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One Step Forward, Two Steps Back For Markets

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On The Tape

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Nathan
知名金融分析师和评论员,常在 CNBC 上提供市场分析和评论。
Guy Adami
@Guy Adami : 我认为市场近期波动剧烈,但并未出现明显的恐慌性抛售或买入。VIX 指数持续高位,导致市场波动加剧。美联储的目标是通过经济放缓来降低利率,从而提振股市,但这过程可能会很混乱。一些经济敏感型行业已经显现疲软迹象,反映了整体经济的放缓。经济周期中的波动是不可避免的,有时需要承受痛苦才能取得进步。美国经济很大程度上依赖于消费者支出,而市场波动可能会影响消费者信心和支出。政府需要稳定市场情绪,以避免消费者支出下降,但这面临挑战。 英伟达的估值过高,其竞争优势可能被高估。如果利润率下降,其估值将变得非常昂贵。如果英伟达的资本支出减少,其业绩将会受到影响。分析师在股票评级方面存在从众心理和职业风险的考量。特斯拉股价已回调至较低水平,这可能是买入或上调评级的时机。尽管特斯拉的基本面恶化,但其股价仍可能出现反弹。特斯拉的交付量和利润率可能低于预期,但即使如此,其股价也可能出现反弹。特斯拉股价的下跌空间有限。美联储新闻发布会后的问答环节将非常重要,投资者将关注美联储对政治压力、关税以及经济放缓的看法。市场对美联储声明的反应将决定未来几周的市场走势。 @Dan Nathan : 近期市场波动剧烈,呈现“一步前进,两步后退”的态势,上涨缺乏恐慌性,而下跌速度很快。S&P 500 经历了数十年来速度最快的 10% 跌幅之一。地缘政治紧张局势、经济数据以及美联储政策预期共同影响市场。地缘政治紧张局势对油价造成影响。市场存在一种观点:美联储与财政部之间可能存在某种默契,旨在通过控制通胀来降低利率,从而提振股市。Luke Roman 对美联储的政策路径和贸易摩擦持悲观态度,认为这可能会导致通胀再次上升。经济数据显示经济正在放缓,这可能导致市场出现拉锯战。一些此前表现强劲的股票(如航空公司股票)近期大幅回调,这反映了投资者情绪的变化。贸易、关税以及资本支出等不确定性因素导致经济放缓。英伟达开发者大会的结果对股价影响有限,这可能表明市场对该公司的预期已经基本消化。分析师对英伟达的乐观预期与投资者情绪存在巨大差异。英伟达的长期故事已经讲了很久,市场可能已经对其失去兴趣。特斯拉股价近期上涨,可能与Cantor Fitzgerald的评级上调有关。分析师在特斯拉股票评级方面可能面临压力。美联储的声明和市场反应值得关注。美联储的政策声明将对市场产生重大影响。

Deep Dive

The podcast opens by discussing the market's recent volatility, characterized by rapid sell-offs and rallies. The hosts analyze the speed of the S&P 500's recent 10% decline, comparing it to previous market downturns. They also consider the role of geopolitical tensions and their impact on oil prices.
  • Rapid sell-offs and rallies in the market
  • Fastest 10% sell-off in the S&P 500 in decades
  • Geopolitical tensions impacting oil prices

Shownotes Transcript

Guy Adami and Dan Nathan discuss the anticipation surrounding Federal Reserve decisions on March 19th, examining their potential impact on the market. They delve into the recent volatility in the S&P 500, noting significant sell-offs and the broader economic implications. The episode also covers geopolitical tensions, their influence on oil prices, and the mixed signals from economic data. They address the ongoing narrative around Federal Reserve policies, including discussions on interest rates, inflation, and the potential for a 'grand deal' involving Treasury Secretary and the Fed. The conversation transitions to sector-specific performances, particularly focusing on Nvidia's developers conference and Tesla's stock movements amid global and market pressures. The episode concludes with a forward-looking perspective on market reactions to upcoming Fed commentary and data releases.


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