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Tariff Turmoil & Tomorrow's Tech Titans with Ann Bordetsky

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On The Tape

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ann Bordetsky
Dan Nathan
知名金融分析师和评论员,常在 CNBC 上提供市场分析和评论。
Guy Adami
@Dan Nathan : 我关注的是总统对国会的讲话,以及它对市场的冲击。我与@Ann Bordetsky 讨论了生成式AI投资的最新趋势,以及垂直AI应用在医疗、建筑和国防等各个行业中的重要性。我们探讨了AI如何将劳动力转化为AI原生软件,以及市场如何转向构建特定行业的AI解决方案。此外,我还关注了ADP报告以及即将发布的2月份就业报告,以及它们对市场的影响。最后,我们讨论了油价下跌以及美元走软的潜在影响。 @Guy Adami : 我认为政府在贸易关税问题上采取强硬言论,同时根据市场反应可能做出让步。我认为,不断威胁但缺乏实际行动的贸易谈判可能会削弱其效力,并使其他国家更加大胆。此外,我认为银行股价的波动与整体经济形势密切相关,经济下滑会对银行造成负面影响。最后,我认为油价下跌可能反映全球经济增长放缓,而非石油输出国组织(OPEC)达成的协议,美元兑日元汇率下跌也值得关注,因为它可能预示着更大的经济问题。 Ann Bordetsky: 我认为AI模型的商品化使得开发针对特定行业的垂直AI应用成为可能,这将创造巨大的价值。垂直AI应用可以通过自动化工作流程、利用专有数据集以及简化人们的工作来创造价值。垂直SaaS软件公司在AI时代将成为重要的赢家,因为它们可以将劳务转化为AI原生软件。成功的垂直AI公司需要具备行业专业知识的团队、能够利用AI模型的开发能力以及强大的市场营销能力。大型科技公司在AI研发上的持续投入将降低AI技术的整体成本,惠及整个生态系统。目前AI投资的回报率尚未显现,这导致了市场上的不确定性。AI作为国家战略资产的地位使其投资具有地缘政治意义和国家战略重要性。用户行为正在发生转变,越来越多的年轻人开始在AI引擎和社交媒体平台上进行搜索,而非传统的搜索引擎。各大科技公司都在争夺AI助手市场,这为初创公司提供了机会。未来的AI助手将成为类似于微信的超级应用,整合各种生产力工具。AI将无处不在,因此AI.com域名价值有限。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes President Trump's address to Congress, focusing on its economic agenda and the market's response. The discussion covers potential impacts of tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, and the overall uncertainty created by the administration's on-again, off-again approach to trade policy. The impact on hiring, CapEx, and R&D is also discussed, along with the implications for the upcoming jobs report.
  • President Trump's address to Congress and its impact on markets
  • Tariffs on Canada and Mexico
  • Uncertainty in the market
  • ADP report and its implications
  • Potential market mover: jobs report

Shownotes Transcript

Dan Nathan and Guy Adami address President Trump's address to congress and its impact on markets.

After The Break: Dan Nathan and Ann Bordetsky discuss the latest trends in generative AI investments and the emerging importance of vertical AI applications in various industries such as healthcare, construction, and defense. They delve into the potential for AI to transform labor into AI-native software, pointing out that the market has shifted towards building industry-specific AI solutions. Anne highlights the key factors for successful AI startups and discusses how developments in public markets and big tech investments influence her early-stage investment strategies. They also cover the competitive landscape among big tech companies like Meta, Amazon, and Apple in the AI assistant market, and the evolving consumer habits in search engines and platforms. The conversation concludes with interesting takes on the value of AI domains and potential disruptions in both the private and public AI markets.

Read Ann's Note:

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