cover of episode 02 Nov 2024 | Ford Begins Replacing Faulty NACS Adapters, Euro EV Market Grows Again and VinFast Secure $1bn Investment

02 Nov 2024 | Ford Begins Replacing Faulty NACS Adapters, Euro EV Market Grows Again and VinFast Secure $1bn Investment

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EV News Daily - Technology and Business of EVs

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
福特汽车公司将暂停其F-150 Lightning电动皮卡的生产,并于2024年1月恢复生产。此举是由于市场需求放缓以及公司需要调整生产策略以降低成本。福特公司还将裁减部分员工,并降低管理人员的奖金。 欧洲电动汽车市场在9月份出现增长,纯电动汽车销量增长14%,插电式混合动力汽车销量增长9%。然而,整体汽车市场销量下降4%。尽管如此,纯电动汽车仍然是欧洲电动汽车市场增长的主要驱动力。 VinFast获得了超过10亿美元的投资,这将有助于其在全球市场扩张。然而,VinFast在美国市场的表现不佳,其北卡罗来纳州工厂的建设也被推迟。 此外,特斯拉的机器人出租车计划受到了Zoox联合创始人的质疑,他认为特斯拉的技术还不够成熟。英国汽车拍卖公司BCA推出了一种新的电动汽车电池健康分级服务,旨在提高消费者对二手电动汽车的信心。

Deep Dive

Ford pauses production of the F-150 Lightning and adjusts its strategy due to market challenges and overcapacity in the EV market.
  • Ford pauses F-150 Lightning production from November 15th to January 6th.
  • Impact on around 800 workers and 750,000 employees.
  • Ford adjusts production and demand management to avoid piling on incentives and discounts.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome back to rev. News daily coming up today. Ford begins replacing those falling access aps. The euro E, V market grows again, and vin fast secure a billion dollars of investment POS day june.

Because later in the show I tell why there's a war of words between tesla and their robot taxi competition. Good morning. Good after good, everything where you are in the world.

Welcome to EV trusted source of the information even at the weekend, is that november, I guys through every e, you haven't got to. And wow, look at this. Welcome to a new podcast partner of the show, David, and least to Allen.

Now those names may sound familiar at a long time listeners, because what you've heard me say them before, David, lisa Allen, previous partners of the show, and you can, what blows my mind about the patron supporters, at whatever level is when people leave or their circumstances change, or they want to support other creators for a period of time, or maybe they just want to support EV news daily, which is just me let's, this is my whole job now, a for maybe three months or four months, or six or a year or whatever, people always email and apologize. And David, lisa did that a little while ago. Like, I going to go to do some things.

My thing is that the patent craters they want to to support or something and so I think amazing and h people are kind of a not apologize and say sorry, but almost want to say, hey, good luck and I can stuff and and no man, these you guys I absolute maze me on the patron in crowd and you really do put this podcast on the year and and then that came through yesterday saying, I want to you again, whether it's for a month, we will be amazing. And if it's for longer, that's also amazing wos fifty dollars a month. incredible.

Patriots supporters get the shows at free. Be like David and lisa by clicking on a link in the show notes. Well, ford will stop production of the f 1 fifty lightning off on november fifteen th and resume on january six, according to a company spokesperson.

While the exact number of affected employs hasn't been revealed, automotive news estimates around eight hundred workers and seven hundred and fifty thousand employees is impacting the E. V markets chain significantly since the lightning was first lost in may twenty twenty one. Now initially ford were going to double production because of strong consume of interest.

They even paused its reservation system at one boy because of high demand, however, for to reduce lightning production by fifty percent earlier this year and cut its hy workforce at the factory by two thirds. S N P global mobility analysts Stephanie briny noting that fords adjustments in production and demand management are ety Better than Carrying on making evs like the lightning and then piling on incentives and discounts for sales. He expects all the makers to adopt similar strategies as the evy market finds its equilibrium, supply and demand, printing remarked.

And I quote, the reality is consumers are not coming in as quickly as people had hoped at one point, but they are coming in. The E, V, market is still growing and grope. We're during the third quarter earnings call, C, O G M finally higher lighting the global Price war in the evy market because of overcapacity, multiple new models and compliance precious. He predicted that about one hundred and fifty new EV models were into the north american market by the end of twenty twenty six and mentioned aggressive leasing strategies from their competitors.

In light of these chAllenges, tim finally indicated that ford would focus on reducing their own costs by changing launch schedules, cutting battery production capacity, optimizing battery types to take advantage of tax credits linked to limine first state battery making at the new facility martial in michigan meeting that across from poland, for instance, he also informed employees of the need to speed up efforts to improve cost efficiency and quality, which would result in manager bonuses being reduced by sixty five percent of their total based on performance metrics. s. While some good news for ford, they didn't a bit of good news for starting a couple of days ago.

On october thirty first, IT was a halloween treats. Four owners of those forts have been waiting to get the new ford branded free adapter. The next adapted the j thirty four hundred to C C S one adapt, the developing partnership with tron, a company spokesperson mentioning the customers waiting for their free adapters might receive either the new version or the existing approved model still in false inventory.

The adaptor is free for customers already on the list if you missed out on the initial offer, you can get two hundred dollars, which is slightly subsidized, although it's currently out of stock. Previous adapters were made by tesla themselves, but had to be recalled thought to have to tell customers of a batch of the tesla produced ones. They had to return those because they could damage the vehicles.

The electron cycle vote's adapt, then they give IT. IT does mean testers specifications. And of course the electron adapt itself has had its own bumpy history, but its all seems to be straight out now supporting up to five hundred and one thousand volts, all the three adapters that the test or so, which was the one that was a fault here.

That fault had to recall there's the electron one, this one made by eight. Is that a canadian company as well? And so those are the three kind of big adapt. I would if you see anything else on online marketplaces that might be chipping over from other countries that are cheaper, I probably wouldn't go for those if I were you.

And those are the three ones which a very popular and working fine at the moment in the do C2Before the wor ld dai ry, the uses to avoid using the free ones they've been sending out that can either lead to slow charge speeds or indeed damage the vehicle. And those replacements are now being sent out. Well, in september, and I was just clicking into november, but IT takes a while the numbers to come in.

Well, in september, europe recorded uh two hundred and ninety five thousand plugging vehicles sold, just six percent increase compared to the same month last year. It's europe going back into plug sales growth that signals are recovering the EV market for the first time since April actually, but this increase occurs and it's an overall market decline of the automotive market of four percent, which was one point one million vehicles in the year. O market for the month of september batter electric vehicles with the main drivers of the growth saying a fourteen percent rise year over year.

For the month of september, I bring that total to two hundred and twelve thousand units. Then plug in hybrid ds were up not by the fourteen percent. The beds were but nine percent, with registrations eighty three thousand.

So lots of talk around particularly, I think this comes from any other car makers that having a tough time, they need to put the message out that they not hang the numbers that they thought they were going to maybe post pandemic supply chain chon, just stuff like that long wait times reviews touch about already on the podcast, ford having to close the reservation list. Well, they have to then justify that to the market. They were publicly traded.

And so the story they have to put out as well, the E. V. Market isn't growing as as quit as they thought, which many news outlets try take on and whether for nefarious reasons or not, lazy journalism or misunderstanding, which is fine or just because they have to use some sort short hand because they're writing a quicker article for you know, social media or something that gets turned into the EV market is in decline, and you have seen those articles all year.

I've seen them. But the E. Y. Market isn't growing at the speed at which everybody thought we going to do this transition in three, four, five years.

Maybe it'll take ten or fifteen years. Yes, I can. I'll be here that they even news daily every day and tell you about IT.

It's fine. And so that's the reality. And the euro market once again growing fourteen percent up year over year in september.

Great to see that number increasing. This is all coming from another excEllent clean technical sales report. I love the data. We get off clean technique. So amazing writing there, which really helps me out understand other vehicle types they point out as well, the petrol sales drop by nineteen percent. Disease sales were down twenty four percent.

Can dio go down anymore? Consequently, the market share of plugin vehicles is twenty six percent in september, beds for the euro market in nineteen percent, one in five vehicles pure by pure bev. And that's with germany, which is the biggest market, still be attacked because of the lack of any reason to go by an A V for the first time in september.

Hybrid sales are not plugging, but the mild hybrid, soft hybrid actually exceeded pet rol. And that suggests a potential shift in the kind of vehicles being made where everything on the road at some point is going to a degree of electrification. And then the different active is, what can you add electricity to IT with a plug? And so there's a lot of hybrid ds around this.

Even so, hybrids from, you know, like this stands e power. Where is just a rearrange extender. And so you perpetual inside, it's a move, but ultimately, it's it's motors that moving you around.

And that's the thing that no for me is the differentiator. I'm nothing against plugging hybrids but want to be able to add electricity to IT. And so a fever wouldn't wouldn't be right for us in our personal circumstances, but IT wouldn't right for many people.

What wouldn't be right is a vehicle that we could add electricity to in some shape or form in europe dies. L vehicles were only eight percent of sales. And so again, a lots of nash's of teeth i've seen this week the U.

K. Budget was talking about the move to E, V. And zero emission transport.

They was think, but what about all the days of vehicles? Okay, well, we can worry about those eight percent. The eight.

Percent of sales. We won't ignore those people. But on the see, it's not going to be a problem by twenty thirty. As of the end of september, the share of logging vehicles for the year to date was twenty two percent and BBS was fifteen percent. Year today are a very, very good september in the eo market, but be these in fifteen percent, not nine percent, which was the month.

Now the plugging share like a say twenty two percent, I will know that actually at the moment down from twenty three the same period last year ah despite the solid pair a performance of po bev s in september, they are still seventy two percent seventy five percent of all the plug in sales. And so the minute pure bev s absolutely outdoing plugging hybrids, unlike in china where I think got really interesting plugging hybrid s on the market. And some of the chinese bias are going for those brilliant.

Uh, so that is a big download of data for you. We'll talk about some big investment in evs in a moment, another new hatchback coming from china to the european market and why elon musk, in a war of word with this robot taxi competitors, those stories and more coming up, stick around. I welcome back to the podcast.

If you want to say even more time, it's the weekend. After all, we want to get through EV news as week as possible. You can be a patric and support, and you can go to P A T R I O N up comes slash E V news daily and support the pocket for my work here.

This is what I do for a job, by the way. And so you directly pay my way. Just thank you.

Two hundred and ten people now, uh, so I lost on my mone hundred and ninety five. And so I mentioned that i'd like to get to two hundred and fifty paid supporters, individuals and businesses. Org ization.

By the end of this year, that would be adding twenty in november, twenty in december. If you just do as a as a straight line lennar all the way to the end of the year, I think we can achieve that one hundred and ten paid patron's. I'd love to get to two fifty by the end of the what a way to start to twenty twenty five that would be oh, I can see i'm rewriting the tears.

The the levels, if you like, on those. We'll put the Price I think we are aiming for first of november, but it's one of those jobs that ABS been a kicking off because it's it's a pay your rise, by the way, you are locked in current patent and sport is locked in to whatever you pay grandfather you on the system. So so that first, and I looks like first december, I think of those those those Prices up, natural human thing is i'm a reticent to charge more for the same work that i've been doing since twenty eighteen.

I think we launched a long time not to have a any kind of Price rise. And so but still human nature, like there was a bit icky to put the Price up. But around that, I think first, the december will kick those in and bring some things back.

Like question of the week, which turned out to be really popular when I recently asked the patrons, what do you want to see? People can get involved in the podcast to the votes and the question, stuff like that. We're bring that back maybe maybe december, maybe before actually.

Now let's get back to the news and let's talk a little bit about amper. Now, empire or a pair. OS. E, V division was going to be floated and be a public company on IPO, but they are held off on that with some of the different things happening with the evy market, but has made really big strides in the last twelve months. The company aims to close the gap with industry leaders and set itself apart in the european and market.

Now let S M pair is onna benefit from the market growth of about twenty five percent annually over the next five years of the EV mark. That sounds like a good business to be. And okay, it's not hundred percent fifty percent year O V twenty five percent annual growth, very, very good business.

Based in northern france and pair has created electric city as its primary heavy manufacturing hub. The center combines Operations in do I mortgage and reits working, intend them with the clinic plant for the production of e power train. Significant improvements have been made with the manufacturing time for the reno five now under ten hours.

Development of the two go is on track with a mark launcher twenty twenty six in the Price of under twenty thousand eos to the new now celebrate, accelerate EV development, and pair have got their advanced china development center as well. Some of the work ongoing over that and the vehicles are made in europe, of course, using insights in the chinese market to refine and improve reno groups processes within just eighteen months. And pair has integrated the glidin mine and fosler technology into its vehicles and some new nickel manganese cob emc technology as well.

Amp is advancing battery technology with cells pack attack and ongoing work we're sell to shac design, aiming to provide optimal range at competitive Prices. They point out now Amber is also, they say gonna do well in the european market because of the launch of things like the flex e van, the first software defined vehicle that they have made in europe. That's out in twenty twenty six um to reflect ampas development strategy, which is about minimizing costs and retaining their own intellectual property, doing IT all in house that's really good.

Of course, they work with the likes of google for the Operating system and stuff like that. And european and battery manufacturers too weren't really interesting. What aren't everyone working on that project? Otherwise the most success storing terms of how quickly they are able to develop the two, the cast, how this they're one time close partner and still still partner, of course, with this and reno zib I but at the bones being slightly less tired than under colors going days, they're onna use that same twingo platform for a nsa micro, not called the micro.

They might call IT the micro. I think they should do actually for again, twenty thousand year o or less vehicles. That's all great. All drives the competition hard. And not any from china, but from the likes of those sargon have got to come with a really compelling I D one and A I D two at some point now. Haven't thought about vin fast than a while.

Have vine now when I do tend tend to to be a little bit critical of fast, I know there's at least two listeners of the podcast you have orders in very fast and the e mail of me to say you have been a little bit harsh on the company. Let me gives some good news. Vin, fast to secure over a one billion dollars in funding from a group LED by the emotes the investment aims to bolt of in fast resources.

Of course, the financial boost comes across al time of the venti es auto maker, which in fifty three percent decline in the stock Price this year. They going to establish a factory in india by the middle of next year. And IT began a construction already on an an assembly plant in indonesia.

The company has difficulties in the U. S. market. They've sold just twenty one thousand seven hundred and forty seven vehicles in the first half of the year.

The north Caroline of factory has been postponed by at least three years. Some analysts say that was overly ambitious, but let's see what's what happens to vin fast. The owner, the founder behind that is always so bullish, confidence, optimistic.

And there's someone who's made an extreme amount of money and can afford to a bank this for a long time if he wanted to personally. And you never Better against people like that. Now, a couple of days ago, on a type thirty first, new images surfaced again.

The in china have to do this because the needs, various regulatory stuff. So the carmakers get all these pictures show online, i'm sure they wouldn't want to. But we saw the gac iron hatchback.

Now we think you might be called the A Y two, but you might get a different name when IT comes to the european market. IT took about the iron v coming to australia already. Now the A Y two is going be shown off in november with the european released by twenty twenty five.

It's going to a cost about hundred thousand, one that's fourteen thousand dollars equivalent. I am just place to my mind what they sell IT for in europe. Course they're to be some h extra tariff now they start as of yesterday.

Um but whatever the ads, it'll still be competitive with cars like the byd dolphin, the volks mark and ID three, the wooden bingo. The car might share the same pure electric platform as the iron vase of four hundred and val system silicon car by technology inside IT three sea fast charging with the lithium false fake batteries. I want to sell a million of these irons into two thousand twenty five.

And europe is a big part of that, a factory in thailand. They're building one in indonesia. So maybe I wouldn't have the china tariff of our cars came from there.

And they are, you know one of the maybe in some markets the third biggest behind tesler N B Y D. So don't write them off either. We're like to see what they come with those vehicles. Now worth word, breaking out between testers in the about tanti competition. Jessie levenson is the cofounder and co. Of zooks self driving car company, going public with his doubts on regarding text less time line for launching a robot taxi service in california and beyond recent statements by elon mask, which said they going to be launching the robot taxi slash liba cap in twenty five, he counted those, asserting the tesla's technology is simply not advanced enough for self driving.

Levenson made the comments during the tech crush disrupt of that, which has been going on this week, highlighting the distinction between what's a very good driver assistance system and a very, very good, very competent ADAS system that requires human input from time to time versus systems that are designed to be fully autonomous and can Operate independently. He criticize test less approach of vision only for its driver assistance technology, claiming that more extensive hardware setups are necessary to achieve full autonomy. His reMarks followed musk presentation of the cybercafe prototype with their plans for those vehicles on the writing.

California in texas next year in twenty to five. Levenson noted that he frequently uses test this for self driving software, test out for himself, and he finds IT very impressive, but describe the experience as being too stressful, because the system generally performs well until IT doesn't, and IT leads all you into a full sense of complacency, he says, because then when IT makes an error, if then stressful to correctly, you never know one of the error is going to come. He says the tesla's full self driving technology is one hundred times less safe than a human.

His comments, of course, go inside with zooks launching their own robot taxi and sand Frances go and last vegas. Those early rider programs begin very soon. So he has a reason to be going public with his thoughts that why this system is Better than tesla system, of course, you all must respond intrada ally dismissive fashion on social media.

And finally, well, you know that for a long time, partner of the show has been record. Also, they provide battery reports for these. You can find a more recon, also dotcom, well competitive to service over here in the U.

K, is being rolled out by the auction house B, C A. Now B C, A british car auction unveiling a similar service aimed evaluating the condition of E V batteries intended to boost bia confidence. The grading system is said to be the first in the U.

K. Auction sector, providing a quick assessment of the traction batteries state with a quick grading system from a to e. Each vehicle receives a school on the test that performed by a value which had heard of before.

I going to have a evalu are the independent assessment involves attaching the evolution device to the obd reader and that that will give A A simple score of the remaining capacity of the battery and any defective battery modules. It's a compatible with ninety five percent of evs that go through the car options and IT displays the battery health grading system prominently on the vehicle detail pages of the websites. Anyone, any dealers that are going along to buy a vehicle auction to then remarket to retail and members of the public, the likes of you and I can see the battery details very easily.

And if you wanted to, when you then resell that vehicle, you are able to then include that battery data to your future retail customers as well. Things like a pretty good idea that podcast for today, thanks to our premium part portion of the village since nati od ince ninety east and volvo's ars of since I east national car charging on the U. S. Mainland and the low car charge in hawaii, direct ally from naval dot I E and the navy E V. Review island youtube channel, an october electrofusion s global public charging made simple with one up and one map, a good set of our, and remember, there is no such thing as a .

self charging eye D.