Here is an older but goody from the archives, from the side hostile show greatest, its collection, how a free chAllenge turned into a five hundred thousand dollars a year business. Welcome to a side hustle show. We're inspiring part time entrepreneurs learn how to turn their side hustle dreams into reality because you're not in five may make you a living, but you're five and eight makes you alive. And now your host.
nick loper.
What's up? What's up? Nick lobo here on to the sides hustle show live from beautiful, little more california than an awesome, inspiring action forty. Today my guest is Tiffany, the budget mister A H. A. She's a former free school teacher who build t up a business that's on tracked to do half a million dollars in revenue this year. And the whole thing is IT all started with a completely free chAllenge.
SHE runs to live Richard chAllenge and live Richard chAllenge dcom, which has helped more than one hundred sixty thousand participants save a collective seventeen million dollars and pay off, uh one a half million dollars in debt in this episode is going to hear how Tiffany came up with the chAllenge idea how you have people to join and now the four five of revenue streams. She's used to turn this thing into a super successful business. Notes and links to all the resources mentioned are outside, hastening dion slash live richer.
And I know tifany SE chAllenge in marketing have evolved in the years since this was recorded. IT may not exist in the same form that we talk about, but my chAllenge to you is to think of how you could have a similar strategy in your own age. What kind of core value packed chAllenge could you offer to reach new people and turn them in to in fans? ready? Oh, let's do IT.
I was a beautiful teacher for ten years, and I was doing well. I mean, was making like between sixty five and seventy thousand hours a year because I used to tutor on the side and babysitting stuff on the side and everything seemed great. And a group in the house where money was talked about the time my father was a CF foo and an accountant, you know.
So I just learned about money at home. And then when I lost my job, everything fell apart. Like I lost my savings. I took all the money of my retirement and account.
Like they tell you that too, I went up my car, did my house, went to foreclosure, I was like cheese, like just everything Philip and IT was in the rebuilding that I realized. Okay, all the lessons I kind of learned at home because my dad was like, serious about, like learning about money, like he took the, took us. So like money classes and stuff. So I used to know everything that I learned.
That's a great fluence.
No, IT was honestly. And so when I was rebuilding, people would ask me, what how are you doing? IT, because i'm in the same position. So I just started showing a family and friends, and that's how I started.
Family and friends are asking, hey, what are you what to do? You end up getting a new job at that point.
teaching job. And you I didn't want teach classroom anymore, just because I felt like I outgo net. So I was volunteering at all these different places, like the boys and girl's club, the united way, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do, thinking I wanted to be a party planner. Don't ask me with that game problem, but I was like.
that's what I told want to do. So everybody dream to be like a wedding corporate atom like that.
I know so. But in that I found that if I was volunteering for these different organza, I found myself sneaking into their classrooms and watching their like presenter s teaching being like that's not how you do IT and like teaching and showing them and then um as I was helping people at the organza with their finances, people started asking me more and more and I would sit down with books and they were like, can you write us like a curriculum this see your teacher and at the time I had my master and I still do and um education I thought gonna become a principal one day but I didn't um and so I started writing curriculum and lesson plans for these organza where I was volunteering and so those lesson plans and curriculum eventually became um the liverage or chAllenge okay.
listening to what people are asking you for help with already I like that what was like the first step in getting this chAllenge off the ground and you take me about the early days, like I I can start like the decide hostile chAllenge. I like my first, my first participants.
I arted. I started a post at the end of two thousand and fourteen like, hey, i'm gonna doing a leverage of chAllenge. It's going to be a free resource to help you get on financial track, if you're interested. Let me know below.
IT was just a facebook post .
on your personal facebook. And the time of people like by then, I was already like three years into being. The budget is to around the city where I live, people knew me to be like, oh, that's the financial education lady because I taught volunteering ing does something great for you.
You get your face in front of so many people. So people knew me. So when I posted IT was in a huge surprise because by then I was hosting free community classes. They responded by the united way they would pay me. And I would host classes for the whole community to come to for free and teaching financial education.
So when I said, hey, i'm going to be doing IT online, the same stuff we're doing, class people just showed interest and I did that on purpose, but I could start to collect interested party and then I think I put about an event right, like just so people can say that to add themselves to like a list I didn't I wasn't have been using like you know like a weber or like infusions software, anything like that, I was just post interest. Here's an easy free link to sign up so I can collect the emails OK. So when .
somebody signs up, you're ea bright thing, which was a free yeah IT was free. Okay, so, uh, a free event, right event. And then that gave you their email address.
And I started to craft what I thought the chAllenge should be like. I was like, all right, so I teach this six week course for the other way. So how do I condensate into? I think at the time, the first chAllenge I condensate into five weeks and the way the chAllenge works is I really played into what I knew about people from a teaching perspective, is that people want to be told exactly what to do.
They don't want you to have them figure that out. So I was okay. So instead of me saying, here's some ways to do stuff, what if every single day I told you exactly what to do? And so that's the way the chAllenge works.
You sign up and every day in your inbox for the length of the chAllenge, which is about a month, you get one easy financial tax, says, hey, all yourself provider, tell them you don't have the money. Here's script. If they say no, here's script number two.
If they say yes, here's script number three. And then let me know how goes. So that's how each task went.
You didn't have to know how to do anything except for read right? Ads attract. okay. So private .
weeks people are getting this is all delivered through email. yes. Are you writing these out like the day, the morning of and hitting?
And in the beginning I was in, that was really hectic. And so I realized, you know what, maybe are there other ways I can get people to connect to different platforms? Some okay. One, I finally, I think I find out at the time I use infusion soft now, but I I was using a webber somebody, okay, one, they're opening my emails.
But what if I could get into my blog? So in the email I would say, hey, today's task to learn budget, you can learn how to rock this task here, link to the blog post. So, like, forces all of these people.
One of my email, then two k to my blog, and then one of my blog. And, you know, I was like, I would have like, you know, tweet this out. So then I was like, every step of the way, I was trying to get them to touch all of my platforms, to raise, like my profile or not, the platforms.
Okay, okay, this is always a debate. Like all you know how much of the information to include in the body of the email, but like, you know to get traffic back to the i'm glad hear you're take .
on IT because before then, like I don't only consider myself a blogger because I was literally blogging like I mean, if you got any enemy once every four months, you're lucky so I didn't have anything already and trying to get my blog active and so this was kind of the way like, okay.
Well, I know that at the time, my first year in two thousand and fifteen, I want to ten thousand people to sign up what we got that we ve got about twenty thousand people signed up for the chAllenging, I would say about fifty to sixty percent of them became fairly regularly to the blog via the daily emails. For me, sometimes things happen that I don't plan on, but I was totally awesome. So I had this online facebook group.
And IT was specifically for what I was teaching these classes. And person in the community and volunteer people kept email in me, and I was like, look, I can't email everybody back the same answer. I'm gonna M A facebook group.
If you're a class member, if you've come to one of my classes post your question here, I just added those people to the facebook group, and I called the dream catchers live, Richard. And somehow people from the chAllenge found the group. I didn't posted any criminal how they found IT.
And people started adding themselves and asking to join, and then sharing what was happening with them during the chAllenge. And I was like, this script is not for that. And I realized the dub, like, bob, awesome.
And so I started posting the group link in the blog post, like, hey, tell me how you rock down on today's task here. Know group link to the facebook group, and it's a private group, so you have to request to join. And that is what really made the chAllenge take off, because now you had people, ten thousand people, every single day, talking about one particular test that you gave to them. Now you mention people.
okay, they're going to link to the blog and they're going to have an opportunity to share this on you, their own facebook and a twitter and stuff, starting out with your own personal network that that you'd built over the years, you know, doing these in person classes. Curious how you went from your personal network in this world. And maybe you just have a huge network to getting twenty thousand people over the course of a year. Like there was some element of vary there, you know, tia tipping point. And there is what you think LED to that explosive growth.
Honestly, IT was not explosive. IT was like, IT was so like because what I did was I started in, I want to say, june and IT literally took till january of the next year. To get the like to get ten thousand like every week was like we had to scrape bag for people to join. So my my initial networks, i'll tell you, when I first put IT up, I think five hundred people instantly. So that was like my hey, I know tifany network.
but that's good OK. You know.
because you have to remember by then I had been teaching financial education in the community and I think I had like a email list of like twenty five hundred. So getting five hundred IT was like, okay, five hundred folks. And then two before facebook, kind of like me, is illegal.
When I first was starting the budget anise in two thousand and nine, two thousand and ten, one of my homeworks to myself was I used to go and friend a hundred new people a day, or least request a friend them, because I knew that, like at time, facebook didn't have facebook groups or facebook business. So I was using my personal page as, like, a soft business page. So I wanted a whole page of friends.
So of people.
yes. And so what I would do is i'd be like, like lisa say, I was your friend. And i'd be like, oh, nick and friends rely, let me go through mix friend's list.
These people have head shot. He looks important. Friend, this one looks like, so literally I would friend you based upon your picture.
You look like you work for a company that might pay me to to speak friend. And so literally like, but like, obviously you cannot do that now. So now I have a friend list of like five thousand, but really had started in two thousand and ten.
And then in two thousand and ten I used to post a tip of the day of financial tip of the day on my facebook page. So on facebook I was known as like and my my nickname on facebook when my name was tifany. The budget needs to alleging it's on posting tips of the day i'm sharing pictures of me speaking around in the community. So I had already laid a strong foundation for when the chAllenge came. IT wasn't as huge like whose this girl was like we've seen for years that he does this.
Now i'm looking back because like, I think I think we were friends on facebook for ever met you wait a minute.
you got up in the facebook like, hey, he looks like he might be somebody who might know somebody who might know somebody.
You guess wrong, you is wrong.
okay. And so so when I put IT out, yes, about five hundred people signed up right away. But then I went to school, my bachelors degrees in marketing and I used every marking thing I can think of.
I used to do um a quote of the day like did you know sixty percent of women, you know don't have enough of time? I don't let that be. You set for the chAllenge. So we were using all of these different tricks and tips and posting all of these different quotes and and creating all of these mean boxes to get people interested.
One thing they help the, that was, I reached out to the first five hundred and say, how many few ladies would love to be a live Richard chAllenge leader? And they like, oh gosh, because women love to be like a part of, like, an exclusive group. They they like I would.
Meanwhile, I mitt, nothing like there's no such signal of virtual land leader I just made of that. But as a result, I got my friend, who was a designer, to create these mean boxes where he was their picture. And he says, I am a liver to chAllenge leader and the the website at the bottom and the women love them because they are really pretty and their job as a leader was to sign up between ten and twenty of their friends as so OK OK.
That helps significantly.
And then what's a month for? Like six months. I would talk to the leaders on the world to see what was working, what was networking. The leaders form their own facebook pages to sign up their friends and get their friends excited. Because the leaders, most of the leaders.
known me personally. So initially .
there was a personal connection. Tell their friends that he's some chAllenges because people had not experienced china was a hard sell. So that helps significantly. And honestly, we didn't use I don't even know how to do facebook at I didn't spend any money .
on ads for the first twenty thousand women of the marketing book without really, you know, by my S I E drink.
IT was and I did know anything about like, you know how like you have all the marketing guys online now, I didn't know anything about any of that. All I knew was intrinsic, what made people move one, being part of a community too. We use a little bit of fear tactic, like you don't want to be the old lady eating cat food, join the chAllenge, know more .
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o and that too really to me what tippit was having the livingroom al leader sign up their friends and then to what we did is in the beginning of the chAllenge, one of the test were to get an accountability partner. Ask your friend your code in your mom, your sister and your someone to do the chAllenge with you as he had to .
sign up to so that so we for one .
yeah so we said we in place, you know who was free, but you know that helps two like so people started and then once we kind of tipped over everything, once we hit, like five thousand, IT started to roll a little bit faster because we were posting the numbers. Like every time we had a big number, like five thousand women has signed for the chAllenge.
What are you waiting for? I would post IT across all my social media platforms, and then women would be like, oh my god, five thousand. I can't be a game of all of these .
people have signed up safety, right?
And then what I would do was for the women that did sign up, like every every two weeks, I would send like an awesome resource. So that way they wouldn't forget that the chAllenge with starting, so like every two weeks, thank you. Like, hey, here's a great website I like, you know, chAllenges starting in six months.
Hey, this is a great book i'm reading. ChAllenges starting in six months. Don't forget to ask, ask your mom, your sister, your cousin, your friend. So I kept them engaged because I started collecting people a full six to eight months before we actually launch the chAllenge.
That's a good point. So this is kind of a start and stop. Things only got you. So he goes for five weeks or five week period, you know where this content is being delivered. So the rest of time is kind of like in anticipation.
And you know what happens after the value? You can you go through IT again? Or you know you how do you engage those people? You know, if somebody wants to join in the middle, if it's all kind of an an automated delivery system, theoretically they could. But like you want everybody going through like the same tasks the same time.
Well, in the beginning, I was just my attention to do this one time. Like, why I am, thank you, man, I am like, all right, we're done and then the women were like, no, where you going, we want like, I want to do IT again and I was just like, uh, okay, so that I was the same.
like the second .
time around so I recognize that some women started late or there were some jodi come lately, you know, like, oh, my sister told me was often is too late. So took me a month but I automated, yes, the same content and then we you could just sign up for IT and IT. IT would run throughout the year.
And then what I did was I said, you know what, let's do a new chAllenge every year. So two thousand fifty was the first chAllenge. And we automated IT after the collective community did in january.
By march, anyone could join. And then by like november, I turned IT off. And then we started collecting people for the two thousand sixteen chAllenge, which was the savings edition, which is just about savings.
And so we ran that in january. and. And as soon as I finished in february, we turn in on automatic. So right now, that's automated. So you can join the savings addition chAllenge or you can join the first initial chAllenge, which covers budgeting, saving credit, dead insurance, investing money, IT covers like basically everything, you know.
And so both of those you can, you can sign up for IT and you'll get those automatic emails in your in boxing, you could do what whatever you want. And so when I got the first ten thousand women, those are the women who had signed up by the time we started. The other ten thousand came out the year through the automated ali sign.
Today, I would be no effort on part automated to automated delivery.
And then you would just like you look at the same content as everybody else, but automated delivery and the group still run. So now the group has shifted away from being just about the chAllenge. And now is just women helping women with their financial lives. So twenty four hours a day, women post everything from somebody wants.
The other day, i'm so mad of my husband could throat punch in which i'd thought was a large SHE was like, he's the worst spend there he doesn't know how to say, what can I do and so other women, we will give advice, which I thought. So that's what the group has become like, hey, i'm buying a house. What do I do? Or woo, I bought a car with the money that I save from the chAllenge what you guys up to. So just a support group for women working on their money.
What's your time? Investment and moderating any group that size is going to attract spammer.
Yeah for sure. So one thing we do do is in the beginning, you could just join. Now if someone added you, we would add to you.
So now we have some rules that one you can be added by someone else. So if that says nicopolis, added dave, we ignore those that we delete those requests, dave has to add himself. So that helps because it's like someone has chosen to be here too.
It's difficult to just be added to the group. So one way to be added or one way to find us is you go to the chAllenge and then you get IT invite. And then also on the chAllenge page, there is actually a little lake that says, like join the forum.
And when you click the link, it's actually a survey that kind of run you through the group rules before you join. So I having about twelve ads, I don't heavily aden on the group because they they pretty much take care. I just kind of go and to give virtual high five and answer some basic questions. But we've got a ton of financial experts in there that just like willingly share. So I don't have to be like, you know, in the end, the beginning though, I was like hours and hours, but now you know I might spend I want to say maybe an hour day depending like sometimes i'm having fun and I I spent at a time of time and some days I don't make IT to the group at all yeah.
it's been I was hesitant to start the side of nation facebook group for kind of that seem feel I don't want another thing to and moderate and create content for. But it's like it's kind of turned this cool community on its own where people are answering, asking and answering questions without my involved.
And I so far not, I would like, you know, do very little moderating like you only you maybe I had delete one post a week or something or say, hey, you know, thanks for sharing that but like you give us a little more, he was a little more meat of like we take away from this experience for something. This is all awesome. My question, for years you giving IT all away for free.
How does this help you pay the bills? I know you still have like living expensive and turn this into a business. Talk about what that has turned into as a result of this?
Yeah honest. Surprisingly i'm not going to. We make rop. We make a about a half a million doors a year.
I know I I free yeah I .
know honestly in heth house. So one, I used my social influence to flex on social media. So basically, you know, i'll share like all like we've got ten thousand women doing this and we're saved seventeen million dollars.
And so companies hire me to speak to teach their audiences. So that's one way. So last year, my speaking and like a books sale.
So even though the liver to chAllenge is actually free online, you they kick, but in books sales, even though I say on the fight, like because what I do is everyday the task on my blog post at the bottom says, hey, do you want to do the same chAllenge? But in book form, maybe you're not a computer person by the book. Here is at the bottom of every single day.
So for three weeks are seeing that little picture of the book and says that people buy the book even though they know you was free online. I'm doing IT for free. That's what I am seeing this link.
And that's the only way advertise the book of people buy like the book, like just this this month alone, we sold well over a thousand books this month alone wow. And so that's one too. Like I said, speaking for different companies, colleges hire me like I work with potential. I just want to influence .
or contract forward today.
So what I used to working for, I expected your car like, okay, we can do that, I know. And so but because that happens when because i'm treating my audience well, they come, they stay and they're interactive. And as a result, companies want to be closer that they pay and a less like I said.
So last year, in speaking in a bookstore, L I made about one hundred and fifty thousand hours. And in this year, we launched the live richer academy so that it'll be the first time that we really charged the individual. So the academy, the way that works is that it's a monthly fee and it's the next level.
The chAllenge is the basic financial education, the academy. I've gotten all these financial experts from around the country to come a teacher course, that their expertise, that we have a tax lady. We've got a student long lady now we've got people that that's not my expertise and IT costs twelve, ninety, ninety months at first was nine ninety ninety month when we first opened in march.
And now it's twelve, ninety, ninety months. And we already have over four thousand students. So just do the math of ten bug thousand students at forty thousand .
miles a month as a pretty serious prety serious and business member.
exactly on top of that. But that came from years of giving and giving and giving. I was nervous to say, hey, audience, would you pay for more? Because they not used to pay and they were like, uh, okay and then I do a filling at links, but I am always very transparent about the three or four things that actually really like like I love digit, I love eb, I love created arma.
So I didn't even know that they had a billions to in the first chAllenge, I was mentioning all of these great resources, but I didn't have a link because I didn't know anything about a failure. And then a friend of mine was like, why you're not making money off the suggestions and like how do you do that and he was like, these companies have a failure links. You're already mentioning them because you use them and you love them. Draw w your link in there and I was like, a can be that much money this year alone in a you think .
probably made about fifty thousand.
And so like all of these things combine, that's what I said, like you know, this this year and minimum will take in about half million by next year. I really at the rate that the academy is growing because we just open a march that will be about a million dollar year business .
on by next year. Yeah OK, we're recording the .
the genes of three months old yeah and we're already making basically .
like what is forty thousand times times, you know and easy to look at that and say, well, well, that's crazy to do the same thing but like we kind of not not lost over well you know we put in some time for four, five years leading up to this to have build you know I hold no life and trust A P amid where you know ah you have been given given this value away for qua while but still really, really inspiring. What do you see is like the next step outside of the academy, outside of the speaking, things like you do in keynote staff, what is where is this thing going?
Yes, so I do do some keynote stuff, but I was ask myself that the other day because you know you like, oh, and where my first goal was if I could make five hundred doors a month, i'll be cold in, you know and then you're like.
oh like.
I mean, the academy has blown everything out of the word. I'm not even going to like it's not even there is no precedent. I mean, just last year, like we've crule this year.
So this I I feel like honestly, I just wanna do good work. I'm writing a children's books. Ks and I, to be a practice, all teacher, I feel like there's a lack of fund financial education materials for kids.
So i'm writing a children's, and I think IT would be so awesome, like I have a main character in the book, and I want her to become like the door, the explorer for money, in case I can't nicolai an somewhere, is that that would be awesome. And then, like, we're opening these things called dream catcher chapters. So the women, which is so awesome, we've actually started meeting monthly offline.
So there's, I go, there is a new york group. This is a same Lewis group. There's a texas group that's five hundred women strong.
And I like you guys are meaning without me what the head of the and so were going to make an official. So we're going to roll out dream catcher chapters. Yeah, the dream catcher. So that's the name of our time. They name themselves after the name of the group dream catchers.
And the other day they were like, we want a teacher and I was like, yeah, I don't really feel like that there were like one lady was like, if you don't make a teacher, I make IT A T shirt that's like, all right so I put up like a design and I was like, we will pick which one. You guys like, over four thousand people were like, we like this one. And I like way four thousand times this to say I make A T shirt in its ten bux crofty that's crazy. And I didn't want to make A I didn't want to make A T shirt, but I don't like putting up charge is just.
So ask for IT. exactly.
So that's what i've learned. I've learned that I deliver what's requested and you don't have to what it's going to do well or not. So yeah, there's just all of these different streams of income. I don't know what the end goal is. The angle is just to do don't work and .
make good money like I retired tomorrow and what would what would the day look like? We don't probably we do the same thing I have. I love doing that sounds like you're come in uh the same boat.
So that's um that's really, really calm here is on just on the membership site, one of the chAllenges that always comes up is like how do I keep people in there? How do you people engage? And so you're gonna constantly trying to create new like exclusive content for just for that group. So yes.
so the way IT took, like, i'm not your life, this is how, you know, people really love you. So when we first open, the membership said in march, IT told me up, I was like, what the hell is this? People side up and I remember we were like, costly, like, I thought I was awesome until people were kind of in there and they're like, what IT IT because I was prerecorded and they kind of ran through all of the courses so quickly.
And so I was like, weight. So how do I key people engage? IT took forever just to take the first ten and across a ton of money.
And I was like, a, it's going to eat all of our profit. So what I did was I said, okay, we started thinking of other ways to deliver. So one of things we do as we have instructors now teach a lie.
I have a private youtube channel, and then I upload, or I am bed, the video into the actual academy. So once a week you can take this lab course at right now, of course, that happening, real state investment for our beginners. And so Christinia teaches on tuesday night, night at seven.
And we have to had to start a business course, 7k two teachers, wednesday night at eight for three weeks. And so that keeps people going. And then every single sunday we have an ACC expert series where I find one of my dot friends to come on for A Q and a about like their particular financial expertise.
And so I don't have to teach the other courses, but on sundays, I do like you. That's kind of like where I have to time is. Like on sunday for an hour, I sit and I do the q and a and people watch alive.
So that keeps people interested because, you know, it's going to be a new course that's gonna roll out every month or so and then every sunday's going a new material. So that's what keeps them going. And we have a private facebook group specifically for the academy.
sure. What if you need some help? People have questions about side tosi. You know.
happy to help. I would love to that. That's one, one of the biggest revenue for sure.
Absolutely activity. This has been a just really I opening stuff like an incredible movement that to see how the budget needs to don, we find all the information about the liberator chAllenge over there. Everything she's got one on. So I say thank you for joining me. And let's rap this thing up with your number one tip for side hostile nation.
build your tribe. Now I wish I wouldn't have waited so long because we'd be like probably a quarter of million by now. Right now OK are you have ten people. The tribe treat them awesome and give, give, give.
Thank you much. Alright, hope fully. This chat with tivy has your gears turned on what kind of free chAllenge you can host to grow and connect with your audience.
I know she's coming, thinking about how I can borrow her study there. So my thought, taking away from this chat number one IT IT starts with your network in the snowballs out from there. I know this is a common theme, but strengthening your relationship is something you work on regardless of whether or not you have a business.
Like when people ask, oh, how can I get used for my podcast is the same answer. Like IT starts with your network and the spiders out from there. How do I get freely eth clients? IT starts with your network and inspires out from there.
So I know you heard me say that over over again, but but thanks to your network really is your net tork. And that's how started for to me that I started for me that I started for for just about really I I think number, number two, give people tangible results. You get the example of a step by step money to heart script, and that's a guy thing people can immediately take action on, like following a recipe step by step by step.
And when they see at work, they are motivated to keep paying attention and help you spread IT the word. Take a number three figure IT out as you go. This thing started with what you have.
Any new personal finance, including her, admitted her successes and her failures along the way. But SHE annoying thing about online business. But he figured out one step at a time.
And that's what we all have to do. Like, i'm still figuring that out as ago, so be sure to head over to scientist nation. Now come to live, Richard, or one word, all of the budget isters top tips from conversation. I think you guys so much for turing in this week until next time will grow out there, make something happen and OK you in the next edition of the scientists. So show 还是 one。