cover of episode Chinese hackers target home routers

Chinese hackers target home routers

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Kim Komando Daily Tech Update

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kim Commander
Kim Commander: 中国黑客正在攻击家用路由器,窃取用户数据,包括银行信息和个人信息。未受保护的路由器可能被用于大规模网络攻击,成为僵尸网络的一部分。黑客通常攻击那些从未更新或密码简单的路由器。为了保护路由器安全,用户应该更改默认密码,使用强密码,并定期更新路由器固件。此外,建议使用密码管理器来管理密码,并使用军用级加密的密码管理器,例如NordPass。 Kim Commander还建议用户检查蓝牙连接,确保蓝牙设备保持在10英尺以内,避免多个设备同时连接蓝牙,从而导致连接问题。如果遇到蓝牙连接问题,建议尝试使用不同品牌的耳机,例如Anker耳机或苹果AirPods Pro耳机。 Kim Commander还推荐了其免费的每日新闻通讯,以帮助用户了解最新的网络安全信息。 Key: 听众Key反映其网络连接经常中断,严重影响其工作。其尝试过多种不同的设备和软件,但问题仍然存在。

Deep Dive

Chinese hackers are targeting home routers, which can be exploited for data theft and larger cyber attacks. It's crucial to update your router's password and ensure it's secure.
  • Hackers can watch your online activity and hijack your network for larger attacks.
  • Focus on routers that never get updates or have easy passwords.
  • Change the default password to a strong one to protect your router.

Shownotes Transcript


Okay, the digital life act IT just got Better because coming up after IT here, one of the most engaging calls from my weekend show, it's called the kim command to show yeah funning how that works. Communist china based hackers are targeting something as close to home as he gets your wifi router. I'm came commander for totally v the award winning anti virus software for just nineteen dollars right now.

I protect with kim doc. Here's the deal. Your router is a gold line for data finding everything from banking details to personal messages. If left unprotected, hackers can watch your online activity, but there's something else they can do, hijacked or network for larger attacks by adding IT to a botnet.

Think of that like an army of infected devices, where each router, smart T, V or device, is used to Carry out, ordinate attacks without the owner ever knowing. So how do they get in these chinese hackers? Focus on writers that never get updates or have easy passwords.

Once the last time you check yours, if it's been a while, lock IT down. First change the faul password if you're still using ad minor, one, two, three, four, you're just inviting them in. Sign up for my free newsletter.

I'd get kim duck com. Are you? Second, tired of passwords just driving you crazy. Every account you have really needs a different one. Upper case letters, lower case letters, symbols.

And IT has to be twelve, and more characters ready passes here to end the madness for good. You're gonna love this. You can forget jugged dozens or even hundreds of passwords.

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I love all the extra features, such as the data bridge scanner that let you know if your credentials were exposed in a dad league, your passers will be stored securely because nord pass uses the strongest military grade encryption, making IT impossible for hackers to crack your credentials. Go a nord past outcome. Slash came for fifty eight percent off today that's nord past outcome slash came nd past outcoached lash came.

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And oh boy, watch out. Sneaky q arcos. I can actually break your phone. IT doesn't stop there. Join me for kim commander today, a fun podcast.

Will we break down the latest tech news and change? It's like talking tech with a friend. It's all the boring stuff. You'll get the latest tips and tricks to keep you in the know. And I have a little fun while doing IT.

Plus, who doesn't love being the text? Everyone in the crowd so had to youtube that com slash commando IT subscribe and make sure you never miss a new video or podcast that youtube 点 com slash kim commander and when you're there, be sure to hit that subscribe button that youtube dark com slash kim commander with A K of course and i'll see you on the video all right, just as I promise. Here's a fantastic call from my show that you've got to hear.

Let's see. How about we start this hour with key in long beach, new york. Hello, there are keys.

Hello, kim, I don't know if you can help me, but I have purchased so many different. Go to text. Uh, I am talking you good ones uh yeah play thongs s and such and they just the the the connection was just drop off and whether it's my computer or myself self uh and you know it's like, I don't know what i'm doing on, but i'm looking for something that I can depend .

on and so what what's happening is that just losing the connection in the middle of a cold. Is that matter whatever you using are you want to mac or windows?

I mean, uh so uh actually when I spoke with your assistant of a little bit a did called disrupt on on my yeah yeah it's somebody say IT just happen but IT is no pattern. There's no constant. And you know this is this is my my business line as you will so I need that phone to .

work um you know all the basics. You know you got all the updates for all the devices um and is that windows or mac to .

reducing IT? Is windows and .

then what kind of phone .

I have a one plus seven that should work .

all that should work pretty fine. Um and you know just let you know like the range before blue tooth, you want to keep that around ten feet that sounds like you're probably than ten feet, right?

I'm inches away.


It's really hard sometimes to diagnose and do tech support on the air really is course. I can tell you that you know if you are using ear buds um that you may have Better luck with that because it's maybe the latest technology and that IT may be more inclined to work with the newest stuff like the one plus phone and the windows laptop maybe then something like a plan chronics.

Um i'm all i'm all apples, so I am using apple airports and they work fabulously. John, our text, our tech guy here is who's just great about everything. He keeps his samsung earbuds and all day long.

So so maybe instead of looking at a headset, maybe we look at you, look at some of them. And I am happy to point you to like even rk on those are fabulous herods and they're like eighty box. And so maybe might have Better luck and pairing those devices.

But if you have all the system updates for your devices and that includes your phone, and I mean, you really shouldn't have those type of issues. You could have maybe some interference, but even those problems have been solved over the years that now you just if you have a pair of earbuds, it's just like, oh, you have earbuds which you like to connect to yeah okay, you know. So it's not like you have to go through all these generations.

The only time that I find where my blue tooth might not work properly is if I have multiple devices that are attached to IT. And so where I have the airports attached to my macbook, my phone and my car, that sometimes it's like, okay, i'm confused. Where do you want me to be? You know so i'm like like i'm confused too. So you know, that's where you have actually pick IT IT off the list.

So I would try and I hate to make you good bye something else, but I would try know if you go to rake on reconduct command if I think if there's if you know there are a sponsor on our podcast, not here on the show, but I use rans as well as that if you do, if you use promo code, kid, I think you're going to say like fifteen percent or something like that. So reconduct com, and i've used them. I've tested them before I put my name attached to them.

I did make sure that they worked with a lot of devices. We test to them here in the studios two. And you can go on amazon.

There is like a thousand different area buds, and I know that. So that's where you know you have samsung. You wanted get those if you're on anything else, you won't take a look these recons.

And if you're on apple, it's really hard to beat the ipod pro. I mean, I know they're super expensive. They're like tribble the costs at the rate cons, but they are pretty darn good. And especially when you start working with all the all the electronics that go along with IT.

Major, thanks for giving me your listening time today. And if a tech questions, just long as you don't keep IT to yourself, share with me how bon over the commander I come and his email cam, I read every single note. Now, in a digital world, you need to stay up today.

That's why you need my free daily newsletter. You can sign up right now. Over i'd get came down com. Let's get came down com.