cover of episode 17 Nov 2024 | XPeng Heading To UK, Scania Needs Alternative Batteries and Volvo’s Wireless Charging

17 Nov 2024 | XPeng Heading To UK, Scania Needs Alternative Batteries and Volvo’s Wireless Charging

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小鹏汽车将于2025年正式进入英国市场,其车型将由国际汽车公司进口。首款车型为G6 SUV,这是一款基于800伏平台打造的中型SUV,具有Euro NCAP五星评级,价格低于特斯拉Model Y,但功能更多。入门级车型的电池容量为66千瓦时,后驱版售价4万英镑;高配车型的电池容量为87.5千瓦时,起售价为5万英镑。小鹏汽车的欧洲扩张始于2020年,目前已在挪威、丹麦、瑞典和德国开展业务。到明年年底,小鹏汽车计划将其业务扩展到60多个国际市场,届时其一半的销售额将来自海外市场。

Deep Dive

The potential elimination of the $7,500 federal tax credit for electric vehicles (EVs) in the US is causing concern among industry observers and auto manufacturers. The credit has been crucial in making EVs competitive with traditional cars, and its removal could lead to job losses and hinder the growth of the domestic EV sector.
  • The new Republican White House plans to eliminate the $7,500 federal tax credit.
  • Industry observers argue that this move could significantly impact the American automotive industry.
  • The EV tax credit has supported consumer adoption, innovation, and job creation in red states.

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coming up today. X ping is heading to the U. K.

Scania needs some alternative batteries and volvos wireless charging and plus if he stayed to the pocket, although he why is always worth checking insurance costs with various EV brands. Good morning after evening where you are in the world. Welcome to EV news daily.

A trusted source of E V information is sunday seventeen, the november I Martini and I go through every E V story, so you don't have to let's start in the us. Where there's a debate raging right now. The new republican White house plans to eliminate the seven thousand five hundred doa federal tax credit.

But industry observers, those are lobbying on behalf of the car industry, are saying that that will significantly impact the american automotive industry. Now this proposal is part of a broader tax reform, enda, focusing on promoting fossil fuels and funding expiring tax cuts under the tax cuts and jobs act. Without the credit, though, the U.

S. May fall behind in the global shift towards electric vehicles as countries like china and the european union heavily subsidizing their E V sectors. Well, the E V tax credit has been essential so far in making evs affordable when very competitive as well.

With traditional cars, its removal could put U. S. Automakers at a disadvantage against cheap er foreign evy makers or rather just encourage them to sell more combustion cars.

But is that kind of the point of this? The tax cuts and jobs act chip from immediate R N D expensing to the five year amatis ation experiment has already decreed R N D spending by twelve billion dollars, further training innovation efforts. Now this lack of support may lead to highe vy Prices and reduce demand, forcing american companies to scale back their v plans.

Eliminating the E, V tax credit would also likely lead to job losses in exactly the areas voted for the new administration. The credit has supported consumer adoption, innovation and particularly job creased in red states. In the U.

S. Auto sector, companies like fords, dantin, gm heavily investing in electrification, relying on consumer incentive to justify those investments. And without the credit, domestic E, V production and future job growth or at risk, at least that's what those who are proponents of the tax credit are saying.

Now at the cop twenty nine climate summit in bacco, the U. S. Energy secretary Jenna grand home stressed that removing the U S, E, V tax credit would be unwise because IT assists the chinese.

Her reMarks followed the reports that as possible, the White house, the new White house, will get rid of the federal tax credit, SHE said. And I quote, you eliminate these credits and what do you do? You end up ceding the territory to other countries, particularly china, and quote, no one knows how they play out.

Lots of conjecture out there in the wider world. Nobody does note the answer. But you know, people going to have the thoughts that are predictions, their opinions, and will ultimately will see where IT goes to be a real shame to see the us.

Fall behind in terms of A V adoption. Some of the great evs out there the minute have been from the U. S.

Automated because some of the best non european and starts ups the likes of the rivals and lose ds of the world and making some incredible electric vehicles. And so will I can see how that plays out. Not going to talk about one of the chinese names coming to the U.

K. Next year. X pong, delighted to see them formally enter the U. K. With right hand drive models in twenty twenty five, they will be imported by a company called international motors. Now international motors imports super u izzo o and ora.

And the first model will be the x pong g six that a midsize S U, V build on an eight hundred of old system euro n cap five star rating. IT rivals the testing model y, but is cheaper and has more features. The started range model has a sixty six killed one hour battery.

Revell drive costs forty thousand pounds. U. K. The old White dry variant has the big eighty seven point five killer one hour battery and starts at fifty thousand pounds. Well, the expansion into europe began with x punk, with Operations in norway, denmark, sweden in germany back in twenty twenty by the end of next year, expands that they'll be acting in over sixty international markets with half of their sales coming from abroad outside of china.

Let's move on and talk about general mode as they planned to to cut around a thousand jobs s worldwide to lower their costs by two billion dollars by the end of this year. The cuts will chiefly impact White color roles in the united states at the michigan technical center, G M, stressing the importance of efficiency and focus within their organization. This is the third wave of layoff since last year as G M navigates a tougher global market.

The shift to electric vehicles was never gonna easy for the startups, but I was never gna be easy for the established big players as well. Previous measures include voluntary buyout ts for five thousand salaries staff in April last year, layoff s of a thousand software employees in August at seventeen hundred layoffs a kansas plant in september. While general motor still has a large workforce of about one hundred and fifty thousand people, with seventy six thousand White collar workers, fifty three thousand of home are in the united states.

Let's talk about battery ies and the ones that go inside trucks. And scanner is a major truck manufacturer looking for new battery cell supply contracts. After north vote, the primary partner is facing financial difficult tea talking about bankrupcy, possibly in maybe U.

S. Bankrupcy, to protect the business. That doesn't meyer insolvent, by the way, is a different thing. But north volt very much struggling right now.

The german government is currently negotiating with north vote to ensure the construction of its factory in northern germany continues. Votes mark and the opposite ling, their board member off of the north of ult board, and some workers not being paid on time. All of these little signs, these indicators that we get, the drip, drip, drip feed, is not very good.

And this was meant to be european great battery hope. They looked at how china were doing IT and saying, well, we can do that. We can make catheads and we can take those raw materials, and we have a whole vertically integrated battery supply.

But IT turned out that actually is a little bit harder to copy what the chinese were doing. And there are some obviously career examples of great batteries, L, G, S, K, X, A. Even new york.

We have got the attic company ACC, but they ended up going for nickel, manganese, cobalt t or tary batteries. Is that calls because that was try and tested technology, whether the chinese took a leap with L, F, P, lithium and force fate, which is more stable, it's safer, it's cheaper. And now the companies are, you go, we need to do that now, need to follow the chinese into l fp.

North volt, not at that stage at all. They would want a strong european and competitor, but they ve encounter production issues. Bmw had to cancel their order to billion euro order with north vote. Now north ball needs three hundred million dollars rescue financing sanny although plan to use their batteries in october scanners CEO Christian levin said.

We now shifting over for all of our currently sold battery electric vehicles outcome with north vot cells because north volt are making cells and batteries just about twenty five percent of where they should be. Um but scanning is said they're having to talk to other suppliers to get new battery supply contracts. But these things are tied up years in advance, saying that they speed at which the chinese battery industry is moving forward does mean that there is an over capacity problem now and increasingly coming in china, which is a good a piece of good news for anyone who hasn't done their battery deals by now.

There's so much investment in china, but it's no longer battery supply can restrained even iron muscular talks to this, although many months ago, to save that, tesla is working hard on getting their own cells in the forty six eighties, right? But if they can't, they are unable to go to the market and they can go to the market if the market can supply a Better quality product at a lower Price. He's not emotionally attached a test las battery project, the forty six cities.

He'll shut that down and just get IT from the market because there's plenty of supply in the market added by test that. I think we'll get there forty six cities, right? I think anyway but that what I want know, let's talk about the U. S. And the battery industry there.

And you study by benchmark mineral intelligence says that by twenty thirty the united states could make evy batteries ies at a lower cost than china if the current policies remain, and that is a big if, and it's almost certain that policies will be changed by the incoming administration. The inflation reduction act plays a key role in this potential shift. I find that shocking headline, but by two thousand thirty, the U.

S. Could produce lower cost batteries in china. I'm not doubting IT, by the way. I mean, benchmark far wise the eye, but that would be incredible.

These tax credits of up to thirty five dollars by killing one half of about three production in the U. S. Until twenty twenty nine are in place that would reduce battery expenses from the currents cost down to something that is below what china is producing.

The continuation of these tax credit depends on decisions made by the incoming administration, though, although the I R A has LED to job creation increase in concern. As I started the podcast today, that battery subsides are going to be wiped out, this new report from benchmark warns a possible project cancellations. A flat happens since August twenty twenty two.

Twenty three new factories have been proposed, bringing the total to forty four O I ve just been talking about how europe's big hope north hot is fAiling. And yet because the inflation reduction act forty in the U. S.

Construction has yet to begin on a third of them though, but still that's a whole battery supply chain industry created from, let's say nothing, a standing start in four so years. The report also highlights the construction times in north amErica are averaging thirty months compared to twenty months in china, and they face higher costs of as workforces and limited material access and things like that. Despite these hurdles, the I R A has made battery production in the united states financially viable.

Companies like LG and panasonic have significant financial benefits from the tax credits, which, if they are removed, does rather spell disaster for what was a very quickly growing, burgeoning U. S. Battery industry.

And that headline could have been cheaper in china by twenty thirty. I suspect that won't happen. But let's not let's not be pessimistic.

A maybe the incoming administration will keep some bits of the renewable industry, but are admin those fossil fuel voices and lobbyists and money and the other things that propelled. The new president into place. I think they want their payback time now.

And i'm not sure it's going to be particularly happy time for renewables and battery industry, things like that in the us, at least for a period of time. We talking more about the european and chinese korean industries for a period. But let's type i'm wrong, let's type i'm wrong in a minute will talk about volvo s inductive charging and why michigan is going talk about those in moments around.

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然后 china is coming。 Jelly do have quite a lot of brands and they all go pull the london cap company, zaka, lincoln co. And more well, that sort of rationalizing that a little bit in the way that they're doing IT is by one brand taking over another.

Zee ker, which is part of jelly, is going to buy a fifty one percent stake in. There are the brand link and COO. Now link like in hybrids, you get this in germany and of the places.

So jelly, the parent company IT, will be left with forty nine percent, but zie ka will own fifty one percent. Lincoln costarred back in two thousand seventeen as a joint adventure between Julian involve. And last week, zek a agreed to purchase Julie stake and volvos stake as well.

Jelly will integrate lincoln co. Into the eka brand. So that does like like the end of the lincoln co brand.

But IT will be if IT does that the name continues. IT will be as a subheading, if you like, underneath the subbrand. Underneath zecha, which makes sense, been a rationalization of Browns making things a bit simper totally understand that. Now, a socket about inductive charging induct dv, announcing a three year partnership with volvo, launched the world of volvo in auburn in sweden.

The project focuses on wireless charging for autonomists taxi fleas, now part of the Green city zone in gotten burg twenty volvo xc forties taxes that we use had inductive charging, and they completed seven thousands charging sessions in the trial period. Transparent a hundred mega. What hours of power had one hundred percent Operational efficiency at all charging locations? That's a standing mean.

You know, I need to go down once or twice and needs some maintenance and that would have been a you know nineteen nine point nine nine, nine much of but they say one hundred percent Operation up time. Somebody rounding up a little bit. Oh, i'm i'm not.

Obviously, if I had literally one hundred percent up time on an inductive charging, that's incredible. Can we have that with all charges, please? Obvious requirement for episode gs or credit cards.

Consistent performance in all weather conditions and can get a little bit cold and snowy in some parts of sweet, as you may know, and is easy for the drivers to roll over the pads and start charging their cars. Volvo highlighted the pilot program success by showcasing in at the new world of volvo center. That is a big facility in gotten burg as well.

Fascinating in ducks. T. V. Doing that collaboration with volvo. fantastic. right? Michigan is collaborating with the israeli company, got electron specializing in wireless E, V charging to launch, to launch wireless charging stations for commercial electronic vic, integrating the electron on technology into a ups step in detroit, initiated part of a larger effort in detroit to expand the city's electrical infrastructure for charging backed by the M D O T, the city of detroit ford on this project.

And finally, why you should check the insurance on an E V that you're gna buy a lac xetra chinese vehicles coming into the australian market, the lack of zk A J C D, pal and more are entering the aussie market, joining establish brands like toyota hn. They're very popular in australia. The initial purchase Price of the chinese cars can be very cheap and offer very advanced features, but you should always look at the insurance that you're gonna buy next year, seven new chinese carbon, will they be in australia, adding to M, G, great wall, byd and more? These vehicles are high tech and cheap, but insurance could be the catch.

Insurance premiums are determined by factors like the history of the brand, and there might not be any available liability of parts, and there may not beat too many of those here in the U. K. Some insurer have refused to cover certain navy makers from china. And when I went to get the pole star last year, I actually went shopping for a tesla model 3 long range refresh model, big battery.

My insurance was a grand a year, which I think he's a lot of money for someone who doesn't drive a lots, the car is always in the drive way, but know eighty good a month for whatever this is a grand a year, a lot of money then, my friend nick gro EV, nick, youtube channel. So I would about post about that OK retest like experience, the big Green. And my insure is less than five hundred pounds slides, or still with that moral on up on a all the same details, eight thousand miles a year.

I don't even do that many. I could probably drop IT down less than half the Price of a model three. So check your insurance because I could just be the that mean my insure, I use that.

Mal, how had issues might be with tesla repair or tesler parts availability or having to write vehicles off in the event of a very small accident, a single defender? Ender, and so insurance premiums can we all over the place in different countries and its worth checking these new brands entering, I mentioned expound, coming to the U. K.

For exciting check your insurance if you are going to buy one of these unknown brands. For example, this example that was given in the article, a byd at o three in australia, the average insurer would cost five hundred and sixty thousand dollars more than also a Carola, which could be offset by the budgets, Price. And so or maybe just want that vehicle.

But all was worth checking, and that's your podcast for that. I'd thank you very much for listings. As always, you can check out the patron page if you want to got a patron dot come flash EV news study to have a look at the benefits, and you get your podcasts add free to save even more time in your day.

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