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Should You Invest in Private Equity?

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我从事私募股权投资行业多年,对私募股权投资有深入的了解。私募股权投资主要包括三类:收购(buyouts)、增长资本(growth capital)和风险投资(venture capital)。收购是指基金或投资者收购上市公司或私营公司,通常会使用债务融资;风险投资专注于早期阶段公司和初创企业,这些企业具有高增长潜力;增长资本是针对后期阶段私营公司的投资。所有这些策略的目标都是要有某种退出机制,以便投资者能够收回资金并锁定利润。 私募股权投资传统上是通过私募基金结构进行的,该结构包括普通合伙人(管理公司)和有限合伙人。有限合伙人可以是大学捐赠基金、养老基金、家族办公室或高净值个人。私募股权基金的费用通常包括每年2%的管理费和达到一定收益率后20%的利润分成。基金的分配顺序通常是:首先支付管理费、债务服务和成本;然后返还有限合伙人的部分投资资本;之后是有限合伙人获得优先回报,然后是普通合伙人获得20%的利润分成;最后是普通合伙人和有限合伙人按比例分享剩余收益。 将私募股权与股票市场进行比较具有挑战性,因为私募股权的估值通常是季度进行的,存在滞后性。私募股权投资的回报计算通常使用美元加权回报(也称为内部收益率),这与股票市场的按时间加权回报不同。评估私募股权回报的两种主要方法是内部收益率和总价值与已支付资本之比。Hendrix 和 Medhat 的研究使用资本夏普公共市场等价物 (KSPME) 来比较私募股权与股票市场的表现,发现私募股权收购基金的平均表现优于股票市场。 然而,私募股权的回报存在很大的分散性,顶级基金的表现远好于表现最差的基金。私募股权领域的成功很大程度上取决于管理者的技能和人脉网络。近年来私募股权基金的退出数量减少,导致干火药(尚未投资的已承诺资本)数量大幅增加。一些普通合伙人已经启动了延续基金,以购买其现有基金的投资组合公司,从而使有限合伙人能够退出。 我的私募股权投资组合高度分散,包括16只基金和近300个投资组合公司。即使在我的投资组合中,也有一些基金的回报不佳,甚至低于成本价。对于个人投资者来说,构建成功的私募股权投资组合需要高度分散化,包括基金、投资组合公司和年份。然而,对于个人投资者来说,获得足够的私募股权投资组合分散化非常困难,因为他们通常无法获得与机构投资者相同的投资机会和规模。鉴于私募股权投资组合公司回报的巨大差异,很难推荐普通个人投资者投资私募股权。私募股权市场竞争激烈,大量的干火药可能会导致回报降低,个人投资者在该领域处于劣势。个人投资者最好关注那些更容易获得与机构投资者相同投资机会的资产类别,例如抵押贷款债务。

Deep Dive

This chapter explains the three main areas of private equity: buyouts, venture capital, and growth capital. It details the structure of private equity funds, including the roles of general and limited partners, and the fees involved. The process of capital calls and distributions is also described.
  • Private equity consists of buyouts, venture capital, and growth capital.
  • Funds typically last 7-10 years.
  • General partners receive management fees and a percentage of profits.
  • Capital calls are made over 3-5 years, followed by distributions upon exits.

Shownotes Transcript

How do buyouts, venture capital, and growth equity work? Has private equity outperformed the stock market, and can individual investors pursue these investment strategies?

Topics covered include:

  • How are private equity funds structured, and what are the fees
  • How is private equity performance measured, and how has it performed
  • Why does private equity have such a large dispersion of returns compared to the public stock market
  • What is private equity dry powder, and why is there much of it
  • What are some ways individuals can invest in private equity and why should they use caution in doing so


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Show Notes

Understanding Private Fund Performance by Kaitlin Hendrix and Mamdouh Medhat—SSRN)

What Drives Private-Equity Performance Persistence? New Deal-Level Evidence by Axel Buchner and Susanne Espenlaub and Abdul Mohamed—SSRN)

Unlocking the Power of Relationships: Limited Partner Networks and Performance in Private Equity by José Carlos Franco de Abreu Neto and Saito Richard—SSRN)

Private equity dry powder growth accelerated in H1 2024 by Dylan Thomas and Annie Sabater—S&P Global)

Private Equity Gets Creative to Buy Time for More Gains. Clients Say Pay Me Now by Allison McNeely and Dawn Lim—Bloomberg)

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