In this election, there is politics and there's power. It's our beat and it's about the bottom line. Live from the new. York, washington votes .
my is to make playing field for all investors. There's always a more work summer, and I punish to help you find her. They have money starts now.
Hey, i'm cramer. Well, to make money, welcome to crame amErica of you make friends. I'm just trying to make a little money. My job is not just entertained, but education teachers to come one hundred and three hundred my way. The weekend we get results, shame number, big comply, including copies like alphabet, amazon, apple, so many couples that almost impossible member.
What's driving these moves, IT is finally concluded as their gains to nine points has been via point four one percent and the point eight percent and how could was in was on this, that I forget IT IT was right prety. Five years. How we could have, I don't know, baby, Better feed. In the end.
Tight action this week was more about who can tell the best story, which surprised was alphabet at the pair of google, who had the biggest body, which was that which had a porter less what is a travel cy to all these couples reported during the same, we knowing, possibly study all them, make all of big good decisions, such a prepare time. And I, that is someone with a travel trust that only single one of those stocks. There's reason why we have a whole team, others I would have going that a years ago, exposed just this week.
Now, I remained steadfast that everyone of these names s including apples, could not have one. Apples do. Only one is too expensive if they can't exceed the projects of the current quarter, but the adjustment for apples discipline outlook has now made.
I bet the stocks settle between two thousand and two twenty years week, and I will be pound in the table. The others can be born at these levels now that they will all come down except from the highs, except for maybe amazon. I mean, amazon was at one sixty one, one a pound the table last time.
It's gonna all wait to one ninety seven. And that's wasn't easier to buy in the one sixty now because people go to one four years. But that all the way, let's go the game way.
We have still one more bomb bar by, but I want to start game planet in the middle week. Look at this is one thursday. That's an odd thing.
Actually more important than the stock market is the federal market. I mean, for the stock market, then the election is a federal open market committee. Mean, why is this? Well, this is so important because bonds keep going in the wrong way.
First, if we got this incredibly weak on for a pair report, IT was destroyed by hurricane labori shoes. But at first the bomb mark reacted possible and straight came down. I thought that was going to be terrible, but then bond sellers came back with the avenging a long range screamed higher, reaching the highest level since early july.
In my pain, the fed needs to cut rates again. In the last couple of weeks, we've heard from too many businesses that have made IT clear that we have a real slow tone on our hands. Comes little shaky.
The bomb market didn't didn't like IT when the feed started cutting rates of september, though despite a relatively strong economy and a healthy lab market. So you could easily argue that if the fed cuts again, maybe we see a similar negative reaction. But honestly, you know what? I don't even care this point.
I do if the fed cuts rates next week, psychologically there's some hope that we can see a pick up project and housing and orders, two industries that seems be losing strength by the day. IT is vital for the fed to recognize zed that IT needs to cut. Then again, before the fed meeting, we have a election day and both candidate seems to be eager to bust the budget.
The only question is whether they can get their genes for congress very difficult. And yes, trump would would be more of a budget busters than hairs because big tax cuts translate into bigger budget. Oh, and just to be sure, election night coverage, i'll be here tuesday, actually write the set, believe or not, with my colleague, 靠 骗 的 女人 and would want to be offering election coverage like none other i'll be to be late one。 I hope I don't have to pull another all night like do with that.
Chevron platform last week, hit by the chavez had a fantastic courters every morning. IT is still cheap. Now back the pedestrian early reports, not all that you, because IT starts with burger head, which report tomorrow, but will second, there's no such thing at a bad quarter burger, right? Because we're just born about them.
I do want to know what he thinks about the election, but I know what i'll say. I'll just say, listen, i'll make money no matter what. okay? Next, we've all fall in love with nuclear power, and that means we like consolation energy.
I've been recommending this stuff for years, but IT has become a cold stock, and IT doesn't matter what they have to say. Same as pontier, which reports after the cloth pal stocks is one. The best performance is five hundred this year.
And the the cold members who own the stock, they seem you to push IT up to exceed the twenty twenty four percent. Again of the video right now, video up a hundred seven three percent pounds is one hundred forty four percent. So what cars, some having lifting now, they could pull off.
So if the stock get ted once numbers, I want you to buy some. This very evening, by the way, video got added to the deal, Jones average and l got the boot. There was not a lot of money index to the deal, but is fabulous, bracing rights.
The invidious s talk should not have going up up to the bill in this. But IT doesn't matter. People get excited about things. It's insane to watch these fires, by the way, in a pantier who don't really care how companies doing, they just buy the stock because they wanted to go higher.
But then again, how us to explain the heights that trump media and technology group is traveled to without a earings, I draw no conclusions. Tuesday will hear from builders for source, the big gest streamer of housing Prices. And I bet they tell you the same thing I just said IT a few minutes ago, they need rates to go lower to have a lot of business to be reunited.
The king of vehicle supports on tuesday, too. And i'm actually talking about for ri, which is a monster of stocky everything, luxury. And I mean, everything has been doing poorly because of china.
See IT doesn't ter for frb is forge more than an american stocks IT be shocked if he didn't have more upside surprise. People keep betting against the suckers. Now of the most intreaty story come out next week is super micro.
We know this company is one of firing line after order earns Young resign noiseless this week because they couldn't swear by the numbers and no longer trust manager. How about them? I have no idea what the micros going to say.
I do know this ever since urging Young resign, one of some of microsys competence, dell has seen its stock march relentlessly hired. I think that's pretty ominous. Super micro wednesday, cvs reports and IT.
We've learn about new CEO David joiners turn around plans. We hope he's got some real heavy lifting to do because tvs has a very jumble set of us are moving for him. Poor guy needs all the helping you get back to close ARM holding reports.
Now this chip architecture play is tightly the link with apple, but arms IP is everywhere. I think he puts an excEllent number, but you know way that might not matter to this, particularly the stock market, if it's in a bad mood day because semis suddenly become more dependent, not early dependent. We also want to know about arm's what seemed very nasty.
Hey, speak of the devil. Welcom reports at the same time, now there have been stories floated about how C. E.
O. Christiano moon has been interested in buying into. They want to buy. I think he has to move fast because after the quarter into report yesterday, that sucks going higher regardless of whether has been booted from the deal like IT was this evening, how itself is quite charmed.
IT tends not to go down on weak numbers and its source and strong winds wow, that's a very good risk. Ward isn't IT the best network destroy to own out here is a risk. That's right.
It's a hyper scale helper ah and IT makes network switching equipment and ubiquitous in the data center. IT reports that the closed thursday and IT is a buy. Graft kings also reports up to the belt.
And you might be shocked to find out that there's gambling going on here. I think it's a trip c story and a very good invest. Now we get results from cloud fair, too.
This is a network security play we ve had on quite a bit as I think it's a great got a great set pincher reports and is coming in the hills of an amazing quarter from edit. Maybe there's no money coming toward pinches, too. These are a filat place that are, I think, have a great niche market for advertisers trying to reach hard to get people.
And a firm drops these numbers two. And we know this final pay later nearby has been crushing stocks been almost great up since reported last time. Finally, on friday, here's a company have talked about maybe thirty years here from four are my kidding, thirty years an engineering constructions company that i'm actually starting to hear a good things about make sense given all the infrastructure spending over the past couple years. But the bottom, even with all these orange reports coming next week, at the end the day the market still going to be hostage to the election. And perhaps more important to the fed meeting, I spent the gregory cp point of gregerson been.
as you may recall, I am a very proud early club member, and I just love what you N G F. do.
And I do recall, I do recall, i've record your very kind close to the show. And I really thank you means, oh, thank.
It's it's my my it's my pleasure. You you really are the best i'm calling about a stock that that that that I know is is in someone is a favorite views and and when you actually recently said this is the clear winner in autonomy now they had a fantastic quarter, they weren't expected to. They had a huge pop and and the stock is just dropped and drop. And I just wonder, as a member of the club, you're out of ford. Why wouldn't you call the trigger on tesla, which is a great car company, and so much more you it's futt gregory.
I have actually debating that going to jeff march for IT because we talk about these things together. And the reason is because I felt that, that quarter shows you're not only a great car copy, but they're also a great technology company. And I actually want to take book, which is underwrite, and I listen to all the members of the club.
This may be the right time to do that. Gregory, i'm onna kick IT around this very weekend is my wife's day. Listen, you know what? Room for both the discussing tesla and being with my wife because why not I break her?
I breaks my marriage up this week, but I just make a saturday too. Alright, despite all the companies, we will hear from next of bad adventure being too right. Actually the markets going to take a cue from the election and the red meeting.
So but have special finding on thursday, by way, highly unusual now, or met money tonight. I Better make your oldest world. Why pulled back up delivering earnings all this way? Exciting weakness in china sales. I got the to put the thing in perspective, plus some corum complications have been affecting abbott labs this year.
I'm seeing if yesterday's ruling in their favor could be a cater access and later go dad CEO is joining me to break down how the company's AI work is shaping the state of small business. I had never heard him until I realized have been used for years. Stay a cramer.
Don't miss this second of mad money. Follow at him. Cramer on x have a question.
Tweet cramer, ash tag mad mansions. Send you email to a mad money. C N B C com one hundred.
Cnbc that com. In this election, there is politics and there's power. It's our beat and it's about the bottom line. Lie from the new york stock exchange sentence ces go washington for.
What are we supposed to make of these numbers from o to school wide, the world's leading maker of elevators and escalators, with a huge service and repair basis to boot, early this week also supported small top, bottom, I miss, which was been fined. They also had to cut the four year forecast, thanks to weeks in china, give you much to stuck to run up in the quarter and sold of three percent responsible. I already recovered.
Both of the this point also is down just six point five percent of the last month, all time highs. So does this thing need to maybe cool of more? Are they are rare, and I mean, rare buying opportunity stock IT should be a real winner. Center bike cut rates around the world, and they can close to local duty Marks the chair present CEO ones were wide more mismarking back to my money.
Jam, it's great to be with you tonight.
I got to take duty when I went through all the quarter and all the different panoply in the reports. I'm one of way shouldn't just forget china. I'm not kidding. If every questions about china, we may be missing the forest through the trees. Is that not true that china is no longer necessarily the swing factor in bio and end all for otis?
Yeah, gm, you've got IT straight. You know us as a service company and we really had a solid quarter. Our service revenues were up over seven percent. Our modern n ization. Revenues were double digit and really compensated for that.
China weakness on new equipment couldn't be more proud of our team performing across the globe, and we return to top line growth this quarter, which is really a strong statement, again, compensating for new equipment. Our china business is about thirteen percent of our total revenue for the whole company, and a third of that revenue is service and modernization, and that's growing. So again, we know what we're doing.
Our service portfolio grew and another four point two percent, twenty five thousand elevators and escalators we added just in this quarter to our to our portfolio. And that really helped us strive some strong cash and and allow us to do our capital allocation. We bought back another two hundred million dollars to share of of Sherry purchases. We're going to do a billion dollars of Sherry purchases this year, six hundred million dollars of dividends, and really make sure we return the cash to shareholders.
So I had a conversation, tim cook yesterday, for porters. And of course, everyone there are two is is saying china, china, china, I said about in india and india gonna the big growth market here. That's one point four billion.
Go on to one point six. China, maybe one point four billion people going to one point two billion for I can tell you referenced in a two on your quarter and about the expansion of your manufacture facility. I know they care passionate about manufacturing there for them. What's experience been in india?
Yeah, we have migrated our entire product set to india, and I really pleased it's the second largest delegator escalera or market in the world. It's now a seventy five thousand units segment. We've got number one share and we need a more capacity um in india you manufacture you have your supply chain local.
So we manufacture elevators and escalators and our bangalore factory. But we were running our space, so we bought the land next door. I was over there last month, and we are going to expand.
But you do IT more than just for having a local supply chain, because we do manufacture local for local everywhere in the world, including here in north america. You do IT to be cost competitive gym, and that's where you get your market chair growth. You bring your new products to every market locally and then you serve them.
As you know, for twenty, thirty, forty years, we modernize them at about and refer some of about twenty years. And IT just drives that service fly wheel that is, is the key to our to our business. Our margins are onna grow this year. Even with the chAllenges we face in certain new equipment markets were still going to grow seventy basis points of margin expansion.
Well, I think it's great that you bring this up. I'll tell what I think it's been difficulty for our viewers, but I think some of the bystanders get IT the end would be like coin Larry cold in G, E. Airspace and say, wow, bois, not making any place.
Guess that's really bad for you and not realizing that their businesses a service business and that the fewer planes are made, the more money they make. To some degree, the idea that are not being putting up huge apartment complex right now in china doesn't necessary mean that you do badly because they have already an existing group of of places and they cares. I've worked for switch year.
I work bunch of ies this week. There are china. China cares passionately. Fee people don't realised that they're passionate just as good as we are. And so they have to have you just like we know, if not more so.
Yeah, and it's the largest it's the largest service market in the globe. We've doubled our service portfolio there since we spend in twenty, twenty and and even this quarter was our eighth straights quarter in china of growing our service portfolio mid to high teens. So china units are also going to need modernization.
The china's stimulus, the first part of IT that was issued in july is for equipment renewal. Elevators are including that. We think that's the early part of what will see.
But we're not counting on stimulus gym. We know how we need to Operate our business across the globe and in china. And you, when we get those rules on the stimulus, we hope to hear them maybe next friday at the end of the national people's congress. Again, in a regulated industry, we need to understand the hell and then we'll see what happens.
Now you go around the world. Question i've guide is i'm getting good news about europe from apple, good news about europe from amazon, good news about europe from bookings side. I speak in these companies and they're saying, look particularly in portugal, in ireland, in italy, greece, the flying pixel to speak, spain, they're seeing real change, maybe not germany because of ukraine and because of china, but other parts of europe are really turning. Are you seeing that?
Yeah, we've been seeing at all a year, especially southern europe, which is where we have our largest service portfolio, is, is actually the reverse of what we saw after the g fc. I was personally in athens last month. It's unbelievable the development that's going on in greece.
And so we're excited. We've got a great leadership position there. Gm americas bounced back really well this quarter too. Every single segment for new equipment construction, residential, commercial, industrial infrastructure was up for the first time this year. And we book to almost twenty five, twenty five percent growth in our order book. So um I think sentiment has turned in many places america's clearly southern europe and middle east, asia pacific, india, southeast asia. And let's see what happens with sea mate with a stimulus.
And so good, i'm very talking about other areas because i've got to tell you because you do miss a big move, if you just focus on what's going on in china, there are other places make money in the service business that remains exceptio in china to thank you. June Marks, chair, president CEO of oldest. Another great quarter. Thank you. Thanks to my coming up.
Shares of abbot on the move after a michigan jury ruled in the company's saver in its latest core case, cram's, looking closer at what the vertical means, but the club name and the litigation still pending against IT next. In this election, there is politics and there's power. It's our beat, and it's about the bottom line.
Live from the new york stack exchange sentence, ces, go and washington, D. C. Your money, your votes. November fifth. C, C.
Two months, one of my favorite stories, healthier abbott labs, A, B, T, and wait down. But what I can only describe as a great misCarry of just this is a company with one of the best fn model stories in the injury. Four core businesses that are all going nicely, couldn't a best class medical devices specialized in cardiology, deputies, managment, I like rabbits so much.
We established our position. And for the travel trust over this year, we've on IT, often on again for ages, one of the most well respective companies in america. But about six months ago, something insane happened.
SHE happen has an infant formula business as part of nutrition, said. A small part of that business is making a specialized formula for premature babies who, desperate need specialized nutrition. Only abbot and company called a racket bank or make this stuff because it's not particularly proper for many business.
You know what? I think it's actually more of public service seniors yet abbott rickey started by being hit with these losses. And know, I got to tell you, this one really stems to me.
These were suits were plane as claim that the premature baby forming that cause a potentially fatal condition called negative zing andro colitis or N E C pershore. Everyone causes IT N C never mind the actly. Every medical thornier says is not true.
They were getting sued in in march. Rocket bunk user was the court case in the annoy IT routed to pay sixty million dollars. Okay, bad.
But what was really bad was IT was thirty five million dollars more than the planted was even looking for. That's right. The court wasn't satisfied with the mouth of the plenty of export.
So in awarded the plenty of burden, double what they were seeking that crush ricket stock and IT knocked down abbott too. IT was a organic mark camps for added billions and billions of dollars, and nobody saw that coming. The last time I talked about the issue july, abbott was basically the first question, said Lewis, which is a new tourism play to friendly jurisdiction.
Sure, not just ten days after that staging, the jury ruled against that, or the company pay a wapping four hundred ninety five million dollars. At the time, there were still about a thousand these N C cases outstanding. So of advocates losing like that and they don't win.
Nessy on peel, of course, have is a few IT would lost four and ninety five billion dollars. That's more than not to think this two hundred and six billion dollars. So became maxim antil as frightening.
Yesterday we've got a very positive update for the past five weeks. Abbotts been facing in second N C. Trial with with records me Johnson divisions could last night, the jury wolden favorite of abbott and me Johnson, finding the companies not lively.
Now this is a huge decision. First, the case itself was extremely high stakes. You know, the planet was seeking six billion dollars in point of damage on the top of two hundred and seven years, point nine million, and compensate damage.
That's a big a little roughly eighty percent of a bit early last year. You lose to many days. You're out of business also.
Cruise ly, this try was held in the same school room where they lost july for the very same judge. That's why I told you I was pretty pessimistic about at his chances when the purse eds began. But this time around, despite the planet friendly venue, the jury found in favor of abbott in in favor.
And that is very important. This was a real surprise because things didn't seem to be going all that well for the dependent strain. The trial is a regular spend over backwards to protect this month, the baby form maker seemingly square, a big one for their side.
When the F, D A, the cdc, n nh. Issued joint in sense of statement thirty net, i'm going quote, for infants where the supply of you and them is insufficient. These formula are part of the standard careful premature infants.
And quote, and then we want explain, quote, one, there is no conclusive evidence that preterm infor formula causes any c and two, there is stronger evidence that human milk is protective against anything ancho. Basically, the formulate doesn't cause the disease, is just not as good at preventing IT as actual milk. But if you had enough milk, you wouldn't be using the formula in the first place.
Now there's a reason all these federal agencies came out swing, four abbot and four record. This premature in performance is essential to the human care sist, the health care system for babies. Yet these companies make very little money from IT if they're going to get suit.
Analyses for trying to help those simply have to get out of the business is entirely, I IT really didn't want to go there. But in the previous case, they have a billion dollars, and they have to do ce shellers to void the kind of damage. I S.
mr. Ford, why didn't you get out the done thing? But they felt that IT was the wrong thing to do. So the crazy thing is, even though all these beautiful being the c of, even though all these engines came out and defensive of this, in the national suits of health report, the judge actually blocked abbott and report from show. What I just mentioned to the door blocked the report.
Then last week, the lead war for the dependent James horse from current else, a total renown hitter, was sanctioned by the court and banned from the case, trying to get this incredibly important evidence in front of the jury ban from the case. But despite the venue, despite the judge, despite the fact that happens, they were have been four of the case, abbot and racket, still one, several in us rote about the ruling overnight. And the egal contents is how comes strengthens abits position in future N, C cases, and also puts abbot in a much Better position for possible settings for the threatening claims.
And let me tell you some, it's could be for a lot less money than what we thought over IT after the last two wins. If there's going to be any money given to the planner at all. I think that's right.
My hope is that this trial Victory makes IT easier for wall street to focus on a fundaments, which Frank are fantastic. Remember what could happen now if you're playing, if you run the risk that you may not recover anything. The lawyers only paid if they recover something.
So why pursue this? Why pursue this matter now? Abbot reported just over two weeks ago, and for the third strike quarter, turn in a solid beat race result. This was a clean top and bottom line.
B inline guidance for the current quarter, while manager also raised for your earning forecast, excluding cover a test to looking for nine and half ten percent organic growth for the future. That is very big in response, solid and the stock and the respective of one point five percent. But you know what, that IT would have railed a lot, lot harder if you want for the ongoing trial with that six billion dollars illy in a of damages looming in the background.
Children of today abequa fire jumping over five dollars early, five percent response to the trial, vitry the socks now at high level since early march, just before we started worrying about this baby formula litigation. Because is that first trial I mentioned where the plane i've got more than the plane of ask, by the way, I told you stick with on july eighteen th, when the stock was at a hundred thousand change. If you kept the faith and boat those low level rupin nineteen percent, there's much more to be gain ahead of time.
Here's the bottom mine. For most this year, abbott lives have been way down by this rude qui N C. Litigation issue.
I kept telling you that abbott in the right here, and even though some venues might rule against them, I said those, we're sticking with the stock, but use the business just that good. Now, finally absconding, ten first big breaking court. And though the problem isn't over, I am hopefully things are finally headed in the right direction.
Wall street can start focusing on the excEllent undamned als of abbott business again, rather than just free about the litigation risk, which was reduced and reduced dramatically. Yesterday's huge win. It's going to David in new york. David?
Hi jane. I'm a long time with the first time color.
I'd like to know what you think about.
I like to know what you think about my day story. Fall down. 什么时候 穿?
I'm strugling with mother orna. Because they have not been able to deliver on many things that they promise. I know they're great company, but in the end, if you are talking about personalized vaccines, personalized cancer vaccines, can we see some let's see some numbers.
The numbers are aren't there yet and they give us numbers. We will go positive one with this no region right now to get by a abbott finally got a break in court. And I think this outcome allow investors to focus on the strong fundamental of this company again.
And I take you just my travel trust I really believe in my money had clicking my schools one of the past years top S M, P. I find performers and nobody talks about which is wrong. It's called go then with western a week to election day. I think this one issue, business people are most concerned with our will and tell you where I stand and over calls the election, the stay with.
It's been incredibly here for gold daddy. I see international domain registry and web hosting company five years technology, more than twenty one million customers over the past. For once it's tenth best perform the S P five, up over hundred twenty percent moment of continued this week, get to go down reported a beat race course since the stock up within three percent yesterday. deserving.
We always have to ask herself, elves, after big run, could IT be at the begin or in the middle or near the end? Or is suggesting great time, which is monday to buy? I don't know.
Let's show me with a mumbo twenty now a mine just you know is doesn't know me, but I am his biggest customer. I don't think those whose I also pay for, people that can know that I use IT. This should be totally welcome to be and money. How are you?
Thank you, jan. Thanks for having me and thanks for being a customer.
Oh, well, i've bit a customer for a very long time and a lot of things that I do. It's because you have twenty four, seven customer service, the other guy would. And a lot of things is because I say that people, look, I want to simple, I went and honest. And if I have to get someone on the phone and I have to speak someone, you're the only one that does IT. Now I need you explain to the people never use go daddy that they want to own themselves if they want to come up with the new company, that the way to do IT is to contact code.
absolutely. The way to do IT is to contact god. In fact, for twenty five years, we have been the domain registration globally of choice. You know, when people have an idea and they want their idea on the internet, they think of good at and they think of buying the domain name. But what we have for them today is a much bigger breath products.
What we have for them today's a website and a productivity solution and a set of marketing tools and a logo with their domain and so much more. And we package all together and really easy to use manner or using A I and generate A I to make IT simple for them. And yes, you know, start with good add and will help you get online and start your business in minutes.
So I don't like you, her existing customers. But one of the things that I discovered is, as I always say to my system, does this stuff how come and cost so little? It's got to cost more than that.
It's got to be a catch. But there isn't. How do you do IT for so little money.
jim? Where discipline, execution, house. And remember, you know, we have almost twenty one million customers, but our average customer is the micro o business.
right? This is a solo ener. This is the roof. This is the electrician. This is your cleaner.
You know, they're no gym cry or right? They they need this service to be cheap. They needed to always work and they, like you need to get on the phone.
You know we don't even call IT customer service. We call IT care because what our customers need is care. When they call us, we run run to the phone.
We don't make the call short. We take the time to explain to them what they need to do, and that's become a competitive advantage for us. You know, organza, yes, IT earns as much as spend. You know who can say that about their customers .
want to knock the other guy, the guys one of the largest and is that is that I told by distill, call google what I said. But there you can call google and you're not going to get anybody on the food. And if you're a small business person, you you don't have you're a cloud.
And i've ever seen my spice because we go, you know, candidly, we do IT under the other names because we don't want people to know what we're up to necessarily. But you always treat everybody equally is one of the reasons why two different customers, service guys at two different websites, at two different large comply, said, listen, don't fall around with the one you want to go to use. Go daddy. And now that is an incredible statement for .
what you've done yeah, we this is the core of our business, right? We want to provide a great service at an exceptional Price, and we want customers to call us. We want to help them out.
And we have a transaction and P S. Encouraging, which is sixty five plus. And that doesn't matter if we pick up the phone or you doing on messaging, you can you can chat with us on your phone and we're going to provide you that unbeliever customer service.
In fact, we are one of those few companies that if you have a problem and you call us, you'll probably become a customer for life because we are not only gonna help you solve that problem, we're gona look at your whole account. We're going to help you with whatever we can. In fact, if you've got services that you don't need, we will cancel them. And we'll tell you, well, like you know, you don't need this, what you need this the other thing and let's save .
you some money today. Now also there's a perception. what? Wait a second, I gotta open IT with sharp fy. But the fact is, is that you work with typify that how you want to sell stuff.
Yeah the domain you know domain um can work with any other provider where the largest domain registered, know so you get a domain with goat and we actually provide something called domain connect, which all the other providers use to connect the domains easily and IT. We're making IT easier and easier all the time to work with any of our any other company out there.
But what we are providing now is using an easy way to get yourself set up right. You buy the domain name, the AI creates a one page website for you and you know, for our customer. Imagine in your small roof or cleaner, whatever, you've got a template, what do you type in? No, we are faced with this doing screen, right? And and A, I can generate that for you.
And we do that. We we've got millions of domain isms. We have over eighty million domains in our portfolio. R, I, I can learn from all of those. Guess at what business you are in and then literally generate the content for you and then you can change IT and you can edit.
And that's fantastic. We saw I said to one of the people, work with me closely. Let's just see what the AI product looks like because I can can dly.
I don't have the time and I know I want to send to come some sort like came off of that, but I don't have the time, but I have someone to CFO and he does IT and I didn't I went and how come we not using the eyes stuff? The a staff AI stuff is incredible, will listen, you know, we don't really need IT. But I said, look IT over. I think we do yeah that .
we call a good eddy arrow. It's our AI experience and IT literally will create a one paid site for you. If you beautiful website, it'll give you content, pictures, images.
If you want a logo, i'll just generate the logo for you. If you want a Better logo to help you create a Better one with with exactly your terms, it'll create a commercial for a little shopping card automatically. You buy a domain name.
You've got a little shopping card. You've got a piling and A Q R code. You can send IT anyone and just accept the payment. You you don't need anything else, just the domain im for the same Price for the domain im, you get a fAiling built in free with every go.
And we're taking IT for the dream, where building entire commercials for customers and all they're doing is big, taking the pictures of their products, dropping them into our system. And it's saying, great, i've got this picture, looks like this is a tea handle, looks like it's red in color. I'm going to write a little description.
Do you like this description? In fact, i'm going propose a Price for you. Do you like this Price? And that's the type of magical experience we are creating for our customers.
But we want to create across the board with domain, with website, with logo, with productivity solutions, including email, with commerce, whether it's in store, we have a beautiful piece of hardware that fully integrates with our other experiences. Doesn't matter if your install or you're doing in online, just one system in the back, one text back in the back that integrates at all. An era that makes me magical.
you know? sure. I have to tell you A, I feel like going to have you back soon to talk about the financial.
So I wanted, i'm enthralled by your company. Okay, in the numbers are obviously fantastic and is not going to go. But we will talk about the quarter next time I wanted.
No, as I did when I said, I S by season. Do you know about this go daddies? We've been using them for years.
Our guy and I feel like I myself needed to be educated about what a fabulous company you have. So thank you so much for coming on that. Come on.
Put tony CEO go, daddy. One of the great purpose of our time. Thank you.
Thank you.
Having me excEllent .
nearby back in to the break coming up, lightning .
doesn't just .
strike twice in. great. Thank you.
Taking my car. IT strikes every day. Cramer is back in a flash with your questions next.
My place, and then the lightning round is over. Are you ready? Ski time.
The light on first review with brian rote on brian, hi jam, I was calling, would be ever growing threat of cyber security going on. T, Y, B, R, cyber art, they hope. C, Y, B, R, they called the keys to the kingdom. That is a terrific situation. I'd like that for many, many years.
Let's go to wait and company your way. I, A, with investors destroyed. A, what can we expect with lift next week?
Well, tell you, I mean that to learn in a dog fight, I just say, I thought the europe quoters actually really good. I would buy over her with or without this. Let's go a nain penzias vania.
Nathan council, vin a, he put the end of the year. If you have great and the year, enjoy the coming holiday. Hey, what do you think of a world innovation? Here you are. Well, you look.
any time I get in the self driving technology, i'd like to go fertilize kind comments. I see this in you. I like to go with tesla.
I am, am not. Wait to tesler. I don't even like the guy.
He seems like a night he was nice. He wants to. One time I met him.
That is not, in fact, my thinking. I would buy tesla. Let's go to Andrea luzano.
andrej andry down here. We call IT value.
Well, I first got I called I got me up from my new Lance radio filling that started two thousand one networking from. So it's that's right. I .
come of the. Big user. Um I think the critical is scanning issue is a very good issue, and I think that could be some people described as a netflix.
What i'm tourist about european ian gym is this company has been published one thousand and eighty five. They give great value to their customers, into their shareholders. They've only done two splits in one thousand, nine hundred and ninety three and two thousand.
走 完 送 了 个 手机 本。 You know, the cell of gold had a great place. You know it's just a great place to go to get a deal. Why not think that their shareholders a deal and give us?
I've gotto ask him. I've gotto tell you I haven't talked to them later. tly.
The C, F, O, who was just a fit stop with the former. Y, if I was plenty, I wouldn't just asked him directly. I don't know that what what matters to me is great service. I just crossed IT when I was there last week because they have, I don't be, have new pieces, little pieces. I mean, the really extraordinary, by the way, the trick is so cheap, I told the Price is and then I try to give cause I don't don't take cash or whatever that's about but anyway, because just fight cost you let's go to party in ohio party.
Thank you. mr. cramer. The company i'm current about stock is down from two thousand and nine to one eighty five honnyman in in goals industries. S, H, I, I.
yeah, you know, I mean, I gotta look into inner day. I have to find out what had happened to to that quarter. I don't know.
All defense stocks for good. And I show that thing for a part. I never have to come back.
My I on I am doing well by calling .
about you with them .
as a customer. Really impressed with the customers. The products and service brain look at their their financial look really solid. They just had their tuta q three earning report, which I thought look really good, but the stocks dropped twenty percent in two days. What you're thoughts?
okay. I've got to tell you, we have over another court there. They're taking over whole lives in cosplay. I think sn is terrific company.
You had a one, however, they make this stuff here, they design here, but it's all puts actually actually constructed in china. So was they design here? And then seven china and then instead by car.
And obviously, if trump wins, the tabs can be so high that the earnings are just going to be shy. So that's why people don't want to buy shark iner IT. Is this talk to buy? Actually this talk to buy if you think that harass is going to be the next present of the and that .
place you put up lights is sponsored by swap coming up from tabs to taxes. The presidential candidates have campaign for next week's election, with market moving promises cram's revealing the one policy states that could shake up stocks no matter who wins .
the White house next.
I hate talking politics. It's just not my wheel house. I can not for much inside beyond telling you the market impact of me candidate statements given them we have a tight race theyll be moved either way, we know that former present from favorite high tech terrace, right, which the stock work to be, is an light doesn't.
It's never like to. We know that the president, Harris, is seemly not told us too much about what he is thinking, but he is saying that if elected, to work toward getting twenty five thousand doors for first time home bars, that your horders building, you think Harris wins. I would buy that on monday.
But let me tell you what I do know. The business people I talk to are most concerned about anti trust, or more specifically, regulators punishing successful enterprises and the pretext of any trust enforcement. The hyper sgalam, according to regulators, have apparently engaged in minos icic practices.
Google is the case for the just because uses of making deals can make change search, the judge makes some very good points in disappear on, but how google paid to ensure that its search was the most used. I get that. But I also say that google is the best surge, and we would have found that anyway.
But this just made IT usual for us to get to IT. The alternative being is not as good, so the excessively just isn't as big a deal to me, to you, to everybody dies. The court made IT.
I think google got a bad rap, but as they say in the n fell was a loss less. I though ams are a nap report. I know these two are in the sites of both justice department and the these agents believe that huge copies are currently and competitive, always trying to block others in the space they get to our rovers.
B, I want to give you other side the strip first. Whatever I talk to amazon, as I did last night, i'm struck by their commitment to lower Prices for you, the consumer, at the time when the american public has been pumped by the worst inflation years. Amazon's is one of the few inflation fighters out there on a costco mormon.
I'm not ask to get to get the congressional tal Price ability, but can we just step that amazon's blogged by more than two hundred million prime members precisely because it's the cheapest in most convenient buying option out there? Sure, they put the squeeze on the supplies, but they pass. Those is one of the rest of amazon's ugly.
One of the greatest comes in the world. It's remarried. That means nothing at all of the fdc.
Hg seemingly wants to reach our greatest inflation fighter. I say, for who? For what? Or how about apple IT offers superior product at the turing Price, but that that means nothing.
Injustice last time spoke with tim cook, and I suggest that he bundled the compound. Are unbelievably great health services and have people pay something per month for them as part of its growing services business, maybe five thousand a month. I think about the hearing, a peace I did last week.
I the air port, I could hear much Better than the ones that here age, that crossed seven teen bride, he doesn't want to do that. He said he wants to democratize health care. And that meant not charge you for IT.
What a great guy. I mean, I was seeking, like cables, he's think all in humans, this is the guy the interest really want to nail. Give me a break. What have they done about us? Honor the ftc and justice don't seem to realized that the american people truly believe these are great parties doing great things.
Do we really want the government spending our tax dollars to bring the hyper scales to heal? I'd much rather of the ftc and justice, spent more time going into copies that genuine make our lives worse, rather than trying to hobble copies, make our lives Better. Go to the Price tres.
The customers include the jack up health care costs, not the ones won't even charge for because I want to democratize health care. But no, these other touch layers just don't get whom we actually rotor and IT is not them unfortunate? The democrat to the public is want to recognize these textiles as america's national champions. No wonder aid politics, like, say, this always been working on my mom to fine, just for your my money. Object cr, see a mother.
All opinions expressed by jim cramer on this podcast are solely cramer's opinions and do not reflect to the opinions of C N B, C, N B C universal or their parent company or a phillida's, and may have been previously disseminated by cramer on television, radio, internet or another medium.
You should not treat any opinion expressed by jim crime as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of ion cram's opinions are based upon information he consider reliable, but neither cnbc nor its a fillettes and or subsides as more its completely or accuracy and IT should not be relied upon as such. To view the full mad money declared, please visit A N B C dot com forward. Flash mad money declared .
in election. There is politics and there's power. It's our beat and it's about the bottom line. Live from the new york stock exchange sentence ces go washington for novel C.