cover of episode Unlocking the Power of Positive Skewness: Strategies for Investing, Business, and Creativity

Unlocking the Power of Positive Skewness: Strategies for Investing, Business, and Creativity

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Money For the Rest of Us

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我最近研究了一些关于股票市场长期表现的引人入胜的研究。这些研究表明,长期股票市场表现呈现正偏态分布,少数股票贡献了大部分财富增长,而大部分股票的收益甚至低于国库券。这意味着,虽然大多数股票最终会亏损,但也存在少数股票可能获得巨额收益的可能性。我们应该关注如何识别这些高收益股票,以及如何利用正偏态分布来制定投资策略。 在投资中,我们可以通过多元化投资、降低波动性、缩短投资期限等方式来降低正偏态分布带来的风险,但这同时也意味着我们可能错过一些高收益机会。再平衡策略可以帮助我们降低风险,但同时也意味着我们无法让赢家继续跑赢。 正偏态分布不仅存在于股票市场,也存在于财富分配、城市规模、商业以及播客等领域。在这些领域,少数事物往往占据了大部分影响力。例如,少数成功的播客占据了大部分听众,而大多数播客最终都会停止更新。 在商业领域,大多数企业在创业初期就倒闭了,只有少数企业能够长期生存并获得高额利润。我们不应该因为自己没有取得巨大成功而自责,因为大多数人都无法取得巨大成功,成功往往包含运气成分。 我们可以通过尝试多种方法,专注于有效的方法,并不断改进,来利用正偏态分布的优势。我们可以利用“二八法则”来识别关键因素,并集中精力改进这些因素。在投资中,我们可以采取“杠铃策略”,在某些领域追求高风险高收益,而在其他领域降低风险,确保安全。 总而言之,我们应该专注于做好自己能控制的事情,建立一个基于中等结果的生活方式,并为意外的成功做好准备。

Deep Dive

Studies show that a small percentage of stocks drive the majority of wealth creation in the market. This phenomenon, known as positive skewness, means the average return is higher than the median return due to a few extreme outliers. While broad market exposure outperforms treasury bills, individual stock picking is challenging due to the high failure rate.
  • Most individual stocks underperform cash over the long term.
  • A tiny percentage of firms contribute to the vast majority of market wealth creation.
  • Positive skewness in the stock market is driven by a small number of high-performing stocks.

Shownotes Transcript

How a few high-impact successes drive up overall average outcomes in investing, business, and creative projects. How to harness positive skewness using a barbell approach. Learn when to mitigate risks and when to embrace them.

Topics covered include:

  • What is positive skewness and how does it manifest in investing, business and creative endeavors
  • How power laws and the 80/20 rule work
  • Why we shouldn't beat ourselves up if we aren't incredibly successful
  • When should we reduce positive skewness and when should we embrace it


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Show Notes

Long-Term Shareholder Returns: Evidence from 64,000 Global Stocks by Hendrik Bessembinder, Te-Feng Chen, Goeun Choi, K.C. John Wei—SSRN)

Long-Horizon Stock Returns Are Positively Skewed by Adam Farago and Erik Hjalmarsson—SSRN)

Wealth Creation in the U.S. Public Stock Markets 1926 to 2019 by Hendrik Bessembinder—SSRN)

The Coffee Can portfolio by Robert G. Kirby—csinvesting)

Active vs Passive Investing U.S. Barometer Report—Morningstar )

Table 7. Survival of private sector establishments by opening year—U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

How Many Podcasts Are There? (New 2024 Data) by Josh Howarth—Exploding Topics)

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