cover of episode The REAL Ways People Build Wealth

The REAL Ways People Build Wealth

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Python 开发者和播客主持人,专注于测试和软件开发教育。
Brian: 财务"变种人"并非指拥有特定收入或净资产的人群,而是指那些无论年龄和收入水平如何,都拥有良好理财习惯和积极心态的人群。他们并非高收入人群的专属,25%的听众家庭年收入低于10万美元,这表明财务"变种人"的理财成功并非完全依赖于高收入。他们更注重优化可用的理财工具,例如合理使用信用卡(96%的人使用信用卡,但94%的人都能按时还清欠款),并拥有充足的应急资金(68%的人拥有相当于3到6个月生活费的应急资金)。他们对教育投资也持理性态度,超过75%的人的第一年收入高于学生贷款余额。他们对财富的积累并非依赖于高消费,而是注重长期规划和投资,82%的人会投资健康储蓄账户中的资金,68%的人会将汽车使用超过8年。他们拥有积极乐观的心态,80%的人认为自己是乐观主义者,这有助于他们克服理财过程中的困难。 Brand: 财务"变种人"的家庭净资产普遍高于美国平均水平,78%的人拥有超过10万美元的可投资资产,这与他们不同的理财决策有关。他们更注重长期投资和资产积累,而非短期收益。他们对房产的购买也持谨慎态度,29%的人不拥有房产,而40%的人拥有价值低于50万美元的房产,这表明他们不会盲目购房,而是根据自身财务状况做出理性决策。他们对教育投资也持理性态度,60%的人就读于公立大学,这表明他们并非通过就读名校来获得财务成功。他们更注重培养良好的理财习惯,例如高储蓄率(三分之一的人储蓄率超过25%),并随着收入的增加而提高储蓄率,避免生活方式膨胀。

Deep Dive

The episode kicks off by defining what a financial mutant is and how the audience's survey responses will shape the discussion.
  • Financial mutants are not defined by a specific income or net worth.
  • The audience's survey responses reveal diverse financial situations.

Shownotes Transcript


Have you ever wondered what makes a financial mute?

And brand, I am so excited about this because this is the show that we've ve been talking about you. We asked you guys, we said, hey, we want to make content specific to you. We want to know about your financial life and what you look like.

And so we asked you to fill out a survey to tell us about your unique financial situation. And boy, did you hold cow. Yeah.

i'm so so please, because this is ears in the making. We've been doing a millionaire, kind of what makes our millionaire here. The money guys show we run a wealth management business is our full time job and we actually wouldn't surveyed our clients. We've been in this for years and enough of you guys ask, hey, that's that's cool and we love seeing what the millionaire havidol.

But how about if you actually let us, the audience, kind of share who listens to the money I show? And but here's what boys, mom, is that we decided to ask the question or release the survey, why I was hanging out with the mouse down. Da, so i'm on vacation and we had a goal.

You know, what's funny is we we do the A, B, C plan for about everything we do. We had this dream goal of how many results we are going to receive. I ll never forget, I called you the day after, yelled the live stream and you, like Brown, we've already blown past the number. So give me the cup. How how did this thing play out?

So we set a goal, said, if we can hit this number, then this would be success as and you guys answer and droves, and you actually went for X, R. Dream plan number. And so you blew IT out of the water.

So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being so committed, willing to take a little part of your time to felt the survey. And now we get to dive into, we get to walk you through what exactly is IT that may a financial?

And now that is a very fine question, and I think I already have a simple answer. If you want to cut the corner off on your journey to becoming a millionaire, go and make sure you subscribe like the video and ring that notification bill. So brand.

as we look at this data, IT was really, really interesting. There were some conclusions that we were able to draw as we started going to the dad. And the first thing when IT comes to being a financial mutant, one of the really interesting things is that IT is not a number we think about financial mute.

It's not just people that make a certain incomer, just people that have a certain network there, just people that fill in some specific number. What amazing is financial mutants permanent? All different ages, all different income ages. And IT was pretty spectacular to say.

yeah, I know if you think about this. One of things I was pleased to see is at twenty five percent of our audience, IT makes less than one hundred thousand thousand. That's households income, by the way, sides, both spouses.

Now IT is interesting when you look at this, yeah, there are a lot of people in the hundred to two hundred thousand, but I always remove myself yet. There's two people working there likely. But I love seeing how the incomes are spread across our financial meeting.

So our financial, it's not like they are celebrities or executives. They are really everyday folks or everyday folks that have done well in their careers. But these aren't people that are making millions and millions of dollars a year.

These are people who have a good job and make a great income and are able to provide for their financial goals. And when we actually have to k, we think about financial goals and building wealth. You guys were amazing.

What is okay? What is your household networks look like? I thought this one was a little bit.

I love that it's not all concentrated IT shows that this really is the visual of what a community looks like because we have people from at the beginning of their journey. We have people who have built up a substantial sum of money, and then we've got people all the way in between. And imagine there's a lot of messy middle out there as well.

But I love to seeing that this is a community of people who really do just want to to maximize their money. But you can see the biggest group of people was that network that was somewhere between hundred and four hundred thousand. But you made a great observation when we are kind of talking about that. A lot of americans can't seem to come up with a hundred thousand dollars.

one thousand dollars, a lot of americans, thousand dollars emergency. We ask you guys, eighty five percent of you said that we have a household network of greater than one hundred thousand dollars. So eighty five percent of s have a network in excess of one hundred dollars where a sixty percent of americans can come up with a thousand foreign merchants. Y you guys do not look like your peers are not making the same decisions of the average american and is showing on your network statements, which is also yeah, I think this probably .

has to do with the law of behaviors and because that's what I want to do to show one more stat and and talk about those behaviors. Investible network because we know a lot of people out there, if you own the house at the right time, you had of a big bumping your network naturally. But let's talk about investible network once again.

It's it's kind of amazing is because IT shows to me once again, americans, even americans that are sixty and greater, have a hard time coming up with a hundred thousand dollars. But somehow with the money of audience, seventy eight percent of you have investable assets greater than one hundred thousand dollars. That's absolutely amazing. And I think IT has a lot to do with always be by maximizing your are automating your wealth building process and all these things that are just setting up the guard rails, but also the great behaviors that let those small decisions turn into your great big, beautiful.

And so as we thought about this, you know, obviously actually questions. We are hoping that you are tracking your network and you are attracting your liquid asset so that you can see through time. Am I ultimately moving towards my goals? If you're not doing that, we have a great tool. You going to learn that money, guide that com, check out our network to our expert, you a dashboard of the information that we think you should be looking at every single year. And if you start doing this the day, whether or someone at the very beginning of your journey, maybe you're already and financial independence, I believe that you will be amazed once you start putting these practices into place and how much your financial circumstances change just by keeping a view on IT year over year over year over year.

So let's go in a little deeper. Let's talk about it's all about optimizing your wealth building tools. And I think that we was funny is that you see a lot of people when we talk about wealth building tools, financial mutants are willing work with the full toolbox.

It's not just these these kind of guide to say, hey, we don't trust you so we're going to shut this tool down or this doesn't work because for the average american and I realized us financial mutants, we are unique group is a discipline group of people that we do. IT is the discipline that allows us to make all use of all things. And one of the first things that go surprise people is just talk about the tool of credit card.

Yeah, a lot of a financial people in the find space will discourage all credit card use. They'll say that, hey, no, you can use that. You have to cut a op.

You have to freeze them. You can use them. Well, that's not the case. That's not all of you. When IT comes to how we think about credits, we think that there's a right way to do and there's a not right way to do. And we look at our folks, IT seems a day alone with that.

We even have a saying, and I don't know you, we'll start this off because this lets us, joe, right into the data. We like to say credit card use is OK. And if you can see nine, six percent of our financial mutants are using credit.

yes. And I think that, that probably is go blow up a lot of other content out there where they're saying, hey, you can't do anything with credit cards. And that's as i've had.

We have this wealth built, this wealth management firm with all these successful people that we've been doing content on and is the same way within as well, is that for a lot of people who don't struggle with basic discipline, where you can live on less thing you make and you can use all the tools credit card use is OK. However, i'll flip the scrip and let you know one of the things we always say. If you're one these people that can't pay off your baLance every month, the in redit card debt, no way. That's and that's the part once again, our audience echoes that if you look at ninety four percent of our financial mutants are not caring a baLance on their credit cards, you completely get IT yeah .

if you if you are part of that six percent that does Carry baLance, maybe your brand new. We're so happy you here and hopefully you that's not the way that you ought to end your financial life is compounding interest can be absolutely your greatest when IT comes to wealth building. But if you let IT work against you, IT can be absolutely deficit by it's why we have the funny order of Operations, which is the nine step tried true process and high interest dead, which is what credit cards is, falls right the very beginning. At .

step way, you can get ahead if you're paying a bank twenty percent. That's why a credit card that really is no way if you're not the only way you can use the credit cards if you're paying IT off every month. And that's why this is step three of the financial of Operations.

Now moving on to the next step. Step four is emergency reserves. Let's see what our financial mutants do with our emergency resources.

You got. This is when IT comes to emergency, comes to how much cash keep, what does that look like? And sixty eight percent of our financial mutants have a fully funded emergency fun somewhere between three to six months of living expenses in liquid cash.

So you guys understand that this is the very thing that can keep your financial life out of the dish. We said already the beginning the show, sixty percent of americans can come up with a thousand dollars for emergency. And yet here we are, seventy percent of our folks have a fully funded em emergency fund. You guys look different than the world around you well and keep .

IT on this trend of following the financial world of Operations. Step fab of the financial Operations is obviously take image attacks, free growth. We like health savings accounts.

And but there is an unfortunate trend when we talk about health savings count. Remember, even to fun a health saving account, you have to have a high deductable health plan. And when we talk about what makes ha so greatest, the triple tax advances, you get a tax reduction on the front end.

They get to grow completely taxi order. If you use IT for medical expenses, it's completely tax free withdraws. That's an amazing opportunity. But unfortunately, only thirteen percent of americans are using a maximum in those hs because there putting the money in, taking the tax deduction, but they are immediately clearing IT out to pay medical expenses for the year. The using as a kind of a clearing account financial mutton understand that you actually want to invest that money to let IT grow and potentially get the tax for you withdraws. So that's why I love to show eighty two percent of financial mutants are actually investing their health savings that mean they are maximizing the triple tax of versus only thirteen percent of america.

Almost it's almost like a total contrary in view of how to use this account. And they can be amazing wealth building tools into the future for you. And you guys recognize that, you understand that and you're taking .

to be so started covering this content that H S. A investment number, four americans was four percent. That they went to a super loan number is even in a million airs sion, I quote that.

So this is kind of a new thing that is trending up to the thirteen percent. Can I single handily say, I think that our money got audience is chewing the data up when you see eighty two percent, that's not a rounding era. You guys are actually making a difference. And I think it's showing up in a lot of this .

data as IT rolls through. We talk about being a it's not a specific number. And we said IT is about optimizing the financial tools available to you.

Well, I talk about another thing that it's not that I think the public is wrong. It's not status symbols. It's not about showing the world around you how wealthy you are and how wealth you're doing. Often times, the folks that are doing that are not actually walking the walk, they're putting up a false facade of what their financial life actually looks like. But when he comes to you guys does .

not the cause yeah I will say we do a lot of content talking about people are driving their wealth around instead of actually saving and building assets and having a reliable peace of transportation, they're actually buying stuff that way more than their world can afford.

Um when we ask people, are you using twenty three eight having to finance cars or how do you pay for car purchases? You can see that thirty six percent of fun interview tons are paying cash, but the majority forty, I say a good portion, forty five percent, if you're buying a car, are using loans. And that that was simples us.

And that's okay. Having to borrow money to pay for car is not in and of itself a bad thing. Obviously, would love for you to pay cash. We d love for you to be in that position. But most of us in our financial journey, especially early ottawa, just not in that position.

So we've tried to put a system in place that will help you do that well, if you're going to borrow money, how to do IT? Well, that's came up with twenty three eight when he comes to buying a car. Whether buying you are used, we wanted to put twenty percent down.

We don't want you to finance IT for any more than three years or thirty six months. The payments for all of your auto loans, not just one loans, but all of your other loans, cannot exceed eight percent of your monthly growth income. About that for an affordable car, sometimes people are uses and stress.

The cat V S same as cash. You know I don't know if you've got ta bat us or something coming up, but you've tt a be able pay this off within the year. And then also your car payment should not and cannot exceed what your monthly investment amount are.

This is this is one of those that I wouldn't be a good coach if we didn't squeak you a little bit. We know you guys came in at thirty six percent of your paying cash. I do think it's worth noting that when you look at our millionaire vey of our clients, the number comes in at sixty five percent of paying cash.

So this is an area where I know as people have more success, they will be paying more cash because as the ideal thing. But I think this does show it's okay to be a financial mute. Uses financing, especially which twenty three eight, to keep yourself honest with yourself on what you can truly afford. You can make sure you're building well through your job.

And the other thing that you guys do increase well as your behavior, not in terms of how you buy the automobile ile, but how you utilized and use the automobile ile. We asked you, basically, hey, when you buy a car, how long do you use that? How long? At last, sixty eight percent of our response that sixty percent of you guys say, I drive a car for more than eight years.

That is far from the norm. We see everyday americans. They want to trade in their car every two years, every three years.

That's not the case for you guys. You recognize that is a desired asset that can get you from point a to point b. So you are driving IT for a long time and allowing your dollars to work for you stead of driving around you.

So this is why this is probably to say, if you're good, we a great short that can win A Z. And this is the key thing that we are saying, is that to have success, you need to driving your cars longer. You know, if you're flipping on every two to three years, you're probably doing IT wrong.

That's why you provide me the tool. Let's keep you on the strait narrow with us. If you go to money got out, come slash resources. We actually have a great calculator where you can fill in all of your data and see actually how much money or how much car you can actually afford.

Another thing, when we think about consumption decisions, obvious, we talk about one of the largest purchases that most of us will ever make is when we go to buy our homes. And a lot of folks have fall into the trap of buying way more home then they can afford. Now don't miss here.

We understand housing Prices have risen rapidly over the past couple years and interest strates have moved up as well. So it's allowed four houses to become more expense, but we thought I would be interest. So we look at our financial means.

We think about you guys live in all different parts of country from high cost of living areas of low cost of living areas. Where does your home stack cup are you guys living? And mansions are you floating your wealth? Are you showing just how well off you're doing? And the numbers is really interesting.

I think the one that really caught me the most of guard as as you guys responded, twenty nine, ten of you said you don't on a home. So basically one of three said either I am choosing not to own a home. I'm not at that place here. I'm going to make sure before I make that consumption decision, i've done the things i'm supposed to do and i'm in the place to buy the house that I should be buying instead of stretching and allow myself to get away out ahead of my.

And then the other thing I think is, is forty percent of you actually own homes that are less than a half a million dollars. You can see IT falls off very quickly. I is is barely I could not even see on the greater than five million.

You don't even see the number hardly. So IT does show that there is a big and but you guys IT shows that your good resource allocation atas you're all your wealth is not all in the house because I I don't want you to be a house rich, life poor. You're making sure you're following our twenty five percent housing rules and other things so you actually can have margin ing your life to not only live your best life but also so you can save and invest for the future if .

you are someone who isn't that twenty nine percent that does not own a home or maybe you own a home and you're thinking about transitioning now that the interests have come down, you want to move into another home, I would engage you. Go to money guy, that comes last resource. We have a great hole buying checklist.

Basically, IT walks you through the things you ought to think about before you make this giant life purchase. So IT will help you with some of the quality of decisions around buying a home. Well, then I would encourage, why do you at money guy, that come? We also have a hole buying calculator to help you figure out how much can I afford based on where i'm at in my financial journey, based on my household income, how much house is too much and how much house is affordable. If you can make that decision on such a large purchase, there's a really good change. You're going to set your future financial self up for success.

yes. So make sure you're take an vantage of that tool because IT will answer a lot of your questions. Now let's let's move on. Something i'm pretty passionate about though is I really think if you ask me what's one of the secrets to what has allowed us to be successful for me, always talk about that somebody holding the latter of education allowed meat who kind of problem that latter, and become a Better version of myself and create success.

But unfortunately, education in a lot of ways is coming up empty for the Younger generation, is because what used to cost, like three grand a year for me to go to college now seems like it's twenty grand, like things are getting more expensive. And because things i've gotten so expensive, we gotta pay attention to, what are we actually getting out of college for something that's very noble, it's is written into kind of our society, is that education is good. You still need to be on guard to make sure you're making education decisions. Well, so what did we find out when we looked at our financial mutants when IT comes to college .

and education expenses? Interesting there was this thought, I think IT was when you were growing up, way that you go about having success as you need to go to the most prestigious universe, they need to have the most prestigious degree, need to have the top of the line lighter. That's the thing that you work towards.

And perhaps we are sold bill of goods that maybe was not as accurate. As we thought that I was. And so we asked our folks, okay, based on income level, based on where you've made IT in your financial life thus far, what type of institution did you attend? You go to a public college.

Did you go to a private college? You go to a mix of the two or a trade school and do not go to college. all. And we found that sixty percent of financial mutes across all income ranges from under twenty five thousand dollars a year in income all the way up to over a million dollars of income attended public university. So these are not people that had to go to an ivy league, that had to go to a private school, that had to go to a specific unique institution, order to achieve some sort of level of financial where without to have a high time.

that what I also liked about this, we did. I think it's very interesting in, for those of you who are, listen the podcast, I would encourage to go to check IT out on youtube. You can see this stratification by income because we did stratify this chart by income.

And you can see that, that college really does kind of yes, it's got some slight fluctuation ation. But IT is amazing. IT stays above right around fifty percent, up to sixty percent um our color, our public college.

The thing that IT doesn't say maybe we can improve, prove next year because I think that this is a college hack is that I know a lot of people, they go to community schools for the first two years and then they can transition into public especially, but even private potentially in IT. Will shit just cut the corner off of what college has to cost, like even intended? Cy, if you go to community college, the state of tennessee just pays those calls for students for those first two years.

So get creative because we have a rule about education because in this period of time where we're in right now, where student loan that just seems be crushing an entire generation, we have a rule to try to keep you your head above water. And that is you don't want your first years. You don't want your student loan succeeding, your first year income. So if you can keep that rule in check and that's why maybe it's community college for the first two years, maybe it's looking at where do I go to school. It's also making sure that whatever degree you're choosing is going to have the earning potential to actually extinguished the debt, make sure you're not skipping out on that planning step.

And we wanted to say, okay, let's put some predicted to this rule.

Like if our people actually follow this rule, is this something realistic? Can you do tools and tricks like going to community college for the first few years and then getting your degree from the bigger school or the more procedure school or the more specialized? And what's really, really interesting is over seventy five percent of our financial, financial mutants followed this, all about the equal to my salary.

And sixty five percent of you said that my first year pay was greater than my low baLance. So you guys intuitive ly are doing this. So if you someone who has children that are going to go off to college, maybe you're influencing someone going off to college. Maybe you yourself are about to go off to college. Make sure you think through this because when IT comes to building future financial independence, it's going to make me a lot easier if you are not starting deep, deep, deep in the whole of.

And I don't at the extra layer because we do like that, we survey our clients as well, our millionaire clients and what we found there. And we didn't ask IT on this question. May this is something we can add in the future, but we do ask of our million. Our class is how many of you working your field of study.

And IT was the exact inverse of where the public kids because IT was close to three quarters of our clients actually do work in their field of study, which unfortunately greater than seventy percent of students coming out and getting in the workforce do at not actually work in their field study. So it's once again showing and confirming be very deliberate with your choices. When IT comes education.

I still stand by the fact I think education is noble. IT is good for you. But you, etta, go with your eyes fully open and make sure you're actually getting the value out of a don't let somebody take advantage of you and sell you a degree. There's just not going to be able to generate the yield where you can even pay IT.

So when we think about being a financial, we ve said, okay, it's not the consumption decisions that were making. That's not the way that we become a financial unit. It's not a specific number and it's about optimizing our tools.

We really synthesize this and said, okay, when I was a financial, what is the unique thing like what's the thing that sets them apart? And what we found is that it's really a mindset, whether you're at the very beginning of your journey or the very interview journey, whether you have a hundred dollars or a hundred thousand dollars, IT is about your mind sentience, about the way that you look at finance. It's about the way that you think about making financial .

decision. I was if if he buys, hung around financial planning firms, you, the typical demographic for financial planning firms, it's kind of great, I think, about fifty and six, because people think about what I love about the money I show is that we get to really bring this down to the masses, to where we let people as soon as possible.

Because even when we do our millionaire study and we ask our clients what your biggest regrets, very successful people still say, I wish I had started sooner. So you can imagine my joy, I mean, literally joy, when we figured out that the actual age that most of you guys who was filled out, where you discovered you had an interest in personal finance. And I like to think we had something to do with this bow was twenty six years of age that blows mama.

I think about someone in their mid specifically twenty six years old figuring out how powerful making sound financial decisions can be and figuring out how much you can do with very, very little is mine buying? If you think about the wealth multiple er for a twenty six year old, IT is thirty eight, eight, five, four.

That means every dollar that a twenty six year puts to work today can turn into thirty eight dollars by the time that they get to retire. You go out of money, guide that, come slack resources and see this. That means that if you just start thinking about IT at eight twenty six, that's when you first discovered he said that I want to be a million.

That's a goal that I in order of you, you to do that starting at twenty six, you want I want to say you about two hundred dollars a month. If you want to be a multimillion air, it's only a little more than four hundred dollars a month, which I think is unbelievably reasonable. Less than five thousand dollars a year for someone who figures out out that age can be on their way, a million. Lars.

I was, I was a party this weekend. I was a birthday kid's birthday party. And I was introduced by the host to the twenty three year old.

And he was OK you, me Brown, has this money got show? And this guy had a huge interest and aptitude. He was not familiar with their conscience. I love like this book, blue, blue sky opportunity kind of share. And I said, hey, here's something I want you to know.

Because he's twenty three years of age, I said you ought to go to our ridiculous to say, but I did say that you to slashed resources, you ought to play around with our wealth multiple. Because when you understand for a twenty year old, a dollar can be eighty eight. For thirty year old, IT can be twenty three.

For the forty eight at seven, and for the fifty old at three. You'll know that what your time is your most valuable resource. And you will think about spending differently.

You'll think about saving and investing differently just changes your entire man set to how you look at money. And blue my mind to kind of watch his transformation as I was at this party because he came up to me at least two other times with additional questions. And I could see as mine started turning, that's what we hope we get to do for every one of you. Instead of me meeting you at a party, you go stumble across the pod case, you go stumble across the the youtube channel. And we are going to open up your mind to a completely different opportunity than you ever .

thought was possible. And when that happens, IT changes your behavior because we ask you guys, as you financial mutes about your savings rates. And IT was mine blowing, that one in three of you save more than twenty five percent of your growth income.

One in three more than twenty five percent minute, you have figured out how powerful your army of dollar bills can be in, how, if you can trade a little bit of today and get IT working for you, you really can have that great, big, beautiful tomorrow. And the faster you get to twenty five percent savings, right, the more opportunity and flexibility, or give your future self, you don't believe us. Go to money guide outcomes.

Last resource that we have a deliverable cot. How much should I save? And I will show you at different ages, what does saving twenty five percent actually do for me? How much of my free retirement income will I be able to replace when I get to retirement? And you'll be amazed, the sooner you figured out, the sooner you can start the ferry into the future, your, your future gratification, your mind will be blow, and how powerful your dollars can be.

So decide, hey, this is such an important piece data and know savings rate. Savings rate means to get into investments. Investments actually is building your army of our bills. And that's what's go work harder than you can with your back, your brain or your hands is because your money will work harder for you. So we want to stratify this by several different things because we've want to make sure people to think, hey, this makes sense, that either people's incomes, this is influence in this, or maybe it's age is influencing this. So but we broke IT down first by savings rate by age.

This one was so encouraging because you were here so many, I don't say negative things, but there are so much virtual out there against the Younger generations. Well, that's not the case with you guys. Would you believe that if we told you that for folks in our twenty years, i'm leaving the under twenty years for you, for folks in the twenty years, thirty two percent of you, one and three of you in your twins.

Saves greater than twenty five percent when the rest of the world is telling you you don't have enough money, you can save you low, wait till the future life is too expensive. inflation. You guys have figured out out how to save twenty five percent year girl's income, and that is amazing. And that gets me crazy excited for .

I because I want to make sure we give them the numbers for in check. In case my podcast thirty two percent of years, saving twenty five percent, that was twenty thirteen thirty percent forty, thirty percent, fifty thirty six percent um i'm retiring. I Better kick in up a note and even people sixty plus IT was twenty two percent I will say but left the under twenty this is something that warms my heart because I know my own daughter um and I give you parents a lot of credit on this too is we prom the pump? I always say if you want to get your your children to appreciate the value of work, but also they appreciate the value of saving and investing, give him some matching funds, mean when they start their first shop, start that custodio roth R A, let's do a dollar for dollar, even fifty cents of our, you figure out what the formula is. But it's amazing to see that these children that are still in the house are Young adult who are still potentially in the house undertrained.

The savings rate is forty four percent, twenty five percent income. Maybe this is some of this just skilled or higher income individuals. And again, our minds are belong that over one third financial save more than twenty five percent across all incomes.

So when you look at folks that make twenty five to fifty thousand hours year, twenty four percent of those are saving greater than twenty five percent. And that is incredible, consistent. And what I think is so interesting about financial muteness as income win up.

So too at savings rate, what is happening with you guys as you're not letting a lifestyle creep happen in the negative way, you don't start in a income saving ten percent and then your income goes up and your savings rate does not follow suit. As you guys make more money, you actually save more money, which are going to setting your future self up for success. That is, financial mute behavior.

I want to close out with my favorite day, and I love this is what we get to close. I tell you guys all the time, I feel like we're surrounded in negativity. If you, if you think about when you watch the nightlife news, when you slick on social media, if you're not careful how you ve structured what you look at, you'll think everything is negative.

Sadly, sadly, when pure research, you know, kind of surveyed the the make american psyche to see what are people to classify yourselves as pessimism or optimism, the majority of americans unfortunately classify themselves as pessimist and not looking forward towards the future. One of my, I consider this, one of those things that you are my folks for sure, is because we actually surveyed our audience and said, hey, do you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist? You blew the stats out of the water because you, I didn't matter what age, group or income, we kind of stratified in all kind of different ways. But IT was a five to win .

that you .

guys are optimists, a line and share you. Eighty percent of you classify yourself as optimist. And what if you look at the chart here, even those, they make twenty five to fifty thousand.

The number is high. I mean, it's close. Seventy five, eighty percent. So this is not just because people are fat and happy with lots of money coming in. It's it's just a milton mindset thing where you kind of you see the opportunity, you see the potential to make a bunch of small decisions and turn them into your great, big, beautiful tomorrow. And but we don't take .

now we cannot thank you enough for doing the survey for participating in this with this because what you have substantiated us is that you guys are different. You look at the world differently. You make financial decisions differently.

You are financial means. So the encouraged we would give us, keep doing IT, don't stop. Let this be fuel for the fire that keeps you moving towards financial independent usually believe that there is a Better way to do money. And you guys money guy audience, you financial mutants, you are doing money Better.

So get out there. Take a matter of all the free stuff. We ve got money, got a com slash resources, this survey.

But a blue moon, I even I told the team, we ought to go and see when you hear ramsey and the am talk about how many thousands of people they did their survey on. I think we're probably the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people that that responded to. This blew my expectations.

So this might turn into an angle tradition. But he also confirmed to me that abundance is more about mindset than IT is just about money. Because you guys, you show that you are cut differently, you doing things differently, and we don't take for grand that we get to be on this journey with you.

So i'm your host, Brown. Press them as the bow hand and money. Our team out. The money guy .

show is hosted by brian present. Abound wealth management is a registered investment advisory firm regulated by the securities and exchange commission in accordance and complaints with the securities laws and regulations. Abound wealth management does not render or offer to render personalized investment or tax advice through the money guys show. The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial tax investment or legal advice.