cover of episode The Job Market is in BIG F@#KING TROUBLE

The Job Market is in BIG F@#KING TROUBLE

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Eurodollar University

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Jeff Snider
Jeff Snider认为,美国就业市场正经历严重困境,这并非仅仅因为10月份的数据报告。他指出,飓风和罢工等因素虽然影响了最新数据,但就业形势在这些事件发生之前就已经恶化。他分析了多个数据指标,包括就业岗位增长、私营部门就业人数、家庭调查数据等,这些数据都显示出就业市场的疲软。他特别强调了夏季就业市场的严重下滑,以及9月份数据的异常性。他认为,即使排除天气和罢工的影响,就业数据依然显示出经济的显著疲软。他进一步指出,BLS对数据的修正进一步证实了就业市场的恶化趋势。他认为,失业率被低估,实际失业率可能高达4.5%,创下周期新高。他总结道,就业市场正处于严重的困境之中,即使GDP数据看似良好,也无法掩盖这一事实。他分析了制造业、零售业和临时工等行业的就业数据,进一步佐证了他的观点。他认为,这些周期性行业的就业数据下降,表明经济正在减速恶化。他强调,这些问题并非仅仅出现在10月份,而是长期存在的趋势。

Deep Dive

The US job market appears to be in significant trouble, and this issue extends beyond the October payroll report. Despite the impact of hurricanes and strikes, the employment situation has been deteriorating for a while. The data suggests a worsening trend rather than a soft landing.
  • Private payrolls have been consistently weak since May (excluding September).
  • The unemployment rate is potentially higher than reported, closer to 4.5% when accounting for labor force dropouts.
  • The job market downturn isn't solely due to October's events, but reflects a longer-term trend.

Shownotes Transcript

This isn't about October or hurricanes. Government just confirmed jobs market is in big f-ing trouble. 

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