Walk back to other episode, the momma show. I feel like it's been a thousand years heart lessons. We've had a guest and obviously it's no secret who we have on our screens blessing us on this podcast in audio form. If you're listening in the car, we have the one and only john proser back again for your second time. That.
oh no. This is like my third, third time, I think, because i've gone on by myself maybe once or twice plus you guys had to say when I on both and that was is what was called a mistake. So we're not doing that this time.
just john today we do, miss sam, hope he is doing well, but we have john on today to talk about, uh, the apple event because apple did not make an event, but john did and I did. He's like, fine, i'll just do IT myself. I found this. We had a plane.
We had a plane where we we just had alternate takes. So some of our takes said, uh, apple, apple just dropped invites for the event next week. Do you want to see IT early that that was what we thought was gonna in IT, and then they didn't do that.
So we used all of our alternate takes that they didn't make an event or so we did, which kind of made you look cooler. But everyone thought that that we already had like inside knowledge that we knew there was gonna no event because like all of you saying that to begin the video, they must have known the whole time. No, didn't know.
That's called pre planning.
Yeah, I thought there was an event on third because I was told there was an event on the third. But as everyone knows that micro muse, if I am told IT, it's probably not happening.
So I thought they would be I was just going to be an event. Constance last, they did an event for less. But this time around.
well, I think they did event last year just for the cool factor, just to be like the hip cool tech company doing a spooky fun event for for the fans. I think that's mostly what I was. I was just like IT was just for show. I wish they did that this year, too.
So for those who didn't get a chance to watch john's video, go to the front page tech youtube channel and definitely check this out. I am very impressed by all of your apple transitions. I mean, they're very seamless. They were so good, so realistic, super convincing. The birds were, the birds were there, me for listing on head, nice, little like omby once of birds.
And you, a lot of work for sure.
But with that, sad, i'll take the first question here. Did we prefer press releases over an event, especially a kite time, prime time event? What if that was what apple announced? Would you have rather had the week of press releases or the prime time of that? I'll start with you, Johnson, you are our guest.
okay. Um so I know that this sort of structure works best for sort of our community, I guess, the apple community here because we have you know consecutive days to talk about this stuff and not just one event where I mean by by the next day or the day after the next day afternoon ent. We're no longer talking about IT really.
Um so I I guess in terms of like keeping this at everyone's attention for half of a week, this was a really good idea. I would I more so would prefer the event. I just love the feel of like a special occasion.
This makes you feel little less special. But I think in terms of apple, I think that was a good idea for them. I think they got more and longer press coverage. I won't just rather a spooky fog event is all.
I certainly would have preferred an event for this than last year's event. I felt the all of these announcements, even the the map of prose, are way bigger update than last year, the imac way bigger than last year. But I do also feel like giving one whole day per device in the community has LED to more of a deep dive. Um and just a little bit more breathing space, not just from our perspectives covering IT and trying to dig into the detail, but I also think for slightly more average consumers, having one day to think okay, the new mac meeting is cool. The next day the new mac ah is cool IT just gives you that little space where sometimes the stuff may have been of brushed away.
Hardly, this is this event over last. Like if they took everything that was announced to over these last three days and put IT into an event and put IT at one A M your time, which I believe was what I was last year, would you have thought I was worth that still?
I mean, no, but I still would have put IT because I think these updates were way bigger and we got one whole additional redesign device last year. Yeah.
I feel like apple could have spent like if they would have one an event, let's say they did an hour long event, which you're like, how could you do an hour on this? I feel like they could have done like, excuse me, you alright. The panic for .
audiences is the panic. His face was so real.
I genuinely don't know if I was going to breathe, if that was my last room. This is.
hey, if you go, do we have permission to post?
At least still .
actually would expect you to recall.
Keep, keep the .
show going. I'll be dead here. Nobody will be fine. Just make sure you call nine one once say.
call somebody at this. Well, after the show, that's more important. What was I going to say? Okay, so yeah, you can do twenty minutes on the mac, many at least. And then maybe the macbook pro I mac, we're going to talk about IT here and just a second. We can just a few things, but it's like three minutes there, but then twenty minutes of just highlighting all of the cool features, rapper intelligence for the mac I feel like is far more interesting right now because we don't know. And then we saw some of the instances where I was really cool. And like why why don't we know more about like the productivity in the different things that you have planned for your applications with apple intelligence for now and in the future? I thought I felt like that could a bit a good event if you're going to talk about apple tangents and every one of these videos do more of a deep dive.
And let's not forget that we just have the ipad mini as well. So that also could have been .
rolled into an event. Yeah, but I I feel so bad that I didn't get a little spot and event. What a waste OK.
I was told by halley not to deviate from this plan very strictly.
not to. You can deviate .
good because this is my one, and only deviation at this current time, maybe theyll be more. But right now, this is the one i'm going to give myself. John, you're an ipad mini stand. How do you feel about the ipad mini?
Said, i'm happy, i'm happy and sad. I'm let's start off with my sad feelings. I'm sad because for one, jelly school is absolutely still there is not gone.
I don't know, the people is say they lie to me because before I got mine, they were like all jelly schools gone. Apple says jelly schools gone is not it's less dramatic, maybe, but it's definitely not gone. And also a seventeen pro, I don't know if I don't maybe this is just mine.
I don't know. Uh, maybe the listeners of viewers because everyone, obviously a hundred percent of you have ipad. Many cause is the best of product. The seventeen pro makes a kind of hot.
like uniting warm in .
a very uncomfortable way. It's not like a oh it's a little warm matter. I might have to set this down.
It's a little too high um and for all the things that I love, ipad mini four, I can't say that the new one. Does those things specifically any Better there. So uh the good news is that they still care.
All I needed was you know a sign of life for I pad mini. And not only do we have that, but then ross Young saying we're getting an OLED one. I don't care. I don't care about the OLED thing or anything else. All I need to know is that there's going to be another one and they haven't given up on IT like iphone many.
for example. Hey, I just want to take a quick minute to let you know that the episode of the podcast is sponsored by notion. There are tons of A I tools out there these days.
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Thanks, notion for sponsoring this episode great segway into the first product, which was the imac. Do you think we're giving up on the imac because this got a pretty weak week update. I mean, you ve got some new college was that? I think it's pretty. K, I mean, okay.
how do you seen the new shades of colors?
Well, so that's the thing. So I I in my video said that they were the same colors, which they are, in theory, the same color options, but they are different color shades. And that was something I honestly truthful.
Ly did not notice right away until, like, you go back and actually look at IT again. But I don't think anyone can blame you. The blues, a little blue.
The Greens, a little Greener like I I get IT. I still don't like the past l front, but that's just me. And so we got that.
We got the finally USB c accessory, which is the biggest part of that, which I really enjoys, finally updating that. And then you got forth thunderous four ports. If you go with the ten core CPU less g pu model other than that, hardly. Why do you think it's such a good update? Or or why do you think .
they haven't given up? Well, I think compared to the imac update that we got last year, this time last year, very mind. That came what? Eighteen months, two years after the previous update, because he went m one to m three, they skip m two, that m three updates.
The only difference was the chip this time round, there are new colour options. There are U, S, B, C accessories. There are four fundable four ports. There is the twelve 7 pixel camera, which is now the same as studio display with desk and with center stage. And you've got nana o texture for the first time, so that that is quite a .
lot more of stuff.
There's a few different changes.
But as a whole, I mean, you look at IT, I feel like most people would be like we got an updated ship. sure. The color colors are the same. The color shades are different slightly, and they should have updated USB c last year. So i'm not giving them a pass on yeah, it's been about four, three years, three or four years of virtual the same imac with a couple of internal bombs. I will say getting a nano texture option for those five percent of people out there who are probably going to to do that as nice. And then what was the other thing that the thunder able ports that is big I will two thunder able ports is not enough um on a machine that gives you for I agree, making you all that but like I don't know IT just seems like we're kind of just costing along and how long and we're going to ride this for, they're going to be at least give us a different size.
I feel like I feel like with imac, that demographic is so locked down and specific, like I think that's a perfect mac for most people that want a desktop computer at least. Um and I just think he was I next year, I think we had you know a crazy update a few years ago that really kind of revitalize the imac this year was uh, the mac mini got got the ah the rebel.
Um so I don't I don't think where we should at all give up on imac was would expect a larger one. Uh, and of course, I don't think I don't think they're done at all with uh, trying to innovate in that lineup. I just think IT was a different year this year.
Good because I do love the imac. I care for IT. And I think it's a really great option for everyone like you said, also because you're getting a fantastic display and all that power, especially with the m four. Now for what's the starting Price, fourteen and fifty ninety nine somewhere around that.
that you're asking the wrong person.
I know I we're terrible at the Prices, the numbers here, but I mean, that goes without saying the point is, is probably around that area and that's really good because what's hardly tell me how many monitors are in the space with red inequality at four point five k of twenty four plus inches? How many of those exist and for what Price? I honestly, P I couldn't say.
I mean, look at the studio display, which would be the nearest the nearest match um considering that also the imac contains the whole computer and speakers yeah and everything else that you get with that and also starts with sixteen gig bites RAM now as well yes.
as everything does.
which is great. How sad that is IT that we are like cheering on getting sixteen gig bites of RAM. Now i'll take IT. It's started to ninety nine by the way.
So h so even even Better to twelve ninety nine I think fifty ninety nine was maybe the map prop. But um still I mean it's such a good I I just want them to knock IT lazy with that is all i'm saying because I feel like now for the last two years. So yeah you gave us especially this year, some Better quality of life improvements with the the the megaplex el two megaplex el of front face in camera is another stage.
Just view all of that. By the way, who uses desk? You would love to know that which, sorry, sorcery of a feature that I don't know how that works, but IT does. And so yeah, I mean, it's it's a good still a good computer, but an obit.
I think apple silicon is just giving them an excuse to not try as heart. I have too much breathing room. I think .
other than a lot of size, what would you guys actually want from the imac at this stage?
Because if we .
I O display .
and the mami right now, is that option in the lining up effectively? Yeah actually, if if we forget size, what actually do you want me to do right now?
No, I want a proverb of IT. He's right. I want a proverb. Larger size prospects and for pro and for max figuration, that would be my computer of choice.
Then yeah, I don't have an issue at all with how imac is laid out uh, or who is for. I'm just saying if I if I was gonna get one again, I would have to be more appropriate and larger if if possible, I would love .
that the most twenty seven, eight minimum thirty two would be amazing.
Yeah, I edited for a year. I added that I edited F, P, T. For a year on the m one imac, I think. Um so I mean, was good enough then I love that little guy. I just what I was bigger and more powerful 带走。
I think we'll get next couple of years.
next couple of years I wanted to be now I could even complain though.
if they didn't give us a provine. I don't think I could complain because I don't think it's for me. I don't think i'm the key demographic for that computer. So I just sort of accepted .
and and that's fine if they didn't at one point to have a provi ant for you. They had the imac pro and that was for quote for you.
What I think you have to remember is at that time, they did not have the studio display and the mac mini was in no way near as good to a place that as IT is right now. So if you want that pro imac functionally, if you just spy a studio display and an m4 pro mac mini, you're getting basically the same experience.
Sure, one more thing that you need to place on the desk, but the new mac mini is so frigid, small, you can put whatever you want, just take IT to the back of your, if you want to. So let just jump right into the mac mini, which I was probably the star of the week, right? I mean, yeah, everybody seems to love IT.
IT is pretty much what we expected a apple TV um sized mac. And um the power button is the first thing I want to mention because i've seen quite a few people up in arms. So let's jump on all the click bate rage here. And john, give me your thoughts on the power button being on I believe it's the if you're facing IT, it's the back left corner but on the bottom of the actual mac.
don't care. I think yeah I .
think that yeah.
obviously, if you are used to using your computer a certain way and you are reaching for the power button frequently, that's that's one thing. But I think apple is trying to state here clearly that this thing should be left sort of perpetual on and shouldn't have any issue with that, especially nowadays. I mean, it's twenty twenty four.
Power management is much, much Better um and for aesthetics, it's Better. But I I don't think i'm reaching down there to turn IT on and off frequently. I think it's just gonna on. I don't try my max shoot off and the power .
band is not on the bottom.
And really I would even say that most of time you only ever really use the power button to turn IT on, never really to turn that off because you you know doing like a an emergency shutdown yeah then you going to restart or you're just going to shut down from the system.
And this can be easily fixed. Just drill a hole in your desk, right where the power button is, have a little lever on your side, the death that you press and pushes something up the hole and have the button. It's easy to fix .
everybody going .
and IT goes up into the and .
hits the button. I understood one. So with with the magni power button being on the bottom, we can know just all agree here that it's not a big deal.
But there are some people who have said, like I just turned off every single night. I think that's insane. But hey, you do you so now that is a little bit of a bur. Should that prevent you from getting a mac? Many, if you really want one?
no. But also, it's so tiny, but you can just pick IT up with one hand this just the time of your hand and just it's not like the old man if that would have been I mean, that would be even say that would be annoying, but IT would have .
been ten percent more irritating. okay. So one specific scenario, hardly that our friend Kevin, the technical Kevin other neither, I always say either, but it's either you ve got to remember how to put out OK.
So what he said was that he this would kind of ruin some of the different mounting options that he has. But i'm thinking like most month that they are going to be created for this will most likely be leaving you at opening for the port. I mean, less you're stick, but like server farms, that's the one thing I can think of that all just packed hilly, they're not turning IT off. So I mean, yes, like but if something was to happen to turn IT on, it's going to be a real pain to where you're going to have to go back and really reaching there. But that's hopefully what once every .
few months yeah and that's exactly why this design stayed around for so long for fourteen years. And if I mean, if you're not okay with that changing now, I don't know to tell you, but like that part of the deal, especially if this is A A new design is gona stick around for another decade like now. Okay, now you're going to have new month specifically made for this.
Um but yeah if for people wondering why apple wait so long to do stuff like this or major redesign, because it's because of exactly that. Mac mini was insanely popular in the design, held up for a very long time, which is insane just by itself. But also, like a lot of server farms do use mac mini in this way, and they are buying them in bulk.
And changing the design like this really affects those people and how they can mount them. So time to reset. Start over. This is like the magnetic watch band reset for mac mini except .
we never did get that magmatic watching .
me be next year, maybe I .
don't know. So let's just quickly describe the mac money for the who have not seen IT and you're like way what they change the design just in one simple phrase here, it's a max studio but smaller, right? I mean, we can also kind of agree it's a smaller max studio with some changes, some of the biggest things. One thing I don't like is that there's no sd cars lot on the front like the max studio because like they definitely aim this know especially the pro variant at creators they cut saying that photographers and then you don't put not even just on the front, but you don't have one on the back either like that would have been super helpful but at least there's two USB c ports on the front and then three on the back. And we ve got surgery, five, Randy, for the first time, which is crazy thoughts .
on .
that guys.
Um I good I think one little curiosity about the three thunder ports on the back is that if you're coming from uh say N M one or an m two mac mini, that is an upgrade because right now you've only got two thunder poles on the back. But if you're coming from an intel based mac mini um like the twenty eighteen model um or you're coming from the m2 pro model, you are losing a thunder port because those had four.
So the trade off here is that you get thunder five and you get the U S B C ports on the front, but you lose one thunder able port. And also there's no more U S, B, A, either, which is another difference with the max studio. And there are still some people to you all the sort person that likes a modular set up.
You may actually care about losing USB. a. It's one of the both IT yeah .
every time I bring .
up losing USB USB type a ports, people yell at me and say i'm crazy and that I think there's no need for.
I don't like a macbook but no desk k top mac it's are especially with the mac mini that is so modular in the way that apple is a action people to use IT IT seems so strange, but personally, if if I buy one of these, I would prefer to have the two from facing USB sports. I haven't in one mac mini, and I would absolutely make that trade.
I think i'm a little bit uh, i'm a little bike because I don't use sd cards anymore. So are .
you using the oh I can show .
you right now ah we shoot on S S S. Um and this is Kevin, everybody. Kevin is a loyal team member here from page techne holds a lot of footage all the time. Ah yeah we just shoot on s sd now.
Um so I don't care much about an S D card but I do agree especially is there are obviously like levels and tears to this or what you're doing professionally, right? And not everyone. I would say most one doing youtube or creative work in general probably doesn't need a max studio. Uh and those people are going to be Better served by the mac many and those people not having nasty card reader is not great. But I think I will accept IT in exchange for the design we ve got.
Yeah, I would say sd card slot is probably one of the more common things for those who, of all you know, skill levels and profession you like you there like an amateur professional, quote, quote, you know somebody was doing this for a side gig or just an amateur photographer all the way up to those who are professionals. And i'm not quite at the level of john where i'm using st, but i'm still using sd cards slots. And it's important like it's nice to have it's very convenient .
what you want to use their thirty dollar adapter?
no. In fact, I lost mine somewhere and have trying by IT great. I ve got too many things that I need defined.
You know, one of the good things about the mac mini though is that there's so many like really good accessories, that third party accessory markets, really nice. So textually not sponsor. But just the first thing that comes to mind, they're little like hub that you place.
It's like perfectly. You place that right on top and just looks like it's part of the mac mini and that gives you all of the things that you're missing. Sorry, the wind is blowing so loud here.
I thought somebody was literally coming into the door. Um so yeah I mean, you get you can make up board with other things is just, you know it's nice to have IT if you can get IT in there. Yeah what else you guys like about the mac mini was anything that jumped out of either review that you're like, oh, this is really cool.
I think the thing that was interesting about the mac mini when we got the m2 proverb was just how, uh, I kind of steels the limelight from the max tudie for a lot of creators just don't need that sort of power. And I think that is even more pronounced now because m four is a pretty significant jump over m two.
Um and you've got those extra cause you've got that more powerful neural engine now, which in years to come as apple silicon volts um will make a tangible difference. And that design of the higher amount of memory, um I think you've even got a higher storage capacity now of a maximum of eight terribles um and all with that same starting Price. Uh, so I think it's really a pretty good value proposition. Is just a shame you probably want to a pair with a studio one .
thousand eight hundred thousand year and make money is an IP that's going to be around. I still worry about max studio every day like, okay, but are they gonna give up on this at some point? Uh, and mac many is not one of those.
IT doesn't have the same issue. Mac many is going to be around for another fourteen years. So uh, and arguably that you know they could just start eventually as we progressed without apple silicon. Everything that max studio is could just be put in that many at one point.
You know what if eventually we apple silicon chips gets so small they do physically seem to get smaller almost every year um that you get an m five max option for the mac mini.
It's amazing set up.
And if we get there and eventually spaces read up inside that we do sd card flaught, there is not really that much reason at that point of to get a next duty.
I mean, do you think next year we're going to get a next many year, at least the next update, you think you're going to put the sd sp back?
I don't know. I suppose IT just depends on how much internal space there is, and I don't really know when they will update this. It's interesting with the m four lineup as a whole looking at all these max because um although the apple of yet to update the macbook air, IT looks like they are going to put the m four in the macbook air sooner than than later.
And IT is also coming to the max studio and the mac pro. So the m four will be the first time any apple silicon chip is comes to the entire mac lineup. So I wonder if going forward, we're going to see that with m five, m six because apple silicon is kind of in that product pipeline now.
And IT took couple a few years to kind of get everything to the place where I needed to be redesign each machine to work out how each chip should scale. Um and maybe with that now, in which case that would be really nice. We could just get these annual updates so little bit like we've had for the micro pro.
which has been super reliable everything yeah .
I so while you guys we're talking, I was really curious about the mac mini and how much IT would cost to max one out um .
five thousand and something.
So an m four pro mac mini with a fourteen court CPU twenty core GPU sixty four giggs of RAM eight terribles of storage is or not going to do the gig bit ethernet mog, you know what? Let's do IT, it's part of IT forty six, ninety nine. Okay, so you can get .
a media display to that.
Well, let's just remove just for the site. We're going to go we're going to go one to one here because the max studio and the mac mini, we've been talking about IT, and they're so similar in design and they're very similar products. You don't have a studio display come with them.
So to remove that for a second, so we've got forty was, what did I say? Forty six? Ninety nine, right? You can get a mac studio a right now with an m2 ultra chip, twenty four core CPU, sixty core GPU, sixty four giggs of RAM. One terribly of S S D storage I did not max this is just the base entry level model of the ultra uh for four thousand dollars so you can save seven hundred yeah you're not getting seven to extra terribles of RAM where I mean assist storage but every .
are equal to what .
a terrible tes that I mean, didn't we have one terribles of on worked get there. So yeah, I mean, what what would you buy? What would you buy there? An m2 ultra chip with a sixty core GPU? And or would you max out the mac mini and spent an extra seven hundred dollars granted you're getting at eight terribles of storage?
Yeah, I think I would still go max studio .
for now though. No sure.
I think so. What's more interesting is the entry level max study of us is the mini at this point because that is still on m two. You really like the man.
So if you're looking at yeah so if you're on um if you're looking to do GPU intensive tasks, then you can still be worth getting the max studio if you're going to take advantage of the extra ports. But otherwise you have to consider that the clock speed um and the cause of the m for significantly more advanced than that of the m two generation. That's not even to mention the neutral engine, which is about what like twice as powerful.
Um so depending on your specific workflow, I would say unless you work with video and graphics, IT probably is worth getting the mac mini over the entry level. Max studio, it's kind of canabal zed IT now on account of having different ship. great. yeah. I mean, I can see that.
And I mean, it's it's much just kind of a little fun thing to see like what you could get for IT because when you're looking at an m to ultra, I think it's still a very good chip even compared obviously to the new m four pro and even the max in some circumstances. But um yeah Sunny to see such a high end pro level machine be cheaper and with almost Better specks in some circumstances then the new m four pro mac mini.
But either way, I think if you're a creator who we've described as like somebody who's doing this, you know I don't I honest, could get away with the m four pro entry level model that they released, bump up a few things for storage. But like I could easily use that every single day. I'd probably notice really no major hick ups of with my workflow.
And I feel like I can get everything done. Then I need to get done. So as someone who does this for a living all day, every day, if I am telling you that, I would think for most people out there, you probably could get away with the same thing.
You're in a major know you're if you're do something crazy and you know what who you are. I know you mean need to call you out, then you know that this is in the computer for you. But if you sitting there are wondering, like, do I need the studio or do I need the probe? If you're wondering that and you don't know that, then you just go with the probe, then save yourself a bunch of money and get that studio display that hard least been telling you to get.
I agree with you and uh also through throughout all this um did I hear correctly the macbook air now start to sixteen gigs around too what i'm .
going to D V A twice because hardly told me not to, but actually didn't tell me. I I started the deviation.
I I didn't tell me anything.
Yeah so fun little surprise yesterday is that the macbook AAA now comes with sixteen gigs and it's basically free, right? Yeah.
with no Price. With no pricing also means the higher memory tears have also come in Price. So they have all been bumped down once. If you want twenty four, go about of memory in your macbook, that is now way more affordable. Um so kind of interesting that this has happened midway through the macbook cares product cycle. And finally, the whole mac line up no matter what mac you gone by an apple store right now will start with at least sixteen year by memory.
Yeah and that's my macbook of choice. By the way, I prefer macbook air but of course keep mine. I'm doing my work on a macc studio. So um i'm not using one machine for all of IT. But if I if I have the choice and I have my studio on the office, then i'm always going to choose macbook air as my macbook. It's phenomenal.
It's what i've been using for travel lately because the macbook pro is sixteen inches. It's too big. I can't do IT anymore. In fact, when we got our max R M for max machine, I went fourteen inches just to go back down. That is the size.
Thirteen inch is the best size.
you think?
Oh yeah, no question.
H, I don't mind the fourteen. I think it's that much larger. Is that that I guess I haven't looked at IT in a while?
No, it's not. It's just like, you know, if you have two children, one one can be your favor but the other one still your son, you know so it's like you're still yeah you're great but you're .
not as good as .
the thirteen and .
son thirty .
thirty just said that's a very tiny child yeah I mean, I agree I can relate to that both as a parent and as a parent of the macbook pro and of of all sizes so um hardly which is you go to what do you what do you rock in these days?
I have a fourteen energy micro pro, but what I can't decide is do I go at next time around for a thirty in macbook air and go more portable? Do I go for a bigger display size which I kind of feel like I need to, sometimes I feel pretty constrained on the fourteen inch um and so then I think forget about possible ability, just go for the macro pro, make that my soul device, get rid of my mac mini and go all all in on macbook o or do I kind of go a middle of the way here and go for fifteen inch macbook? I really don't know. I still do not know.
John, is your macbook air a thirteenth? yeah. Okay, it's the minds of fifteen. So I would almost say split the difference. Just go fifteen .
nine yeah if if we have to yeah.
that's fine because you really are in the middle of that.
I know, but I also choose the best option. So you are .
not you are go and smaller these days. Well, everything else is getting larger in life.
No, no, no, no, no, no ipad, many should be completely away from this discussion. IT is not for work or anything that is pure joy and fund IT should not be in the conversation. Thirteen inch macbook air, I have done work on, I have edited on.
Its amazing. It's the best size for traveling. I would never let the video at IT touch my ipad mini. I don't have .
gmail on that thing.
What do you do? IT fun things. All all media consumption happens on ipad.
Yeah, everyone is usually in my bed because that's like, that's my bed time device because there's work is done. All of that's done is time for fun, enjoy. And that's what I have been for is perfect. And it's the most pristine apple product. I have no scratches, no dense because IT lives in a copy bed.
I like that. I like the idea of having a bad time device. No, yeah, work related. No.
nothing on there. No email. Try to email.
The ipad mini almost costs .
you being on .
the show so we can talk mac with pro or we can call up sam. And just have you guys argue about the ipad mini .
when you know it's fine? I don't want i'd rather not talk the same today in a good mood.
Hardly, john macbook pro. What do you think we looks the same as obviously as what we had before? It's got a couple of upgrades. I mean, especially at the base models where it's really shining here, right?
I mean, that's kind of the biggest story out of all of IT and then the m for max in terms of its power and capability. But I would say the base model is truly one of the higher recommendations from my end when IT comes to hey, i'm deciding on a back with pro. Here's what i'm doing.
It's pretty basic. Maybe a couple of things here and there where I need a little bit more power. I mean, the base models got to be the way to go now.
right? I was completely wrong about the base model. By the way.
I feel like I well, when we started hearing rumors that there was going to be like a base model, mac o pro, I was in the camp of why would you have a base model of the prodesse? Like if what if you're going macbook projects go all the way to macbook pro? I don't know what we need to introduce A A base level prodesse, but like couple years in now and IT makes a lot of sense. So I have switched my opinion, I agree.
I think oddly popular as well in a sort of corporate circles where people the pro name just counts for a lot. Um and there there are some customers that maybe they understand the product line intimately and maybe this also comes a lot from business buyers who are buying these machines in bulk and they just think no air is not going to be powerful enough for our fleet of devices.
We need A A macbook o because IT says print name yeah and this is the device they go for but also so you've got those those extra reports, you've got the significantly nicer display. Um so why matter yeah um and also you ve got out of cooling so you will still get Better of formal ultimate. So I think that does not make sense. Um I can see a lot of people being called between that and like a fifty macbook are that's only thing. Then I suppose IT depends what kind of emphasis you're going for in that situation.
I really wish we've got to see sales numbers still because i'm very curious, especially for like where that base model map would prove fits in after a couple years of being available.
That's true. I would like to see that too. I really, if anyone wants to leak anything from maple these days, leak that leak the sales .
that's more .
interesting. I want to know yeah I mean and also you get space black now for those who were like, uh, why I don't want to spend the money of an improper and import max, now you get that color. I love that color. And I went with silver this time.
What is wrong with me? I don't. It's IT is the macbook color. Do IT just looks so nice .
when you are like, take a break from IT, then you go back you're like, I missed you yeah.
super is always my macbook color.
I mean, and for max, that's kind of the biggest thing for the for the rest of them. What's the for the rest of us, what's the consensus there? This I mean, it's obviously the most powerful apple silicon on the market.
Apple has shipped yeah, I liked that. That was from your video. I was pretty funny.
Yeah, I think love IT. I I would much rather way in here about the m for ultra if that's ever happening because the ultra PS are like those are next level every time and we didn't get them three ultra divi did not. okay. So it's about time, I think, because it's i'm starting to feel the the pain over here from the end. Two ultra.
Well, IT doesn't give you an idea of what to expect because the alter would just be a doubled up version east of the information. So we need to see some todos ns of that because with A M3 max, I believe they removed the interchange. And that is why there was no ultra an. So at least when they developed, there was no ultra sion interchange built into that, which makes sense because they never they never shipped IT. But i'll be very interested in to see if that interchange is actually on the m four max.
If IT is now okay.
then the the m for ultra will be the same. Um but if it's not, then IT means that the ultra is going to be a completely different ship that has been engineered differently. So we shouldn't we know that fairly soon?
You you have worried me now.
Why are you .
so worth? Because IT, I could go either way, I love heart le's optimistic view of maybe they are just reine's ing a whole separate chip. It's going to be the auto chip that would be sing. But also what i'm hearing is if there's no interchange and there might not be an altria, and that is not what I want to be in my mind.
I think IT will happen. I'm fairly confident that will happen.
Do you know things?
I don't know things.
but I kind of think of.
you look, only offered with a max chip would just be weird sider ing to .
remember a few .
years ago we were thinking that they would have, like A M to extreme, have been .
doubled .
up ultra PS. So how far we would have fAllen from what we an an ultra doubled up ultra go all the way down to just the max as the as the absolute top to your choice?
What happened that I I remember that all over microbes, where is IT?
I think IT was just too expensive for them to develop good. Like no one would have bought IT in the maco. IT would have been so low volume. No one's buying the macro anyway. Only like five people in the whole world would have bought an m two extreme mac product.
I want .
yeah count me.
send me up. Uh, I think that was from that was from german, right?
So maybe just maybe we're just a little bit ways maybe still come on, just not yet.
Yeah, one can only hope because I am, I am missing. I wants to actually get a mac pro again. Is that weird guy? I like the max idio of form factor, but I have just countless dollars of P, C, I, E, storage age and and just improvements and objects in my mac pro for my intel machine that is just doing nothing because it's a giant paper weight.
And i'm like I want to go back to having a pet bite of I think that's what I had. IT was a lot of a lot of terrible tes, right? Well, what was your favorite c of the week?
Obviously many.
yeah. Let mean, I figured .
that was probably it's the q IT .
is very small.
The ad for that also, I hate to be, I hate to like, drink the school there, but the ad was very good for mac many as well.
I don't know that I saw IT like.
stop motion, jump in out the box, like talking to make me was .
nicko talking in that .
it's adorable. Yeah.
yeah, okay, yeah. yes. I saw that.
That's a good one. What a world to live in where now the macintosh is the computer with value yeah .
also goes far as to say .
also what a world for the ma C2Be in thi s pos ition con sidering whe re the mac was not tha t lon g ago, where people are saying or no apples all in on ipad now the max going to die.
Crazy other way around at this point.
Yeah how times changed.
john, you froze for a little bit, but I guess back my back, what was the you are back thankful. Okay, great. We're wrapping up though. But I I want to know what was the best feature that you guys was early. Any like feature that was will say I think .
IT is very cool. That nano o texture is now awful, not only on the imac, which is less impressive because I did have that before back in twenty, twenty, very briefly, but the fact that you can now get IT on the macbook pro because I felt now detector is becoming more and more popular, especially now you can get IT on the ipad pro there in a lot of people that really like that display.
And if you think about IT, IT makes more sense on a laptop where you child desire, you are using that different environments. You are using IT outdoors and also it's got a bright to display for outdoors use. So if you're someone that uses your micro pro um like on A I don't know out in the field on a college campus or whatever outdoors, that is a huge job grade um and way bigger than this sort of the non upgrade we basically got this time last year. So i'm going to go with anode tra.
I think sixteen gigs unified memory across the board is like the the most welcomed change that affects sort of every mac user.
I agree um I don't know that this is my favorite feature, but I am I the only one who is sitting there when I was going over the video and they were announcing stuff that the center stage wasn't already on the macbook pro because I .
thought I was already make pixel now yeah before I was thinking what was IT before I was like two of the makeup point.
right? So I was like we didn't already have this on last year. What am I? I thought understated has been in almost everything, if not everything, for the last couple of years .
goes to show you they have such a crazy way of announcing things that are five years too late and still making us feel like they're being generous. yes. insane.
absolutely. The sixteen eggs of raw is the key point there.
I don't care. I know your windows machine is head forever, but I just got. And it's great. Thank you very much.
Apple l yeah, alright. Well, if anyone else has anything, we will. John, mean, I think people know where to find you, but if you would like to plug anything that you've .
got up coming or they they should .
just continue .
watching this show and go going to get video .
next time around yeah ah I don't know if i've said this publicly, but yeah we are the plan is doing one, upping them a week before every bit.
Has anyone from apple reached out and told you not to do this?
No, okay.
Has anyone from apple reached out, told you? But I was really cool. ah.
I don't know .
how .
you think are the .
rumors to .
that you will be replacing tim cook on .
the next there. Not but before we leave, actually, john turn is absolutely.
definitely the next year.
do you? I would think that the he's been been seen a lot lately and that just makes like more and more, more and more and more. He's just getting .
introducing these little right generation for IT.
He's been a long enough.
But he the generation .
he's so safe, he's great with in P R situations. He's like the he's the next great choice yeah .
whenever I think john tennis, this is the lasting memory I have of him and he was always what I associate him with, which is the proto splay X D R stand when they used have live events and the Price tag and that stand came up. He just have to stand .
back and smile through that. He .
that's the day he earned his job. And .
that was, this is the man they .
were testing. They were .
testing him when he he flying scholars by saying nothing the way. That's how you do with kids. All right? We will go check out genius bar podcast from page tech all things john prosser um and we will catch everybody in the next episode.
Thanks so much for join guys. I love the show.
great. Thank you.
I love you guys more.