciate is like this is the portable T V, right? That you know, like when when we were kids, people about tvs, like that's what they're they're going for here. Now, Stephen, you are fame call play enthusiast.


how are they doing this?

So you can there there's a bunch of android tablet you can get and you see this a lot in like after serious stuff cars where you buy these things off alex press or amazon or or something that is huge android tablets. And they are they run car play like they can receive car place.

Because if if you remember, all the brains of car play are happening on your phone, basically the screen just has to be the right kind of receiver for that, uh, that signal. And this is not something that apple, as far as I know, that apple has to approve cause certain ly they would not approve like a seventeen inch and your title you can slap in your in your f one fifty. But um the airplane stuff, you know like people have built these packages from on to of android. And so this thing is an android tablet that can do a bunch of these different things. And one of things that can do is except car place .

because like is an apple involved in carport, like isn't like blessing. I I don't there may .

be or there may have been, but IT seems like and I couldn't fend a lad information on this, but IT does seem like either there's not any more or people have figured out how to do themselves.

which that doesn't IT. IT doesn't strike me with confidence that this is a product that will work forever. Is is kind of what i'm saying there.

Maybe like cause I don't know, I just don't know about about like, for example, there are a bunch of headphones that you can buy that are fake airports that when you try to pair them somebody somehow reengineering airports airing things and IT will show that right? Like this has been a thing forever. There's been a bunch of youtube videos about this.

Now people have done this. And so like, there are always walk around, but every time is a new version of IOS like assistance to jump up. But anyway, IT is a very interesting product because he says he is an android tablet hot.

So you can run android apps on IT and you can run copy on IT. And IT is fully waterproof, IT say. So it's a screen you can watch things on IT.

It's got speakers. It's got a bunch of attachments that you can you know you can it's got to stand. You can strap IT to things, has a shower amount IT, has a battery that attaches magnetically, has a cup hold.

It's a very, I think a very well for out clever product. Now you know what how does he actually run digg through some of the comments today? The actual like hardware, the thing like it's gonna be it's gonna be a rough got android thirteen is running qualm six six two process.

So which I think federal current from wrong is like low up howd than a bunch of like gaming, you know. So like there are ways to maybe make this thing a little bit, you know, a Better, but IT may also just do the job of like you, anna, listen to things or watch youtube videos in the shower. I get, you know, like it's it's a level product, like, you know, I I think that they've they've developed something really interesting.

I just discover things I want that has gonna, uh, work. They said they gonna liver IT this in february. Like that feels like the the kicks are a mistake, like I do you know of, like over promising and and is being delivered very light.

And that just happens to everyone you know here. See, is an interesting idea, an interesting campaign. Steven, are you going to get home?

So I was interested in because like yeah car play in the shower. Be great to have a blue tooth like some waterproof speaker in the shower and listen to podcast and music the shower but like your phones like in the bathroom and you're like yelling at theory and it's not ideal. And so I said this to marriage, like, look at cool.

This is. And SHE had such a visceral reaction to this. The only of the time i've really seen this sort of reaction from her was when I stole into the house wearing the vision pro.

And she's like, no, no, like you not wearing this in the house. Like you cannot have a screen in the shower. As like, it's not like a camera. Like I think I was like, is not like a, not like I have an ipad and there is like, no, like that too much. Like .


uh, very visual action to IT. And SHE doesn't mind. The blue speaker like SHE uses IT too.

But something about this he did not love. So probably not soon. Up in my household.

you are sad. This feels like they made IT for you. This feels like like an end point to a thing we've talked about for ages.

And maybe no, maybe I could build my own. So in in google and quiet in the background, i'm not gonna ink to IT because like known to actually buy this, there's a forty dollar U S, B dangle that is like injects car play into an android tablet. And in the description is a URL to download an apk to run on the android tablet. yes. And the is not an actual domain name, is an I P address like the scribe.

So yes.

yes, I do not do not put that in a in browser like I do not nothing to do with that .

on my network. Yeah I mean, IT is IT is to me that you like I might we get to there .

probably, but you be .

because it's the same thing you're doing the same thing. You're just like hiding IT like which is was right?

Yes, secret car place hour tablet is worse.

is worse than just buying the copley shower time. That's sure. I respect this. I respect this project.

You know, the video is really good, like even if you're not interested in that, the video is a couple minutes long. They did a great job on IT over, really that is funny and engaging and that that is its good IT IT.

The video made me go from, I have no use to this too. I won this yeah yeah so I not gonna IT because I don't I don't want IT that bad but like the video was good enough that I made me, I I am intrigued to see how this project unfolds. Um I I we keep IT on I on IT, that's for sure.

Yeah, I think it's just interesting that it's a it's car play beyond sort of the Normal places we think of car play being like you could sit and we're going to talk about the mark Green thing later on like something like carboy could be useful in other rounds. I know it's pretty cool, mike, tell us about apple's .

new book. I mean, apple are working with asian um to make a book which is four hundred and fifty dollars, which is very Normal vaseline books that's like what they do um they make very expensive books. I I respect that this book comes in a clear case and IT looks like a cassette or like A C I think they've don't they know they make art books and they make expensive coffee table books.

And you think to yourself, okay, they're having another shot at the designing california or whatever. Yes, go, Stephen has. But now IT is a book that is, the one is a physical representation of the one hundred best albums list that apple music put together a little while ago, which is, i'm gonna read from Christina warn, friend of the show on mastering.

He says the Price isn't. What's making me love is that is for apples, truly unhinged. One hundred albums of all time list.

It's not a good list. This is very, very bad. I cannot imagine making such a beautiful book for such a terrible list, which I agree with heartedly. Yep.

Better you know.

on lists and is all objective. You know, like people just making the lists and stuff like whatever, but like this same great, you know.

make no, but I think unhinge ed describes the vibe of that. Yes yeah.

yeah as a reminder, as a reminder, and this this is no disrespect to Lawrence hill, but the best album of all time is the most education of Lawrence hill, followed up by thriller and abbi road. Now i'm an implication. Rain, i'm sorry, like i'm sorry, but it's not accurate information. I don't know how a group of people came together and did this. Yes, like, it's wild to me.

I think I I had this conversation with you or john or you and john together at the time. My opinion is I i've always thought that I was gonna either thillard or abbi road. Any figure like just my personal any figure by influence on the music market, on just the style of music production, just influence on on people in general, like I should have been drilled, uh, in my opinion uh and but but the whole top ten is truly kind of unhinged sort of like give gives me the vibe of like a let's let's just be different for difference say like .

I cannot believe that rumors by lead with make not make the up time yep, that I think I think rumors by fleet with that is the best I M never made. That's my pic. Like some my favorite. I think IT is the best collection of music ever put together. Like, I think this is an untortured album.

No, this respect to francos an, but like francos an higher than prints yeah no.

I just think of something like that. Like like the Franklin is just behind prince francos an was full, but like francos an ahead of songs in the key of life by T. V. wonder. I don't understand IT, like I feel like an album release in twenty sixteen, we haven't had enough time for IT.

You know like anyway, the list is wild and that is actually kind of very fitting that they have put IT in a four hundred and fifty dollars ook like IT is you and it's you know i'm sure that the book doesn't much Better, just like a interesting job of explaining because it's got editorial in IT um but yeah I the list is while the book is expensive, I respect apple uh put in like making books. I think they should do more of this stuff um because like why not like but this one is is is virtually they are, I guess, continuing the unhinged nature of their book releases right now where the first one was unhinged just because of the fact that he existed like that was unhinged. Uh, and now they have continued IT by putting this list into .

a book designed by our california was a couple hundred box when I was released.

I think I guess like .

three hundred win IT. Yeah and you can now um only ebay, they go over a thousand dollars copy given .

the v given the vibe of this list this book should have been for twenty, not for fifty.

Yeah absolutely.

There's a new I U S eighteen point two beta that we can discuss. Uh eighteen point two beta three uh um you know I keep roling with this eight point two beta for a rumored release state in now seems of the week of december eighth, according to mac rumors and some information they received from the E E Carrier in the U K. I want to say uh IT seems like that's gonna the the lunch week for eighteen point two.

So apple basically shooting to have eighteen point two and more apple intel gent features out Christmas and the holiday break. Um there are some changes uh in uh beta three as well. Um there's the new ability for camera, a couple of things for camera control, really uh there's the previously announced ability to lock out of and all of focus with camera control with a light press.

And I believe you tried this.

I tried this. Yes, I tried this. I continue to be what's a good word in english, mystified by camera control. Yeah, I have no idea what i'm doing. Like, honestly, I enabled this sound like, okay, it's one more thing that I need to learn. And I tried IT for a couple of days, basically never used IT, and went back to my simple, you know, just press the button to open the camera and proceed again to take a further.

So the the way that works is when you open camera control, you light press you like light, press and hold. And then IT will lock the focus and exposure on what is in the center or the frame, and IT will keep that lock until you let go or take the photo. If you remove IT then gets rid of the lock again, which is like, okay, this is not the way anybody expected this.

What we .

expected was this to work like a camera works and and I didn't really do that. They kindly did I don't know, maybe they kindly did even did they do this? I don't know, nevertheless is weird um but they did everything that I do like which is there is a new option for require a screen on yeah so I turn that off which now means that I can just press the camera control button and he always opens the camera.

I don't need to have the screen awake first. I think that is a good feature of making IT more natural. I will say I am, I am a camera control user.

Like that is how I open the camera and is how I take follows. Now like I have internalized that. IT works for me, absolutely, but everything else I don't really do. I do leave IT on the switching of cameras.

That to me is like the only thing I even want to use IT for this is to swipe, to switch from, like, the one next to two x of fireworks in the sofa. I think that is like a great feature. And that a kind of visit for .

me I might take is that the camera control settings are Better than camera control itself.

Yeah, take a lots of options, right?

But they're scattered. They're scattered across the settings APP and put different place yeah yeah.

Some of the marine displays some of the marine camera, I mean, but that's, I guess kind of fitting for the complexity .

of camera control, right?

Complex feature, complex setts .

find there's no ability to share and tag with selected airlines to locate your luggage. yes. Uh, and I think, mike, you have thoughts .

about yeah so the way this works is you like how there is the new sharing of items right in in five, this will allow you and there's a bunch of airlines of opted in or you can choose to share out of individual for a set of time. So essentially, if your bag is lost and you have an tag, you can go to the baggage count and share that information with the person.

And they can then, I guess, more easily find your back, because I know if you ever had this happy to you, you arrive at the apple and they like, and your bag doesn't come out. The baggage carts, and it's always like this, could take up to an hour to get your bag. And I think part of IT is finding your bag is complicated even though in the system, because all of bag, maybe this will help that I just had.

This happened to me when I was on my way home from the pocket a and I was going to chicago, and I was, I wasn't flying the same day. For some reason, the airline took upon themselves to check my bag to my flight the next day. Now, this was not a thing I wanted, or was IT a thing I asked for, or anybody told me they would do.

And when I went to the and spoke to the person at the and like at the desk, they were like, yeah, they shouldn't really have done that was like, great. Can I get my bag please? And I like, yeah, but I could take like an hour. They are right.

Well, i'll guess i'll wait for my bag so like, and I like, where will you could be in like, all you see that baggage carousel like they have like a specific baggage carousel l like IT will come out here like, okay, like twenty minutes pass and then like they said, they know my bag is like that to go achieve IT and like bring IT twenty minutes part and I open find my and it's on the original baggage carousel is going around so that they didn't deliver IT to the correct place. If I wouldn't have had an air tag on my suitcase, I don't even know how long I would have taken for me to find that back because like at a certain point, IT would have gone back into the system again because nobody picked up. So like, attacks are great, but IT would have been easier for me if I would have been able to say, hi, I have an tag and then share IT with the person i'm expecting that could have solved things.

But nevertheless, this is an endorsement ment from from me to you put attacks in your suitcase. And my extra tip for this is one attack on the outside, one tag on the inside. That's what I do with my suitcase, because attack on the outside is good for indicating to so many if your bag is lost that the bag can be located right next.

That's why therefore you can, someone can can scan IT with their phone and contact you that way, but then the attack has the opportunity to fall off or be broken. So I also put one on the inside, which is for me for finding IT in case something like that happen. So that's my top tip for attacks.

And did ever tell you the story of something I did a couple of years ago where I remotely rescued a dog on instagram by teaching a famous italian influence or how to score tag.

Absolutely OK.

This is something I did. So I follow this influencer. She's very popular nearly.

She's also A T. V. host. Um SHE posted the story couple of years back in the summer. SHE was A A on vacation somewhere fancy want to say ardan's probably um SHE posted the story uh this three of cute dog and in the story he wrote, um help we found this dog um he has a UI yeah SHE has a color and there's a new tag um what do we do is like a public story with this flow of this dog with a color and and and another tag and I was like my my you know my apple uh nervous kick in immediately unlike you know what these influences, they never look at messages but maybe in this case, you know there is a dog involved and maybe this is my moment and just like I replied V D M. I mind you this is like an influences with two million followers okay and and I have like eight .

eight thousand and no what. So .

anyway, I was like, okay, so what you need to do is bring your phone close to the air tag. And if IT seem last mode, uh, in theory, IT should prompt you with the motivation to open safari. And in safari, it'll give you a weapon with the phone number of the owner you can call. And sure enough, he worked and he replied, so like, thank you so much were going to try this as so like, okay, that was IT it's like my moment with an influence reply to me and and he actually followed up a few minutes later with a picture of the dog says, like, uh, thank you so much I was able to call the owner. Uh, he just rescued the dog everything is okay thank you very much just like, uh, that's, you know, my skills were useful for .

change in lives.

You know, one dog at a time. sure.

I know a time.

sure. yeah. Anyway, air tacks two.

there's great. yeah. Uh, also a couple of things. I thought we're interesting. Media volume. Being able to change the media volume from the lock screen is coming back at an option and accessibility. And there's a live activity if a so far I downloads .

now too yeah that's nice actually and um uh as as you know someone who releases every year like e books and large downloadable files, I always get the emails from people from people because before this change was very confusing where the safari downloads would go up. Sure, there's a small indicator in safari showing you that something is actually downloading, but it's is and is easy to mix.

And with the live activity is a little more in your face, you know that something is actually downloading. And IT also highlights the fact that maybe few people know this, but so far can totally download even large staff in the background. If you close safari, you go do something else. Even before the live activity, safari could do IT. Now it's more obvious that I can on.

I just like that all these things are being added in to point to like it's not just apple intelligence, right? Like the I was teen is being made noticeably Better even though they are focused on the apple intelligence ence as well. I come just unhappy about that. That is like the work is still happening. It's not all been passed over to one specific thing.

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So we were just speaking about I O S eighteen point too, and I was surprised. But when I opened a document today to see that the federico wanted to talk about some uses of writing tools, and yeah, I was very important. This is not what I would have expected .

from you so very in first of I like to keep people .

on their cause people .

when people exactly when people form an idea of me. That's when I know it's time to change because you know you know no but serious ly um the thing is I obviously have my very strong opinions on generative A I on the training that was done, how he was done and we as we discuss in the previous happy. So this is not meant to be another of those political segments.

Unfortunately, by and large, the damage has been done from that perspective and I wish I had the strength in the power as an individual to undo what is being done. But I cannot uh, until I for the past few month, I have found myself at the crossroads were like, um these features are happening. These features are coming.

Uh, apple is working on them. Other A I companies are continuing the roll out of the products and there's very little I can do. But the more you know I having an opinion about something doesn't mean that i'm ignoring that IT exists, right? And the more I keep observing this space and the more I keep you know a reading and testing and playing around with these things um the more I think I am coming.

This is like just an assumption that I have, but I think i'm come to a conclusion in my head, which is I fundamentally despise uh generative A I in the sense of uh, software that aims to replace human creativity and human output. Uh, there's nothing I can do about IT. I really, really strongly dislike IT, especially for illustrations and images and photos, corn quote, photos, uh, but at the same time, I I find IT more comfortable when there's an application of ai.

Uh, I believe people in this field they call IT assistive A I as opposed to generate A I where it's really meant to to assist you a with certain tasks and you're still GTA do the work. Like in my case, I still GTA right. I still got a research.

I still got ta do my job. Uh, but there's another essentially in other tool in my toolbox that I can use, and that makes me more at ease. Then say right up an essay for me or write an e mail for me or create an image for me. Uh and so i've been looking into this sort stuff, uh, not just what apple intelligence, but for other, for other A I tools. So maybe we will talk about later.

But I thought this week, as I was working in apple notes um also because I got a right about eighty point two, I thought I identified a couple of things where I could test writing tools, not for writing at all, but for assessing me in the editing and management of a couple of notes that I had in the notes APP. Two very different types of notes. The first one was a lisa payment uh for the current teer payments and related uh tax rates that I needed to keep track of and this note was like all kinds of messy uh IT was not properly formatted.

Um some some payment amounts were were inserted in the note with the symbol, the unique ot symbol for euro. Others were just saying like twenty five euro like spelled out like I was all different formatting. There were really no sections.

IT was all playing text. IT was a IT was a IT was a like a note that I understood. But IT was not nice looking and he was not neily organized or well laid out. And so I thought, well, yeah, let's try writing tools here. And especially the the flavor of writing tools in a team.

Point two with ChatGPT intervention, uh we the ability to further refine your curry but also to compose something uh using charge 笔记 um so what I did was I took this note and I said, uh, can you take this entire document? This is actually me typing out to these instructions in natural language, in the writing to tragic ity tax field. Can you take this note and give IT consistent formatting? Uh, make sure you always label these payments a certain way and these other payments with a different way and the tax rates um you know make them put them into a different section.

All of these sections should be organized by month and and I want you to create sections for each month. And sure enough, I did that like writing tools. We chat. B T.

Did that, and he took the contents of my note and refer, matted the note, gave everything a consistent, uh, for example, europe s were all transformed into the unicode symbol for the europe currency. And everything was was organized by month, and the payment types were organized with the same order with bullets lists. IT was really well done. Um couple of things were um so I was impressed. I got to say I was impressed.

And even more interesting though is that um I found value in being able to to to quality that note for information later like for example um once the note was organized I said, okay, can you know this is in the compose field um of writing tools I said, can you add a section at the end where you sum up all of the payments that were labelled mac stories and give me the total of all of them? And he did that. He worked. So basically what I realize is that with this note that contain the bunch of numbers and a bunch currencies, I was basically remaking the spread shit without actually working with a spread shit. I was doing that, but instead of entering formulas, I was asking the A, I to do the calculation for me.

which is much easier. I mean, like, species are good if you know how, if you know the encounter tions exactly.

exactly. And in this cause, I was just, I was using, like even the wrong term minow can sum up, you know.

I was not using like a person.

like a person, like a person. Uh, but in doing this, I I ran into a couple of limitations. Uh, the first one is that a charge? P T, I don't think IT has a an exact understanding of the apple notes specific formatting that they wanted do for headaches. For example, when I, when I asked IT like can you make so I selected some actually I said, can you make all of the month labels proper heading ings, the notes and he didn't know how to deal with that. So instead IT entered markdown headings like h two markdown headings with two pound signs was like, no, that's that's not what i'm asking for.

That would be sick if note had marked down support .

would be sick. But but IT doesn't.

And also, like, I realized h something that I naturally gravitated toward was like, okay, now that I can, you know, I can ask, staying to work with numbers was like, can, can you make me? Can you make me like a table with these numbers? And the problem is that you can not like you can turn a selection of text into a table, but you cannot ask, charge P T in writing to to say, hey, just take a subset of those payments and make IT and create a table at the end that doesn't work. That doesn't .

work yeah because the table career functionality .

is not ChatGPT essentially .

like what is happening I agree, like I would be great if they actually to talk to each other. But like a ChatGPT is doing its thing and an I O S is just pasting the results like that. What's happening? It's kind of jackie.

It's jack.

Like a lot of this stuff like basically every part of apple intelligence is currently jackie in some way. That is that is going on across the board.

The second note was also interesting. So the second note was something completely different. It's a shared note that we are currently sharing with a max stories team to make our selections for the maxi select awards.

What you're coming back, of course, this year. And uh, there are sections in this note for each of us on the editorial team casting our votes for our preferences. So there's federico, john, JoNathan, milan and devon and everyone of us is depending out of the note entering their selection.

Um mine was empty and so I want I want to a clean start and I saw that john already had all of these sections, the categories already inserted in the note. So I place the cursor under my name in my empty section and I saw the writing tools and I said, um can you make me a list of the same categories of the words the john used? And much of my surprise, he worked.

He took all of these sections without the actual pics, just the names of the sections the john used in this section and created, basically attempted ate for me in my part of the document. And that was nice. Uh, some of the section names were not properly capitalized so I selected, uh, a couple of them and in the refine tax field I entered make this title case and he did like he refer, matted this selected line of text entitled case.

So that was cool. Um sometimes uh IT crashes for no clear reason, especially on the ipad, because why not let's crash on the ipad? Um what was also interesting is that, uh, I entered my top that again, once again, there was me doing my manual work. So I entered my preferences, uh, my potential candidates.

And then at end I moved the course at the very bottom of the document, and I went back to the composed field, and I ask, okay, I believe my request was, who is the likely winner for each category based on the number of appearances in this note for each person? And yeah. And he did that.

He created a list of the categories with potential winners based just on number of appearances in each category, said, I don't know, uh, i'm going to say something that can possibly be true or no powers. Ers, tweet, bot, uh, rest in peace. Uh, because he was mentioned by the o David and john uh in this and this category.

So like I did that and and I thought that was useful. Like instead of me having to like there's no creativity in me running down, running through a list and counting appearances, like that's what that's what computers do like, you know, take take care of the busy work for me. And so for this type of busy work, despite the Jenkins ss of IT, all I found IT kind of useful.

i'll say, like something that is change recently too. They like chat. P, T, just got web searching capable is yeah all boys are good. Oh my god, it's so much Better in google like it's incredible. Um just how for me like how Better at searching the web that is and i've had similar experiences with publicity, right? Like that's what I was doing before.

But I I like the way that chat pt is doing IT like visually but like these tools somebody wrote into me, I haven't tried to in a yeah the search and right yeah they have they have a thing with. They're using a bunch of things and they are doing a search tool like to do things who cog a system well, if you pay for that proper and they they have a version too. I just think as a version of like web searching, these tools are just correct for searching the web. I think .

yeah and I and I think you've got a handed to tragic t uh search um they do a decent enough job linking to the sources. I've also been using IT.

I don't think there such linking is any was in google exactly.

That's that's what I also think I I think just like google can extract a snippet of information from website so they also extract snipers. But what I like is that they put a capable sources, capable links at the end of each pilot PH. And also at the very end there's an overall like sources um pop up that you can tap and he takes you straight to the destination web.

Ge, um and I gotto say, like i've actually been using this as as my main search engine for the past two weeks. I actually put char P T in my dog because of that and every web search um i'm running through chagas t and it's it's kind of wild how much Better than google is at at doing this. Ah it's no surprise to me that google must be so afraid of this product.

Um and and I actually prefer like if I if I use this, like I I have lendest. So we've been researching buying a new card, for example, and I have landed on so many different auto related websites in italy that I had no I G existed with google. And so I think I I thought I was actually nice that I was using something Better for search, and I was actually clicking more to get to the original source then I was doing before with google and their front page results.

Yes, I do wonder if there is I mean, I know my photos myself well. Like I think google's a eye stuff is is getting criticism because we have long trusted google, right? So like when google gives a weird result, you like, I come on google.

Like I have faith you to do this for me. And I ve had a similar experience to you where, like, I feel I can find a different website on to my searches because that I inherently don't trust ChatGPT. So like, I more likely to click the sources in a chat, P. T, sir, than I am in a google.

So like, this is like one of these things were just like it's not really it's really fair to google in a way, right like where where I feel in that regard where like they may be giving me as good things, but i'm going to checking something else anyway but nevertheless is whatever but I do I these the answers that I get to this, quite like so far example, right? I give you a great search. I don't want to know the other day how long to take a container ship to get from the U.

K. To america. Google in. That is not great. But I just like I I know I know this is a bad question for google.

I feel like IT, but I chap t and IT told me, just told me, great. That's all I need. I don't need exact. I just want to feel like something went on the web and collected a bunch chip information and gave me the answer, right? And yeah, and so I think these souls .

worked for them. Yeah, I think I think that sort of the the nexus of lake google problem in this new error, right, that their tools rely on you to go get the information at the end. And now we're trying to shoe horn like they are responses at the top of the search results, like you can see them struggling with that gift in real time. And I think you're example like perfectly describes what that the heart of that issue is, is like my doing the work or is the computer doing the work and the trust and everything else like those are all elements too, you know, that will come and go over time. But I think your examples is like perfectly succinct on why google is facing the chAllenge that IT is now.

嗯 哼。

now you're clearly on a bit of A I assistant, a kick right now, federico, right? I I can feel this in you. You're going out there.

You're seeing what the state the art is yeah have you hit the thing that so many people hit, including many, my friends, where you realize just how smart claude is? Yes, yeah. That seems to be like the flat with the problem cloud.

Cloud doesn't connected to the web, which I find to be limiting. But then there are these other tools that can collect, connect to the web and use claud as the L M. But like for some reason, anthropic haven't done .

in yeah I think it's very strange that well, maybe strange is not the right world.

It's it's a it's a .

policy decision that anthropic doesn't one cloud to be connected to the internet because of safety reasons, which I understand to be I understand uh but yeah h claude, uh, it's fine because I was actually listening to you and great disgust and just like maybe maybe I should try claude and see what it's like for like personal research purposes. And so what I like about claude is that um gives you the ability to create projects.

So it's it's you're basically creating like a self container project and you can give IT reference files. And so obviously like an idea came to mind was like, um if this thing really has powerful search and reasoning capabilities, what if I gave IT my own I O S reviews, uh, as a as reference files? Because a problem that i've always had and maybe a large language model will be the only solution to address this problem is i've been writing these reviews for ten years.

I posted a screen shot on threats s today. Uh, I did the count, the world count, of all those reviews combined. It's over half a million words.

In ten years, I have been ten, five hundred, twenty thousand words on our U S. And I put to s combined um it's a staggering amount of text. And you do this, you do this for a while.

the lines get .

blurry in the sense of like, when did widgets become interactive? yes. Or even more esoteric stuff like, hey, when was IT that accessibility was moved to the main page of the settings up like this, my new I U S. And ipad OS details that for years I had to use google for, like site specific searches in google, searching my own website and eventually finding the page, you know, or clicking through multiple lings.

And I ve always thought, what would would be great if I had a system this once, like I was having these thoughts before, large language models, like we didn't be great if I could just Carry a database of my reviews to find a specific bit of information and remember when something happened. And so I thought, well, I just give claude the text of my reviews and start asking questions and see what is I goes on basically, i'm basically, in a way, training the A I to reason over my own work, right? That was the goal.

And so spoiler, even with the biggest model, cloud pro, with a three point five senate model, IT doesn't go over. They call tokens. They don't called words, but IT doesn't go over two hundred thousand tokens.

The token is, are you paying for clod?

Ah, right now I am because of this, because I wanted to try this.

yes. Um okay. Did IT work when you pay? Was IT still isn't work.

So even if you pay, you cannot go over two hundred thousand tokens o which means that my half million words far exceed what is possible in claude right now.

I like a long term process, like upload each document and say, take out everything except the details and like, shrink each review down.

Oh, maybe.

maybe right. Like just say, like, take a look. This just create another document that is just facts feature in like .

information. I wouldn't be able to do what i've been you. And so basically ten reviews I cannot upload, uh, IT can only do three of them.

My latest three reviews, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, that's the maximum I was able to to other's IT like he gives me IT actually gives me an error IT has prompted too long um but what i've been able to do is like i've been able to ask for like he can you give me a summary of the wind changes across the latest three releases? And can you give me a list? Uh and it's OK sure here's like IT IT does take about fifteen to any seconds process but IT works like he he runs through all of my my three most recent reviews and he gives me, okay, I have sixteen these changes to widget.

Are you seventeen these other changes to which is then I was able to say, okay, can you tell me how I described these changes and he gives me quotes that I used like expressions that I used or I could go like, um uh how did I conclude my I U S uh seventeen review? IT gives me like the final sentence that I use like this sort of it's like having it's like having a superpower. Like this is the work that i've done.

This is my life's work, really and there is never been a good search method for that work. This system gives me a solution, but it's very costly and very expensive. And even with the most expensive option, IT still cannot handle ten years of work.

Yeah, but still it's remarkable. And you know the fact you know I really like and in general like claude seems to have I I don't even know to discover like a Better way of thinking. Um I don't know that they don't really think, but it's got a Better way of accepting back and forth and refining and just you know giving getting to the result you want with fewer magical wording conditions .

IT feels .

this month yeah yeah so yeah that's that's eventually, I would like to have something like this. And this is what I mean by assistive, right? The the generation of this work I have done, and I will continue doing every year, you know, sit down with my ipad and I write my review value and ipad to us.

Now i'm human. I cannot possibly memorize the entire text of ten years of I U. S.

reviews. But that tax is out there. I would be able, I would like to be able to search IT.

Current search systems mostly suck. This one is pretty good, but limited in terms of amount of text. yeah. So yeah, it's remarkable and validated in this card. We have discovered .

that you have basically written something, the links of warm peace.

I there 一个 okay.

which is also a great way to think .

about IOS and .

I times of all of more and times of peace and very thing.

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Yesterday, markmen published a report on bloomberg detAiling the apple home hub, or black home control singer, that question would call this thing basically what german says is that this is an ipad like device that is designed to go on a wall or with a standing, you know, in the kitchen dinner, or someone like that, that would give you control of your smart home and your apple ecosystem stuff. And so what he says, the companies gearing up to announced the device as early as march just wild and will position as a command center for the home according to people with lodge of the effort, will also spot the new apple intelligence AI platform that the people the device is has a roughly sixteen screen in the sa square ipad. It's about the size of two iphone side by side with a thick edge or a display is also a camera at the top front, a recharge built in battery and internal speaker speakers apple plans to offer in silver and black options. What do you think .

mike march is aggressive? That is. But that is exciting to me. I'm surprised that the march timeline um I like a lot of the soft he talks about with creating a kind of man and and to be clear, why he is done with this report is collect tops some previous report in an add to IT a little bit. So it's like some details that I know, like the some of the physical attributes like that you could maybe have like a speaker dark and you could put in on the wall. This might be separate.

can put IT in the shower, you know this is going .

to know d find out I sure hope so um and you know like the release time from stuff is is uh youtube things like combining some of the best parts of the Operating systems? Um i'd like this one thing he mentioned about like that they might put some senses in the device that depending on how far away you are from the device, whether you're querying IT or just looking at IT, the device may be aware of people's proxim m to IT and like show different types of information.

This feels like a very well full out product and IT seems like apples doing what they do best when they do IT, which is like combining and taking from different parts of the Operating systems, right? So like, take a look from visionary s from my pado S A little bit from T V O S sensually the same thing anyway. But like and and kind of being able to do mold something interesting together.

I'm happy that this is the product that they look to do. I'm happy that they're not starting with the really expensive one that apparently has a robot ARM, but i'm pretty sure is like mark go and sleep paralyses statement at this point just talking about IT because I just feel like if he is right, then he will get to about this one in everyone's first. I think a lot of people think they not going to do something like this um but just in general, we spoken about for this is a product that I want.

I want a basic version of this and IT feels like they're gonna give me a little bit more than that, actually may be a lot more than that. And that's amazing. I am happy we've just a device that has a speaker like a home pod, right, that I can talk to the assistant and I will show me photos and maybe a shared family kind of like that is all I want.

But IT feels like that they are actually gonna go to the Better row of like, hey, but what if I don't? Hey, but what if another rose? Uh, but potentially combining this in T V O S, I think is is great as yeah will be good for the apple TV to like to kind of maybe give you a little bit more.

Yeah, this is great. And I am very enthuses by the idea of having this in my home within five months from now because the on the from the previous reporting of this product, I figured this was probably you know this time next year kind of thing rather than like in five or six months from now. Um i'm i'm into IT I I dig IT and and I I really hope that they they do IT in the way the way I mention.

I think having a wall mounted is super interesting. I think IT really opens up the ability like put this by in an exterior door or in your entry way. And yes, you can pop IT down on a stand that i'm sure I will be an extra purchase allow.

These things are really good in the kitchen, but they're not good just in the kitchen. And I think it's really interesting. And in the article talks about having like a home kit security cameras that like you could see, you would maybe want this in other places.

I think if apple is using T, V, S, or like some combination of things under the heard, I think that's wise. We don't need yet another O S. But the thing, and I couldn't help but notice it's missing in here.

I think that I N A A lot of the people thought about almost immediately, was like, what about ipad apps? Like is this tvs plus some wdnesday lus, you know photo slide stuff? And like is that enough? Or do you want more for full bloom budgets or full bloom apps on IT even as I can escape? Well, like they are in vision's, i'm not quite sure. But IT is interesting that apple would be kind of taking parts of other osses and things they've done. This is really closely extend by mode on the iphone in in a way that's so really interesting.

I want one of these things so bad, like really just the idea of something square shaped. IT seems that potentially has A A, A rechargeable battery base with speakers that I can use for music, I can use for podcast, and ideally I can move around and I can also use for face and calls because it's got a camera and I can use for soft light timers.

Check the weather, uh play some music, play some podcast and home kit controls I mean yeah uh that especially I would say especially if it's portable, uh, which seems a little unclear but never mentions a rechargeable batteries. Or why would you have a rechargeable battery unless you're planning to make IT portable around the house? Um but yeah I mean, you find any interesting that IT doesn't seem like it's gonna an APP store launch. Apple probably learning the lessons with visionary s and being like we don't exactly .

have you I messed or you .

mess or what like, we don't exactly have no s let's not do another half empty APP store for now, and let's not ask developers to create apps for yet another platform.

Do you not think they would just say IT runs ipad apps that do you know? Wouldn't why?

Wouldn't know why I don't think it's gonna n ipad apps.

why IT sounds .

small for ipad apps .

and six venture is too small, square and square? I don't know.

Yeah I mean, it's .

complicated, right? I i've been what we've been talking about. I'm going back and first in my head of like do I really needed to have apps? Like there's some stuff yeah but like for what I want this thing for, I think just apple's apps isn't enough.

But then I think like you know when you are talking federal ca about like podcast will then I ve ve got overcast on IT. You know maybe copleys the answer you know we're just been looking at IT all along throughout the entire episode is just gonna copy, but it's complicated, right? like.

Having another destination for rap is is a bad is a bad idea, right? That is a bad idea. Um but having no apps is also about that is right? Because then this device will launch and like what you can use sort fy right like what .

you can airplay. And like.

maybe that's IT, right? Maybe they like, hey, well, I wanna want youtube greatest apply.


maybe that's fine, right? Maybe that's fine. Maybe they, you know, maybe they make you smart enough with our friend apple intelligence that like you ask for a video and I can just walk IT out by getting IT from your phone for you, right?

You like, I wanna watch five topics es on youtube and it's just like going gets me that video and just gets keep works IT out right like they said, I mean, mark says the AI in this but like i'm sure apples that got was going to say A I in everything but then also hilarious assisting runs in a seventeen pro way more power than they would have wanted for this product uh, when I was originally conceived the uh so yeah I don't know is the APP thing is complicated because going back far enough into history, right, we would say apple will never launch advice about an APP store because like of course, you need apps. But then the the practicality of apple in twenty twenty four is like they're not necessarily gonna build. Like, you know, I felt like for a while I was like apple had to do was released the product and the developers will will come and they will do and they will make the applications. But I just think that the last couple of years, especially this year of kind of suggested that is not necessarily as simple as that anymore. So so yes, so I will be a wrinkle h IT that would be very interesting to see um what happens that.

Yeah well, if if if this product actually happens, I do plan on get one and same and is especially if it's portable. Now any guesses what they're gonna call? This is gonna be a home pod.

I think if they don't call IT the hometowns they have mess up like this is .

homework D A home I max home pod pro.

pod pro I could see home pod pro the name study though home pod pro .

not above apple we have ipad many princesses, a seventeen profile .

around home pod eight seventeen .

pro there IT is just is right in front of us the whole time. Yeah yeah. I think they've got a anything tied in with the homework d brand. You know, even if it's it's not really the same thing. But I think I think homework d has the ability to extend on to other things, like if they you know there's also that rumor floating out there there, like an apple TV sound bar combo type thing, like all of these things can be in the home pod family, just like airports or you know a whole family products. Now too, people understand that and .

get IT yeah home pod is a good name too. Like that is just just like in general like IT is actually a good name. Yeah 我 pod that's trouble name um which means I would I go with that one um but like yeah I think creating more products in the homework d families is fine, even if they end up calling this one the homework d and renna ing homepage do something else and maybe um or killing .

IT yeah why is that big one step for sale?

I mean get rid of that and have the hometown d and is this one in the home pod mini? And just a little speak ky. You know, I don't know why I could a speaker yeah was what about?

I don't know what that was for. I don't know why I said that I was and what I ate sometimes is that the things that I say are recorded and they're not just things that I say. And everyone like, mike, why did you say that I am like, man, i'm tired and then we just move on because now i've set IT and it's out there forever. And people .

are suggested, as a title already speak.

IT would run little wages. Now see, now come on.

least for work, you know?

No, what do you think though, which though would be good to be awesome?

I'm reaching in in my destroy, getting underscores credit .

card out right now. But like seriously though, this would be a great experience.

Yeah, I know that's why I thought about stand by on the iphone, right? This completely widget powered experience that yeah parts of IT are a little like we are to customize. And why is that not on the ipad? Nobody knows. But like apple's been pRobing around this problem for a while. And I think having the ability have you in which does not know what to be huge, you know, thinking about you said right like, uh, well, you like apples have to be enough for me like I actually don't think that's true.

And I think if you have something like this, you would want spotify, you would want ring or you would want you know, whatever other security systems that are out there like this should be open to everything in the ecosystem, and which is are a great way to do that in a way that's not fiddly. We're like complicated to use, like us like some, some fun, colorful things to interact with. And then I can, then I can move on, right? No one wants to like stand in their hallway poking their wall computer, right? This this should be glencore quick type things. And with interactivity and widgets, you're basically there.

I would just restate that. Like so in general, yes, this product should have more than apple apps. I just been like for what I personally I like I all I need is my calendar photos and being able to talk to you like that kind of all I want and have weather and like, so I don't really need more than that personally for this thing.

Like, I wouldn't even use this for music because I have a thought. So like I don't needed um be called to control the zones from a problem i'm going to have. But like I don't I just for me like where I imagine this in my life is replacing my echo show, which is like the most annoying piece of technology that I still have that is in daily use.

And I hate IT, but like I want to control my home stuff, right? Is going to do that is in the like, you know, you said you need ring, which is great, but I don't need that I home k cameras. So like for me personally, this thing give a apple's current existing O S ecosystem would give me.

I need to be what I want that product to be. But IT is undoubtedly be a Better product by being able to use the pocket APP that I like, use the music APP that I like, be able to have wigeon from every APP that I want. You know like that is a much Better product. Um but I would personally get by just fine with just apple stuff. I think for what I can imagine, I wouldn't to use this thing for, but they should do.

anyone should gonna exciting. I think this would be a nice addition to a lot of people's setups because in a way, apple has try to make T, V O S that strike over the years, right? They've added some smart home staff feel like you have the control singer in T V S, since some of the stuff lives over there.

But you had to be for your T V. And you're using that you know the three mote and IT doesn't. It's still A T V. first.

And you've kind of add these other things to IT, and I don't think that's really work, but it's nice that's there, but it's not super compelling. And your TV is not in your kitchen or buy your door. You would want this thing. And so this being being smaller and more flexible and building IT for these sorts of interactions from the beginning, it's all good.

I know, but you guys like a lot of like the home screen stuff in the screen saver stuff, like that's great, but it's my TV is not on all the time. Yes, like I don't leave the T V on right like I see these things when the T V on and we're waiting to do something you know um like even stuff like the you know ring IT like when when someone rings my door bell, if I have the TV on IT will show them.

So I seen IT once in two years because the likelihood of when I watching T V, that somebody rings the door bell is that the overlap is there. Like I watch T V later in the evening is not on in the day time. So like but having this this one device that would just be the like to think that is in the the place on the kitchen counter or and like i'd look at IT and I know that all the stuff is there.

I give IT just like the homework reen of IT make IT the photo lock screen thing, which is doing the smart, like my watch, my beloved watch lock face, right? All of that stuff. They ve got all of the component pieces technology. Now this is the case of bringing them together, which and that that excites me, because I think IT would be a Better product than the other soft that i've done.

The last thing i'll say here is that the mark's time frame, you know, we touched on IT, these numbers been out there for a while. IT seems like this has been kind of cooking for a bit. Mart seems like an interesting time to have a new product.

But I also don't think this probably raise rises to the level of I A W D C K O and maybe they wanted out before the fall. So like march is interesting. I could see that being uh that being true and inaccurate.

I saw another a remote today of like a potential uh that that new iphone S C with like the false Green one is also looks like its potentially on track from march. So they may have like a much of them. Ah will I got a few things .

a ticket and was this .

year march was the ipad pro?

Yeah no, that .

was me was again, there is no recording of this.

There is no way to there's no way to know. You can hit back and overcast.

It's not possible for anybody to know, so it's fine.

Well, I think that does IT for this week on connected, if you want to a check out the things we spoke about and check out relays, merch store. We ve got our holiday shirt and we've got mix face on a bunch of stuff. All those links are in your podcast player in on the web, really ay out a film.

Lash connectors, lash five, twenty seven. You can find all of us elsewhere on the internet. You can find mike across a bunch of shows here on rely in his work at cortex brand.

You can follow him as I, mike, I M Y K E across threads, instagram. Mason and sea federal is the editor in chief of mac stories that net. You can find him on a bunch of podcast over there.

APP stories is a must. Listen for me every every week and never miss. That is great.

And you can fight him as viti V I T I C C I. You can find me as eyes. Image eighty six online.

I write five twelve pixel data net in ghost mac power users here on relate each and every sunday. I'd like our sponsors this week. E, K, M square space in smaller world. You can learn more about them in the show notes as well. And till next week, guys say.

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