cover of episode LFG with Jefferies’ Chief Optimist David Zervos

LFG with Jefferies’ Chief Optimist David Zervos

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David Zervos
@David Zervos : 我在Jefferies工作15年,历任宏观交易员、美联储顾问等职务,对市场有深入的了解。我观察到2008年金融危机后,央行对市场的干预日益加剧,宏观经济分析变得至关重要。我并非简单的悲观或乐观,而是基于风险平价的策略,在长期内保持乐观。我坚信央行拥有应对危机的工具,即使可能产生通胀等副作用。 我曾在2009年担任美联储顾问,参与设计应对危机的计划,这让我对货币政策的有效性充满信心。我观察到,市场对利率变化的反应并不总是如预期的那样,例如2023年市场在高利率环境下仍保持上涨。 美联储的资产负债表对市场的影响至关重要,它在2023年和2024年起到了缓冲作用,但现在其作用正在减弱。因此,我认为未来利率可能面临下调。 我不担心大型科技股的集中度,因为这是市场竞争的结果,体现了优胜劣汰的机制。我认为放松管制应该促进竞争,降低价格,而不是保护现有企业。 我对未来经济持乐观态度,我认为政府减少开支和放松管制将带来积极的供给冲击,从而实现更强劲的增长和更低的通货膨胀。长期来看,技术进步和人口结构变化将带来通货紧缩压力。 @Dan Nathan : 作为一名交易员和风险投资人,我对市场动态、政策和地缘政治的相互影响有自己的看法。我与David Zervos的讨论中,我们探讨了当前市场环境、美联储政策、以及潜在的经济和地缘政治风险。我们还探讨了科技股集中度、监管以及未来经济增长的可能性。

Deep Dive

David Zervos shares his extensive career journey, from his early days as an economist at the Federal Reserve to his current role as Chief Market Strategist at Jefferies. He recounts his experiences as a macro trader at various firms, including Brevan Howard, UBS O'Connor, and Greenwich Capital, and his unique perspective gained from advising the Federal Reserve during the 2008 financial crisis.
  • 15 years at Jefferies
  • Macro trading experience at Brevan Howard, UBS O'Connor, Greenwich Capital
  • Advisor to the Federal Reserve Board in 2009
  • Transition from academic economics to Wall Street

Shownotes Transcript

Dan Nathan is joined by David Zervos, Chief Market Strategist at Jefferies, for a comprehensive discussion on market dynamics, policy impacts, and geopolitical considerations. David shares his extensive background, highlighting his 15 years at Jefferies and his earlier experiences as a macro trader and advisor to the Federal Reserve. The conversation delves into the current state of financial markets, the impact of central bank policies, and the role of macro strategies. David provides his optimistic outlook on the efficacy of policy tools, the potential for deregulation under the new administration, and the prospects for economic growth and inflation. The episode also touches on the concentration of tech stocks, the importance of innovation, and the potential for deflationary pressures from technological advancements.


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